  * Restores a user session from the identity cookie.
  * This method is used when automatic login ({@link allowAutoLogin}) is enabled. The user identity information is
  * recovered from cookie.
  * @todo Verify that it's totally necessary to re-save the cookie with a new user session token
  * @return null
 protected function restoreFromCookie()
     // If this request doesn't want to extend the user session, it is unfortunately not possible for us to restore
     // their user session from a cookie, because the cookie needs to be re-saved with a new user session token,
     // but we can't do that without also setting a new expiration date.
     if ($this->_dontExtendSession) {
     // See if they have an existing identity cookie.
     $cookie = $this->getIdentityCookie();
     if ($cookie) {
         $data = $this->getIdentityCookieValue($cookie);
         if ($data && $this->_checkUserAgentString($data[4])) {
             $loginName = $data[0];
             $currentSessionToken = $data[1];
             $uid = $data[2];
             $rememberMe = $data[3];
             $states = $data[5];
             $currentUserAgent = craft()->request->userAgent;
             $this->authTimeout = craft()->config->getUserSessionDuration($rememberMe);
             // Get the hashed token from the db based on login name and uid.
             if (($sessionRow = $this->_findSessionToken($loginName, $uid)) !== false) {
                 $dbHashedToken = $sessionRow['token'];
                 $userId = $sessionRow['userId'];
                 // Make sure the given session token matches what we have in the db.
                 $checkHashedToken = craft()->security->hashData(base64_encode(serialize($currentSessionToken)));
                 if (\CPasswordHelper::same($checkHashedToken, $dbHashedToken)) {
                     // It's all good.
                     if ($this->beforeLogin($loginName, $states, true)) {
                         $this->changeIdentity($userId, $loginName, $states);
                         if ($this->autoRenewCookie) {
                             // Generate a new session token for the database and cookie.
                             $newSessionToken = craft()->security->generateRandomString(32);
                             $hashedNewToken = craft()->security->hashData(base64_encode(serialize($newSessionToken)));
                             $this->_updateSessionToken($loginName, $dbHashedToken, $hashedNewToken);
                             // While we're let's clean up stale sessions.
                             // Save updated info back to identity cookie.
                             $data = array($this->getName(), $newSessionToken, $uid, $rememberMe ? 1 : 0, $currentUserAgent, $states);
                             $this->_identityCookie = $this->saveCookie('', $data, $this->authTimeout);
                             $this->_sessionRestoredFromCookie = true;
                             $this->_userRow = null;
                 } else {
                     Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but the given hashed database token value does not appear to belong to the given login name. Hashed db value: ' . $dbHashedToken . ' and loginName: ' . $loginName . '.', LogLevel::Warning);
                     // Forcing logout here clears the identity cookie helping to prevent session fixation.
             } else {
                 Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but the given login name does not match the given uid. UID: ' . $uid . ' and loginName: ' . $loginName . '.', LogLevel::Warning);
                 // Forcing logout here clears the identity cookie helping to prevent session fixation.
         } else {
             Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but it appears we the data in the cookie is invalid.', LogLevel::Warning);
Example #2
 private function checkPasswordResetToken($user, $token)
     // Saved token - Format: randomToken.generationTime
     $savedTokenInfo = $user->getSetting('passwordRecoveryToken', 'user');
     if ($savedTokenInfo !== "") {
         list($generatedToken, $generationTime) = explode('.', $savedTokenInfo);
         if (CPasswordHelper::same($generatedToken, $token)) {
             // Check token generation time
             if ($generationTime + 24 * 60 * 60 >= time()) {
                 return true;
     return false;
  * Gets whether the CSRF token is valid for the current user or not
  * @param $token
  * @return bool
  * @throws \CException
 protected function csrfTokenValidForCurrentUser($token)
     $currentUser = false;
     if (craft()->isInstalled() && craft()->getComponent('userSession', false)) {
         $currentUser = craft()->userSession->getUser();
     if ($currentUser) {
         $splitToken = explode('|', $token, 2);
         if (count($splitToken) !== 2) {
             return false;
         list($nonce, $hashFromToken) = $splitToken;
         // Check that this token is for the current user
         $passwordHash = $currentUser->password;
         $userId = $currentUser->id;
         $hashable = implode('|', array($nonce, $userId, $passwordHash));
         $expectedToken = $nonce . '|' . craft()->security->computeHMAC($hashable);
         return \CPasswordHelper::same($token, $expectedToken);
     } else {
         // If they're logged out, any token is fine
         return true;
Example #4
  * Validates a given password against database record
  * @param string $password unhashed
  * @return boolean Success
 public function validatePassword($password)
     if (CPasswordHelper::same($this->password, $this->hashPassword($password))) {
         return true;
     return false;