function define($context = FALSE)
     parent::define('photocrati-frame_communication', 'Frame/iFrame Inter-Communication', 'Provides a means for HTML frames to share server-side events with each other', '0.4', '', 'Photocrati Media', '', $context);
     include_once 'class.frame_communication_option_handler.php';
     C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Frame_Communication_Option_Handler', array('frame_event_cookie_name'));
     C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Frame_Communication_Option_Handler', array('frame_event_cookie_name'));
 function _nextgen_basic_album_rewrite_rules($displayed_gallery)
     // Get display types
     $original_display_type = isset($displayed_gallery->display_settings['original_display_type']) ? $displayed_gallery->display_settings['original_display_type'] : '';
     $display_type = $displayed_gallery->display_type;
     // Get router
     $router = $this->get_registry()->get_utility('I_Router');
     $app = $router->get_routed_app();
     $slug = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->router_param_slug;
     // If we're viewing an album, rewrite the urls
     $regex = "/photocrati-nextgen_basic_\\w+_album/";
     if (preg_match($regex, $display_type)) {
         $app->rewrite("{$slug}/pid--{*}", "{$slug}/pid--{1}", FALSE, TRUE);
         // avoid conflicts with imagebrowser
         $app->rewrite("{$slug}/{\\w}", "{$slug}/album--{1}");
         $app->rewrite("{$slug}/{\\w}/{\\w}", "{$slug}/album--{1}/gallery--{2}");
         $app->rewrite("{$slug}/{\\w}/{\\w}/{\\w}{*}", "{$slug}/album--{1}/gallery--{2}/{3}{4}");
     } elseif (preg_match($regex, $original_display_type)) {
         $app->rewrite("{$slug}/album--{\\w}", "{$slug}/{1}");
         $app->rewrite("{$slug}/album--{\\w}/gallery--{\\w}", "{$slug}/{1}/{2}");
         $app->rewrite("{$slug}/album--{\\w}/gallery--{\\w}/{*}", "{$slug}/{1}/{2}/{3}");
     // Perform rewrites
 function enqueue_backend_resources()
     // Enqueue frame event publishing
     // Enqueue JQuery UI libraries
     wp_enqueue_script('ngg_tabs', $this->get_static_url('photocrati-attach_to_post#ngg_tabs.js'));
     // Ensure select2
     // Ensure that the Photocrati AJAX library is loaded
     // Enqueue logic for the Attach to Post interface as a whole
     wp_enqueue_script('ngg_attach_to_post', $this->get_static_url('photocrati-attach_to_post#attach_to_post.js'));
     wp_enqueue_style('ngg_attach_to_post', $this->get_static_url('photocrati-attach_to_post#attach_to_post.css'));
     // Enqueue backbone.js library, required by the Attach to Post display tab
     // provided by WP
     // Ensure underscore sting, a helper utility
     wp_enqueue_script('underscore.string', $this->get_static_url('photocrati-attach_to_post#underscore.string.js'), array('underscore'), '2.3.0');
     // Enqueue the backbone app for the display tab
     $settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     $preview_url = $settings->gallery_preview_url;
     $display_tab_js_url = $settings->attach_to_post_display_tab_js_url;
     if ($this->object->_displayed_gallery->id()) {
         $display_tab_js_url .= '/id--' . $this->object->_displayed_gallery->id();
     wp_enqueue_script('ngg_display_tab', $display_tab_js_url, array('backbone', 'underscore.string'));
     wp_localize_script('ngg_display_tab', 'ngg_displayed_gallery_preview_url', $settings->gallery_preview_url);
 static function update($reset = FALSE)
     $global_settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     $local_settings = C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance();
     $last_module_list = $reset ? array() : $global_settings->get('pope_module_list', array());
     $current_module_list = self::_generate_module_info();
     if (count($modules = array_diff($current_module_list, $last_module_list)) > 0) {
         // The cache should be flushed
         // Delete auto-update cache
         update_option('photocrati_auto_update_admin_update_list', null);
         update_option('photocrati_auto_update_admin_check_date', '');
         foreach ($modules as $module_name) {
             if ($handler = self::get_handler_instance(array_shift(explode('|', $module_name)))) {
                 if (method_exists($handler, 'install')) {
         // Update the module list
         $global_settings->set('pope_module_list', $current_module_list);
         // Save any changes settings
 function __construct()
     $this->blog_settings = C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance();
     $this->site_settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     $this->_global_settings = array('gallerypath' => 'wp-content/blogs.dir/%BLOG_ID%/files/', 'wpmuCSSfile' => 'nggallery.css', 'wpmuStyle' => FALSE, 'wpmuRoles' => FALSE, 'wpmuImportFolder' => FALSE, 'wpmuZipUpload' => FALSE, 'datamapper_driver' => 'custom_table_datamapper', 'gallerystorage_driver' => 'ngglegacy_gallery_storage', 'maximum_entity_count' => 500, 'router_param_slug' => 'nggallery');
     $this->_local_settings = array('gallerypath' => 'wp-content/gallery/', 'deleteImg' => True, 'swfUpload' => True, 'usePermalinks' => False, 'permalinkSlug' => 'nggallery', 'graphicLibrary' => 'gd', 'imageMagickDir' => '/usr/local/bin/', 'useMediaRSS' => False, 'usePicLens' => False, 'activateTags' => 0, 'appendType' => 'tags', 'maxImages' => 7, 'relatedHeading' => __('<h3>Related Images:</h3>', 'nggallery'), 'thumbwidth' => 120, 'thumbheight' => 90, 'thumbfix' => True, 'thumbquality' => 100, 'imgWidth' => 800, 'imgHeight' => 600, 'imgQuality' => 100, 'imgBackup' => True, 'imgAutoResize' => False, 'galImages' => '20', 'galPagedGalleries' => 0, 'galColumns' => 0, 'galShowSlide' => True, 'galTextSlide' => __('[Show as slideshow]', 'nggallery'), 'galTextGallery' => __('[Show picture list]', 'nggallery'), 'galShowOrder' => 'gallery', 'galSort' => 'sortorder', 'galSortDir' => 'ASC', 'galNoPages' => True, 'galImgBrowser' => 0, 'galHiddenImg' => 0, 'galAjaxNav' => 0, 'thumbEffect' => 'fancybox', 'thumbCode' => 'class="ngg-fancybox" rel="%GALLERY_NAME%"', 'wmPos' => 'botRight', 'wmXpos' => 5, 'wmYpos' => 5, 'wmType' => 0, 'wmPath' => '', 'wmFont' => 'arial.ttf', 'wmSize' => 10, 'wmText' => get_option('blogname'), 'wmColor' => '000000', 'wmOpaque' => '100', 'enableIR' => 0, 'slideFx' => 'fade', 'irURL' => '', 'irXHTMLvalid' => 0, 'irAudio' => '', 'irWidth' => 600, 'irHeight' => 400, 'irShuffle' => True, 'irLinkfromdisplay' => True, 'irShownavigation' => 0, 'irShowicons' => 0, 'irWatermark' => 0, 'irOverstretch' => 'True', 'irRotatetime' => 10, 'irTransition' => 'random', 'irKenburns' => 0, 'irBackcolor' => '000000', 'irFrontcolor' => 'FFFFFF', 'irLightcolor' => 'CC0000', 'irScreencolor' => '000000', 'activateCSS' => 1, 'CSSfile' => 'nggallery.css');
 function __construct()
     $this->blog_settings = C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance();
     $this->site_settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     $this->_global_settings = array('gallerypath' => implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array('wp-content', 'uploads', 'sites', '%BLOG_ID%', 'nggallery')) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'wpmuCSSfile' => 'nggallery.css', 'wpmuStyle' => FALSE, 'wpmuRoles' => FALSE, 'wpmuImportFolder' => FALSE, 'wpmuZipUpload' => FALSE, 'wpmuQuotaCheck' => FALSE, 'datamapper_driver' => 'custom_table_datamapper', 'gallerystorage_driver' => 'ngglegacy_gallery_storage', 'maximum_entity_count' => 500, 'router_param_slug' => 'nggallery');
     $this->_local_settings = array('gallerypath' => 'wp-content' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'gallery' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'deleteImg' => TRUE, 'swfUpload' => TRUE, 'usePermalinks' => FALSE, 'permalinkSlug' => 'nggallery', 'graphicLibrary' => 'gd', 'imageMagickDir' => '/usr/local/bin/', 'useMediaRSS' => FALSE, 'galleries_in_feeds' => FALSE, 'activateTags' => 0, 'appendType' => 'tags', 'maxImages' => 7, 'relatedHeading' => '<h3>' . __('Related Images', 'nggallery') . ':</h3>', 'thumbwidth' => 240, 'thumbheight' => 160, 'thumbfix' => True, 'thumbquality' => 100, 'imgWidth' => 800, 'imgHeight' => 600, 'imgQuality' => 100, 'imgBackup' => True, 'imgAutoResize' => False, 'galImages' => '20', 'galPagedGalleries' => 0, 'galColumns' => 0, 'galShowSlide' => True, 'galTextSlide' => __('[Show slideshow]', 'nggallery'), 'galTextGallery' => __('[Show thumbnails]', 'nggallery'), 'galShowOrder' => 'gallery', 'galSort' => 'sortorder', 'galSortDir' => 'ASC', 'galNoPages' => True, 'galImgBrowser' => 0, 'galHiddenImg' => 0, 'galAjaxNav' => 0, 'thumbEffect' => 'fancybox', 'thumbCode' => 'class="ngg-fancybox" rel="%GALLERY_NAME%"', 'thumbEffectContext' => 'nextgen_images', 'wmPos' => 'botRight', 'wmXpos' => 5, 'wmYpos' => 5, 'wmType' => 'image', 'wmPath' => '', 'wmFont' => 'arial.ttf', 'wmSize' => 10, 'wmText' => get_option('blogname'), 'wmColor' => '000000', 'wmOpaque' => '100', 'slideFX' => 'fade', 'irWidth' => 600, 'irHeight' => 400, 'irRotatetime' => 10, 'activateCSS' => 1, 'CSSfile' => 'nggallery.css', 'always_enable_frontend_logic' => FALSE);
 function install()
     $settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     $settings->set_default_value('router_param_separator', '--');
     $settings->set_default_value('router_param_prefix', '');
     $settings->set_default_value('router_param_slug', 'params');
 function define()
     parent::define('photocrati-ajax', 'AJAX', 'Provides AJAX functionality', '0.8', '', 'Photocrati Media', '');
     C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Ajax_Option_Handler', array('ajax_slug', 'ajax_url', 'ajax_js_url'));
     if (is_multisite()) {
         C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Ajax_Option_Handler', array('ajax_slug', 'ajax_url', 'ajax_js_url'));
 function install()
     // Delete cached values. Needed for 2.0.7 and less
     $settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
 function define()
     parent::define("photocrati-mvc", "MVC Framework", "Provides an MVC architecture for the plugin to use", "0.8", "", "Photocrati Media", "");
     C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Mvc_Option_Handler', array('mvc_template_dir', 'mvc_template_dirname', 'mvc_static_dir', 'mvc_static_dirname'));
     if (is_multisite()) {
         C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Mvc_Option_Handler', array('mvc_template_dir', 'mvc_template_dirname', 'mvc_static_dir', 'mvc_static_dirname'));
 function install()
     // Delete cached values. Needed for 2.0.7 and less
     $settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
Example #12
  * Defines the module
 function define()
     parent::define('photocrati-nextgen_admin', 'NextGEN Administration', 'Provides a framework for adding Administration pages', '0.9', '', 'Photocrati Media', '');
     C_Photocrati_Installer::add_handler($this->module_id, 'C_NextGen_Admin_Installer');
     C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_NextGen_Admin_Option_Handler', array('jquery_ui_theme', 'jquery_ui_theme_version', 'jquery_ui_theme_url'));
     if (is_multisite()) {
         C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_NextGen_Admin_Option_Handler', array('jquery_ui_theme', 'jquery_ui_theme_version', 'jquery_ui_theme_url'));
  * Defines the module
  * @param string|bool $context
 function define($context = FALSE)
     parent::define('photocrati-attach_to_post', 'Attach To Post', 'Provides the "Attach to Post" interface for displaying galleries and albums', '0.11', '', 'Photocrati Media', '', $context);
     C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Attach_To_Post_Option_Handler', array('attach_to_post_url', 'gallery_preview_url', 'attach_to_post_display_tab_js_url'));
     if (is_multisite()) {
         C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Attach_To_Post_Option_Handler', array('attach_to_post_url', 'gallery_preview_url', 'attach_to_post_display_tab_js_url'));
     C_Photocrati_Installer::add_handler($this->module_id, 'C_Attach_To_Post_Installer');
 function define($context = FALSE)
     if ($this->has_context('global') or $this->has_context('site')) {
         $this->wrapper = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     } else {
         $this->wrapper = C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance();
 function add_nextgen_basic_gallery_routes()
     $slug = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->router_param_slug;
     $this->object->rewrite("{$slug}{*}/image/{*}", "{$slug}{1}/pid--{2}");
     $this->object->rewrite("{$slug}{*}/slideshow/{*}", "{$slug}{1}/show--" . NEXTGEN_GALLERY_BASIC_SLIDESHOW . "{2}");
     $this->object->rewrite("{$slug}{*}/thumbnails/{*}", "{$slug}{1}/show--" . NEXTGEN_GALLERY_BASIC_THUMBNAILS . "{2}");
     $this->object->rewrite("{$slug}{*}/show--slide/{*}", "{$slug}{1}/show--" . NEXTGEN_GALLERY_BASIC_SLIDESHOW . "/{2}");
     $this->object->rewrite("{$slug}{*}/show--gallery/{*}", "{$slug}{1}/show--" . NEXTGEN_GALLERY_BASIC_THUMBNAILS . "/{2}");
     $this->object->rewrite("{$slug}{*}/page/{\\d}{*}", "{$slug}{1}/page--{2}{3}");
  * Loads a single script to provide the photocrati_ajax settings to the web browser
 function enqueue_scripts()
     $settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     $router = $this->get_registry()->get_utility('I_Router');
     $site_url = $router->get_base_url(TRUE);
     $home_url = $router->get_base_url();
     wp_register_script('photocrati_ajax', $settings->ajax_js_url);
     $vars = array('url' => $router->get_url($settings->ajax_slug, FALSE), 'wp_site_url' => $home_url, 'wp_site_static_url' => str_replace('/index.php', '', $site_url));
     wp_localize_script('photocrati_ajax', 'photocrati_ajax', $vars);
Example #17
 function define()
     parent::define('photocrati-ajax', 'AJAX', 'Provides AJAX functionality', '0.7', '', 'Photocrati Media', '');
     include_once 'class.ajax_option_handler.php';
     C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Ajax_Option_Handler', array('ajax_slug', 'ajax_url', 'ajax_js_url'));
     if (is_multisite()) {
         C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Ajax_Option_Handler', array('ajax_slug', 'ajax_url', 'ajax_js_url'));
     include_once 'class.ajax_installer.php';
     C_Photocrati_Installer::add_handler($this->module_id, 'C_Ajax_Installer');
  * Defines the module
  * @param string|bool $context
 function define($context = FALSE)
     parent::define('photocrati-attach_to_post', 'Attach To Post', 'Provides the "Attach to Post" interface for displaying galleries and albums', '0.10', '', 'Photocrati Media', '', $context);
     include_once 'class.attach_to_post_option_handler.php';
     C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Attach_To_Post_Option_Handler', array('attach_to_post_url', 'gallery_preview_url', 'attach_to_post_display_tab_js_url'));
     if (is_multisite()) {
         C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Attach_To_Post_Option_Handler', array('attach_to_post_url', 'gallery_preview_url', 'attach_to_post_display_tab_js_url'));
     include_once 'class.attach_to_post_installer.php';
     C_Photocrati_Installer::add_handler($this->module_id, 'C_Attach_To_Post_Installer');
     // Set WP_ADMIN=true for better compatibility with certain themes & plugins.
     // Unfortunately as of 3.9 in a multisite environment this causes problems.
     if (self::is_atp_url() && (!defined('MULTISITE') || defined('MULTISITE') && !MULTISITE)) {
         define('WP_ADMIN', true);
  * Gets the absolute path to a static resource. If it doesn't exist, then NULL is returned
  * @param string $path
  * @param string $module
  * @param string $relative
  * @return string|NULL
 function find_static_abspath($path, $module = FALSE, $relative = FALSE)
     // Find the module directory
     $fs = $this->object->get_registry()->get_utility('I_Fs');
     if (!$module) {
         list($path, $module) = $fs->parse_formatted_path($path);
     $mod_dir = $this->object->get_registry()->get_module_dir($module);
     // Create the absolute path to the file
     $path = $fs->join_paths($mod_dir, C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->get('mvc_static_dirname'), $path);
     // Get the relative path, if asked
     if ($relative) {
         $path = str_replace($fs->get_document_root(), '', $path);
     return $path;
  * Returns the name of the class which provides the gallerystorage
  * implementation
  * @return string
 function _get_driver_factory_method($context = FALSE)
     $factory_method = '';
     // No constant has been defined to establish a global gallerystorage driver
     if (!defined('GALLERYSTORAGE_DRIVER')) {
         // Get the datamapper configured in the database
         $factory_method = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->gallerystorage_driver;
         // Define a constant and use this as the global gallerystorage driver,
         // unless running in a SimpleTest Environment
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['SIMPLE_TEST_RUNNING'])) {
             define('GALLERYSTORAGE_DRIVER', $factory_method);
     } else {
         $factory_method = GALLERYSTORAGE_DRIVER;
     return $factory_method;
 function _set_tag_cloud_parameters($key, $id = NULL)
     // Get the returned url
     $retval = $this->object->get_method_property($this->method_called, ExtensibleObject::METHOD_PROPERTY_RETURN_VALUE);
     // Get the settings manager
     $settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     // Create the regex pattern
     $sep = preg_quote($settings->router_param_separator, '#');
     if ($id) {
         $id = preg_quote($id, '#') . $sep;
     $prefix = preg_quote($settings->router_param_prefix, '#');
     $regex = implode('', array('#//?', $id ? "({$id})?" : "(\\w+{$sep})?", "({$prefix})?gallerytag{$sep}([\\w-_]+)/?#"));
     // Replace any page parameters with the ngglegacy equivalent
     if (preg_match($regex, $retval, $matches)) {
         $retval = str_replace($matches[0], "/tags/{$matches[3]}/", $retval);
         $this->object->set_method_property($this->method_called, ExtensibleObject::METHOD_PROPERTY_RETURN_VALUE, $retval);
     return $retval;
 function install()
     // In version 0.2 of this module and earlier, the following values
     // were statically set rather than dynamically using a handler. Therefore, we need
     // to delete those static values
     $module_name = 'photocrati-nextgen_admin';
     $settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     $modules = $settings->pope_module_list;
     $cleanup = FALSE;
     if (!isset($modules[$module_name])) {
         $cleanup = FALSE;
     } elseif (floatval(str_replace($module_name, '|', $modules[$module_name])) < '0.3') {
         $cleanup = TRUE;
     if ($cleanup) {
         $keys = array('jquery_ui_theme', 'jquery_ui_theme_version', 'jquery_ui_theme_url');
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
 static function update($reset = FALSE)
     $local_settings = C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance();
     $global_settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     // Somehow some installations are missing several default settings
     // Because gallerystorage_driver is essential to know we do a 'soft' reset here
     // by filling in any missing options from the default settings
     if (is_null($local_settings->gallerystorage_driver)) {
         $settings_installer = new C_NextGen_Settings_Installer();
     // This is a specific hack/work-around/fix and can probably be removed sometime after 2.0.20's release
     // NextGen 2x was not multisite compatible until 2.0.18. Users that upgraded before this
     // will have nearly all of their settings stored globally (network wide) in wp_sitemeta. If
     // pope_module_list (which should always be a local setting) exists site-wide we wipe the current
     // global ngg_options and restore from defaults. This should only ever run once.
     if (is_multisite() && isset($global_settings->pope_module_list)) {
         // Setting this to TRUE will wipe current settings for display types, but also
         // allows the display type installer to run correctly
         $reset = TRUE;
         $settings_installer = new C_NextGen_Settings_Installer();
         $global_defaults = $settings_installer->get_global_defaults();
         // Preserve the network options we honor by restoring them after calling $global_settings->reset()
         $global_settings_to_keep = array();
         foreach ($global_defaults as $key => $val) {
             $global_settings_to_keep[$key] = $global_settings->{$key};
         // Resets internal options to an empty array
         // Restore the defaults, then our saved values. This must be done again later because
         // we've set $reset to TRUE.
         foreach ($global_settings_to_keep as $key => $val) {
             $global_settings->{$key} = $val;
     // Get last module list and current module list. Compare...
     $last_module_list = self::_get_last_module_list($reset);
     $current_module_list = self::_generate_module_info();
     $diff = array_diff($current_module_list, $last_module_list);
     $do_upgrade = count($diff) > 0 || count($last_module_list) != count($current_module_list);
     $can_upgrade = $do_upgrade ? self::can_do_upgrade() : FALSE;
     if ($can_upgrade && !$diff) {
         $diff = $current_module_list;
     if ($can_upgrade && $do_upgrade) {
         // Clear APC cache
         if (function_exists('apc_clear_cache')) {
         // We flush ALL transients
         global $wpdb;
         $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient%'");
         // Remove all NGG created cron jobs
         // Delete auto-update cache
         update_option('photocrati_auto_update_admin_update_list', null);
         update_option('photocrati_auto_update_admin_check_date', '');
         // Other Pope applications might be loaded, and therefore
         // all singletons should be destroyed, so that they can be
         // adapted as necessary. For now, we'll just assume that the factory
         // is the only singleton that will be used by other Pope applications
         C_Component_Factory::$_instances = array();
         foreach ($diff as $module_name) {
             $parts = explode('|', $module_name);
             if ($handler = self::get_handler_instance(array_shift($parts))) {
                 if (method_exists($handler, 'install')) {
         // NOTE & TODO: if the above section that declares $global_settings_to_keep is removed this should also
         // Since a hard-reset of the settings was forced we must again re-apply our previously saved values
         if (isset($global_settings_to_keep)) {
             foreach ($global_settings_to_keep as $key => $val) {
                 $global_settings->{$key} = $val;
         // Save any changes settings
     // Another workaround to an issue caused by NextGen's lack of multisite compatibility. It's possible
     // the string substitation wasn't performed, so if a '%' symbol exists in gallerypath we reset it. It's
     // another db call, but again this should only ever run once.
     // Remove this when removing the above reset-global-settings code
     if (strpos($local_settings->gallerypath, '%')) {
         $settings_installer = new C_NextGen_Settings_Installer();
         $local_settings->gallerypath = $settings_installer->gallerypath_replace($global_settings->gallerypath);
     // Update the module list, and remove the update flag
     if ($can_upgrade) {
         update_option('pope_module_list', $current_module_list);
Example #24

$settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
$obj = method_exists($this, 'get_class_definition_dir') ? $this : $this->object;
$template_dir = path_join($obj->get_class_definition_dir(), 'templates');
$default_template_dir = $settings->mvc_template_dir;

<h1>Welcome to Pope MVC!</h1>
    You have not yet created a index.php file in:<br/><strong><?php 
echo $template_dir;
    So, you're being served the index.php from the default directory:<br/>
echo $default_template_dir;
  * Returns the request uri with the parameter segments stripped
  * @param string $request_uri
  * @return string
 function strip_param_segments($request_uri, $remove_slug = TRUE)
     $retval = $request_uri ? $request_uri : '/';
     $settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
     $sep = preg_quote($settings->router_param_separator, '#');
     $param_regex = "#((?P<id>\\w+){$sep})?(?<key>\\w+){$sep}(?P<value>.+)/?\$#";
     $slug = $settings->router_param_slug && $remove_slug ? '/' . preg_quote($settings->router_param_slug, '#') : '';
     $slug_regex = '#' . $slug . '/?$#';
     // Remove all parameters
     while (preg_match($param_regex, $retval, $matches)) {
         $match_regex = '#' . preg_quote(array_shift($matches), '#') . '$#';
         $retval = preg_replace($match_regex, '', $retval);
     // Remove the slug or trailing slash
     if (preg_match($slug_regex, $retval, $matches)) {
         $match_regex = '#' . preg_quote(array_shift($matches), '#') . '$#';
         $retval = preg_replace($match_regex, '', $retval);
     // If there's a slug, we can assume everything after is a parameter,
     // even if it's not in our desired format.
     $retval = preg_replace('#' . $slug . '.*$#', '', $retval);
     if (!$retval) {
         $retval = '/';
     return $retval;
 function prettify_pagelink($pagelink)
     $param_separator = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->get('router_param_separator');
     $regex = implode('', array('#', '/(gallery|album)', preg_quote($param_separator), '([^/?]+)', '#'));
     return preg_replace($regex, '/\\2', $pagelink);
 function define($context = FALSE)
     parent::define('photocrati-frame_communication', 'Frame/iFrame Inter-Communication', 'Provides a means for HTML frames to share server-side events with each other', '0.5', '', 'Photocrati Media', '', $context);
     C_NextGen_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Frame_Communication_Option_Handler', array('frame_event_cookie_name'));
     C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->add_option_handler('C_Frame_Communication_Option_Handler', array('frame_event_cookie_name'));
 function __construct()
     $this->settings = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance();
 function initialize()
     $this->_app = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->dynamic_stylesheet_slug;
 function _add_nextgen_basic_imagebrowser_routes()
     $slug = C_NextGen_Global_Settings::get_instance()->router_param_slug;
     $this->object->rewrite("{$slug}{*}/image/{\\w}", "{$slug}{1}/pid--{2}");