Example #1

$fb =& CFotobox::getInstance();
$page = intval($_GET['page']);
$limit = 56;
$start = $page * $limit;
$fotos = $fb->fotosByTags(false, false, 3, false, $start, $limit);
$totalFotos = $GLOBALS['dbh']->found_rows();
$totalPages = floor($totalFotos / $limit);
$showPages = 30;
$pg = new CPaging($page, $showPages, $totalPages);
echo '<div style="padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px;"><iframe name="showSelected" src="show_public_fotos.php" style="width:660px; height:80px;"></iframe></div>
        <div style="padding-bottom:10px;">';
if ($page - $showPages > 0) {
    echo $pg->getFirstPage('1') . '&nbsp;&middot;&middot;&middot;';
echo $pg->getPages();
if ($page < $totalPages - $showPages) {
    echo '&middot;&middot;&middot;&nbsp;' . $pg->getLastPage($totalPages);
echo '</div>';
$i = 1;
echo '<form name="fotos">';
foreach ($fotos as $v) {
    echo '<div style="float:left; padding-right:5px; padding-bottom:15px; text-align:center;"><a href="show_public_fotos.php?doId=' . $v['P_ID'] . '" target="showSelected"><img src="' . PATH_FOTO . $v['P_THUMB_PATH'] . '" /></a><br/>' . $v['P_WIDTH'] . 'x' . $v['P_HEIGHT'] . '<br/><a href="' . PATH_FOTO . $v['P_WEB_PATH'] . '" target="_blank" style="font-size:10px;">larger</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:confirmSubmit(' . $v['P_ID'] . ',' . $v['P_U_ID'] . ');" style="font-size:10px;">delete</a>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="deletes" value="' . $v['P_ID'] . ',' . $v['P_U_ID'] . '" /></div>';
echo '
        <br clear="all"/>
        <div style="padding-top:10px;"><input type="button" value="Delete all checked" onclick="batchDelete();" /></form>';
echo '<br clear="all" />';
Example #2
    $viewer = 'groupfotoviewer';
} else {
    $f =& CFotobox::getInstance();
    $foto_history = $f->history($_USER_ID);
    $fotos_url_part = 'fotobox_myfotos';
    $group_url_suffix = '';
    $viewer = 'fotoviewer';
$cnt_history = count($foto_history);
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1;
$pages_to_display = 16;
$per_page = 6;
$total_pages = ceil($cnt_history / $per_page);
$start = $page * $per_page - $per_page;
$end = $start + $per_page < $cnt_history ? $start + $per_page : $cnt_history;
$pg = new CPaging($page, $pages_to_display, $total_pages);
if ($cnt_history == 0) {
    echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="545">
                You do not have an upload history.
                You can begin to upload fotos by clicking <a href="/?action=fotobox.upload_form">here</a>.
} else {
    echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="545">
              <td align="right">
                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">