$apiKey = "";
$consumerSecret = "";
$redirectURI = "";
$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
$username = $_REQUEST['username'];
//We will use PHP cURL to make a request to Constant Contact to get the Access Token.
$rqurl = "https://oauth2.constantcontact.com/oauth2/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id={$apiKey}&client_secret={$consumerSecret}&code={$code}&redirect_uri={$redirectURI}";
$rq = curl_init();
curl_setopt($rq, CURLOPT_URL, $rqurl);
curl_setopt($rq, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rq, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($rq, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($rq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if (!($result = curl_exec($rq))) {
    //If there is an error, dump it so we can see it.
    echo curl_error($rq);
} else {
    echo "<pre>Access Token Information:\n";
    $obj = json_decode($result);
    // The Result of this request is returned as JSON, so we need to parse it.
    //Create the User Ojbect.
    $user['username'] = $username;
    $user['access_token'] = $obj->access_token;
    //Use the DataStore to store the User in the PHP Session.
    //Create a link back to index.php where we can now use the Session Data.
    echo "\n<a href='redirect_uri'>Click Here to Continue</a></pre>";
    //Replace redirect_uri with your index.php full URL.

include_once '../ConstantContact.php';
// Set variables
$api_key = $_GET['apiKey'];
// API Key
$consumer_secret = $_GET['secret'];
// Consumer Secret
$_SESSION['return'] = $_GET['return'];
$callback_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80' ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
// Instantiate ConstantContact class with the key and secret from ConstantContact.php
$CTCTOAuth = new CTCTOAuth($api_key, $consumer_secret, $callback_url);
if (!$_GET['oauth_verifier']) {
    $_SESSION['request_token'] = $CTCTOAuth->request_token->key;
    $_SESSION['request_secret'] = $CTCTOAuth->request_token->secret;
    header('Location: ' . $CTCTOAuth->generateAuthorizeUrl());
} else {
    $returnLocation = 'http://' . $_SESSION['return'];
    $requestToken = new OAuthToken($_SESSION['request_token'], $_SESSION['request_secret']);
    $CTCTOAuth->request_token = $requestToken;
    $CTCTOAuth->username = $_GET['username'];
    $sessionConsumer = array('key' => $CTCTOAuth->access_token->key, 'secret' => $CTCTOAuth->access_token->secret, 'username' => $CTCTOAuth->username);
    $Datastore = new CTCTDataStore();
    header('Location: ' . $returnLocation);