Example #1
  * @see parent::updateFormFields()
 function updateFormFields()
     if ($this->end_datetime && $this->start_datetime) {
         $this->_duration = CMbDT::timeRelative($this->start_datetime, $this->end_datetime);
Example #2
 * $Id: inc_personnel.php 20938 2013-11-13 11:02:47Z aurelie17 $
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage bloodSalvage
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision: 20938 $
function loadAffected(&$blood_salvage_id, &$list_nurse_sspi, &$tabAffected, &$timingAffect)
    $affectation = new CAffectationPersonnel();
    $affectation->object_class = "CBloodSalvage";
    $affectation->object_id = $blood_salvage_id;
    $tabAffected = $affectation->loadMatchingList();
    foreach ($tabAffected as $key => $affect) {
        if (array_key_exists($affect->personnel_id, $list_nurse_sspi)) {
    // Initialisations des tableaux des timings
    foreach ($tabAffected as $key => $affectation) {
        $timingAffect[$affectation->_id]["_debut"] = array();
        $timingAffect[$affectation->_id]["_fin"] = array();
    // Remplissage des tableaux des timings
    foreach ($tabAffected as $id => $affectation) {
        foreach ($timingAffect[$affectation->_id] as $key => $value) {
            for ($i = -10; $i < 10 && $affectation->{$key} !== null; $i++) {
                $timingAffect[$affectation->_id][$key][] = CMbDT::time("{$i} minutes", $affectation->{$key});
Example #3
  * @see parent::build
 function build(CHPREvent $event)
     $message = $event->message;
     $data = array();
     // H-1 : Field Separator
     $data[] = $message->fieldSeparator;
     // H-2: Encoding Characters (ST)
     $data[] = substr($message->getEncodingCharacters(), 1);
     // H-3 : Message ID
     $data[] = $event->_exchange_hpr->_id;
     // H-4 : Password
     $data[] = null;
     // H-5 : Sender ID
     $data[] = $event->_sender->nom;
     // H-6 : Sender address
     $data[] = null;
     // H-7 : Context
     $data[] = $event->event_type;
     // H-8 : Sender phone
     $data[] = null;
     // H-9 : Transmission characteristics
     $data[] = null;
     // H-10 : Receiver ID
     $data[] = array($event->_receiver->_id, $event->_receiver->nom);
     // H-11 : Comment
     $data[] = null;
     // H-12 : Processing ID
     $data[] = null;
     // H-13 : Version and Type
     $data[] = array(array($event->version, $event->_exchange_hpr->type));
     // H-14 : Date/Time of Message
     $data[] = CMbDT::dateTime();
Example #4
 protected function updateDateCodage()
     $ds = $this->ds;
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `codage_ccam`;";
     $rows = $ds->exec($query);
     while ($_codage = $ds->fetchObject($rows, 'CCodageCCAM')) {
         $date = null;
         switch ($_codage->codable_class) {
             case 'CConsultation':
                 $date = $_codage->_ref_codable->_date;
             case 'COperation':
                 $date = $_codage->_ref_codable->date;
             case 'CSejour':
                 $date = CMbDT::date('', $_codage->_ref_codable->entree);
         $query = "UPDATE `codage_ccam`\r\n                  SET `date` = '{$date}' WHERE `codage_ccam_id` = {$_codage->_id};";
     return true;
  * @see parent::checkProperty()
 function checkProperty($object)
     $propValue =& $object->{$this->fieldName};
     $time_format = "/^\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}(:\\d{1,2})?\$/";
     // Format
     if (!preg_match($time_format, $propValue)) {
         if ($propValue === 'current' || $propValue === 'now') {
             $propValue = CMbDT::time();
             return null;
         return "Format d'heure invalide";
     // min
     if ($this->min) {
         if (!preg_match($time_format, $this->min)) {
             trigger_error("Spécification de minimum time invalide (min = {$this->min})", E_USER_WARNING);
             return "Erreur système";
         if ($propValue < $this->min) {
             return "Doit avoir une valeur minimale de {$this->min}";
     // max
     if ($this->max) {
         if (!preg_match($time_format, $this->max)) {
             trigger_error("Spécification de maximum time invalide (max = {$this->max})", E_USER_WARNING);
             return "Erreur système";
         if ($propValue > $this->max) {
             return "Doit avoir une valeur maximale de {$this->max}";
     return null;
  * @see parent::store()
 function store()
     if ($this->fieldModified("content") || !$this->last_modified) {
         $this->last_modified = CMbDT::dateTime();
     return parent::store();
  * @see parent::store()
 function store()
     if (!$this->creation_date) {
         $this->creation_date = CMbDT::dateTime();
         if ($this->_id) {
             $this->creation_date = $this->loadFirstLog()->date;
     if ($this->fieldModified("handled", "1") || $this->handled && !$this->handled_date && !$this->handled_user_id) {
         $this->handled_date = CMbDT::dateTime();
         $this->handled_user_id = CMediusers::get()->_id;
         if ($this->handled) {
             $last_log = $this->loadLastLog();
             $this->handled_date = $last_log->date;
             $this->handled_user_id = $last_log->user_id;
     if ($this->fieldModified("handled", "0")) {
         $this->handled_date = $this->handled_user_id = "";
     if ($msg = parent::store()) {
         return $msg;
  * Build EVN segement
  * @param CHL7v2Event $event Event
  * @return null
 function build(CHL7v2Event $event)
     $version = $event->message->version;
     $data = array();
     // EVN-1: Event Type Code (ID) (optional)
     // This field has been retained for backward compatibility only
     $data[] = $version < "2.5" ? $event->code : null;
     // EVN-2: Recorded Date/Time (TS)
     $data[] = CMbDT::dateTime();
     // EVN-3: Date/Time Planned Event (TS)(optional)
     $data[] = $this->planned_datetime;
     // EVN-4: Event Reason Code (IS) (optional)
     // Table 062
     // 01 - Patient request
     // 02 - Physician/health practitioner order
     // 03 - Census management
     // O  - Other
     // U  - Unknown
     $data[] = null;
     // EVN-5: Operator ID (XCN) (optional repeating)
     //$data[] = $this->getXCN($event->last_log->loadRefUser());
     $data[] = null;
     // EVN-6: Event Occurred (TS) (optional)
     $data[] = $this->occured_datetime;
     // EVN-7: Event Facility (HD) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
Example #9
  * Menu upgrade
  * @return bool
 protected function fixRepet()
     $ds = $this->ds;
     $query = "SELECT * FROM menu";
     $menus = $ds->loadList($query);
     foreach ($menus as $menu) {
         $nbDays = CMbDT::daysRelative($menu["debut"], $menu["fin"]);
         $nbWeeks = floor($nbDays / 7);
         if (!$nbWeeks) {
             $menu["nb_repet"] = 1;
         } else {
             $menu["nb_repet"] = ceil($nbWeeks / $menu["repetition"]);
         $query = "UPDATE `menu` SET `nb_repet` = '" . $menu["nb_repet"] . "' WHERE(`menu_id`='" . $menu["menu_id"] . "');";
         $query = "UPDATE `repas` SET `typerepas_id`='" . $menu["typerepas"] . "' WHERE(`menu_id`='" . $menu["menu_id"] . "');";
     $query = "ALTER TABLE `menu` DROP `fin`;";
     return true;
  * Loads messages from a publication date perspective
  * @param string $status   Wanted status, null for all
  * @param string $mod_name Module name restriction, null for all
  * @param int    $group_id Group ID
  * @return self[] Published messages
 function loadPublications($status = null, $mod_name = null, $group_id = null)
     $now = CMbDT::dateTime();
     $where = array();
     switch ($status) {
         case "past":
             $where["fin"] = "< '{$now}'";
         case "present":
             $where["deb"] = "< '{$now}'";
             $where["fin"] = "> '{$now}'";
         case "future":
             $where["deb"] = "> '{$now}'";
     if ($group_id) {
         $where[] = "group_id = '{$group_id}' OR group_id IS NULL";
     /** @var self[] $messages */
     $messages = $this->loadList($where, "deb DESC");
     // Module name restriction
     if ($mod_name) {
         foreach ($messages as $message_id => $_message) {
             if ($_message->module_id) {
                 if ($_message->loadRefModuleObject()->mod_name != $mod_name) {
     return $messages;
 static function mine($parent_class)
     $classes = CApp::getChildClasses($parent_class);
     $limit = CAppUI::conf("dataminer_limit");
     foreach ($classes as $_class) {
         $miner = new $_class();
         $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "mine");
         $dt = CMbDT::dateTime();
         echo "<{$dt}> Miner: {$_class}. Success mining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n";
         if (!$report["failure"]) {
             echo "<{$dt}> Miner: {$_class}. Failure mining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n";
         $miner = new $_class();
         $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "remine");
         $dt = CMbDT::dateTime();
         echo "<{$dt}> Reminer: {$_class}. Success remining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n";
         if (!$report["failure"]) {
             echo "<{$dt}> Reminer: {$_class}. Failure remining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n";
         $miner = new $_class();
         $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "postmine");
         $dt = CMbDT::dateTime();
         echo "<{$dt}> Postminer: {$_class}. Success postmining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n";
         if (!$report["failure"]) {
             echo "<{$dt}> Postminer: {$_class}. Failure postmining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n";
Example #12
  * Magic method (do not call directly)
  * @param string $name method name
  * @param array  $args arguments
  * @return mixed
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws CMbException
 function __call($name, $args)
     $name = strtolower($name);
     $silent = strncmp($name, 'try', 3) === 0;
     $function_name = $silent ? substr($name, 3) : $name;
     $function_name = '_' . (isset(self::$aliases[$function_name]) ? self::$aliases[$function_name] : $function_name);
     if (!method_exists($this, $function_name)) {
         throw new CMbException("CSourceSFTP-call-undefined-method", $name);
     if ($function_name == "_init") {
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args);
     if (!$this->loggable) {
         try {
             return call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args);
         } catch (CMbException $fault) {
             throw $fault;
     $echange_ftp = new CExchangeFTP();
     $echange_ftp->date_echange = CMbDT::dateTime();
     $echange_ftp->emetteur = CAppUI::conf("mb_id");
     $echange_ftp->destinataire = $this->hostname;
     $echange_ftp->function_name = $name;
     $chrono = new Chronometer();
     $output = null;
     try {
         $output = call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args);
     } catch (CMbException $fault) {
         $echange_ftp->date_echange = CMbDT::dateTime();
         $echange_ftp->output = $fault->getMessage();
         $echange_ftp->ftp_fault = 1;
         throw $fault;
     // response time
     $echange_ftp->response_time = $chrono->total;
     // Truncate input and output before storing
     $args = array_map_recursive(array("CFTP", "truncate"), $args);
     $echange_ftp->input = serialize($args);
     if ($echange_ftp->ftp_fault != 1) {
         if ($function_name == "_getlistfiles") {
             // Truncate le tableau des fichiers reçus dans le cas où c'est > 100
             $array_count = count($output);
             if ($array_count > 100) {
                 $output = array_slice($output, 0, 100);
                 $output["count"] = "{$array_count} files";
         $echange_ftp->output = serialize(array_map_recursive(array("CSFTP", "truncate"), $output));
     return $output;
Example #13
  * @see parent::updateFormFields()
 function updateFormFields()
     $this->_view = "Allaitement du " . CMbDT::transform($this->date_debut, null, CAppUI::conf("date")) . " à " . CMbDT::transform($this->date_debut, null, CAppUI::conf("time"));
     if ($this->date_fin) {
         $this->_view .= " au " . CMbDT::transform($this->date_fin, null, CAppUI::conf("date")) . " à " . CMbDT::transform($this->date_fin, null, CAppUI::conf("time"));
  * @see parent::updateFormFields()
 function updateFormFields()
     $this->_view = "Indisponibilité du " . CMbDT::dateToLocale($this->deb);
     if ($this->deb != $this->fin) {
         $this->_view .= " au " . CMbDT::dateToLocale($this->fin);
 * Récupération des statistiques du nombre de consultations par mois
 * selon plusieurs filtres
 * @param string $debut   Date de début
 * @param string $fin     Date de fin
 * @param int    $prat_id Identifiant du praticien
 * @return array
function graphConsultations($debut = null, $fin = null, $prat_id = 0)
    if (!$debut) {
        $debut = CMbDT::date("-1 YEAR");
    if (!$fin) {
        $fin = CMbDT::date();
    $rectif = CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", $debut, "%d") - 1;
    $debutact = CMbDT::date("-{$rectif} DAYS", $debut);
    $rectif = CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", $fin, "%d") - 1;
    $finact = CMbDT::date("-{$rectif} DAYS", $fin);
    $finact = CMbDT::date("+ 1 MONTH", $finact);
    $finact = CMbDT::date("-1 DAY", $finact);
    $pratSel = new CMediusers();
    $ticks = array();
    $serie_total = array('label' => 'Total', 'data' => array(), 'markers' => array('show' => true), 'bars' => array('show' => false));
    for ($i = $debut; $i <= $fin; $i = CMbDT::date("+1 MONTH", $i)) {
        $ticks[] = array(count($ticks), CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", $i, "%m/%Y"));
        $serie_total['data'][] = array(count($serie_total['data']), 0);
    $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
    $total = 0;
    $series = array();
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(consultation.consultation_id) AS total,\r\n    DATE_FORMAT(plageconsult.date, '%m/%Y') AS mois,\r\n    DATE_FORMAT(plageconsult.date, '%Y%m') AS orderitem\r\n    FROM consultation\r\n    INNER JOIN plageconsult\r\n    ON consultation.plageconsult_id = plageconsult.plageconsult_id\r\n    INNER JOIN users_mediboard\r\n    ON plageconsult.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\r\n    WHERE plageconsult.date BETWEEN '{$debutact}' AND '{$finact}'\r\n    AND consultation.annule = '0'";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND plageconsult.chir_id = '{$prat_id}'";
    $query .= "\nGROUP BY mois ORDER BY orderitem";
    $serie = array('data' => array());
    $result = $ds->loadlist($query);
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $f = true;
        foreach ($result as $r) {
            if ($tick[1] == $r["mois"]) {
                $serie["data"][] = array($i, $r["total"]);
                $serie_total["data"][$i][1] += $r["total"];
                $total += $r["total"];
                $f = false;
        if ($f) {
            $serie["data"][] = array(count($serie["data"]), 0);
    $series[] = $serie;
    // Set up the title for the graph
    $title = "Nombre de consultations";
    $subtitle = "- {$total} consultations -";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $subtitle .= " Dr {$pratSel->_view} -";
    $options = CFlotrGraph::merge("bars", array('title' => utf8_encode($title), 'subtitle' => utf8_encode($subtitle), 'xaxis' => array('ticks' => $ticks), 'bars' => array('stacked' => true, 'barWidth' => 0.8)));
    return array('series' => $series, 'options' => $options);
  * Get a unique order number
  * @return string
 private function getUniqueNumber()
     $format = CAppUI::conf('dPstock CProductOrder order_number_format');
     if (strpos($format, '%id') === false) {
         $format .= '%id';
     $format = str_replace('%id', str_pad($this->_id ? $this->_id : 0, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), $format);
     return CMbDT::format(null, $format);
  * @see parent::store()
 function store()
     if (!$this->creation_datetime) {
         $this->creation_datetime = CMbDT::dateTime();
     if ($msg = parent::store()) {
         return $msg;
  * @see parent::doStore()
 function doStore()
     if (isset($_FILES['attachment'])) {
         $mail_id = CValue::post('mail_id');
         $mail = new CUserMail();
         $files = array();
         foreach ($_FILES['attachment']['error'] as $key => $file_error) {
             if (isset($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$key])) {
                 $files[] = array('name' => $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$key], 'tmp_name' => $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$key], 'error' => $_FILES['attachment']['error'][$key], 'size' => $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$key]);
         foreach ($files as $_key => $_file) {
             if ($_file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
             if ($_file['error'] != 0) {
                 CAppUI::setMsg(CAppUI::tr("CFile-msg-upload-error-" . $_file["error"]), UI_MSG_ERROR);
             $attachment = new CMailAttachments();
             $attachment->name = $_file['name'];
             $content_type = mime_content_type($_file['tmp_name']);
             $attachment->type = $attachment->getTypeInt($content_type);
             $attachment->bytes = $_file['size'];
             $attachment->mail_id = $mail_id;
             $content_type = explode('/', $content_type);
             $attachment->subtype = strtoupper($content_type[1]);
             $attachment->disposition = 'ATTACHMENT';
             $attachment->extension = substr(strrchr($attachment->name, '.'), 1);
             $attachment->part = $mail->countBackRefs('mail_attachments') + 1;
             $file = new CFile();
             $file->author_id = CAppUI::$user->_id;
             $file->file_name = $attachment->name;
             $file->file_date = CMbDT::dateTime();
             $file->doc_size = $attachment->bytes;
             $file->file_type = mime_content_type($_file['tmp_name']);
             $file->moveFile($_file, true);
             if ($msg = $file->store()) {
                 CAppUI::setMsg(CAppUI::tr('CMailAttachments-error-upload-file') . ':' . CAppUI::tr($msg), UI_MSG_ERROR);
             $attachment->file_id = $file->_id;
             if ($msg = $attachment->store()) {
                 CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
         CAppUI::setMsg('CMailAttachments-msg-added', UI_MSG_OK);
     } else {
  * History constructor
  * @param string    $m          Module
  * @param string    $action     Action
  * @param string    $actionType Action type
  * @param CMbObject $object     Object
  * @param array     $params     Parameters
  * @param string    $type       Type of view
 protected function __construct($m, $action, $actionType, CMbObject $object, $params, $type)
     $this->datetime = CMbDT::dateTime();
     $this->m = $m;
     $this->action = $action;
     $this->actionType = $actionType;
     $this->params = $params;
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->object_guid = $object->_guid;
     $this->object = $object;
  * check if $this is an older rule
  * @return bool
 function checkOlder()
     $now = CMbDT::dateTime();
     if ($this->date_min && $now < $this->date_min) {
         return $this->_inactive = true;
     if ($this->date_max && $now > $this->date_max) {
         return $this->_inactive = true;
     return $this->_inactive = false;
  * @see parent::checkProperty()
 function checkProperty($object)
     $propValue =& $object->{$this->fieldName};
     if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}[ \\+][0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}(:[0-9]{1,2})?\$/", $propValue)) {
         if ($propValue === 'current' || $propValue === 'now') {
             $propValue = CMbDT::dateTime();
             return null;
         return "format de dateTime invalide : '{$propValue}'";
     $propValue = strtr($propValue, "+", " ");
     return null;
Example #22
  * @see parent::store()
 function store()
     // Save owner and creation date
     if (!$this->_id) {
         if (!$this->creation_date) {
             $this->creation_date = CMbDT::dateTime();
         if (!$this->owner_id) {
             $this->owner_id = CMediusers::get()->_id;
     return parent::store();
  * Fill other identifiers
  * @param array         &$identifiers Identifiers
  * @param CPatient      $patient      Person
  * @param CInteropActor $actor        Interop actor
  * @return null
 function fillOtherIdentifiers(&$identifiers, CPatient $patient, CInteropActor $actor = null)
     $ins = $patient->loadLastINS();
     if ($ins) {
         $identifiers[] = array($ins->ins, null, null, $this->getAssigningAuthority("INS-{$ins->type}"), "INS-{$ins->type}", null, CMbDT::date($ins->date));
     if ($patient->matricule) {
         $identifiers[] = array($patient->matricule, null, null, $this->getAssigningAuthority("INSEE"), "SS");
     if ($actor->_configs["send_own_identifier"]) {
         $identifiers[] = array($patient->_id, null, null, $this->getAssigningAuthority("mediboard"), $actor->_configs["build_identifier_authority"] == "PI_AN" ? "PI" : "RI");
Example #24
  * @see parent::store()
 function store()
     // Transfert de séjours vers un autre technicien
     if ($this->_transfer_id) {
         foreach ($this->loadRefsSejours(CMbDT::date()) as $_sejour) {
             $bilan = $_sejour->loadRefBilanSSR();
             $bilan->technicien_id = $this->_transfer_id;
             if ($msg = $bilan->store()) {
                 return $msg;
     return parent::store();
  * Build ZFD segement
  * @param CHL7v2Event $event Event
  * @return null
 function build(CHL7v2Event $event)
     $patient = $this->patient;
     // ZFD-1: Date lunaire
     if (CMbDT::isLunarDate($patient->naissance)) {
         $date = explode("-", $patient->naissance);
         $data[] = array($date[2], $date[1], $date[0]);
     } else {
         $data[] = null;
     // ZFD-2: Nombre de semaines de gestation
     $data[] = null;
 function bindEchange($fileName = null)
     $this->_echange_hprim21->date_production = CMbDT::dateTime($this->date);
     $this->_echange_hprim21->version = $this->version;
     $this->_echange_hprim21->nom_fichier = $this->nom_fichier;
     // Read => Mediboard
     $this->_echange_hprim21->receiver_id = null;
     $this->_echange_hprim21->sous_type = $this->sous_type;
     $this->_echange_hprim21->type = $this->type;
     $this->_echange_hprim21->date_echange = CMbDT::dateTime();
     if ($fileName) {
         $this->_echange_hprim21->_message = file_get_contents($fileName);
     return $this->_echange_hprim21;
Example #27
  * Generate exchange HL7v3
  * @return CExchangeHL7v3
 function generateExchange()
     $exchange_hl7v3 = new CExchangeHL7v3();
     $exchange_hl7v3->date_production = CMbDT::dateTime();
     $exchange_hl7v3->receiver_id = $this->_receiver->_id;
     $exchange_hl7v3->group_id = $this->_receiver->group_id;
     $exchange_hl7v3->sender_id = $this->_sender ? $this->_sender->_id : null;
     $exchange_hl7v3->sender_class = $this->_sender ? $this->_sender->_id : null;
     $exchange_hl7v3->type = $this->event_type;
     $exchange_hl7v3->sous_type = $this->interaction_id;
     $exchange_hl7v3->object_id = $this->object->_id;
     $exchange_hl7v3->object_class = $this->object->_class;
     return $this->_exchange_hl7v3 = $exchange_hl7v3;
  * Check if the ressource is available or not, and set the color
  * @return boolean
 function isAvailable()
     $deb_op = $this->_ref_operation->_datetime_best;
     $fin_op = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->_ref_operation->temp_operation, $deb_op);
     $type_ressource = $this->loadRefTypeRessource();
     $nb_ressources = $type_ressource->countBackRefs("ressources_materielles");
     $_usage = $this->loadRefUsage();
     $this->_color = '0a0';
     // S'il y a un usage, alors on peut vérifier si conflit avec :
     // - un autre usage
     // - une indispo
     // - un besoin
     // Dans ce cas, on passe en rouge
     if ($_usage->_id) {
         $ressource = $_usage->loadRefRessource();
         $_usages = $ressource->loadRefsUsages($deb_op, $fin_op);
         $_indispos = $ressource->loadRefsIndispos($deb_op, $fin_op);
         $_besoins = $ressource->loadRefsBesoins($deb_op, $fin_op);
         if (count($_usages) + count($_indispos) + count($_besoins) >= $nb_ressources) {
             $this->_color = 'a00';
             return 0;
         return 1;
     // Sinon, on parcourt les ressources associées au type de ressource du besoin.
     $ressources = $type_ressource->loadRefsRessources();
     $_usages = 0;
     $_indispos = 0;
     $_besoins = 0;
     foreach ($ressources as $_ressource) {
         $_usages += count($_ressource->loadRefsUsages($deb_op, $fin_op));
         $_indispos += count($_ressource->loadRefsIndispos($deb_op, $fin_op));
     // Pour compter les besoins, on ne le fait qu'une fois.
     // Car un besoin cible un type de ressource.
     // On décrémente d'une unité, car le besoin de la boucle est compté
     $_ressource = new CRessourceMaterielle();
     $_ressource->type_ressource_id = $type_ressource->_id;
     $_besoins = count($_ressource->loadRefsBesoins($deb_op, $fin_op)) - 1;
     if ($_usages + $_indispos + $_besoins >= $nb_ressources) {
         $this->_color = 'a00';
         return 0;
     return 1;
  * store into temporary table all the data from CMbObject
  * Méthode effectuant tous les remplissages de la table buffer selon les CMbObject
  * @param string $name_type the name of the CMbObject required
  * @return string[]
 function firstIndexingStore($name_type)
     $date = CMbDT::dateTime();
     switch ($name_type) {
         case 'CCompteRendu':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CCompteRendu', `compte_rendu`.`compte_rendu_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `compte_rendu`, `users_mediboard`, `functions_mediboard`\n          WHERE `compte_rendu`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL\n          AND   `compte_rendu`.`object_class` != 'CPatient'\n          AND `users_mediboard`.`user_id` =  `compte_rendu`.`author_id`\n          AND `functions_mediboard`.`function_id` = `users_mediboard`.`function_id`");
         case 'CTransmissionMedicale':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CTransmissionMedicale', `transmission_medicale`.`transmission_medicale_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `transmission_medicale`, `users_mediboard`, `functions_mediboard`\n          WHERE `users_mediboard`.`user_id` =  `transmission_medicale`.`user_id`\n          AND `functions_mediboard`.`function_id` = `users_mediboard`.`function_id`");
         case 'CObservationMedicale':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CObservationMedicale', `observation_medicale`.`observation_medicale_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `observation_medicale`, `users_mediboard`, `functions_mediboard`\n          WHERE `users_mediboard`.`user_id` =  `observation_medicale`.`user_id`\n          AND `functions_mediboard`.`function_id` = `users_mediboard`.`function_id`");
         case 'CConsultation':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CConsultation', `consultation`.`consultation_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `consultation`, `users_mediboard`, `functions_mediboard`, `plageconsult`\n          WHERE `plageconsult`.`plageconsult_id` = `consultation`.`plageconsult_id`\n          AND `users_mediboard`.`user_id` =  `plageconsult`.`chir_id`\n          AND `functions_mediboard`.`function_id` = `users_mediboard`.`function_id`");
         case 'CConsultAnesth':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CConsultAnesth', `consultation_anesth`.`consultation_anesth_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `consultation_anesth`, `users_mediboard`, `functions_mediboard`, `plageconsult`, `consultation`\n          WHERE   `consultation_anesth`.`consultation_id` = `consultation`.`consultation_id`\n          AND `plageconsult`.`plageconsult_id` = `consultation`.`plageconsult_id`\n          AND `users_mediboard`.`user_id` =  `plageconsult`.`chir_id`\n          AND `functions_mediboard`.`function_id` = `users_mediboard`.`function_id`");
         case 'CFile':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CFile', `files_mediboard`.`file_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `files_mediboard`\n          WHERE `files_mediboard`.`object_class` IN  ('CSejour', 'CConsultation', 'CConsultAnesth', 'COperation')\n          AND `files_mediboard`.`file_type` NOT LIKE 'video/%'\n          AND `files_mediboard`.`file_type` NOT LIKE 'audio/%'");
         case 'CPrescriptionLineMedicament':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CPrescriptionLineMedicament', `prescription_line_medicament`.`prescription_line_medicament_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `prescription_line_medicament`, `prescription`\n          WHERE  `prescription_line_medicament`.`prescription_id` = `prescription`.`prescription_id`\n           AND `prescription`.`object_class` != 'CDossierMedical'\n          AND `prescription`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL");
         case 'CPrescriptionLineMix':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CPrescriptionLineMix', `prescription_line_mix`.`prescription_line_mix_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `prescription_line_mix`, `prescription`\n          WHERE  `prescription_line_mix`.`prescription_id` = `prescription`.`prescription_id`\n          AND `prescription`.`object_class` != 'CDossierMedical'\n          AND `prescription`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL");
         case 'CPrescriptionLineElement':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CPrescriptionLineElement', `prescription_line_element`.`prescription_line_element_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `prescription_line_element`, `prescription`\n          WHERE  `prescription_line_element`.`prescription_id` = `prescription`.`prescription_id`\n          AND `prescription`.`object_class` != 'CDossierMedical'\n          AND `prescription`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL");
         case 'CExObject':
             $ds = $this->getDS();
             $ex_classes_ids = $ds->loadColumn("SELECT ex_class_id FROM ex_class");
             $queries = array();
             foreach ($ex_classes_ids as $_ex_class_id) {
                 $queries[] = "INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'CExObject_{$_ex_class_id}', `ex_object_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `ex_object_{$_ex_class_id}`";
         case 'COperation':
             $queries = array("INSERT INTO `search_indexing` (`object_class`, `object_id`, `type`, `date`)\n          SELECT 'COperation', `operations`.`operation_id`, 'create', '{$date}'\n          FROM `operations`, `users_mediboard`, `functions_mediboard`\n          WHERE `users_mediboard`.`user_id` =  `operations`.`chir_id`\n          AND `functions_mediboard`.`function_id` = `users_mediboard`.`function_id`");
             $queries = array();
     // on retourne un tableau à cause des formulaires.
     return $queries;
  * Standard constructor
  * @param date   $date        Reference ISO date
  * @param string $period      One of day, week, month, year
  * @param string $date_column SELECT-like column, might be a expression such as DATE(when)
  * @param int    $nb_periods  Number of periods to display
 public function __construct($date, $period, $date_column, $nb_periods = 30)
     // Prepare periods
     switch ($period) {
         case "day":
             $php_period = "days";
             $sql_date = "{$date_column}";
         case "week":
             $date = CMbDT::date("next monday", $date);
             $php_period = "weeks";
             $sql_date = "DATE_ADD({$date_column}, INTERVAL (2 - DAYOFWEEK({$date_column})) DAY)";
         case "month":
             $date = CMbDT::date("first day of +0 month", $date);
             $php_period = "months";
             $sql_date = "DATE_ADD({$date_column}, INTERVAL (1 - DAYOFMONTH({$date_column})) DAY)";
         case "year":
             $date = CMbDT::format($date, "%Y-01-01");
             $php_period = "years";
             $sql_date = "DATE_ADD({$date_column}, INTERVAL (1 - DAYOFYEAR({$date_column})) DAY)";
             $php_period = null;
             $min_date = null;
             $sql_date = null;
     // Prepare dates
     $dates = array();
     foreach (range(0, $nb_periods - 1) as $n) {
         $dates[] = $min_date = CMbDT::date("- {$n} {$php_period}", $date);
     $dates = array_reverse($dates);
     $min_date = reset($dates);
     $max_date = CMbDT::date("+1 {$this->period} -1 day", end($dates));
     // Members
     $this->date = $date;
     $this->period = $period;
     $this->dates = $dates;
     $this->min_date = $min_date;
     $this->max_date = $max_date;
     $this->php_period = $php_period;
     $this->sql_date = $sql_date;