Example #1
  * Process screen.
  * @return CDiv (screen inside container)
 public function get()
     global $page;
     // rewrite page file
     $page['file'] = $this->pageFile;
     $item = new CUIWidget('hat_syssum', make_system_status(array('groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'maintenance' => null, 'severity' => null, 'limit' => null, 'extAck' => 0, 'screenid' => $this->screenid)));
     $item->setHeader(_('Status of Zabbix'), SPACE);
     $item->setFooter(_s('Updated: %s', zbx_date2str(_('H:i:s'))));
     return $this->getOutput($item);
$lastiss = new CUIWidget('hat_lastiss', new CSpan(_('Loading...'), 'textcolorstyles'), CProfile::get('web.dashboard.hats.hat_lastiss.state', 1));
$lastiss->setHeader(_n('Last %1$d issue', 'Last %1$d issues', DEFAULT_LATEST_ISSUES_CNT), array($refresh_menu));
$lastiss->setFooter(new CDiv(SPACE, 'textwhite', 'hat_lastiss_footer'));
$rightColumn[] = $lastiss;
// web monitoring
$refresh_menu = get_icon('menu', array('menu' => 'hat_webovr'));
$web_mon = new CUIWidget('hat_webovr', new CSpan(_('Loading...'), 'textcolorstyles'), CProfile::get('web.dashboard.hats.hat_webovr.state', 1));
$web_mon->setHeader(_('Web monitoring'), array($refresh_menu));
$web_mon->setFooter(new CDiv(SPACE, 'textwhite', 'hat_webovr_footer'));
$rightColumn[] = $web_mon;
// discovery info
$drules = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(d.druleid) AS cnt FROM drules d WHERE ' . DBin_node('d.druleid') . ' AND d.status=' . DRULE_STATUS_ACTIVE));
if ($drules['cnt'] > 0 && check_right_on_discovery(PERM_READ_ONLY)) {
    $refresh_tab[] = array('id' => 'hat_dscvry', 'frequency' => CProfile::get('web.dashboard.rf_rate.hat_dscvry', 60));
    $refresh_menu = get_icon('menu', array('menu' => 'hat_dscvry'));
    $dcvr_mon = new CUIWidget('hat_dscvry', new CSpan(_('Loading...'), 'textcolorstyles'), CProfile::get('web.dashboard.hats.hat_dscvry.state', 1));
    $dcvr_mon->setHeader(_('Discovery status'), array($refresh_menu));
    $dcvr_mon->setFooter(new CDiv(SPACE, 'textwhite', 'hat_dscvry_footer'));
    $rightColumn[] = $dcvr_mon;
$dashboardTable = new CTable();
$dashboardTable->addRow(array(new CDiv($leftColumn, 'column'), new CDiv($rightColumn, 'column'), new CDiv(null, 'column')), 'top');
// activating blinking
<script type="text/javascript">
	function addPopupValues(list) {
Example #3
        $link = 'groupid=' . $group['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $templateid . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($templateid);
        $caption = make_decoration($template['name'], $search);
        if (isset($rw_templates[$templateid])) {
            $template_link = new CLink($caption, 'templates.php?form=update&' . '&templateid=' . $templateid . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($templateid));
            $applications_link = array(new CLink(_('Applications'), 'applications.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['applications'] . ')');
            $items_link = array(new CLink(_('Items'), 'items.php?filter_set=1&' . $link), ' (' . $template['items'] . ')');
            $triggers_link = array(new CLink(_('Triggers'), 'triggers.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['triggers'] . ')');
            $graphs_link = array(new CLink(_('Graphs'), 'graphs.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['graphs'] . ')');
            $screensLink = array(new CLink(_('Screens'), 'screenconf.php?templateid=' . $templateid), ' (' . $template['screens'] . ')');
            $discoveryLink = array(new CLink(_('Discovery'), 'host_discovery.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['discoveries'] . ')');
            $httpTestsLink = array(new CLink(_('Web'), 'httpconf.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['httpTests'] . ')');
        } else {
            $template_link = new CSpan($caption);
            $applications_link = _('Applications') . ' (' . $template['applications'] . ')';
            $items_link = _('Items') . ' (' . $template['items'] . ')';
            $triggers_link = _('Triggers') . ' (' . $template['triggers'] . ')';
            $graphs_link = _('Graphs') . ' (' . $template['graphs'] . ')';
            $screensLink = _('Screens') . ' (' . $template['screens'] . ')';
            $discoveryLink = _('Discovery') . ' (' . $template['discoveries'] . ')';
            $httpTestsLink = _('Web') . ' (' . $template['httpTests'] . ')';
        $table->addRow(array(get_node_name_by_elid($templateid, true), $template_link, $applications_link, $items_link, $triggers_link, $graphs_link, $screensLink, $discoveryLink, $httpTestsLink));
    $wdgt_templates = new CUIWidget('search_templates', $table, CProfile::get('web.search.hats.search_templates.state', true));
    $wdgt_templates->setHeader(_('Templates'), SPACE);
    $wdgt_templates->setFooter(_s('Displaying %1$s of %2$s found', $viewCount, $overalCount));
    $searchWidget->addItem(new CDiv($wdgt_templates));
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';
  * Process screen.
  * @return CDiv (screen inside container)
 public function get()
     $params = array('groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'screenid' => $this->screenid, 'maintenance' => null, 'severity' => null, 'limit' => $this->screenitem['elements'], 'backUrl' => $this->pageFile);
     // by default triggers are sorted by date desc, do we need to override this?
     switch ($this->screenitem['sort_triggers']) {
             $params['sortfield'] = 'priority';
             $params['sortorder'] = ZBX_SORT_DOWN;
             // a little black magic here - there is no such field 'hostname' in 'triggers',
             // but API has a special case for sorting by hostname
             $params['sortfield'] = 'hostname';
             $params['sortorder'] = ZBX_SORT_UP;
     if ($this->screenitem['resourceid'] > 0) {
         $hosts = API::Host()->get(array('hostids' => $this->screenitem['resourceid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
         $host = reset($hosts);
         $item = new CSpan(_('Host') . ': ' . $host['host'], 'white');
         $params['hostids'] = $host['hostid'];
     } else {
         $groupid = get_request('tr_groupid', CProfile::get('web.screens.tr_groupid', 0));
         $hostid = get_request('tr_hostid', CProfile::get('web.screens.tr_hostid', 0));
         CProfile::update('web.screens.tr_groupid', $groupid, PROFILE_TYPE_ID);
         CProfile::update('web.screens.tr_hostid', $hostid, PROFILE_TYPE_ID);
         // get groups
         $groups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('monitored_hosts' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
         order_result($groups, 'name');
         // get hsots
         $options = array('monitored_hosts' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
         if ($groupid > 0) {
             $options['groupids'] = $groupid;
         $hosts = API::Host()->get($options);
         $hosts = zbx_toHash($hosts, 'hostid');
         order_result($hosts, 'host');
         if (!isset($hosts[$hostid])) {
             $hostid = 0;
         if ($groupid > 0) {
             $params['groupids'] = $groupid;
         if ($hostid > 0) {
             $params['hostids'] = $hostid;
         $item = new CForm(null, $this->pageFile);
         $groupComboBox = new CComboBox('tr_groupid', $groupid, 'submit()');
         $groupComboBox->addItem(0, _('all'));
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $groupComboBox->addItem($group['groupid'], get_node_name_by_elid($group['groupid'], null, ': ') . $group['name']);
         $hostsComboBox = new CComboBox('tr_hostid', $hostid, 'submit()');
         $hostsComboBox->addItem(0, _('all'));
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $hostsComboBox->addItem($host['hostid'], get_node_name_by_elid($host['hostid'], null, ': ') . $host['host']);
         if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT) {
             $groupComboBox->attr('disabled', 'disabled');
             $hostsComboBox->attr('disabled', 'disabled');
         $item->addItem(array(_('Group') . SPACE, $groupComboBox));
         $item->addItem(array(SPACE . _('Host') . SPACE, $hostsComboBox));
     $output = new CUIWidget('hat_trstatus', make_latest_issues($params));
     $output->setDoubleHeader(array(_('STATUS OF TRIGGERS'), SPACE, zbx_date2str(_('[H:i:s]')), SPACE), $item);
     return $this->getOutput($output);
$left_col[] = $triggerDetails;
// event details
$eventDetails = new CUIWidget('hat_eventdetails', make_event_details($event, $trigger));
$eventDetails->setHeader(_('Event details'));
$left_col[] = $eventDetails;
$right_col = array();
// if acknowledges are not disabled in configuration, let's show them
if ($config['event_ack_enable']) {
    $event_ack = new CUIWidget('hat_eventack', makeAckTab($event), CProfile::get('web.tr_events.hats.hat_eventack.state', 1));
    $right_col[] = $event_ack;
// event sms actions
$actions_sms = new CUIWidget('hat_eventactionmsgs', get_action_msgs_for_event($event), CProfile::get('web.tr_events.hats.hat_eventactionmsgs.state', 1));
$actions_sms->setHeader(_('Message actions'));
$right_col[] = $actions_sms;
// event cmd actions
$actions_cmd = new CUIWidget('hat_eventactionmcmds', get_action_cmds_for_event($event), CProfile::get('web.tr_events.hats.hat_eventactioncmds.state', 1));
$actions_cmd->setHeader(_('Command actions'));
$right_col[] = $actions_cmd;
// event history
$events_histry = new CUIWidget('hat_eventlist', make_small_eventlist($event), CProfile::get('web.tr_events.hats.hat_eventlist.state', 1));
$events_histry->setHeader(_('Event list [previous 20]'));
$right_col[] = $events_histry;
$leftDiv = new CDiv($left_col, 'column');
$middleDiv = new CDiv($right_col, 'column');
$ieTab = new CTable();
$ieTab->addRow(array($leftDiv, $middleDiv), 'top');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';