public function actionGetViewData()
     $result = array();
     // комиссии по защите дипломов. показываем только комиссии этого года
     foreach (CActiveRecordProvider::getWithCondition(TABLE_SAB_COMMISSIONS, "year_id=" . CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId())->getItems() as $ar) {
         $comm = new CSABCommission($ar);
         $value = $comm->title;
         if (!is_null($comm->manager)) {
             $value .= " " . $comm->manager->getName();
         if (!is_null($comm->secretar)) {
             $value .= " (" . $comm->secretar->getName() . ")";
         $diplom = CStaffManager::getDiplom(CRequest::getInt("diplom_id"));
         if (!is_null($diplom)) {
             $cnt = 0;
             foreach ($comm->diploms->getItems() as $d) {
                 if (strtotime($diplom->date_act) == strtotime($d->date_act)) {
             $value .= " " . $cnt;
         $result[$comm->getId()] = $value;
     return $result;
 public function actionIndex()
     $set = new CRecordSet();
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->leftJoin(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEW_MEMBERS . " as members", "")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEW_COMISSIONS . " as com")->order("com.date_act desc");
     $showAll = true;
     if (CRequest::getInt("showAll") != 1) {
         $query->condition('com.date_act between "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" and "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end)) . '"');
         $showAll = false;
     if (CRequest::getString("order") == "person.fio") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "com.secretary_id =");
         $query->order("person.fio " . $direction);
     $items = new CArrayList();
     foreach ($set->getPaginated()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $commission = new CDiplomPreviewComission($ar);
         $items->add($commission->getId(), $commission);
     $this->setData("showAll", $showAll);
     $this->setData("commissions", $items);
     $this->setData("paginator", $set->getPaginator());
     $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Добавить комиссию", "link" => "?action=add", "icon" => "actions/list-add.png")));
 public function actionAdd()
     $commission = new CSABCommission();
     $form = new CSABCommissionForm();
     $commission->year_id = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId();
     $form->commission = $commission;
     $this->setData("form", $form);
     $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Назад", "link" => "index.php?action=index", "icon" => "actions/edit-undo.png")));
 public function actionAddGroup()
     $plan = CWorkPlanManager::getWorkplan(CRequest::getInt("id"));
     $group = new CExamGroupAdd();
     $group->plan_id = CRequest::getInt("id");
     $group->type = CRequest::getInt("type");
     $group->discipline_id = $plan->discipline->id;
     $group->year_id = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId();
     $this->setData("group", $group);
     $this->setData("cources", array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5));
     $this->addActionsMenuItem(array("title" => "Назад", "link" => "workplanexamquestions.php?action=index&plan_id=" . CRequest::getInt("id") . "&type=" . CRequest::getInt("type"), "icon" => "actions/edit-undo.png"));
  * Расписание
  * @return CArrayList
 public function getSchedule()
     if (is_null($this->_schedules)) {
         $this->_schedules = new CArrayList();
         $query = new CQuery();
         $query->select("schedule.*")->from(TABLE_SCHEDULE . " as schedule")->condition("" . $this->getId() . " and schedule.year=" . CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId() . " and schedule.month=" . CUtils::getCurrentYearPart()->getId());
         foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
             $schedule = new CSchedule(new CActiveRecord($item));
             $this->_schedules->add($schedule->getId(), $schedule);
     return $this->_schedules;
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("query");
      * Ищем группу по названию
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(",")->from(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as st_group")->condition("LCASE( like '%" . mb_strtolower($term) . "%' and st_group.year_id =" . CUtils::getCurrentYear()->id)->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "id", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CStudentGroup");
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function actionGetViewData()
     $result = array();
     $query = new CQuery();
     // комиссии по предзащите дипломов. показываем только комиссии этого года
     $query->select("comm.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEW_COMISSIONS . " as comm")->condition("comm.date_act between '" . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . "' and '" . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end)) . "'");
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $comm = new CDiplomPreviewComission(new CActiveRecord($ar));
         $value = $comm->name;
         if (!is_null($comm->secretar)) {
             $value .= " " . $comm->secretar->fio;
         $result[$comm->getId()] = $value;
     return $result;
 public function actionIndex()
     $persons = new CArrayList();
     if (CRequest::getInt("year") == 0) {
         $year = CUtils::getCurrentYear();
     } else {
         $year = CTaxonomyManager::getYear(CRequest::getInt("year"));
     foreach (CStaffManager::getAllPersons()->getItems() as $person) {
         if ($person->getPublications($year)->getCount() > 0) {
             $persons->add($person->id, $person);
     $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Назад", "link" => "index.php", "icon" => "actions/edit-undo.png")));
     $this->setData("year", $year);
     $this->setData("persons", $persons);
 public function actionIndex()
     $set = new CRecordSet(false);
     $query = new CQuery();
     $currentPerson = null;
     $currentGroup = null;
     $query->select("diplom.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom")->order("diplom.date_act desc");
     $managersQuery = new CQuery();
     $managersQuery->select("person.*")->from(TABLE_PERSON . " as person")->order("person.fio asc")->innerJoin(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom", " = diplom.kadri_id");
     $groupsQuery = new CQuery();
     $groupsQuery->select("stgroup.*")->from(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as stgroup")->order(" asc")->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", " = student.group_id")->innerJoin(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom", " =  diplom.student_id")->condition('diplom.date_act between "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" and "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end)) . '"');
     if (CRequest::getString("order") == "") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", "");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as st_group", "student.group_id =");
         $query->order(" " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "dipl_prew.date_preview") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", "");
         $query->leftJoin(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as dipl_prew", " = dipl_prew.student_id");
         $query->order("dipl_prew.date_preview " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "prepod.fio") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as prepod", "diplom.kadri_id =");
         $query->order("prepod.fio " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "student.fio") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", "");
         $query->order("student.fio " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "diplom_confirm") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("diplom_confirm " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "dipl_name") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("dipl_name " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "pract_place_id") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("pract_place_id " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "date_act") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("date_act " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "foreign_lang") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("foreign_lang " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "protocol_2aspir_id") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("protocol_2aspir_id " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "recenz_id") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("recenz_id " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "study_mark") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("study_mark " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "gak_num") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("gak_num " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "comment") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("comment " . $direction);
     // фильтр по руководителю
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("person"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "diplom.kadri_id = and = " . CRequest::getFilter("person"));
         $currentPerson = CRequest::getFilter("person");
         // фильтруем еще и группы
         $groupsQuery->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "diplom.kadri_id = and = " . CRequest::getFilter("person"));
     // фильтр по группе
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("group"))) {
         $arr = explode(",", CRequest::getFilter("group"));
         foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
             $arrs[] = ' = ' . $value;
         $currentGroup = CRequest::getFilter("group");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", "");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as st_group", "student.group_id = and (" . implode(" or ", $arrs) . ")");
         $managersQuery->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", "diplom.student_id =");
         $managersQuery->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as st_group", "student.group_id = and (" . implode(" or ", $arrs) . ")");
     // фильтр по теме
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("theme"))) {
         $query->condition(" = " . CRequest::getFilter("theme"));
     // фильтр по студенту
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("student"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", " and = " . CRequest::getFilter("student"));
     // фильтр по степени утверждения
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("confirm"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_DIPLOM_CONFIRMATIONS . " as confirm", "diplom.diplom_confirm = and = " . CRequest::getFilter("confirm"));
     // фильтр по месту практики
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("pract"))) {
         $query->condition(" = " . CRequest::getFilter("pract"));
     // фильтр по месту практики по id
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("practId"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PRACTICE_PLACES . " as pract", "diplom.pract_place_id = and = " . CRequest::getFilter("practId"));
     // фильтр по ин.яз.
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("foreign"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_LANGUAGES . " as lang", " and = " . CRequest::getFilter("foreign"));
     // фильтр по рецензенту
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("recenz"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "diplom.recenz_id = and = " . CRequest::getFilter("recenz"));
     // фильтр по оценке
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("mark"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_MARKS . " as mark", "diplom.study_mark = and = " . CRequest::getFilter("mark"));
     // фильтр по комментарию
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("comment"))) {
         $query->condition(" = " . CRequest::getFilter("comment"));
     // получение дипломных тем
     $diploms = new CArrayList();
     $isApprove = CRequest::getString("isApprove") == "1";
     $isArchive = CRequest::getString("isArchive") == "1";
     if (!$isArchive) {
         if (CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_OWN_ONLY or CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE_OWN_ONLY) {
             $query->condition('diplom.kadri_id = "' . CSession::getCurrentPerson()->getId() . '" and diplom.date_act between "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" and "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end)) . '"');
         } else {
             $query->condition('diplom.date_act between "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" and "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end)) . '"');
     } else {
         if (CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_OWN_ONLY or CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE_OWN_ONLY) {
             $query->condition("diplom.kadri_id = " . CSession::getCurrentPerson()->getId());
     //Не имеющие предзащиты зимой
     if (CRequest::getInt("winterNotPreviews") == 1) {
         $query->leftJoin(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview", "diplom.student_id = preview.student_id");
         $query->condition('preview.student_id is null and diplom.date_act between "' . (date("Y") - 1) . "-12-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-02-28" . '"');
     //Не имеющие предзащиты летом
     if (CRequest::getInt("summerNotPreviews") == 1) {
         $query->leftJoin(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview", "diplom.student_id = preview.student_id");
         $query->condition('preview.student_id is null and diplom.date_act between "' . date("Y") . "-05-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-06-30" . '"');
     foreach ($set->getPaginated()->getItems() as $item) {
         $diplom = new CDiplom($item);
         $diploms->add($diplom->getId(), $diplom);
      * Формируем меню
     $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Печать по шаблону", "link" => "#", "icon" => "devices/printer.png", "template" => "formset_diploms_theme"), array("title" => "Добавить тему ВКР", "link" => "?action=add", "icon" => "actions/list-add.png"), array("title" => "Список студентов", "link" => WEB_ROOT . "_modules/_students/index.php", "icon" => "apps/system-users.png"), array("title" => "Групповые операции", "link" => "#", "icon" => "apps/utilities-terminal.png", "child" => array(array("title" => "Удалить выделенные", "icon" => "actions/edit-delete.png", "form" => "#MainView", "link" => "index.php", "action" => "Delete"), array("title" => "Сменить дату защиты", "icon" => "actions/edit-redo.png", "form" => "#MainView", "link" => "index.php", "action" => "changeDateAct"), array("title" => "Сменить место практики", "icon" => "actions/edit-redo.png", "form" => "#MainView", "link" => "index.php", "action" => "changePractPlace")))));
     if ($isArchive) {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             if ($key != "isArchive") {
                 $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Текущий год", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "mimetypes/x-office-calendar.png")));
     } else {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $requestParams[] = "isArchive=1";
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Архив", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "devices/media-floppy.png")));
     $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Утверждение темы", "link" => "#", "icon" => "apps/accessories-text-editor.png", "child" => array(array("title" => "Утвердили полностью", "icon" => "actions/edit-find-replace.png", "form" => "#MainView", "link" => "index.php?type=1", "action" => "approveTheme"), array("title" => "Утвердили c правкой", "icon" => "actions/edit-find-replace.png", "form" => "#MainView", "link" => "index.php?type=2", "action" => "approveTheme"), array("title" => "Утвердили c переформулировкой", "icon" => "actions/edit-find-replace.png", "form" => "#MainView", "link" => "index.php?type=3", "action" => "approveTheme"), array("title" => "Не утвердили, но смотрели", "icon" => "actions/edit-find-replace.png", "form" => "#MainView", "link" => "index.php?type=4", "action" => "approveTheme"), array("title" => "Отменить утверждение темы", "icon" => "actions/edit-find-replace.png", "form" => "#MainView", "link" => "index.php?type=0", "action" => "approveTheme")))));
     $managers = array();
     foreach ($managersQuery->execute()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $person = new CPerson(new CActiveRecord($ar));
         $managers[$person->getId()] = $person->getName();
     $studentGroups = array();
     foreach ($groupsQuery->execute()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $group = new CStudentGroup(new CActiveRecord($ar));
         $studentGroups[$group->getId()] = $group->getName();
     $this->setData("isArchive", $isArchive);
     $this->setData("isApprove", $isApprove);
     $this->setData("studentGroups", $studentGroups);
     $this->setData("diplomManagers", $managers);
     $this->setData("currentPerson", $currentPerson);
     $this->setData("currentGroup", $currentGroup);
     $this->setData("diploms", $diploms);
     $this->setData("paginator", $set->getPaginator());
     if (!$isApprove) {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $requestParams[] = "isApprove=1";
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Утверждение тем ВКР", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "actions/bookmark-new.png")));
     } else {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             if ($key != "isApprove") {
                 $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Список тем ВКР", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "actions/format-justify-center.png")));
 public function actionIndex()
     $set = new CRecordSet(false);
     $query = new CQuery();
     $selectedUser = null;
     $query->select("quest.*")->from(TABLE_QUESTION_TO_USERS . " as quest")->order("quest.datetime_quest desc")->condition("quest.status=5");
     $showAll = false;
     if (CRequest::getString("order") == "quest.user_id") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_USERS . " as user", "quest.user_id =");
         $query->order("user.fio " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "datetime_quest") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("datetime_quest " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "datetime_answ") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("datetime_answ " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "question_text") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("question_text " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "contact_info") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("contact_info " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->leftJoin(TABLE_QUESTION_STATUS . " as st", "quest.status =");
         $query->order(" " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "answer_text") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("answer_text " . $direction);
     // фильтр по пользователю
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("user"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_USERS . " as user", "quest.user_id = and = " . CRequest::getFilter("user"));
         $selectedUser = CRequest::getFilter("user");
     // фильтр по вопросу
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("question"))) {
         $query->condition(" = " . CRequest::getFilter("question"));
     // фильтр по ответу
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("answer"))) {
         $query->condition(" = " . CRequest::getFilter("answer"));
     // фильтр по контактам
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("contact"))) {
         $query->condition(" = " . CRequest::getFilter("contact"));
     $quests = new CArrayList();
     $isArchive = CRequest::getString("isArchive") == "1";
     if (!$isArchive) {
         if (CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_OWN_ONLY or CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE_OWN_ONLY) {
             $query->condition('quest.user_id = "' . CSession::getCurrentUser()->getId() . '" and (quest.datetime_quest > "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" or quest.datetime_quest is NULL) and quest.status!=5');
         } else {
             $query->condition('(quest.datetime_quest > "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" or quest.datetime_quest is NULL) and quest.status!=5');
     } else {
         if (CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_OWN_ONLY or CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE_OWN_ONLY) {
             $query->condition('quest.user_id = "' . CSession::getCurrentUser()->getId() . '" and quest.status!=5');
         } else {
     if (CRequest::getInt("showAll") == 1) {
         if (!$isArchive) {
             if (CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_OWN_ONLY or CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE_OWN_ONLY) {
                 $query->condition('quest.user_id = "' . CSession::getCurrentUser()->getId() . '" and (quest.datetime_quest > "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" or quest.datetime_quest is NULL)');
             } else {
                 $query->condition('quest.datetime_quest > "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" or quest.datetime_quest is NULL');
         } else {
             if (CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_OWN_ONLY or CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE_OWN_ONLY) {
                 $query->condition('quest.user_id = "' . CSession::getCurrentUser()->getId() . '"');
         $showAll = true;
     foreach ($set->getPaginated()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $quest = new CQuestion($ar);
         $quests->add($quest->getId(), $quest);
     if ($isArchive) {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             if ($key != "isArchive") {
                 $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Текущий год", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "mimetypes/x-office-calendar.png")));
     } else {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $requestParams[] = "isArchive=1";
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Архив", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "devices/media-floppy.png")));
     $usersQuery = new CQuery();
     $usersQuery->select("user.*")->from(TABLE_USERS . " as user")->order("user.fio asc")->innerJoin(TABLE_QUESTION_TO_USERS . " as quest", " = quest.user_id");
     $users = array();
     foreach ($usersQuery->execute()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $user = new CUser(new CActiveRecord($ar));
         $users[$user->getId()] = $user->getName();
     $this->setData("isArchive", $isArchive);
     $this->setData("showAll", $showAll);
     $this->setData("quests", $quests);
     $this->setData("users", $users);
     $this->setData("selectedUser", $selectedUser);
     $this->setData("paginator", $set->getPaginator());
Example #11
//include ('sql_connect_empty.php');
 * $query_all='SELECT as year_name, time_intervals.date_start,time_intervals.date_end
 *	FROM settings inner join time_intervals on
 *	where 1 limit 0,1';
 * if ( $res_all=mysql_query($query_all) and mysql_numrows($res_all)>0) {$def_settings=mysql_fetch_array($res_all);}
 * Переписано для использования новой системы глобальных настроек
$query_all = "\r\n    select\r\n as year_name,\r\n        time_intervals.date_start,\r\n        time_intervals.date_end\r\n    from\r\n        time_intervals\r\n    where\r\n = " . CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId();
if ($res_all = mysql_query($query_all) and mysql_numrows($res_all) > 0) {
    $def_settings = mysql_fetch_array($res_all);
if (isset($_POST['trip_id']) && intval($_POST['trip_id']) > 0) {
    $trip_id = intval($_POST['trip_id']);
    $kadri_id = intval($_POST['kadri_id']);
    if ($kadri_id > 0) {
        $house_type = intval($_POST['house_type']);
        $trip_cost = intval($_POST['trip_cost']);
        $dotation = intval($_POST['dotation']);
        $onEditRemain_text = '';
        $query_string = reset_param_name(reset_param_name($query_string, 'type'), 'item_id');
        if (!$onEditRemain) {
            $onEditRemain_text = ' автопереход к списку через 2 сек. или вручную <a href="' . $curpage . '?' . $query_string . '">по ссылке</a>';
 public function actionImport()
     $thisYear = new CArrayList();
     // импортируем показатели должностей
     $index = new CRatingIndex();
     $index->title = "Должность";
     $index->manager_class = "CTaxonomyManager";
     $index->manager_method = "getPosts()";
     $index->person_method = "getPost()";
     $index->year_id = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId();
     $index->isMultivalue = 0;
     $thisYear->add($index->getId(), $index);
     foreach (CActiveRecordProvider::getAllFromTable("spr_dolzhnost")->getItems() as $item) {
         $post = CTaxonomyManager::getPostById($item->getItemValue("id"));
         if (!is_null($post)) {
             $value = new CRatingIndexValue();
             $value->index_id = $index->id;
             $value->fromTaxonomy = 1;
             $value->title = $post->getId();
             $value->value = $item->getItemValue("rate");
     // показатели размножаем на все года
     foreach (CTaxonomyManager::getYearsList() as $key => $value) {
         $year = CTaxonomyManager::getYear($key);
         if ($year->getId() !== $index->year_id) {
             $newIndex = new CRatingIndex();
             $newIndex->title = $index->title;
             $newIndex->manager_class = $index->manager_class;
             $newIndex->manager_method = $index->manager_method;
             $newIndex->person_method = $index->person_method;
             $newIndex->year_id = $year->getId();
             $newIndex->isMultivalue = $index->isMultivalue;
             foreach ($index->getIndexValues()->getItems() as $value) {
                 $newValue = new CRatingIndexValue();
                 $newValue->index_id = $newIndex->getId();
                 $newValue->fromTaxonomy = $value->fromTaxonomy;
                 $newValue->title = $value->title;
                 $newValue->value = $value->value;
     // звания
     $index = new CRatingIndex();
     $index->title = "Звание";
     $index->manager_class = "CTaxonomyManager";
     $index->manager_method = "getTitles()";
     $index->year_id = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId();
     $index->isMultivalue = 0;
     $index->person_method = "getTitle()";
     $thisYear->add($index->getId(), $index);
     foreach (CActiveRecordProvider::getAllFromTable("spr_zvanie")->getItems() as $item) {
         $post = CTaxonomyManager::getTitle($item->getItemValue("id"));
         if (!is_null($post)) {
             $value = new CRatingIndexValue();
             $value->index_id = $index->id;
             $value->fromTaxonomy = 1;
             $value->title = $post->getId();
             $value->value = $item->getItemValue("rate");
     // показатели размножаем на все года
     foreach (CTaxonomyManager::getYearsList() as $key => $value) {
         $year = CTaxonomyManager::getYear($key);
         if ($year->getId() !== $index->year_id) {
             $newIndex = new CRatingIndex();
             $newIndex->title = $index->title;
             $newIndex->manager_class = $index->manager_class;
             $newIndex->manager_method = $index->manager_method;
             $newIndex->year_id = $year->getId();
             $newIndex->isMultivalue = $index->isMultivalue;
             $newIndex->person_method = $index->person_method;
             foreach ($index->getIndexValues()->getItems() as $value) {
                 $newValue = new CRatingIndexValue();
                 $newValue->index_id = $newIndex->getId();
                 $newValue->fromTaxonomy = $value->fromTaxonomy;
                 $newValue->title = $value->title;
                 $newValue->value = $value->value;
     // научно-методическая работа
     $taxonomy = new CTaxonomy();
     $taxonomy->name = "Виды научно-методической и учебной работы";
     $taxonomy->alias = "scientificWork";
     $index = new CRatingIndex();
     $index->title = "Научно-методическая и учебная работа";
     $index->manager_class = "CTaxonomyManager";
     $index->manager_method = 'getTaxonomy("scientificWork")->getTerms()';
     $index->year_id = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId();
     $index->isMultivalue = 1;
     $thisYear->add($index->getId(), $index);
     foreach (CActiveRecordProvider::getAllFromTable("spr_nauch_met_uch_rab")->getItems() as $item) {
         $term = new CTerm();
         $term->taxonomy_id = $taxonomy->getId();
         $term->name = $item->getItemValue("name");
         $value = new CRatingIndexValue();
         $value->index_id = $index->id;
         $value->fromTaxonomy = 1;
         $value->title = $term->getId();
         $value->value = $item->getItemValue("rate");
     // показатели размножаем на все года
     foreach (CTaxonomyManager::getYearsList() as $key => $value) {
         $year = CTaxonomyManager::getYear($key);
         if ($year->getId() !== $index->year_id) {
             $newIndex = new CRatingIndex();
             $newIndex->title = $index->title;
             $newIndex->manager_class = $index->manager_class;
             $newIndex->manager_method = $index->manager_method;
             $newIndex->year_id = $year->getId();
             $newIndex->isMultivalue = $index->isMultivalue;
             foreach ($index->getIndexValues()->getItems() as $value) {
                 $newValue = new CRatingIndexValue();
                 $newValue->index_id = $newIndex->getId();
                 $newValue->fromTaxonomy = $value->fromTaxonomy;
                 $newValue->title = $value->title;
                 $newValue->value = $value->value;
     // вычеты
     $taxonomy = new CTaxonomy();
     $taxonomy->name = "Виды вычетов";
     $taxonomy->alias = "takeouts";
     $index = new CRatingIndex();
     $index->title = "Вычеты";
     $index->manager_class = "CTaxonomyManager";
     $index->manager_method = 'getTaxonomy("takeouts")->getTerms()';
     $index->year_id = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId();
     $index->isMultivalue = 1;
     $thisYear->add($index->getId(), $index);
     foreach (CActiveRecordProvider::getAllFromTable("spr_vichet")->getItems() as $item) {
         $term = new CTerm();
         $term->taxonomy_id = $taxonomy->getId();
         $term->name = $item->getItemValue("name");
         $value = new CRatingIndexValue();
         $value->index_id = $index->id;
         $value->fromTaxonomy = 1;
         $value->title = $term->getId();
         $value->value = $item->getItemValue("rate");
     // показатели размножаем на все года
     foreach (CTaxonomyManager::getYearsList() as $key => $value) {
         $year = CTaxonomyManager::getYear($key);
         if ($year->getId() !== $index->year_id) {
             $newIndex = new CRatingIndex();
             $newIndex->title = $index->title;
             $newIndex->manager_class = $index->manager_class;
             $newIndex->manager_method = $index->manager_method;
             $newIndex->year_id = $year->getId();
             $newIndex->isMultivalue = $index->isMultivalue;
             foreach ($index->getIndexValues()->getItems() as $value) {
                 $newValue = new CRatingIndexValue();
                 $newValue->index_id = $newIndex->getId();
                 $newValue->fromTaxonomy = $value->fromTaxonomy;
                 $newValue->title = $value->title;
                 $newValue->value = $value->value;
 public function actionSaveGradebook()
     $search = new CStudentActivitySearchForm();
     if ($search->validate()) {
         $record = new CGradebook();
         $record->person_id = CSession::getCurrentUser()->getId();
         $record->kadri_id = $search->kadri_id;
         $record->subject_id = $search->subject_id;
         $record->group_id = $search->group_id;
         $record->date_start = $search->date_start;
         $record->date_end = $search->date_end;
         $this->redirect("?action=viewGradebook&id=" . $record->getId());
         return true;
     $groups = array();
     foreach (CStaffManager::getStudentGroupsByYear(CUtils::getCurrentYear())->getItems() as $group) {
         if ($group->getStudents()->getCount() > 0) {
             $groups[$group->getId()] = $group->getName();
     $this->setData("groups", $groups);
     $this->setData("search", $search);
    $query_all = 'select id,name from  time_intervals where id="' . $def_settings['year_id'] . '"';
    $res_all = mysql_query($query_all);
    $a = mysql_fetch_array($res_all);
    $def_settings['year_name'] = $a['name'];
    $query_all = 'select id,name from  time_parts where id="' . $def_settings['part_id'] . '"';
    $res_all = mysql_query($query_all);
    $a = mysql_fetch_array($res_all);
    $def_settings['part_name'] = $a['name'];
} else {
     * Переписано для использования новой системы глобальных настроек
    $def_settings["year_name"] = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->name;
    $def_settings["date_start"] = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start;
    $def_settings["date_end"] = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end;
    $def_settings["year_id"] = CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId();
    $def_settings["part_id"] = CUtils::getCurrentYearPart()->getId();
    $def_settings["part_name"] = CUtils::getCurrentYearPart()->name;
if ($_SESSION['auth'] == 1) {
    if (!$view_all_mode || !$write_mode) {
        $_SESSION['lect_id'] = $_SESSION['id'];
        $_SESSION['lect_fio'] = $_SESSION['FIO'];
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['user_id']) && $_GET['user_id'] != 0) {
            $_SESSION['lect_id'] = $_GET['user_id'];
            $res = mysql_query('select fio from users where id="' . $_SESSION['lect_id'] . '" limit 0,1');
            if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
                $a = mysql_fetch_array($res);
                $_SESSION['lect_fio'] = $a['fio'];
  * Все студенты за текущий год
  * @return CArrayList
 public static function getAllStudentsThisYear()
     $res = new CArrayList();
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("student.*")->from(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student")->leftJoin(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as st_group", " = student.group_id")->condition("st_group.year_id = " . CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId())->order("student.fio asc");
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $arr) {
         $student = new CStudent(new CActiveRecord($arr));
         $res->add($student->getId(), $student);
     return $res;
Example #16
  * Подготовка аспирантов, архив
  * @return CArrayList
 public function getAspirantsOld()
     if (is_null($this->_aspirantsOld)) {
         $this->_aspirantsOld = new CArrayList();
         $query = new CQuery();
         $query->select("disser.*")->from(TABLE_PERSON_DISSER . " as disser")->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as kadri", "")->condition('disser.scinceMan="' . $this->id . '" and disser.scinceMan>0 and (disser.god_zach<"' . date("Y", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end)) . '" or disser.god_zach is null)')->order("kadri.fio asc");
         foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
             $aspir = new CPersonPaper(new CActiveRecord($item));
             $this->_aspirantsOld->add($aspir->getId(), $aspir);
     return $this->_aspirantsOld;
 public function actionGetDataForChart()
     $data = array();
     if (array_key_exists("data", $_POST)) {
         $data = $_POST["data"];
     // определяем, в каких годах искать
     $years = new CArrayList();
     if (array_key_exists("years", $data)) {
         foreach ($data['years'] as $item) {
             $year = CTaxonomyManager::getYear($item);
             if (!is_null($year)) {
                 $years->add($year->getId(), $year);
     } else {
         $years->add(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId(), CUtils::getCurrentYear());
     // по каким показателям показывать
     $indexes = new CArrayList();
     if (array_key_exists("indexes", $data)) {
         foreach ($data["indexes"] as $item) {
             foreach (CRatingManager::getRatingIndexesByName($item)->getItems() as $index) {
                 if ($years->hasElement($index->year_id)) {
                     $indexes->add($index->getId(), $index);
     } else {
         foreach ($years->getItems() as $year) {
             foreach (CRatingManager::getRatingIndexesByYear($year)->getItems() as $index) {
                 $indexes->add($index->getId(), $index);
     // по каким людям показывать
     $persons = new CArrayList();
     if (array_key_exists("persons", $data)) {
         foreach ($data["persons"] as $item) {
             $person = CStaffManager::getPerson($item);
             if (!is_null($person)) {
                 $persons->add($person->getId(), $person);
     } else {
         // показывать по всем, у кого показатели есть в указанных годах
         foreach (CStaffManager::getAllPersons()->getItems() as $person) {
             foreach ($years->getItems() as $year) {
                 foreach ($person->getRatingIndexesByYear($year)->getItems() as $index) {
                     if ($indexes->hasElement($index->getId())) {
                         $persons->add($person->getId(), $person);
     $res = array();
     // начинаем собирать инфу по людям
     // подписи к осям
     $axis = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($persons->getItems() as $person) {
         $axis[] = $person->getName();
         //$axis[] = $i;
     // все показатели, которые есть у выбранных людей (id всех показателей)
     // за все годы
     $resIndexes = array();
     foreach ($persons->getItems() as $person) {
         foreach ($years->getItems() as $year) {
             foreach ($person->getRatingIndexesByYear($year)->getItems() as $index) {
                 if ($indexes->hasElement($index->getId())) {
                     $resIndexes[$index->title] = $index->title;
     $indicators = array();
     // данные по годам
     // данные должны возвращаться в том же порядке, в котором у нас идут люди
     foreach ($resIndexes as $key => $value) {
         foreach ($years->getItems() as $year) {
             $data = array();
             // собираем данные по каждому человеку
             foreach ($persons->getItems() as $person) {
                 $indexValue = 0;
                 foreach ($person->getRatingIndexesByYear($year)->getItems() as $index) {
                     if ($index->title == $key) {
                         $indexValue = $index->getIndexValue();
                 $data[] = $indexValue;
             $indicator = array("name" => $value . " (" . $year->name . ")", "data" => $data, "stack" => $year->name);
             $indicators[] = $indicator;
     $res["axis"] = $axis;
     $res["series"] = $indicators;
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function actionStatistic()
     $set = new CRecordSet();
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("preview.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview")->order("preview.date_preview desc");
     $isArchive = CRequest::getString("isArchive") == "1";
     if (!$isArchive) {
         $query->condition('preview.date_preview between "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" and "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end)) . '"');
     $this->addActionsMenuItem(array("title" => "Назад", "link" => "?action=index", "icon" => "actions/edit-undo.png"));
     if ($isArchive) {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             if ($key != "isArchive") {
                 $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Текущий год", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "mimetypes/x-office-calendar.png")));
     } else {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $requestParams[] = "isArchive=1";
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Архив", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "devices/media-floppy.png")));
     $prevs = array();
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $prev = new CDiplomPreview(new CActiveRecord($ar));
         $prevs[$prev->getId()] = $prev->date_preview;
     $date_previews = array();
     $date_previews = array_count_values($prevs);
     //Общее количество предзащит
     $count_previews = count($prevs);
     //Общее количество защит
     $queryAll = new CQuery();
     $queryAll->select("diplom.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom");
     if (!$isArchive) {
         $queryAll->condition('diplom.date_act between "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '" and "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_end)) . '"');
     $count_all = $queryAll->execute()->getCount();
     //Всего защит зимой
     $queryWinterAll = new CQuery();
     $queryWinterAll->select("diplom.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom")->condition('diplom.date_act between "' . (date("Y") - 1) . "-12-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-02-28" . '"');
     $count_winter_all = $queryWinterAll->execute()->getCount();
     //Всего защит летом
     $querySummerAll = new CQuery();
     $querySummerAll->select("diplom.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom")->condition('diplom.date_act between "' . date("Y") . "-05-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-06-30" . '"');
     $count_summer_all = $querySummerAll->execute()->getCount();
     //Из них не имеющие предзащиты зимой
     $queryNotPreviewsWinter = new CQuery();
     $queryNotPreviewsWinter->select("diplom.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom")->leftJoin(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview", "diplom.student_id = preview.student_id")->condition('preview.student_id is null and diplom.date_act between "' . (date("Y") - 1) . "-12-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-02-28" . '"');
     $count_not_previews_winter = $queryNotPreviewsWinter->execute()->getCount();
     //Из них не имеющие предзащиты летом
     $queryNotPreviewsSummer = new CQuery();
     $queryNotPreviewsSummer->select("diplom.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom")->leftJoin(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview", "diplom.student_id = preview.student_id")->condition('preview.student_id is null and diplom.date_act between "' . date("Y") . "-05-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-06-30" . '"');
     $count_not_previews_summer = $queryNotPreviewsSummer->execute()->getCount();
     //Количество предзащит зимой
     $queryWinter = new CQuery();
     $queryWinter->select("preview.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview")->condition('preview.date_preview between "' . (date("Y") - 1) . "-12-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-02-28" . '"');
     $count_previews_winter = $queryWinter->execute()->getCount();
     //Количество предзащит летом
     $querySummer = new CQuery();
     $querySummer->select("preview.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview")->condition('preview.date_preview between "' . date("Y") . "-05-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-06-30" . '"');
     $count_previews_summer = $querySummer->execute()->getCount();
     //Прошедшие предзащиту зимой
     $queryWinterComplete = new CQuery();
     $queryWinterComplete->select("preview.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview")->condition('preview.date_preview between "' . (date("Y") - 1) . "-12-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-02-28" . '" and (preview.diplom_percent!=0 and preview.another_view=0)');
     $count_previews_winter_complete = $queryWinterComplete->execute()->getCount();
     //Прошедшие предзащиту летом
     $querySummerComplete = new CQuery();
     $querySummerComplete->select("preview.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview")->condition('preview.date_preview between "' . date("Y") . "-05-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-06-30" . '" and (preview.diplom_percent!=0 and preview.another_view=0)');
     $count_previews_summer_complete = $querySummerComplete->execute()->getCount();
     //Не прошедшие предзащиту зимой
     $queryWinterNotComplete = new CQuery();
     $queryWinterNotComplete->select("preview.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview")->condition('preview.date_preview between "' . (date("Y") - 1) . "-12-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-02-28" . '" and (preview.diplom_percent=0 or preview.another_view!=0)');
     $count_previews_winter_not_complete = $queryWinterNotComplete->execute()->getCount();
     //Не прошедшие предзащиту летом
     $querySummerNotComplete = new CQuery();
     $querySummerNotComplete->select("preview.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOM_PREVIEWS . " as preview")->condition('preview.date_preview between "' . date("Y") . "-05-01" . '" and "' . date("Y") . "-06-30" . '" and (preview.diplom_percent=0 or preview.another_view!=0)');
     $count_previews_summer_not_complete = $querySummerNotComplete->execute()->getCount();
     $this->setData("date_previews", $date_previews);
     $this->setData("count_all", $count_all);
     $this->setData("count_previews", $count_previews);
     $this->setData("count_winter_all", $count_winter_all);
     $this->setData("count_summer_all", $count_summer_all);
     $this->setData("count_not_previews_winter", $count_not_previews_winter);
     $this->setData("count_not_previews_summer", $count_not_previews_summer);
     $this->setData("count_previews_winter", $count_previews_winter);
     $this->setData("count_previews_summer", $count_previews_summer);
     $this->setData("count_previews_winter_complete", $count_previews_winter_complete);
     $this->setData("count_previews_winter_not_complete", $count_previews_winter_not_complete);
     $this->setData("count_previews_summer_complete", $count_previews_summer_complete);
     $this->setData("count_previews_summer_not_complete", $count_previews_summer_not_complete);
 public function actionFill()
     $year = CTaxonomyManager::getYear(CRequest::getInt("year"));
     if (is_null($year)) {
         $year = CUtils::getCurrentYear();
     $form = new CPersonRatingAutofillForm();
     $form->year_id = $year->getId();
     $this->setData("form", $form);
 public function actionIndex()
     $set = new CRecordSet(false);
     $query = new CQuery();
     $selectedPerson = null;
     $query->select("disser.*")->from(TABLE_PERSON_DISSER . " as disser")->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "disser.kadri_id =")->condition("disser.disser_type = 'кандидат'")->order("person.fio asc");
     if (CRequest::getString("order") == "person.fio") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "disser.kadri_id =");
         $query->order("person.fio " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "science_spec_id") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("science_spec_id " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "study_form_id") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("study_form_id " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "scinceMan") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "disser.scinceMan =");
         $query->order("person.fio " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "tema") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("tema " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "god_zach") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("god_zach " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "date_end") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("date_end " . $direction);
     } elseif (CRequest::getString("order") == "comment") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") != "") {
             $direction = CRequest::getString("direction");
         $query->order("comment " . $direction);
     // фильтр по руководителю
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("person"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "disser.scinceMan = and = " . CRequest::getFilter("person"));
         $selectedPerson = CRequest::getFilter("person");
     // фильтр по ФИО
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("fio"))) {
         $query->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", " and = " . CRequest::getFilter("fio"));
     // фильтр по теме
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("tema"))) {
         $query->condition(" = " . CRequest::getFilter("tema"));
     // фильтр по комментарию
     if (!is_null(CRequest::getFilter("comment"))) {
         $query->condition(" = " . CRequest::getFilter("comment"));
     $isArchive = CRequest::getString("isArchive") == "1";
     if (!$isArchive) {
         $query->condition('disser.date_end > "' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime(CUtils::getCurrentYear()->date_start)) . '"');
     if ($isArchive) {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             if ($key != "isArchive") {
                 $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Текущий год", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "mimetypes/x-office-calendar.png")));
     } else {
         $requestParams = array();
         foreach (CRequest::getGlobalRequestVariables()->getItems() as $key => $value) {
             $requestParams[] = $key . "=" . $value;
         $requestParams[] = "isArchive=1";
         $this->addActionsMenuItem(array(array("title" => "Архив", "link" => "?" . implode("&", $requestParams), "icon" => "devices/media-floppy.png")));
     $managersQuery = new CQuery();
     $managersQuery->select("person.*")->from(TABLE_PERSON . " as person")->order("person.fio asc")->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON_DISSER . " as disser", " = disser.scinceMan");
     $managers = array();
     foreach ($managersQuery->execute()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $person = new CPerson(new CActiveRecord($ar));
         $managers[$person->getId()] = $person->getName();
     $dissers = new CArrayList();
     foreach ($set->getPaginated()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $disser = new CPersonPaper($ar);
         $dissers->add($disser->getId(), $disser);
     $this->setData("isArchive", $isArchive);
     $this->setData("dissers", $dissers);
     $this->setData("managers", $managers);
     $this->setData("selectedPerson", $selectedPerson);
     $this->setData("paginator", $set->getPaginator());