Example #1
			$url = 'local_arc_name='.htmlspecialcharsbx($name);
		if ($url)
			echo '<script>document.location = "/restore.php?Step=1&'.$url.'";</script>';
		echo '<script>EndDump();</script>';
$DB->Query("UNLOCK TABLES",true);

######### Admin list #######
$arFilterFields = array();

$site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath(DOCUMENT_ROOT);
if ($arID = $lAdmin->GroupAction())
	foreach ($arID as $ID)

		if (strlen($ID) <= 0)

		if ($APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission(array($site, $path."/".$ID))< "W")
		switch ($_REQUEST['action'])
			case "delete":
				if (preg_match('#^([0-9]+)_(.+)$#', $ID, $regs))
Example #2
 function RecurseIndex($path = array(), $max_execution_time = 0, &$NS)
     CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path);
     $DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);
     $abs_path = $DOC_ROOT . $path;
     if (strlen($site) <= 0) {
         return 0;
     if (!file_exists($abs_path) || !is_dir($abs_path)) {
         return 0;
     $handle = @opendir($abs_path);
     while (false !== ($file = @readdir($handle))) {
         if ($file == "." || $file == "..") {
         $full_path = $path . "/" . $file;
         if (is_dir($abs_path . "/" . $file)) {
             if ($full_path == "/bitrix" || $full_path == "/" . COption::GetOptionString("main", "upload_dir", "upload")) {
             //this is not first step and we had stopped here, so go on to reindex
             if ($max_execution_time <= 0 || strlen($NS["FLG"]) <= 0 || strlen($NS["FLG"]) > 0 && substr($NS["ID"] . "/", 0, strlen($site . "|" . $full_path . "/")) == $site . "|" . $full_path . "/") {
                 $new_site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($DOC_ROOT . $full_path);
                 if (CUrlRewriter::RecurseIndex(array($new_site, $full_path), $max_execution_time, $NS) === false) {
                     return false;
             } else {
                 //all done
         } else {
             //not the first step and we found last file from previos one
             if ($max_execution_time > 0 && strlen($NS["FLG"]) > 0 && $NS["ID"] == $site . "|" . $full_path) {
                 $NS["FLG"] = "";
             } elseif (strlen($NS["FLG"]) <= 0) {
                 $ID = CUrlRewriter::ReindexFile(array($site, $full_path), $NS["SESS_ID"], $NS["max_file_size"]);
                 if ($ID) {
                     $NS["CNT"] = intval($NS["CNT"]) + 1;
             if ($max_execution_time > 0 && getmicrotime() - START_EXEC_TIME > $max_execution_time) {
                 $NS["FLG"] = "Y";
                 $NS["ID"] = $site . "|" . $full_path;
                 return false;
     return true;
Example #3

if (!$USER->CanDoOperation('fileman_view_file_structure'))



if (isset($_GET['path']))
	$site = CFileMan::__CheckSite($site);
		$site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$path);

	$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();

	$documentRoot = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);
	$path = $io->CombinePath("/", $path);
	$abs_path = $documentRoot.$path;
	$arPath = Array($site, $path);

	if ($io->FileExists($abs_path) && $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_view_file', $arPath))
		$width = isset($width) ? 'width="'.htmlspecialcharsex($width).'"' : '';
		$height = isset($height) ? 'height="'.htmlspecialcharsex($height).'"' : '';
<embed id="flash_preview" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="preview_flash"
Example #4
 function CopyEx($path_from, $path_to, $bDeleteAfterCopy = false, $bOverride = false)
     global $APPLICATION, $USER;
     CMain::InitPathVars($site_from, $path_from);
     $DOC_ROOT_FROM = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site_from);
     CMain::InitPathVars($site_to, $path_to);
     $DOC_ROOT_TO = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site_to);
     $strWarning = '';
     //check: if we copy to the same directory
     if (strpos($DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to . "/", $DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from . "/") === 0) {
         return GetMessage("FILEMAN_LIB_BAD_FOLDER") . ": \"" . $path_from . "\".\n";
     $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
     if ($io->DirectoryExists($DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from)) {
         // Minimal access - read/listing for copying files
         if (!$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_view_listing', array($site_from, $path_from))) {
             return GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FOLDER_READ_DENY") . " \"" . $path_from . "\".\n";
         if ($bDeleteAfterCopy && !$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_delete_folder', array($site_from, $path_from))) {
             return GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FOLDER_DEL_DENY") . " \"" . $path_from . "\".\n";
         //Check: folder exist or not
         $strWarTmp = CFileMan::CreateDir(array($site_to, $path_to));
         if (strlen($strWarTmp) > 0) {
             return $strWarTmp;
         $APPLICATION->CopyFileAccessPermission(array($site_from, $path_from), array($site_to, $path_to));
     } else {
         // If we can write this file
         if (!$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_create_new_file', array($site_to, $path_to))) {
             return GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_WRITE_DENY") . " \"" . $path_to . "\".\n";
         // If we can't read source-file
         if (!$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_view_file', array($site_from, $path_from))) {
             return GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_READ_DENY") . " \"" . $path_from . "\".\n";
         // Copying php or system file without PHP or LPA access
         if (!($USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') || $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_lpa', $arPath) || !(HasScriptExtension($Elem["NAME"]) || substr($Elem["NAME"], 0, 1) == "."))) {
             return GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_READ_DENY") . " \"" . $path_from . "\".\n";
         // If we can't move source-file
         if ($bDeleteAfterCopy && !$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_delete_file', array($site_from, $path_from))) {
             return GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_DEL_DENY") . " \"" . $path_from . "\".\n";
         //Check if folder already exist and trying to create if not
         $p = strrpos($path_to, "/");
         $path_to_dir = substr($path_to, 0, $p);
         $strWarTmp = CFileMan::CreateDir(array($site_to, $path_to_dir));
         if (strlen($strWarTmp) > 0) {
             return $strWarTmp;
         if ($io->FileExists($DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to) || $io->DirectoryExists($DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to)) {
             if ($bOverride) {
                 $strWarn = CFileMan::DeleteEx(array($site_to, $path_to));
                 if ($strWarn != "") {
                     return $strWarn;
             } else {
                 return GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_WITH_NAME") . " \"" . $path_to . "\" " . GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_ALREADY_EXISTS") . "!\n";
         $APPLICATION->CopyFileAccessPermission(array($site_from, $path_from), array($site_to, $path_to));
         //************************** Quota **************************//
         if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") > 0) {
             $f = $io->GetFile($DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from);
             $size = $f->GetFileSize();
             $quota = new CDiskQuota();
             if (!$quota->checkDiskQuota(array("FILE_SIZE" => $size))) {
                 return $quota->LAST_ERROR;
         //************************** Quota **************************//
         // Copy file
         if (DEBUG_FILE_MAN) {
             echo "copy(" . $DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from . "," . $DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to . ");<br>";
         if (!$io->Copy($DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from, $DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to)) {
             $strWarning .= GetMessage('FILEMAN_COPY_ERROR', array('#PATH_FROM#' => htmlspecialcharsex($path_from), '#PATH_TO#' => htmlspecialcharsex($path_to)));
         //************************** Quota **************************//
         if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") > 0) {
             $quota->updateDiskQuota("file", $size, "copy");
         //************************** Quota **************************//
         if (CModule::IncludeModule("search")) {
             $site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to);
             CSearch::ReIndexFile(array($site_to, $path_to), $site);
         if ($bDeleteAfterCopy && strlen($strWarning) <= 0) {
             // If was command "delete after copy"?
             $strWarning .= CFileMan::DeleteFile(array($site_from, $path_from));
         return $strWarning;
     // Recursive
     $d = $io->GetDirectory($DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from);
     $arChildren = $d->GetChildren();
     foreach ($arChildren as $child) {
         $fn = $child->GetName();
         if ($child->IsDirectory()) {
             //go to recursion
             $strWarning .= CFileMan::CopyEx(array($site_from, $path_from . "/" . $fn), array($site_to, $path_to . "/" . $fn), $bDeleteAfterCopy, $bOverride);
             //back from recursion, in this subfolder all right
             //if($bDeleteAfterCopy) //necessary delete this subfolder
             //	$strWarning .= CFileMan::DeleteDir($path_from."/".$file);
         } else {
             if ($fn == ".access.php") {
             //let's check, if we can to write there
             if (!$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_create_new_file', array($site_to, $path_to . "/" . $fn))) {
                 $strWarning .= GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_WRITE_DENY") . " \"" . $path_to . "/" . $fn . "\".\n";
             } elseif (!$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_view_file', array($site_from, $path_from . "/" . $fn))) {
                 $strWarning .= GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_READ_DENY") . " \"" . $path_from . "/" . $fn . "\".\n";
             } elseif (!($USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') || $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_lpa', array($site_from, $path_from . "/" . $fn)) || !(HasScriptExtension($fn) || substr($fn, 0, 1) == "."))) {
                 $strWarning .= GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_READ_DENY") . " \"" . $path_from . "/" . $fn . "\".\n";
             } else {
                 if ($io->FileExists($DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to . "/" . $fn)) {
                     if ($bOverride) {
                         $strWarn = CFileMan::DeleteEx(array($site_to, $path_to . "/" . $fn));
                         if ($strWarn != "") {
                             $strWarning .= $strWarn . "\n";
                     } else {
                         $strWarning .= GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_FILE_WITH_NAME") . " \"" . $path_to . "/" . $fn . "\" " . GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILEMAN_ALREADY_EXISTS") . "!\n";
                 if ($strWarning == "") {
                     //it means we can copy, if we found here
                     $APPLICATION->CopyFileAccessPermission(array($site_from, $path_from . "/" . $fn), array($site_to, $path_to . "/" . $fn));
                     if (DEBUG_FILE_MAN) {
                         echo "copy(" . $DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from . "/" . $fn . "," . $DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to . "/" . $fn . ");<br>";
                     if (!$io->Copy($DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from . "/" . $fn, $DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to . "/" . $fn)) {
                         $strWarning .= GetMessage('FILEMAN_COPY_ERROR', array('#PATH_FROM#' => htmlspecialcharsex($path_from . "/" . $fn), '#PATH_TO#' => htmlspecialcharsex($path_to . "/" . $fn)));
                     //************************** Quota **************************//
                     if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") > 0) {
                         $f = $io->GetFile($DOC_ROOT_TO . $path_to . "/" . $fn);
                         $quota = new CDiskQuota();
                         $quota->updateDiskQuota("file", $f->GetFileSize(), "copy");
                     //************************** Quota **************************//
                     if (CModule::IncludeModule("search")) {
                         $site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($DOC_ROOT_TO, $path_to . "/" . $fn);
                         CSearch::ReindexFile($path_to . "/" . $fn, $site);
                     if ($bDeleteAfterCopy && strlen($strWarning) <= 0) {
                         $strWarning .= CFileMan::DeleteFile(array($site_from, $path_from . "/" . $fn));
     //we may be need, to delete our initial folder
     if ($bDeleteAfterCopy) {
         $strWarning .= CFileMan::DeleteDir(array($site_from, $path_from));
     return $strWarning;
function CheckFields()
    $str = "";
    $arMsg = array();
    $FILENAME = trim($FILENAME);
    $FILENAME = "/" . ltrim(_normalizePath($FILENAME), "/");
    $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
    if (strlen($FILENAME) <= 0) {
        $arMsg[] = array("id" => "FILENAME", "text" => GetMessage("FLOW_FORGOT_FILENAME"));
    } elseif (!$io->ValidatePathString($FILENAME)) {
        $arMsg[] = array("id" => "FILENAME", "text" => GetMessage("FLOW_FILE_NAME_NOT_VALID"));
    } elseif ($SCRIPT_FILE_TYPE != "SOURCE") {
        $arMsg[] = array("id" => "FILENAME", "text" => GetMessage("FLOW_INCORRECT_FILETYPE"));
    } else {
        $SITE_ID = CWorkflow::__CheckSite($SITE_ID);
        if (!$SITE_ID) {
            $SITE_ID = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $FILENAME);
        if (!$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_edit_in_workflow', array($SITE_ID, $FILENAME))) {
            $s = str_replace("#FILENAME#", "{$FILENAME}", GetMessage("FLOW_ACCESS_DENIED"));
            $arMsg[] = array("id" => "FILENAME", "text" => $s . ": " . GetMessage("FLOW_MIN_RIGHTS"));
        } elseif ($STATUS_ID == 1 && !($USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_edit_existent_file', array($SITE_ID, $FILENAME)) && $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_create_new_file', array($SITE_ID, $FILENAME)))) {
            $arMsg[] = array("id" => "FILENAME", "text" => GetMessage("FLOW_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR_FILE_WRITE", array("#FILENAME#" => $FILENAME)));
        } else {
            $z = CWorkflow::GetByFilename($FILENAME, $SITE_ID);
            if ($zr = $z->Fetch()) {
                if ($zr["ID"] != $ID && $zr["STATUS_ID"] != 1) {
                    $arMsg[] = array("id" => "FILENAME", "text" => str_replace("#FILENAME#", $FILENAME, GetMessage("FLOW_FILENAME_EXIST")));
    if (!CWorkflow::IsAdmin()) {
        $arGroups = $USER->GetUserGroupArray();
        if (!is_array($arGroups)) {
            $arGroups = array(2);
        $arFilter = array("GROUP_ID" => $arGroups, "PERMISSION_TYPE_1" => 1, "ID_EXACT_MATCH" => "Y", "ID" => $STATUS_ID);
        $rsStatuses = CWorkflowStatus::GetList($by = "s_c_sort", $strOrder, $arFilter, $is_filtered, array("ID"));
        if (!$rsStatuses->Fetch()) {
            $arMsg[] = array("id" => "STATUS_ID", "text" => GetMessage("FLOW_ERROR_WRONG_STATUS"));
    $bIsPhp = IsPHP($BODY);
    if ($bIsPhp) {
        if ($USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_lpa', array($SITE_ID, $FILENAME)) && !$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php')) {
            if (CModule::IncludeModule("fileman")) {
                $old_res = CFileman::ParseFileContent($APPLICATION->GetFileContent($DOC_ROOT . $FILENAME), true);
                $old_BODY = $old_res["CONTENT"];
                $BODY = CMain::ProcessLPA($BODY, $old_BODY);
            } else {
                $arMsg[] = array("id" => "BODY", "text" => "Error! Fileman is not included!");
        } else {
            if (!$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php')) {
                $arMsg[] = array("id" => "BODY", "text" => GetMessage("FLOW_PHP_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE"));
    if (!empty($arMsg)) {
        $e = new CAdminException($arMsg);
        return false;
    return true;
Example #6
 function SaveFileContent($abs_path, $strContent)
     $strContent = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $strContent);
     $file = array();
     foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnBeforeChangeFile", true) as $arEvent) {
         if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($abs_path, &$strContent)) == false) {
             if (!$this->GetException()) {
                 $this->ThrowException(GetMessage("main_save_file_handler_error", array("#HANDLER#" => $arEvent["TO_NAME"])));
             return false;
     $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
     $fileIo = $io->GetFile($abs_path);
     if ($fileIo->IsExists()) {
         $file["exists"] = true;
         if (!$fileIo->IsWritable()) {
         $file["size"] = $fileIo->GetFileSize();
     /****************************** QUOTA ******************************/
     if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") > 0) {
         $quota = new CDiskQuota();
         if (false === $quota->checkDiskQuota(array("FILE_SIZE" => intVal(strLen($strContent) - intVal($file["size"]))))) {
             $this->ThrowException($quota->LAST_ERROR, "BAD_QUOTA");
             return false;
     /****************************** QUOTA ******************************/
     if ($fileIo->PutContents($strContent)) {
     } else {
         if ($file["exists"]) {
             $this->ThrowException(GetMessage("MAIN_FILE_NOT_CREATE"), "FILE_NOT_CREATE");
         } else {
             $this->ThrowException(GetMessage("MAIN_FILE_NOT_OPENED"), "FILE_NOT_OPEN");
         return false;
     $site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($abs_path);
     $DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);
     if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
         //Fix for name case under Windows
         $abs_path = strtolower($abs_path);
         $DOC_ROOT = strtolower($DOC_ROOT);
     if (strpos($abs_path, $DOC_ROOT) === 0 && $site !== false) {
         $DOC_ROOT = rtrim($DOC_ROOT, "/\\");
         $path = "/" . ltrim(substr($abs_path, strlen($DOC_ROOT)), "/\\");
         foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnChangeFile", true) as $arEvent) {
             ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($path, $site));
     /****************************** QUOTA ******************************/
     if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") > 0) {
         $fs = $fileIo->GetFileSize();
         CDiskQuota::updateDiskQuota("files", intVal($fs - intVal($file["size"])), "update");
     /****************************** QUOTA ******************************/
     return true;
Example #7
global $meeting_folder;
// $folder = $_REQUEST["install_public_path"];
// $folder = str_replace('\\', '/', $folder);
$meeting_folder = '/services/meeting/';
$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
if (substr($meeting_folder, -4) != '.php') {
    $meeting_folder .= (substr($meeting_folder, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . 'index.php';
$fileName = $io->ExtractNameFromPath($meeting_folder);
$meeting_folder = $io->ExtractPathFromPath($meeting_folder);
$menuFolder = $io->ExtractPathFromPath($meeting_folder);
$absPath = $io->RelativeToAbsolutePath($meeting_folder);
$absMenuPath = $io->RelativeToAbsolutePath($menuFolder);
$absFile = $absPath . '/' . $fileName;
$arReplace = array('#TITLE#' => GetMessage('MEETING_MODULE_NAME'), '#PATH#' => $meeting_folder . '/', '#RESERVE_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID#' => 0, '#RESERVE_VMEETING_IBLOCK_ID#' => 0);
$site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($absPath);
if (CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) {
    $arXMLID = array("meeting_rooms_" . $site => '#RESERVE_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID#', "video-meeting_" . $site => '#RESERVE_VMEETING_IBLOCK_ID#');
    $rsIBlock = CIBlock::GetList(array(), array("XML_ID" => array_keys($arXMLID), "TYPE" => "events"));
    while ($arIBlock = $rsIBlock->Fetch()) {
        $arReplace[$arXMLID[$arIBlock['XML_ID']]] = $arIBlock['ID'];
if ($io->CreateDirectory($absPath)) {
    $c = str_replace(array_keys($arReplace), array_values($arReplace), file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/public/index.php"));
    if ($f = $io->GetFile($absFile)) {
        CUrlRewriter::Add(array('CONDITION' => '#^' . $meeting_folder . '/#', 'RULE' => '', 'ID' => 'bitrix:meetings', 'PATH' => $meeting_folder . '/' . $fileName));
    if (CModule::IncludeModule('fileman')) {
        $absMenuFile = $absMenuPath . '/.left.menu.php';
Example #8
 private static function getCurTemplate($path, $mp_mode = false)
     if (!$mp_mode) {
         $dbSiteRes = CSite::GetTemplateList(CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($path, true));
         if (($arSiteRes = $dbSiteRes->Fetch()) !== false) {
             return $arSiteRes['TEMPLATE'];
     return '.default';
Example #9
 function CheckBackup()
     $arCount = 0;
     $arResult = array();
     $arResult["STATUS"] = false;
     $bMcrypt = function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt');
     $bBitrixCloud = $bMcrypt && CModule::IncludeModule('bitrixcloud') && CModule::IncludeModule('clouds');
     $site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath(DOCUMENT_ROOT);
     $path = BX_ROOT . "/backup";
     $arTmpFiles = array();
     $arFilter = array();
     GetDirList(array($site, $path), $arDir, $arTmpFiles, $arFilter, array('sort' => 'asc'), "F");
     foreach ($arTmpFiles as $ar) {
         if (strpos($ar['NAME'], ".enc.gz") || strpos($ar['NAME'], ".tar.gz") || strpos($ar['NAME'], ".tar") || strpos($ar['NAME'], ".enc")) {
     if ($bBitrixCloud) {
         $backup = CBitrixCloudBackup::getInstance();
         try {
             foreach ($backup->listFiles() as $ar) {
                 if (strpos($ar['FILE_NAME'], ".enc.gz") || strpos($ar['FILE_NAME'], ".tar.gz") || strpos($ar['FILE_NAME'], ".tar") || strpos($ar['FILE_NAME'], ".enc")) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($arCount > 0) {
         $arResult["STATUS"] = true;
         $arResult["MESSAGE"]["PREVIEW"] = GetMessage("CL_FOUND_BACKUP", array("#count#" => $arCount));
     } else {
         $arResult["MESSAGE"]["PREVIEW"] = GetMessage("CL_NOT_FOUND_BACKUP");
     return $arResult;
Example #10
            foreach ($arPropTypes_tmp as $k => $v) {
                if (is_set($arDefProps, $k)) {
                    $arAllPropFields_tmp[] = $arDefProps[$k];
            if (is_array($arAllPropFields)) {
                foreach ($arAllPropFields as $v) {
                    $arAllPropFields_tmp[] = $v;
            $arAllPropFields = $arAllPropFields_tmp;
            $tagFindPath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $path . '/_';
            $documentSite = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($tagFindPath);
            for ($i = 0, $l = count($arAllPropFields); $i < $l; $i++) {
                $arProp = $arAllPropFields[$i];
								<td  valign="top" <?php 
                if (!$arProp["NAME"]) {
                    echo 'nowrap';
									<input type="hidden" id="H_CODE_<?php 
                echo $i;
" name="H_CODE_<?php 
                echo $i;