Example #1
  * simple search with an operator and words
  * @param string  $operator    'And' or 'Or' default : 'Or'
  * @param string  $words       data
  * @param integer $start       the begining of the paging
  * @param integer $limit       the interval of the paging
  * @param array   $names_types the restrictive type(s) where the search take place.
  * @param bool    $aggregation parameter the search to be aggregated or not.
  * @return \Elastica\ResultSet
 function searchQueryString($operator, $words, $start = 0, $limit = 30, $names_types = null, $aggregation = false)
     $words = CSearch::normalizeEncoding($words);
     // Define a Query. We want a string query.
     $queryString = new Elastica\Query\QueryString($words);
     // Create the actual search object with some data.
     $query = new Elastica\Query($queryString);
     //create aggregation
     if ($aggregation) {
         // on aggrège d'abord par class d'object référents
         // on effectue un sous aggrégation par id des objets référents.
         $agg_by_date = new CSearchAggregation("Terms", "date_log", "date", 10);
         $sub_agg_by_user = new CSearchAggregation("Terms", "user_id", "user_id", 10);
         $sub_agg_by_contexte = new CSearchAggregation("Terms", "contexte", "_type", 10);
     } else {
         //  Pagination
         // Where to start
     $query->setHighlight(array("fields" => array("body" => array("pre_tags" => array(" <em> <strong> "), "post_tags" => array(" </strong> </em>"), "fragment_size" => 80, "number_of_fragments" => 10))));
     //Search on the index.
     $index = CAppUI::conf("search index_name") . "_log";
     $index = $this->loadIndex($index);
     $search = new \Elastica\Search($this->_client);
     if ($names_types) {
     return $search->search($query);