Example #1
function do_exec_system($username, $dir, $cmd, &$out, &$err, &$ret, $input)
    global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
    global $global_shell_out, $global_shell_error, $global_shell_ret;
    dprint("<hr> {$dir} <br> {$cmd} <hr> ");
    $path = "{$sgbl->__path_lxmisc}";
    $fename = tempnam($sgbl->__path_tmp, "system_errr");
    $execcmd = null;
    	if ($username !== '__system__') {
    		$execcmd = "$path -u $username";
    $sh = new COM("Wscript.shell");
    if ($dir) {
        if (!csa($dir, ':')) {
            $dir = getcwd() . "/{$dir}";
        $sh->currentDirectory = $dir;
    $out = null;
    $ret = 0;
    $err = null;
    dprint("\n ** mmmmmm {$dir} {$cmd} **\n");
    $cmdobject = $sh->Exec($cmd);
    if ($input) {
    $out = $cmdobject->StdOut->ReadAll();
    $err = $cmdobject->StdErr->ReadAll();
    $ret = 0;
    $sh->currentDirectory = $sgbl->__path_program_htmlbase;
    	function ReadAllFromAny($ret)
    		if (!($ret->StdOut->AtEndOfStream)){
    		  return $Ret;
    		if (!($ret->StdErr->AtEndOfStream)){
    			$Ret="STDERR: ".$ret->StdErr->ReadAll();
    		    return $Ret;
            return -1;
    if ($ret) {
        log_shell_error("{$err}: [({$username}:{$dir}) {$cmd}]");
    log_shell("{$ret}: {$err} [({$username}:{$dir}) {$cmd}]");
    $global_shell_ret = $ret;
    $global_shell_out = $out;
    $global_shell_error = $err;
 * The actual renderingfunction for handling all the stuff
function renderEngine($timelinesrc, $args = null, $parser = null)
    global $wgTitle, $wgUploadDirectory, $wgUploadPath, $wgGraphVizSettings, $info;
    // some html-output for retracing what we did
    $info = "<h1>Graphviz Information</h1>";
    $info .= "<h2>Called render</h2>";
    /* Prepare Directories
    $dest = $wgUploadDirectory . "/graphviz/";
    if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN') && !stristr(PHP_OS, 'Darwin')) {
        $dest = str_replace("/", '\\', $dest);
        // switch the slashes for windows
        $isWindows = true;
    } else {
        $isWindows = false;
    if (!is_dir($dest)) {
        mkdir($dest, 0777);
    // create directory if it isn't there
    /* Start pruning  (if enabled) - use directory generated before
     * prune before creating a new image so that it won't be pruned right after creation
    if ($wgGraphVizSettings->pruneEnabled) {
        prune($dest, $wgGraphVizSettings->pruneStrategy, $wgGraphVizSettings->pruneValue, $wgGraphVizSettings->pruneAmount);
        // prune the collection first
    /* Check renderer - renderer should be set at least in renderMscgen or renderGraphviz but for security we check agaion and set some additional params
    if (isset($args['renderer'])) {
        $renderer = $args['renderer'];
    } else {
        $renderer = 'dot';
    switch ($renderer) {
        case 'circo':
        case 'dot':
        case 'fdp':
        case 'sfdp':
        case 'neato':
        case 'twopi':
            $mapDashTOption = ' -Tcmapx ';
            $inputOption = '';
        case 'mscgen':
            if ($wgGraphVizSettings->mscgenPath != null) {
                // check if path to mscgen is set - if not use agaion graphviz with dot
                $inputOption = '-i ';
                $mapDashTOption = ' -T ismap ';
                $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath = $wgGraphVizSettings->mscgenPath;
                // not that nice but functional: overwrite execPath with the path to mscgen
            } else {
                $renderer = 'dot';
                $mapDashTOption = ' -Tcmapx ';
                $inputOption = '';
            $renderer = 'dot';
            $mapDashTOption = ' -Tcmapx ';
            $inputOption = '';
    /* create the command for graphviz or mscgen
    $cmd = $renderer;
    $cmd = $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . $cmd;
    // example: /user/bin/dot
    if ($isWindows) {
        $cmd = $cmd . '.exe';
        // executables in windows
    $info .= "<pre>Dir={$dest}</pre>";
    $info .= "<pre>execPath=" . $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . "</pre>";
    $info .= "<pre>named=" . $wgGraphVizSettings->named . "</pre>";
    /* create actual storagename
    $wgGraphVizSettings->named = strtolower($wgGraphVizSettings->named);
    // avoid problems with upper/lowercase
    /* get title name from parser. If parser not set, use $wgTitle instead
    if ($parser != null) {
        $title = $parser->getTitle()->getFulltext();
    } else {
        $title = $wgTitle->getFulltext();
    $storagename = str_replace("%", '_perc_', urlencode($title)) . '---';
    // clean up pagename (special chars etc)
    if ($wgGraphVizSettings->named == 'md5') {
        $storagename = md5($storagename . $timelinesrc);
        // produce md5-hash out of the storagename !can be duplicate!
    } elseif ($wgGraphVizSettings->named == 'sha1') {
        $storagename = sha1($storagename . $timelinesrc);
        // produce sha1-hash
    } else {
        // named == 'named'
        $storagename .= str_replace("%", '_perc_', urlencode(trim(str_replace(array("\n", "\\"), array('', '/'), substr($timelinesrc, 0, strpos($timelinesrc, '{'))))));
    $info .= "<pre>storagename=" . $storagename . "</pre>";
    /* check if some outputtype is specified in the wikipage - else use the default value
    if (isset($args['format'])) {
        $outputType = $args['format'];
    } else {
        $outputType = $wgGraphVizSettings->outputType;
    /* inputcheck of supported image types
    if ($renderer != 'mscgen') {
        // see supported types by graphviz itself (here only those that seem to be kind of useful) - http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html
        switch ($outputType) {
            case 'bmp':
            case 'gif':
            case 'jpg':
            case 'jpeg':
            case 'png':
            case 'svg':
                // for svg you need extra MediaWiki configuration
            // for svg you need extra MediaWiki configuration
            case 'svgz':
                // same as for svg
                // case 'tif':
                // case 'tiff':
                $outputType = 'png';
    } else {
        // mscgen does only support png, svg and eps
        switch ($outputType) {
            case 'png':
            case 'svg':
                $outputType = 'png';
    $info .= "<pre>outputType=" . $outputType . "</pre>";
    /* prepare the actual files
    $src = $dest . $storagename;
    // the raw input code - needed for the renderers - e.g. /graphviz/imagename (will be deleted later on)
    $imgn = $src . '.' . $outputType;
    // the whole image name -  e.g. /graphviz/imagename.png
    $mapn = $src . '.map';
    // the whole map name   - e.g. /graphviz/imagename.map
    $info .= '<pre>Src=' . $src . '</pre>';
    $info .= '<pre>imgn=' . $imgn . '</pre>';
    $info .= '<pre>mapn=' . $mapn . '</pre>';
    /* The actual commands for the rendering
     * check first if we have to overwrite the file (if we don't use hashes) or if it already exists
    if ($wgGraphVizSettings->named == 'named' || !(file_exists($imgn) || file_exists($src . ".err"))) {
        $timelinesrc = rewriteWikiUrls($timelinesrc);
        // if we use wiki-links we transform them to real urls
        // write the given dot-commands into a textfile
        $handle = fopen($src, "w");
        if (!$handle) {
            return 'Error writing graphviz file to disk.';
        $ret2 = fwrite($handle, $timelinesrc);
        $ret3 = fclose($handle);
        $info .= '<pre>Opened and closed $src, handle=' . $handle . ', timeelinesrc=' . $timelinesrc . ', ret2=' . $ret2 . ', ret3=' . $ret3 . '</pre>';
        // prepare the whole commands for image and map
        $cmdline = wfEscapeShellArg($cmd) . ' -T ' . $outputType . '   -o ' . wfEscapeShellArg($imgn) . ' ' . $inputOption . wfEscapeShellArg($src);
        $cmdlinemap = wfEscapeShellArg($cmd) . $mapDashTOption . '-o ' . wfEscapeShellArg($mapn) . ' ' . $inputOption . wfEscapeShellArg($src);
        // run the commands
        if ($isWindows) {
            $WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell");
            $ret = $WshShell->Exec($cmdline);
            $retmap = $WshShell->Exec($cmdlinemap);
        } else {
            $ret = shell_exec($cmdline);
            $retmap = shell_exec($cmdlinemap);
        $info .= '<pre>Ran cmd line (image). ret=$ret cmdline=' . $cmdline . '</pre>';
        $info .= '<pre>Ran cmd line (map). ret=$ret cmdlinemap=' . $cmdlinemap . '</pre>';
        // Error messages for image-creation
        if ($wgGraphVizSettings->install && $ret == "") {
            echo '<div id="toc"><tt>Timeline error: Executable not found.' . "\n" . 'Command line was: ' . $cmdline . '</tt></div>';
            $info .= '<div id="toc"><tt>Timeline error: Executable not found.' . "\n" . 'Command line was: ' . $cmdline . '</tt></div>';
        // Error messages for map-creation
        if ($wgGraphVizSettings->install && $retmap == "") {
            echo '<div id="toc"><tt>Timeline error: Executable not found.' . "\n" . 'Command line was: ' . $cmdlinemap . '</tt></div>';
            $info .= '<div id="toc"><tt>Timeline error: Executable not found.' . "\n" . 'Command line was: ' . $cmdlinemap . '</tt></div>';
        // let some other programs do their stuff
        if ($isWindows) {
            while ($ret->Status == 0 || $retmap->Status == 0) {
        // delete the src right away
    /* put the produced into the website
    @($err = file_get_contents($src . ".err"));
    // not really used
    if ($err != "") {
        $info .= '<div id="toc"><tt>' . $err . '</tt></div>';
        // print error message
    } else {
        if (false == ($map = file_get_contents($mapn))) {
            if ($wgGraphVizSettings->install) {
                echo '<div id="toc"><tt>File: ' . $mapn . ' is missing or empty.</tt></div>';
                $info .= '<div id="toc"><tt>File: ' . $mapn . ' is missing or empty.</tt></div>';
        // clean up map-name
        $map = preg_replace('#<ma(.*)>#', ' ', $map);
        $map = str_replace('</map>', '', $map);
        if ($renderer == 'mscgen') {
            $mapbefore = $map;
            $map = preg_replace('/(\\w+)\\s([_:%#/\\w]+)\\s(\\d+,\\d+)\\s(\\d+,\\d+)/', '<area shape="$1" href="$2" title="$2" alt="$2" coords="$3,$4" />', $map);
        /* Procduce html
        if ($wgGraphVizSettings->imageFormatting) {
            $txt = imageAtrributes($args, $storagename, $map, $outputType, $wgUploadPath);
            // if we want borders/position/...
        } else {
            $txt = '<map name="' . $storagename . '">' . $map . '</map>' . '<img src="' . $wgUploadPath . '/graphviz/' . $storagename . '.' . $outputType . '"' . ' usemap="#' . $storagename . '" />';
    /* give it back to your wiki
    if ($wgGraphVizSettings->info) {
        $txt .= $info;
    // do we want the information snipptes?
    return $txt;
Example #3

 * This file is part of Workflow.
 * (c) sysatom <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
$url = $argv[1];
$path = urldecode($url);
$path = trim(str_replace('workflow://', '', $path), '/');
// extension=php_com_dotnet.dll
$pCOM = new COM("WScript.Shell");
$pShell = $pCOM->Exec($path);