public function testGet() { $failureAffects = "Affects all get requests sent from Login."; ob_start(); CURLHandler::Get(""); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertContains('Error=BadAuthentication', $result, $failureAffects); }
public static function allAvailableRepositories() { // 1. Read the config file. Find a link to WebSVN page $web_svn_url = self::_webSvnUrl(); // 2. Retrieve the content of WebSVN front page ob_start(); echo CURLHandler::Get($web_svn_url); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // 3. form the regex pattern. We are searching the html for lines like this: // '<a href="listing.php?repname=admin&">admin</a>'. Resulting matches are dumped into 'project' array. $repoLinkFragment = preg_quote(self::_repoLinkFragment()); $regexp = "<a\\s[^>]*href=[\"']" . $repoLinkFragment . "\\b[^>]*>(?P<project>.*)<\\/a>"; return preg_match_all("/{$regexp}/siU", $html, $matches) ? $matches['project'] : array(); }
public function sendHipchat_notification($message, $message_format = 'html', $notify = 0) { $success = true; $room_id = 0; $token = $this->getHipchatNotificationToken(); $url = HIPCHAT_API_AUTH_URL . $token; $response = CURLHandler::Get($url, array()); $response = json_decode($response); if (count($response->rooms)) { foreach ($response->rooms as $key => $room) { if ($room->name == trim($this->getHipchatRoom())) { $room_id = $room->room_id; break; } } if ($room_id > 0) { $url = HIPCHAT_API_MESSAGE_URL . $token; $fields = array('room_id' => $room_id, 'from' => '', 'message' => $message, 'message_format' => $message_format, 'notify' => $notify, 'color' => $this->getHipchatColor()); $result = CURLHandler::Post($url, $fields); $result = json_decode($result); if ($result->status != 'sent') { $success = false; $body = "Failed to send message: " . $message; } } else { $success = false; $body = "Failed to find room " . $this->getHipchatRoom() . "."; } } else { $success = false; $body = "Failed to authenticate to hipchat."; } if ($success == false) { $email = $this->getContactInfo(); $subject = "HipChat Notification Failed"; if (!Utils::send_email($email, $subject, $body, $body, array('Cc' => OPS_EMAIL))) { error_log("project-class.php: sendHipchat_notification : Utils::send_email failed"); } } }