function taskstyle_pd($task)
    $now = new CDate();
    $start_date = intval($task["task_start_date"]) ? new CDate($task["task_start_date"]) : null;
    $end_date = intval($task["task_end_date"]) ? new CDate($task["task_end_date"]) : null;
    if ($start_date && !$end_date) {
        $end_date = $start_date;
        $end_date->addSeconds(@$task["task_duration"] * $task["task_duration_type"] * SEC_HOUR);
    } else {
        if (!$start_date) {
            return '';
    $style = 'class=';
    if ($task['task_percent_complete'] == 0) {
        $style .= $now->before($start_date) ? '"task_future"' : '"task_notstarted"';
    } else {
        if ($task['task_percent_complete'] == 100) {
            $t = new CTask();
            $actual_end_date = new CDate(get_actual_end_date_pd($t->task_id, $t));
            $style .= $actual_end_date->after($end_date) ? '"task_late"' : '"task_done"';
        } else {
            $style .= $now->after($end_date) ? '"task_overdue"' : '"task_started"';
    return $style;
Example #2
 public function getProjectTaskLinksByCategory($AppUI, $project_id = 0, $task_id = 0, $category_id = 0, $search = '')
     // load the following classes to retrieved denied records
     $project = new CProject();
     $task = new CTask();
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addQuery('contact_first_name, contact_last_name');
     $q->addQuery('project_name, project_color_identifier, project_status');
     $q->addQuery('task_name, task_id');
     $q->leftJoin('users', 'u', 'user_id = link_owner');
     $q->leftJoin('contacts', 'c', 'user_contact = contact_id');
     if ($search != '') {
         $q->addWhere('(link_name LIKE \'%' . $search . '%\' OR link_description LIKE \'%' . $search . '%\')');
     if ($project_id > 0) {
         // Project
         $q->addWhere('link_project = ' . (int) $project_id);
     if ($task_id > 0) {
         // Task
         $q->addWhere('link_task = ' . (int) $task_id);
     if ($category_id >= 0) {
         // Category
         $q->addWhere('link_category = ' . $category_id);
     // Permissions
     $project->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q, 'link_project');
     $task->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q, 'link_task and task_project = link_project');
     $q->addOrder('project_name, link_name');
     return $q->loadList();
Example #3
function setComplete($id)
    global $AppUI;
    $task = new CTask();
    if ($task->load($id)) {
        $q = new DBQuery();
        $q->addWhere('task_id = ' . $id);
        $q->addWhere('user_id = ' . $AppUI->user_id);
        $r = $q->loadResult();
        if ($r != $AppUI->user_id) {
            $p = new CProject($task->task_project);
            if (!$p->project_id || $p->getManager() != $AppUI->user_id) {
                return 'Error';
        $q->addUpdate('task_percent_complete', '100');
        $q->addWhere('task_id = ' . $id);
        return 'OK';
    return 'Error';
Example #4
 public static function GetOperations($collectionId, $menu = false)
     global $USER;
     static $oCollections;
     static $arOp;
     $userGroups = $USER->GetUserGroupArray();
     $key = $collectionId . '|' . implode('-', $userGroups);
     if (!is_array($arOp[$key])) {
         if (!is_array($arOp)) {
             $arOp = array();
         if (!is_array($oCollections)) {
             $res = CMedialib::GetCollectionTree(array('menu' => $menu));
             $oCollections = $res['Collections'];
         $userGroups = $USER->GetUserGroupArray();
         $res = CMedialib::GetAccessPermissionsArray($collectionId, $oCollections);
         $arOp[$key] = array();
         foreach ($res as $group_id => $task_id) {
             if (in_array($group_id, $userGroups)) {
                 $arOp[$key] = array_merge($arOp[$key], CTask::GetOperations($task_id, true));
     return $arOp[$key];
Example #5
	function GetTasks()
		$arTasks = Array();
		$res = CTask::GetList(Array('LETTER' => 'asc'), Array('MODULE_ID' => 'fileman', 'BINDING' => 'stickers'));
		while($arRes = $res->Fetch())
			$name = '';
			if ($arRes['SYS'])
				$name = GetMessage('TASK_NAME_'.strtoupper($arRes['NAME']));
			if (strlen($name) == 0)
				$name = $arRes['NAME'];
			$arTasks[$arRes['ID']] = Array('title' => $name, 'letter' => $arRes['LETTER']);
		return $arTasks;
Example #6
 public function getProjectTaskLinksByCategory($notUsed = null, $project_id = 0, $task_id = 0, $category_id = 0, $search = '')
     // load the following classes to retrieved denied records
     $project = new CProject();
     $task = new CTask();
     $q = $this->_getQuery();
     $q->leftJoin('projects', 'pr', 'project_id = link_project');
     $q->leftJoin('tasks', 't', 'task_id = link_task');
     if ($search != '') {
         $q->addWhere('(link_name LIKE \'%' . $search . '%\' OR link_description LIKE \'%' . $search . '%\')');
     if ($project_id > 0) {
         // Project
         $q->addQuery('project_name, project_color_identifier, project_status');
         $q->addWhere('link_project = ' . (int) $project_id);
     if ($task_id > 0) {
         // Task
         $q->addQuery('task_name, task_id');
         $q->addWhere('link_task = ' . (int) $task_id);
     if ($category_id >= 0) {
         // Category
         $q->addWhere('link_category = ' . $category_id);
     // Permissions
     $q = $project->setAllowedSQL($this->_AppUI->user_id, $q, 'link_project');
     $q = $task->setAllowedSQL($this->_AppUI->user_id, $q, 'link_task and task_project = link_project');
     $q->addOrder('project_name, link_name');
     return $q->loadList();
Example #7
 function GetTasks()
     IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/fileman/admin/task_description.php");
     $arTasks = array();
     $res = CTask::GetList(array('LETTER' => 'asc'), array('MODULE_ID' => 'fileman', 'BINDING' => 'stickers'));
     while ($arRes = $res->Fetch()) {
         $name = '';
         if ($arRes['SYS']) {
             $name = GetMessage('TASK_NAME_' . strtoupper($arRes['NAME']));
         if (strlen($name) == 0) {
             $name = $arRes['NAME'];
         $arTasks[$arRes['ID']] = array('title' => $name, 'letter' => $arRes['LETTER']);
     return $arTasks;
    $gantt->addBar($columnValues, ' ', 0.6, 'red');
} else {
    if (is_array($projects)) {
        //pull all tasks into an array keyed by the project id, and get the tasks in hierarchy
        if ($showAllGantt) {
            // insert tasks into Gantt Chart
            // select for tasks for each project
            // pull tasks
            $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
            $q->addTable('tasks', 't');
            $q->addQuery('t.task_id, task_parent, task_name, task_start_date, task_end_date, task_duration, task_duration_type, task_priority, task_percent_complete, task_order, task_project, task_milestone, project_id, project_name, task_dynamic');
            $q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'project_id = t.task_project');
            $q->addOrder('project_id, task_start_date');
            $q->addWhere('project_original_parent = ' . (int) $original_project_id);
            //$tasks = $q->loadList();
            $task = new CTask();
            $task->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q);
            $proTasks = $q->loadHashList('task_id');
            $orrarr[] = array('task_id' => 0, 'order_up' => 0, 'order' => '');
            $end_max = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
            $start_min = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            //pull the tasks into an array
            foreach ($proTasks as $rec) {
                if ($rec['task_start_date'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                    $rec['task_start_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                $tsd = new w2p_Utilities_Date($rec['task_start_date']);
                if ($tsd->before(new w2p_Utilities_Date($start_min))) {
                    $start_min = $rec['task_start_date'];
                // calculate or set blank task_end_date if unset
Example #9
 $q->addJoin('projects', '', 'projects.project_id = task_project', 'inner');
 $q->addJoin('project_departments', '', 'project_departments.project_id = projects.project_id');
 $q->addJoin('departments', '', 'department_id = dept_id');
 $q->addWhere('project_active = 1');
 if (($template_status = w2PgetConfig('template_projects_status_id')) != '') {
     $q->addWhere('project_status <> ' . (int) $template_status);
 if ($use_period) {
     $q->addWhere('( (task_start_date >= ' . $ss . ' AND task_start_date <= ' . $se . ') OR ' . '(task_end_date <= ' . $se . ' AND task_end_date >= ' . $ss . ') )');
 if ($project_id != 0) {
     $q->addWhere('task_project=' . $project_id);
 $proj = new CProject();
 $obj = new CTask();
 $allowedProjects = $proj->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, 'task_project');
 $allowedTasks = $obj->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id);
 if (count($allowedProjects)) {
     $q->addWhere(implode(' AND ', $allowedProjects));
 if (count($allowedTasks)) {
     $q->addWhere(implode(' AND ', $allowedTasks));
 $task_list_hash = $q->loadHashList('task_id');
 $task_list = array();
 $task_assigned_users = array();
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($task_list_hash as $task_id => $task_data) {
Example #10
         if ($rcode == "ER") {
             $errorMessage .= substr($responseBody, 2) . "<br />";
         } elseif ($rcode != "OK") {
             $errorMessage .= GetMessage("SPTEN_SCRM_ERR_ANSWER") . "<br />";
         } else {
             $crmUrl4Import = trim(substr($responseBody, 2));
 if (empty($errorMessage)) {
     if ($createNewSaleUser) {
         $APPLICATION->SetGroupRight("sale", $groupId, "W", false);
         //$APPLICATION->SetGroupRight("catalog", $groupId, "R", false);
         CGroup::SetModulePermission($groupId, "catalog", CTask::GetIdByLetter("R", "catalog"));
         //$APPLICATION->SetGroupRight("main", $groupId, "R", false);
         CGroup::SetModulePermission($groupId, "main", CTask::GetIdByLetter("R", "main"));
         $opt = COption::GetOptionString("sale", "1C_SALE_GROUP_PERMISSIONS", "");
         $opt .= ($opt != "" ? "," : "") . $groupId;
         COption::SetOptionString("sale", "1C_SALE_GROUP_PERMISSIONS", $opt);
         function GetAccessArrTmp()
             $PERM = array();
             @(include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/.access.php");
             return $PERM;
         $arFPermsTmp = GetAccessArrTmp();
         $arFPerms = array_key_exists("admin", $arFPermsTmp) ? $arFPermsTmp["admin"] : array();
         $arFPerms[$groupId . ""] = "R";
         $APPLICATION->SetFileAccessPermission(array(SITE_ID, "/bitrix/admin"), $arFPerms);
     LocalRedirect($APPLICATION->GetCurPage() . "?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&success=Y&crm_imp_url=" . urlencode(($crmUrlScheme == 'ssl://' ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $crmUrlHost . ":" . $crmUrlPort . $crmUrl4Import) . "&crm_url=" . urlencode(($crmUrlScheme == 'ssl://' ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $crmUrlHost . ":" . $crmUrlPort));
Example #11
// prepare a list of tasks to process
$htasks_ar = array();
if (isset($htasks)) {
    $tarr = explode(',', $htasks);
    foreach ($tarr as $tid) {
        if (intval($tid) > 0) {
            $htasks_ar[] = $tid;
$sizeof = sizeof($htasks_ar);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $sizeof; $i++) {
    $_POST['task_id'] = $htasks_ar[$i];
    // verify that task_id is not NULL
    if ($_POST['task_id'] > 0) {
        $obj = new CTask();
        if (!$obj->bind($_POST)) {
            $AppUI->setMsg($obj->getError(), UI_MSG_ERROR);
        if ($rm && $del) {
            $overAssignment = $obj->updateAssigned($hassign, $hperc_assign_ar, true, true);
            if ($overAssignment) {
                $AppUI->setMsg('Some Users could not be unassigned from Task', UI_MSG_ERROR);
            } else {
                // Don't do anything because we might have other tasks to change
                // $AppUI->setMsg('User(s) unassigned from Task', UI_MSG_OK);
                // $AppUI->redirect();
        } else {
            if ($rm || $del) {
Example #12
* Sub-function to collect tasks within a period
* @param Date the starting date of the period
* @param Date the ending date of the period
* @param array by-ref an array of links to append new items to
* @param int the length to truncate entries by
* @param int the company id to filter by
* @author Andrew Eddie <*****@*****.**>
function getTaskLinks($startPeriod, $endPeriod, &$links, $strMaxLen, $company_id = 0)
    global $a, $AppUI, $dPconfig;
    $tasks = CTask::getTasksForPeriod($startPeriod, $endPeriod, $company_id, $AppUI->user_id, true);
    $durnTypes = dPgetSysVal('TaskDurationType');
    $link = array();
    $sid = 3600 * 24;
    // assemble the links for the tasks
    foreach ($tasks as $row) {
        // the link
        $link['href'] = "?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=" . $row['task_id'];
        $link['alt'] = $row['project_name'] . ":\n" . $row['task_name'];
        // the link text
        if (strlen($row['task_name']) > $strMaxLen) {
            $row['task_name'] = substr($row['task_name'], 0, $strMaxLen) . '...';
        $link['text'] = '<span style="color:' . bestColor($row['color']) . ';background-color:#' . $row['color'] . '">' . $row['task_name'] . '</span>';
        // determine which day(s) to display the task
        $start = new CDate($row['task_start_date']);
        $end = $row['task_end_date'] ? new CDate($row['task_end_date']) : null;
        $durn = $row['task_duration'];
        $durnType = $row['task_duration_type'];
        if (($start->after($startPeriod) || $start->equals($startPeriod)) && ($start->before($endPeriod) || $start->equals($endPeriod))) {
            $temp = $link;
            $temp['alt'] = "START [" . $row['task_duration'] . ' ' . $AppUI->_($durnTypes[$row['task_duration_type']]) . "]\n" . $link['alt'];
            if ($a != 'day_view') {
                $temp['text'] = dPshowImage(dPfindImage('block-start-16.png')) . $temp['text'];
            $links[$start->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $temp;
        if ($end && $end->after($startPeriod) && $end->before($endPeriod) && $start->before($end)) {
            $temp = $link;
            $temp['alt'] = "FINISH\n" . $link['alt'];
            if ($a != 'day_view') {
                $temp['text'] .= dPshowImage(dPfindImage('block-end-16.png'));
            $links[$end->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $temp;
        // convert duration to days
        if ($durnType < 24.0) {
            if ($durn > $dPconfig['daily_working_hours']) {
                $durn /= $dPconfig['daily_working_hours'];
            } else {
                $durn = 0.0;
        } else {
            $durn *= $durnType / 24.0;
        // fill in between start and finish based on duration
        // notes:
        // start date is not in a future month, must be this or past month
        // start date is counted as one days work
        // business days are not taken into account
        $target = $start;
        $target->addSeconds($durn * $sid);
        if (Date::compare($target, $startPeriod) < 0) {
        if (Date::compare($start, $startPeriod) > 0) {
            $temp = $start;
        } else {
            $temp = $startPeriod;
        // Optimised for speed, AJD.
        while (Date::compare($endPeriod, $temp) > 0 && Date::compare($target, $temp) > 0 && ($end == null || $temp->before($end))) {
            $links[$temp->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $link;
Example #13
    $q->addWhere('task_parent = ' . (int) $row['task_id']);
    $q->addWhere('task_id <> task_parent');
    $row['children'] = $q->loadResult();
    $row['style'] = taskstyle_pd($row);
    $i = count($projects[$row['task_project']]['tasks']) + 1;
    $row['task_number'] = $i;
    $row['node_id'] = 'node_' . $i . '-' . $row['task_id'];
    if (strpos($row['task_duration'], '.') && $row['task_duration_type'] == 1) {
        $row['task_duration'] = floor($row['task_duration']) . ':' . round(60 * ($row['task_duration'] - floor($row['task_duration'])));
    //pull the final task row into array
    $projects[$row['task_project']]['tasks'][] = $row;
$showEditCheckbox = isset($canEditTasks) && $canEditTasks || $perms->checkModule('admin', 'view');
$durnTypes = w2PgetSysVal('TaskDurationType');
$tempoTask = new CTask();
$userAlloc = $tempoTask->getAllocation('user_id');
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" class="prjprint">
<tr class="prjprint">
        <th width="50%"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Task Name');
        <th width="50" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Work');
        <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Start');
Example #14

if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) {
global $DBType;
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/bitrix/modules/main/classes/" . strtolower($DBType) . "/favorites.php";
__IncludeLang(GetLangFileName(dirname(__FILE__) . "/lang/", "/" . basename(__FILE__)));
//Change site name
$obSite = new CSite();
$obSite->Update("s1", array("NAME" => COption::GetOptionString("main", "site_name", GetMessage("DEFAULT_SITE_NAME"))));
//Edit profile task
$editProfileTask = false;
$dbResult = CTask::GetList(array(), array("NAME" => "main_change_profile"));
if ($arTask = $dbResult->Fetch()) {
    $editProfileTask = $arTask["ID"];
//admin security policy
$z = CGroup::GetByID(1);
if ($res = $z->Fetch()) {
    if ($res["SECURITY_POLICY"] == "") {
        $group = new CGroup();
        $arFields = array("SECURITY_POLICY" => serialize($arGroupPolicy));
        $group->Update(1, $arFields);
//Registered users group
$dbResult = CGroup::GetList($by, $order, array("STRING_ID" => "REGISTERED_USERS"));
if ($dbResult->Fetch()) {
Example #15
$userGroupID = "";
$dbGroup = CGroup::GetList($by = "", $order = "", array("STRING_ID" => "content_editor"));
if ($arGroup = $dbGroup->Fetch()) {
    $userGroupID = $arGroup["ID"];
} else {
    $group = new CGroup();
    $arFields = array("ACTIVE" => "Y", "C_SORT" => 300, "NAME" => GetMessage("SALE_WIZARD_CONTENT_EDITOR"), "DESCRIPTION" => GetMessage("SALE_WIZARD_CONTENT_EDITOR_DESCR"), "USER_ID" => array(), "STRING_ID" => "content_editor");
    $userGroupID = $group->Add($arFields);
    $DB->Query("INSERT INTO b_sticker_group_task(GROUP_ID, TASK_ID)\tSELECT " . intVal($userGroupID) . ", ID FROM b_task WHERE NAME='stickers_edit' AND MODULE_ID='fileman'", false, "FILE: " . __FILE__ . "<br> LINE: " . __LINE__);
if (IntVal($userGroupID) > 0) {
    WizardServices::SetFilePermission(array($siteID, "/bitrix/admin"), array($userGroupID => "R"));
    $rsTasks = CTask::GetList(array(), array("MODULE_ID" => "main", "SYS" => "Y", "BINDIG" => "module", "LETTER" => "P"));
    if ($arTask = $rsTasks->Fetch()) {
        CGroup::SetModulePermission($userGroupID, $arTask["MODULE_ID"], $arTask["ID"]);
    $rsTasks = CTask::GetList(array(), array("MODULE_ID" => "fileman", "SYS" => "Y", "BINDIG" => "module", "LETTER" => "F"));
    if ($arTask = $rsTasks->Fetch()) {
        CGroup::SetModulePermission($userGroupID, $arTask["MODULE_ID"], $arTask["ID"]);
    $SiteDir = "";
    if (WIZARD_SITE_ID != "s1") {
        $SiteDir = "/site_" . WIZARD_SITE_ID;
    WizardServices::SetFilePermission(array($siteID, $SiteDir . "/index.php"), array($userGroupID => "W"));
    WizardServices::SetFilePermission(array($siteID, $SiteDir . "/about/"), array($userGroupID => "W"));
    WizardServices::SetFilePermission(array($siteID, $SiteDir . "/news/"), array($userGroupID => "W"));
    WizardServices::SetFilePermission(array($siteID, $SiteDir . "/catalog/"), array($userGroupID => "W"));
    WizardServices::SetFilePermission(array($siteID, $SiteDir . "/personal/"), array($userGroupID => "W"));
COption::SetOptionString("eshop", "wizard_installed", "Y", false, WIZARD_SITE_ID);
Example #16
 if ($user_id) {
     $q->addWhere("t.task_owner = '{$user_id}'");
 if ($project_id != 0) {
 $proj =& new CProject();
 $proj->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q);
 $obj =& new CTask();
 $obj->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q);
 $task_list_hash = $q->loadHashList('task_id');
 $task_list = array();
 $fetched_projects = array();
 foreach ($task_list_hash as $task_id => $task_data) {
     $task = new CTask();
     $task_list[] = $task;
     $fetched_projects[$task->task_project] = $task_data["project_name"];
 $user_usage = array();
 $task_dates = array();
 $actual_date = $start_date;
 $days_header = "";
 // we will save days title here
 $user_tasks_counted_in = array();
 $user_names = array();
 if (count($task_list) == 0) {
     echo "<p>" . $AppUI->_('No data available') . "</p>";
 } else {
     foreach ($task_list as $task) {
Example #17
	<td align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
		<input class="button" type="submit" name="do_report" value="<?php 
echo $AppUI->_('submit');
" />
echo $AppUI->_('P') . '&nbsp;=&nbsp;' . $AppUI->_('User specific Task Priority');
if ($do_report) {
    // get Users with all Allocation info (e.g. their freeCapacity)
    $tempoTask = new CTask();
    $userAlloc = $tempoTask->getAllocation("user_id");
    // Let's figure out which users we have
    $sql = new DBQuery();
    $sql->addQuery('user_id, user_username');
    if ($log_userfilter != 0) {
        $sql->addWhere('user_id = ' . $log_userfilter);
    $user_list = $sql->loadHashList('user_id');
    $ss = $start_date->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
    $se = $end_date->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
    $sql->addTable('tasks', 't');
    $sql->innerJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = t.task_project');
Example #18
$extra = array('where' => 'project_active = 1');
$project = new CProject();
$projects = $project->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'projects.project_id,project_name', 'project_name', null, $extra, 'projects');
$q = new DBQuery();
$q->addQuery('projects.project_id, company_name');
$q->addJoin('companies', 'co', 'co.company_id = project_company');
$idx_companies = $q->loadHashList();
foreach ($projects as $prj_id => $prj_name) {
    $projects[$prj_id] = $idx_companies[$prj_id] . ': ' . $prj_name;
$projects = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('(None)', UI_OUTPUT_RAW)), $projects);
$extra = array();
$task = new CTask();
$tasks = $task->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'task_id,task_name', 'task_name', null, $extra);
$tasks = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('(None)', UI_OUTPUT_RAW)), $tasks);
if (!$project_id) {
    // setup the title block
    $ttl = 'ProjectDesigner';
    $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock($ttl, 'projectdesigner.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a);
    $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=projects', 'projects list');
    if ($canAddProject) {
        $titleBlock->addCell('<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new project') . '">', '', '<form action="?m=projects&a=addedit" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>');
	<script language="javascript">
Example #19
  * Test updating hours worked for a task
 public function testUpdateHoursWorked()
     CTask::updateHoursWorked(1, 25);
     $xml_file_dataset = $this->createXMLDataSet($this->getDataSetPath() . 'tasksTestUpdateHoursWorked.xml');
     $xml_db_dataset = $this->getConnection()->createDataSet();
     $this->assertTablesEqual($xml_file_dataset->getTable('tasks'), $xml_db_dataset->getTable('tasks'));
Example #20
$obj = new CCompany();
$allowed_companies_ary = $obj->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name');
$allowed_companies = implode(",", array_keys($allowed_companies_ary));
if (!isset($task_id)) {
    $task_id = dPgetParam($_REQUEST, 'task_id', 0);
global $xpg_min, $xpg_pagesize;
$xpg_pagesize = 30;
$xpg_min = $xpg_pagesize * ($page - 1);
// This is where we start our record set from
// load the following classes to retrieved denied records
include_once $AppUI->getModuleClass('projects');
include_once $AppUI->getModuleClass('tasks');
$project = new CProject();
$deny1 = $project->getDeniedRecords($AppUI->user_id);
$task = new CTask();
$deny2 = $task->getDeniedRecords($AppUI->user_id);
global $file_types;
$file_types = dPgetSysVal("FileType");
$folder = $folder ? $folder : 0;
// SQL text for count the total recs from the selected option
$q = new DBQuery();
$q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = file_project');
$q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = file_owner');
$q->addJoin('tasks', 't', 't.task_id = file_task');
$q->addJoin('file_folders', 'ff', 'ff.file_folder_id = file_folder');
$q->addWhere('file_folder = ' . $folder);
if (count($deny1) > 0) {
    $q->addWhere('file_project NOT IN (' . implode(',', $deny1) . ')');
Example #21
     $cap = '';
 if ($showLabels) {
     $caption .= $AppUI->_($projectStatus[$p['project_status']]) . ', ';
     $caption .= $p['project_active'] != 0 ? $AppUI->_('active') : $AppUI->_('archived');
 $enddate = new w2p_Utilities_Date($end);
 $startdate = new w2p_Utilities_Date($start);
 $actual_end = intval($p['project_actual_end_date']) ? $p['project_actual_end_date'] : $end;
 $columnValues = array('project_name' => $pname, 'start_date' => $start, 'end_date' => $end, 'actual_end' => $actual_end);
 $gantt->addBar($columnValues, $caption, 0.6, $p['project_color_identifier'], $p['project_active'], $progress, $p['project_id']);
 // If showAllGant checkbox is checked
 if ($showAllGantt) {
     // insert tasks into Gantt Chart
     // select for tasks for each project
     $task = new CTask();
     $orderBy = $sortTasksByName ? 'task_name' : 'task_end_date ASC';
     $tasks = $task->getAllowedTaskList($AppUI, $p['project_id'], $orderBy);
     $bestColor = bestColor('#ffffff', '#' . $p['project_color_identifier'], '#000000');
     foreach ($tasks as $t) {
         $name = $t['task_name'];
         $name = mb_strlen($name) > 34 ? mb_substr($name, 0, 30) . '...' : $name;
         //Check if start date exists, if not try giving it the end date.
         //If the end date does not exist then set it for today.
         //This avoids jpgraphs internal errors that render the gantt completely useless
         if ($t['task_start_date'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             if ($t['task_end_date'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                 $todaydate = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
                 $t['task_start_date'] = $todaydate->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE);
             } else {
                 $t['task_start_date'] = $t['task_end_date'];
Example #22
     if ($upd_task->task_project && $upd_task->task_id && $upd_task->task_notify) {
 //Action: Unassign User
 if (isset($_POST['bulk_task_unassign']) && $bulk_task_unassign != '') {
     $upd_task = new CTask();
     if ($upd_task->task_id) {
 // Action: Allow user to add task logs for others
 if (isset($_POST['bulk_task_allow_other_user_tasklogs']) && $bulk_task_allow_other_user_tasklogs != '') {
     $upd_task = new CTask();
     if ($upd_task->task_id) {
         $upd_task->task_allow_other_user_tasklogs = $bulk_task_allow_other_user_tasklogs;
         $result = $upd_task->store($AppUI);
         if (is_array($result)) {
 //Action: Other Actions
 if (isset($_POST['bulk_task_other']) && $bulk_task_other != '') {
     if ($upd_task->task_id) {
         //Option 1 - Mark as finished
         if ($bulk_task_other == '1') {
             $upd_task->task_percent_complete = 100;
Example #23
} else {
if ($showEditCheckbox) {
    echo '<th width="1">&nbsp;</th>';
} else {
if ($w2Pconfig['direct_edit_assignment']) {
    // get Users with all Allocation info (e.g. their freeCapacity)
    // but do it only when direct_edit_assignment is on and only once.
    $tempoTask = new CTask();
    $userAlloc = $tempoTask->getAllocation('user_id', null, true);
foreach ($projects as $k => $p) {
    $tnums = isset($p['tasks']) ? count($p['tasks']) : 0;
    if ($tnums > 0 || $project_id == $p['project_id']) {
        //echo '<pre>'; print_r($p); echo '</pre>';
        if (!$min_view) {
            // not minimal view
            $open_link = w2PtoolTip($m, 'Click to Expand/Collapse the Tasks for this Project.') . '<a href="javascript: void(0);"><img onclick="expand_collapse(\'project_' . $p['project_id'] . '_\', \'tblProjects\',\'collapse\',0,2);" id="project_' . $p['project_id'] . '__collapse" src="' . w2PfindImage('up22.png', $m) . '" border="0" width="22" height="22" align="center" ' . (!$expanded ? 'style="display:none"' : '') . ' alt="" /><img onclick="expand_collapse(\'project_' . $p['project_id'] . '_\', \'tblProjects\',\'expand\',0,2);" id="project_' . $p['project_id'] . '__expand" src="' . w2PfindImage('down22.png', $m) . '" border="0" width="22" height="22" align="center" ' . ($expanded ? 'style="display:none"' : '') . ' alt="" /></a>' . w2PendTip();
							<form name="assFrm<?php 
            echo $p['project_id'];
 * The original method didn't return anything..
 * @todo Remove for v4.0 - caseydk 06 March 2013
 * @deprecated
function get_dependencies_pd($task_id)
    trigger_error("get_dependencies_pd() has been deprecated in v3.0 and will be removed in v4.0. Use CTask->getDependencyList instead.", E_USER_NOTICE);
    $task = new CTask();
    return $task->getDependencyList($task_id);
Example #25
$current_uriArray = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$current_uri = $current_uriArray['query'];
$tab = !$company_id && !$project_id && !$task_id || $m == 'files' ? $currentTabId : 0;
$page = w2PgetParam($_GET, 'page', 1);
if (!isset($project_id)) {
    $project_id = w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'project_id', 0);
if (!isset($showProject)) {
    $showProject = true;
$xpg_pagesize = w2PgetConfig('page_size', 50);
$xpg_min = $xpg_pagesize * ($page - 1);
// This is where we start our record set from
// load the following classes to retrieved denied records
$project = new CProject();
$task = new CTask();
$df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
$tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
if (($company_id || $project_id || $task_id) && !($m == 'files')) {
    $catsql = false;
} elseif ($tabbed) {
    if ($tab <= 0) {
        $catsql = false;
    } else {
        $catsql = 'file_category = ' . ($tab - 1);
} else {
    if ($tab < 0) {
        $catsql = false;
    } else {
        $catsql = 'file_category = ' . $tab;
Example #26
 function getDeepChildren()
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addWhere("task_id <> '" . $this->task_id . "' AND task_parent = '" . $this->task_id . "'");
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     $children = db_loadColumn($sql);
     if ($children) {
         $deep_children = array();
         $tempTask = new CTask();
         foreach ($children as $child) {
             $deep_children = array_merge($deep_children, $tempTask->getDeepChildren());
         return array_merge($children, $deep_children);
     return array();
 public function getAllTasksForPeriod($start_date, $end_date, $company_id = 0, $user_id = null)
     global $AppUI;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     // convert to default db time stamp
     $db_start = $start_date->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
     $db_end = $end_date->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
     // Allow for possible passing of user_id 0 to stop user filtering
     if (!isset($user_id)) {
         $user_id = $AppUI->user_id;
     // check permissions on projects
     $proj = new CProject();
     $task_filter_where = $proj->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, 't.task_project');
     // exclude read denied projects
     $deny = $proj->getDeniedRecords($AppUI->user_id);
     // check permissions on tasks
     $obj = new CTask();
     $allow = $obj->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, 't.task_id');
     $q->addTable('tasks', 't');
     if ($user_id) {
         $q->innerJoin('user_tasks', 'ut', 't.task_id=ut.task_id');
     $q->innerJoin('projects', 'projects', 't.task_project = projects.project_id');
     $q->innerJoin('companies', 'companies', 'projects.project_company = companies.company_id');
     $q->leftJoin('project_departments', '', 'projects.project_id = project_departments.project_id');
     $q->leftJoin('departments', '', 'departments.dept_id = project_departments.department_id');
     $q->addQuery('DISTINCT t.task_id, t.task_name, t.task_start_date, t.task_end_date, t.task_percent_complete, t.task_duration' . ', t.task_duration_type, projects.project_color_identifier AS color, projects.project_name, t.task_milestone, task_description, task_type, company_name, task_access, task_owner');
     $q->addWhere('task_status > -1' . ' AND (task_start_date <= \'' . $db_end . '\'  AND t.task_percent_complete<100  OR task_end_date = \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' OR task_end_date = NULL )');
     $q->addWhere('project_active = 1');
     if (($template_status = w2PgetConfig('template_projects_status_id')) != '') {
         $q->addWhere('project_status <> ' . $template_status);
     if ($user_id) {
         $q->addWhere('ut.user_id = ' . (int) $user_id);
     if ($company_id) {
         $q->addWhere('projects.project_company = ' . (int) $company_id);
     if (count($task_filter_where) > 0) {
         $q->addWhere('(' . implode(' AND ', $task_filter_where) . ')');
     if (count($deny) > 0) {
         $q->addWhere('(t.task_project NOT IN (' . implode(', ', $deny) . '))');
     if (count($allow) > 0) {
         $q->addWhere('(' . implode(' AND ', $allow) . ')');
     // assemble query
     $tasks = $q->loadList(-1, 'task_id');
     // check tasks access
     $result = array();
     foreach ($tasks as $key => $row) {
         $canAccess = $obj->canAccess();
         if (!$canAccess) {
         $result[$key] = $row;
     // execute and return
     return $result;
Example #28

if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) {
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("fileman")) {
$arTaskIDs = array();
$dbRes = CTask::GetList(array(), array('MODULE_ID' => 'fileman', 'SYS' => 'Y', 'LETTER' => implode('|', $arAccessRights), 'BINDING' => 'module'));
while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) {
    $arTaskIDs[$arRes['LETTER']] = $arRes['ID'];
$arTasksForModule = array();
foreach ($arAccessRights as $group => $letter) {
    $APPLICATION->SetGroupRight('fileman', $group, $letter);
    $arTasksForModule[$group] = array('ID' => $arTaskIDs[$letter]);
CGroup::SetTasksForModule('fileman', $arTasksForModule);
Example #29
 function CanUserOperateDocumentType($operation, $userId, $documentType, $parameters = array())
     $documentType = trim($documentType);
     if (strlen($documentType) <= 0) {
         return false;
     $parameters["IBlockId"] = intval(substr($documentType, strlen("iblock_")));
     $parameters['sectionId'] = !empty($parameters['sectionId']) ? (int) $parameters['sectionId'] : 0;
     if (!array_key_exists("IBlockRightsMode", $parameters)) {
         $parameters["IBlockRightsMode"] = CIBlock::getArrayByID($parameters["IBlockId"], "RIGHTS_MODE");
     if ($parameters["IBlockRightsMode"] === "E") {
         if ($operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::CreateWorkflow) {
             return CIBlockRights::userHasRightTo($parameters["IBlockId"], $parameters["IBlockId"], "iblock_rights_edit");
         } elseif ($operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::WriteDocument) {
             return CIBlockSectionRights::userHasRightTo($parameters["IBlockId"], $parameters["sectionId"], "section_element_bind");
         } elseif ($operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::ViewWorkflow || $operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::StartWorkflow) {
             if (!array_key_exists("WorkflowId", $parameters)) {
                 return false;
             if ($operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::ViewWorkflow) {
                 return CIBlockRights::userHasRightTo($parameters["IBlockId"], 0, "element_read");
             if ($operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::StartWorkflow) {
                 return CIBlockSectionRights::userHasRightTo($parameters["IBlockId"], $parameters['sectionId'], "section_element_bind");
             $userId = intval($userId);
             if (!array_key_exists("AllUserGroups", $parameters)) {
                 if (!array_key_exists("UserGroups", $parameters)) {
                     $parameters["UserGroups"] = CUser::getUserGroup($userId);
                 $parameters["AllUserGroups"] = $parameters["UserGroups"];
                 $parameters["AllUserGroups"][] = "Author";
             if (!array_key_exists("DocumentStates", $parameters)) {
                 if ($operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::StartWorkflow) {
                     $parameters["DocumentStates"] = CBPWorkflowTemplateLoader::getDocumentTypeStates(array("lists", get_called_class(), "iblock_" . $parameters["IBlockId"]));
                 } else {
                     $parameters["DocumentStates"] = CBPDocument::getDocumentStates(array("lists", get_called_class(), "iblock_" . $parameters["IBlockId"]), null);
             if (array_key_exists($parameters["WorkflowId"], $parameters["DocumentStates"])) {
                 $parameters["DocumentStates"] = array($parameters["WorkflowId"] => $parameters["DocumentStates"][$parameters["WorkflowId"]]);
             } else {
                 return false;
             $allowableOperations = CBPDocument::getAllowableOperations($userId, $parameters["AllUserGroups"], $parameters["DocumentStates"], true);
             if (!is_array($allowableOperations)) {
                 return false;
             if ($operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::ViewWorkflow && in_array("read", $allowableOperations) || $operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::StartWorkflow && in_array("write", $allowableOperations)) {
                 return true;
             $chop = $operation === CBPCanUserOperateOperation::ViewWorkflow ? "element_read" : "section_element_bind";
             $tasks = self::getRightsTasks();
             foreach ($allowableOperations as $op) {
                 if (isset($tasks[$op])) {
                     $op = $tasks[$op]['ID'];
                 $ar = CTask::getOperations($op, true);
                 if (in_array($chop, $ar)) {
                     return true;
         return false;
     if (!array_key_exists("IBlockPermission", $parameters)) {
         if (CModule::includeModule('lists')) {
             $parameters["IBlockPermission"] = CLists::getIBlockPermission($parameters["IBlockId"], $userId);
         } else {
             $parameters["IBlockPermission"] = CIBlock::getPermission($parameters["IBlockId"], $userId);
     if ($parameters["IBlockPermission"] <= "R") {
         return false;
     } elseif ($parameters["IBlockPermission"] >= "W") {
         return true;
     $userId = intval($userId);
     if (!array_key_exists("AllUserGroups", $parameters)) {
         if (!array_key_exists("UserGroups", $parameters)) {
             $parameters["UserGroups"] = CUser::getUserGroup($userId);
         $parameters["AllUserGroups"] = $parameters["UserGroups"];
         $parameters["AllUserGroups"][] = "Author";
     if (!array_key_exists("DocumentStates", $parameters)) {
         $parameters["DocumentStates"] = CBPDocument::getDocumentStates(array("lists", get_called_class(), "iblock_" . $parameters["IBlockId"]), null);
     if (array_key_exists("WorkflowId", $parameters)) {
         if (array_key_exists($parameters["WorkflowId"], $parameters["DocumentStates"])) {
             $parameters["DocumentStates"] = array($parameters["WorkflowId"] => $parameters["DocumentStates"][$parameters["WorkflowId"]]);
         } else {
             return false;
     $allowableOperations = CBPDocument::getAllowableOperations($userId, $parameters["AllUserGroups"], $parameters["DocumentStates"]);
     if (!is_array($allowableOperations)) {
         return false;
     $r = false;
     switch ($operation) {
         case CBPCanUserOperateOperation::ViewWorkflow:
             $r = in_array("read", $allowableOperations);
         case CBPCanUserOperateOperation::StartWorkflow:
             $r = in_array("write", $allowableOperations);
         case CBPCanUserOperateOperation::CreateWorkflow:
             $r = in_array("write", $allowableOperations);
         case CBPCanUserOperateOperation::WriteDocument:
             $r = in_array("write", $allowableOperations);
         case CBPCanUserOperateOperation::ReadDocument:
             $r = false;
             $r = false;
     return $r;
Example #30
 public function getDeepChildren()
     $children = $this->getChildren();
     if ($children) {
         $deep_children = array();
         $tempTask = new CTask();
         foreach ($children as $child) {
             $deep_children = array_merge($deep_children, $tempTask->getDeepChildren());
         return array_merge($children, $deep_children);
     return array();