Example #1
 protected function _processView(array $output)
     $success = array();
     $query = $this->_request->getQuery();
     if (!isset($query['method'])) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('No method specified', CM_Exception::WARN);
     if (!preg_match('/^[\\w_]+$/i', $query['method'])) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Illegal method', CM_Exception::WARN, ['method' => $query['method']]);
     if (!isset($query['params']) || !is_array($query['params'])) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Illegal params', CM_Exception::WARN);
     $view = $this->_getView();
     if ($view instanceof CM_View_CheckAccessibleInterface) {
     $ajaxMethodName = 'ajax_' . $query['method'];
     $params = CM_Params::factory($query['params'], true);
     $componentHandler = new CM_Frontend_JavascriptContainer_View();
     $this->_setStringRepresentation(get_class($view) . '::' . $ajaxMethodName);
     if (!method_exists($view, $ajaxMethodName)) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Method not found', CM_Exception::WARN, ['method' => $ajaxMethodName]);
     $data = $view->{$ajaxMethodName}($params, $componentHandler, $this);
     $success['data'] = CM_Params::encode($data);
     $frontend = $this->getRender()->getGlobalResponse();
     $jsCode = $frontend->getJs();
     if (strlen($jsCode)) {
         $success['exec'] = $jsCode;
     $output['success'] = $success;
     return $output;
Example #2
  * @param CM_Params|array|null $params
 public function __construct($params = null)
     if (!$params instanceof CM_Params) {
         $params = CM_Params::factory($params, false);
     $this->_params = $params;
Example #3
function smarty_function_formField(array $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
    /** @var CM_Frontend_Render $render */
    $render = $template->smarty->getTemplateVars('render');
    $cssClasses = array();
    if (isset($params['class'])) {
        $cssClasses[] = (string) $params['class'];
    $label = null;
    if (isset($params['label'])) {
        $label = (string) $params['label'];
    $input = null;
    $fieldName = null;
    if (isset($params['prepend'])) {
        $input .= (string) $params['prepend'];
    /** @var CM_Frontend_ViewResponse|null $viewResponse */
    $viewResponse = null;
    if (isset($params['name'])) {
        $fieldName = (string) $params['name'];
        $cssClasses[] = $fieldName;
        /** @var CM_Form_Abstract $form */
        $form = $render->getGlobalResponse()->getClosestViewResponse('CM_Form_Abstract')->getView();
        if (null === $form) {
            throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Cannot find parent `CM_Form_Abstract` view response. Named {formField} can be only rendered within form view.');
        $formField = $form->getField($fieldName);
        $renderAdapter = new CM_RenderAdapter_FormField($render, $formField);
        $input .= $renderAdapter->fetch(CM_Params::factory($params, false), $viewResponse);
        if (null !== $formField->getValue()) {
            $cssClasses[] = 'prefilled';
    if (isset($params['append'])) {
        $input .= (string) $params['append'];
    $html = '<div class="formField clearfix ' . join(' ', $cssClasses) . '">';
    if ($label) {
        $html .= '<label';
        if ($viewResponse) {
            $html .= ' for="' . $viewResponse->getAutoIdTagged('input') . '"';
        $html .= '>' . $label . '</label>';
    if ($input) {
        $html .= '<div class="input">';
        $html .= $input;
        $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '</div>';
    return $html;
Example #4
 protected function _process()
     $params = CM_Params::factory($this->_request->getQuery(), true);
     try {
         $user = $params->getUser('user');
         $mailType = $params->getInt('mailType');
         $action = new CM_Action_Email(CM_Action_Abstract::VIEW, $user, $mailType);
         $action->notify($user, $mailType);
     } catch (CM_Exception $e) {
         if (in_array(get_class($e), ['CM_Exception_Nonexistent', 'CM_Exception_InvalidParam'])) {
         throw $e;
     $this->setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/gif');
Example #5
function smarty_function_input(array $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
    $params = CM_Params::factory($params, false);
    if (!$params->has('name')) {
        throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Param `name` missing');
    /** @var CM_Frontend_Render $render */
    $render = $template->smarty->getTemplateVars('render');
    /** @var CM_Form_Abstract $form */
    $form = $render->getGlobalResponse()->getClosestViewResponse('CM_Form_Abstract')->getView();
    if (null === $form) {
        throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Cannot find parent `CM_Form_Abstract` view response. {input} can be only rendered within form view.');
    $fieldName = $params->getString('name');
    $field = $form->getField($fieldName);
    $renderAdapter = new CM_RenderAdapter_FormField($render, $field);
    return $renderAdapter->fetch($params);
Example #6
 protected function _process()
     $output = array();
     $this->_runWithCatching(function () use(&$output) {
         $query = CM_Params::factory($this->_request->getQuery());
         $method = $query->getString('method');
         if (!preg_match('/^(?<class>[\\w_]+)\\.(?<function>[\\w_]+)$/', $method, $matches)) {
             throw new CM_Exception_InvalidParam('Illegal method: `' . $method . '`.');
         $class = $matches['class'];
         $function = $matches['function'];
         $params = $query->getArray('params');
         $output['success'] = array('result' => call_user_func_array(array($class, 'rpc_' . $function), $params));
     }, function (CM_Exception $e) use(&$output) {
         $output['error'] = array('type' => get_class($e), 'msg' => $e->getMessagePublic($this->getRender()), 'isPublic' => $e->isPublic());
     $this->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
Example #7
  * @param string $serverKey
  * @param string $sessionData
  * @param string $channelKey
  * @param string $channelMediaId
  * @param string $channelData
  * @param string $streamKey
  * @param int    $streamStart
  * @throws CM_Exception_AuthFailed
  * @throws CM_Exception_AuthRequired
  * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid
  * @throws CM_Exception_NotAllowed
 public static function rpc_subscribe($serverKey, $sessionData, $channelKey, $channelMediaId, $channelData, $streamKey, $streamStart)
     $janus = CM_Service_Manager::getInstance()->getJanus('janus');
     self::_authenticate($janus, $serverKey);
     $server = $janus->getServerList()->findByKey($serverKey);
     $sessionParams = CM_Params::factory(CM_Params::jsonDecode($sessionData), true);
     $session = $sessionParams->getSession('sessionId');
     $user = $session->getUser(true);
     $channelKey = (string) $channelKey;
     $channelMediaId = (string) $channelMediaId;
     $channelParams = CM_Params::factory(CM_Params::jsonDecode($channelData), true);
     $channelType = $channelParams->getInt('streamChannelType');
     $streamKey = (string) $streamKey;
     $streamStart = (int) $streamStart;
     $streamRepository = $janus->getStreamRepository();
     /** @var CM_Model_StreamChannel_Media $streamChannel */
     $streamChannel = $streamRepository->findStreamChannelByKey($channelKey);
     if (null === $streamChannel) {
         $streamChannel = $streamRepository->createStreamChannel($channelKey, $channelType, $server->getId(), $channelMediaId);
     } else {
         $channelServerData = ['type' => $streamChannel->getType(), 'mediaId' => $streamChannel->getMediaId(), 'serverId' => $streamChannel->getServerId()];
         $channelRequestData = ['type' => $channelType, 'mediaId' => $channelMediaId, 'serverId' => $server->getId()];
         if ($channelServerData !== $channelRequestData) {
             throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Channel request data differs from server data', null, ['channelRequestData' => $channelRequestData, 'channelServerData' => $channelServerData]);
     try {
         $streamRepository->createStreamSubscribe($streamChannel, $user, $streamKey, $streamStart);
     } catch (CM_Exception_NotAllowed $exception) {
         if (!$streamChannel->hasStreams()) {
         throw new CM_Exception_NotAllowed('Cannot subscribe', $exception->getSeverity(), ['originalExceptionMessage' => $exception->getMessage()]);
     } catch (CM_Exception_Invalid $exception) {
         if (!$streamChannel->hasStreams()) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Cannot subscribe', $exception->getSeverity(), ['originalExceptionMessage' => $exception->getMessage()]);
Example #8
function smarty_block_form($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template $template, $open)
    /** @var CM_Frontend_Render $render */
    $render = $template->smarty->getTemplateVars('render');
    $frontend = $render->getGlobalResponse();
    if ($open) {
        $form = CM_Form_Abstract::factory($params['name'], $params);
        $viewResponse = new CM_Frontend_ViewResponse($form);
        $form->prepare($render->getEnvironment(), $viewResponse);
        return '';
    } else {
        $viewResponse = $frontend->getClosestViewResponse('CM_Form_Abstract');
        if (null === $viewResponse) {
            throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Cannot find `CM_Form_Abstract` within frontend tree.');
        /** @var CM_Form_Abstract $form */
        $form = $viewResponse->getView();
        $cssClasses = $viewResponse->getCssClasses();
        $cssClasses[] = $form->getName();
        $html = '<form id="' . $viewResponse->getAutoId() . '" class="' . implode(' ', $cssClasses) . '" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return false;" novalidate >';
        if ($form->getAvoidPasswordManager()) {
            $html .= '<input style="display:none" type="text" name="fakeusernameremembered">';
            $html .= '<input style="display:none" type="password" name="fakepasswordremembered">';
        $html .= $content;
        foreach ($form->getFields() as $field) {
            if ($field instanceof CM_FormField_Hidden) {
                $renderAdapter = new CM_RenderAdapter_FormField($render, $field);
                $html .= $renderAdapter->fetch(CM_Params::factory());
        foreach ($form->getActions() as $actionName => $action) {
            $viewResponse->getJs()->append("this.registerAction('{$actionName}', {$action->js_presentation()});");
        $html .= '</form>';
        return $html;
Example #9
  * @param string $streamName
  * @param string $clientKey
  * @param int    $start
  * @param string $data
  * @throws CM_Exception_NotAllowed
 public function subscribe($streamName, $clientKey, $start, $data)
     $streamName = (string) $streamName;
     $clientKey = (string) $clientKey;
     $start = (int) $start;
     $data = (string) $data;
     $user = null;
     $params = CM_Params::factory(CM_Params::jsonDecode($data), true);
     if ($params->has('sessionId')) {
         if ($session = CM_Session::findById($params->getString('sessionId'))) {
             $user = $session->getUser(false);
     /** @var CM_Model_StreamChannel_Abstract $streamChannel */
     $streamChannel = CM_Model_StreamChannel_Abstract::findByKeyAndAdapter($streamName, $this->getType());
     if (!$streamChannel) {
         throw new CM_Exception_NotAllowed();
     try {
         CM_Model_Stream_Subscribe::createStatic(array('streamChannel' => $streamChannel, 'user' => $user, 'start' => $start, 'key' => $clientKey));
     } catch (CM_Exception $ex) {
         throw new CM_Exception_NotAllowed('Cannot subscribe: ' . $ex->getMessage());
Example #10
  * @param string|null $className
  * @return CM_View_Abstract
 protected function _getView($className = null)
     if (null === $className) {
         $className = 'CM_View_Abstract';
     $viewInfo = $this->_getViewInfo($className);
     /** @var CM_View_Abstract $className */
     return $className::factory($viewInfo['className'], CM_Params::factory($viewInfo['params'], true));
Example #11
  * @param string         $key
  * @param CM_Params|null $default
  * @return CM_Params
  * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid
 public function getParams($key, CM_Params $default = null)
     $param = $this->getObject($key, 'CM_Params', $default, function ($className, $param) {
         if (is_string($param)) {
             $json = (string) $param;
             try {
                 $array = CM_Params::decode($json, true);
             } catch (CM_Exception_Invalid $e) {
                 throw new CM_Exception_InvalidParam('Cannot decode input', null, ['message' => $e->getMessage()]);
         } elseif (is_array($param)) {
             $array = $param;
         } else {
             throw new CM_Exception_InvalidParam('Unexpected type of arguments', null, ['type' => gettype($param)]);
         return CM_Params::factory($array, false);
     if (!$param instanceof CM_Params) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Not a CM_Params');
     return $param;
Example #12
File: TH.php Project: aladin1394/CM
  * @param string             $pageClass
  * @param CM_Model_User|null $viewer OPTIONAL
  * @param array              $params OPTIONAL
  * @return CM_Page_Abstract
 public static function createPage($pageClass, CM_Model_User $viewer = null, $params = array())
     $request = new CM_Http_Request_Get('?' . http_build_query($params), array(), $viewer);
     return new $pageClass(CM_Params::factory($request->getQuery(), true), $request->getViewer());
Example #13
  * @param string $message
  * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid
 public function onRedisMessage($message)
     $message = CM_Params::jsonDecode($message);
     $type = $message['type'];
     $data = $message['data'];
     switch ($type) {
         case 'subscribe':
             $channel = $data['channel'];
             $clientKey = $data['clientKey'];
             $start = time();
             $data = CM_Params::factory((array) $data['data'], true);
             $user = null;
             if ($data->has('sessionId')) {
                 if ($session = CM_Session::findById($data->getString('sessionId'))) {
                     $user = $session->getUser(false);
             $this->_subscribe($channel, $clientKey, $start, $user);
         case 'unsubscribe':
             $channel = $data['channel'];
             $clientKey = $data['clientKey'];
             $this->_unsubscribe($channel, $clientKey);
         case 'message':
             throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Invalid socket-redis event type');
Example #14
  * @param CM_Http_Request_Abstract $request
  * @throws CM_Exception_Nonexistent
  * @throws CM_Exception
  * @throws CM_Exception_Nonexistent
  * @return string|null|boolean
 private function _processPage(CM_Http_Request_Abstract $request)
     return $this->_runWithCatching(function () use($request) {
         $pageParams = CM_Params::factory($request->getQuery(), true);
         try {
             $className = CM_Page_Abstract::getClassnameByPath($this->getRender(), $request->getPath());
             $page = CM_Page_Abstract::factory($className, $pageParams);
         } catch (CM_Exception $ex) {
             throw new CM_Exception_Nonexistent('Cannot load page `' . $request->getPath() . '`: ' . $ex->getMessage());
         $page->prepareResponse($this->getRender()->getEnvironment(), $this);
         if ($this->getRedirectUrl()) {
             return null;
         $html = $this->_renderPage($page);
         $this->_page = $page;
         $this->_pageParams = $pageParams;
         return $html;
     }, function (CM_Exception $ex, array $errorOptions) use($request) {
         /** @var CM_Page_Abstract $errorPage */
         $errorPage = $errorOptions['errorPage'];
         return false;
Example #15
  * @param CM_FormField_Abstract   $formField
  * @param array|null              $renderParams
  * @param CM_Frontend_Render|null $render
  * @return CM_Dom_NodeList
 protected function _renderFormField(CM_FormField_Abstract $formField, array $renderParams = null, CM_Frontend_Render $render = null)
     if (null === $render) {
         $render = new CM_Frontend_Render();
     $renderAdapter = new CM_RenderAdapter_FormField($render, $formField);
     $html = $renderAdapter->fetch(CM_Params::factory($renderParams, false));
     return new CM_Dom_NodeList($html, true);
Example #16
function smarty_function_menu(array $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
    /** @var CM_Frontend_Render $render */
    $render = $template->smarty->getTemplateVars('render');
    $environment = $render->getEnvironment();
    if (isset($params['params'])) {
        $params = array_merge($params['params'], $params);
    $activePage = null;
    if (isset($params['activePage'])) {
        $activePage = $params['activePage'];
    } elseif ($pageViewResponse = $render->getGlobalResponse()->getClosestViewResponse('CM_Page_Abstract')) {
        $activePage = $pageViewResponse->getView();
    } elseif ($layoutViewResponse = $render->getGlobalResponse()->getClosestViewResponse('CM_Layout_Abstract')) {
        $activePage = $layoutViewResponse->get('page');
    if ($activePage) {
        if (!$activePage instanceof CM_Page_Abstract) {
            throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('`$activePage` must be an instance of `CM_Page_Abstract`');
        $pageClassName = get_class($activePage);
        $activePath = $activePage::getPath();
        $activeParams = $activePage->getParams();
    } else {
        $pageClassName = null;
        $activePath = '/';
        $activeParams = CM_Params::factory();
    $menu = null;
    $name = null;
    if (isset($params['name'])) {
        $name = $params['name'];
        $menuArr = $render->getSite()->getMenus();
        if (isset($menuArr[$name])) {
            $menu = $menuArr[$name];
    } elseif (isset($params['data'])) {
        $menu = new CM_Menu($params['data']);
    if (!$menu) {
        return '';
    $menuEntries = null;
    $depth = isset($params['depth']) ? (int) $params['depth'] : null;
    if (!empty($params['breadcrumb'])) {
        $entry = $menu->findEntry($pageClassName, $activeParams, $depth, $depth);
        if ($entry) {
            $menuEntries = $entry->getParents();
            // Also add current entry
            $menuEntries[] = $entry;
    } elseif (!empty($params['submenu'])) {
        $entry = $menu->findEntry($pageClassName, $activeParams, $depth, $depth);
        if ($entry && $entry->hasChildren()) {
            $menu = $entry->getChildren();
            $menuEntries = $menu->getEntries($environment);
    } elseif (!is_null($depth)) {
        if ($entry = $menu->findEntry($pageClassName, $activeParams, $depth)) {
            $parents = $entry->getParents();
            $parents[] = $entry;
            /** @var CM_MenuEntry $menuEntry */
            $menuEntry = $parents[$depth];
            $menuEntries = $menuEntry->getSiblings()->getEntries($environment);
    } else {
        $menuEntries = $menu->getEntries($environment);
    if (empty($menuEntries)) {
        return '';
    $class = 'menu';
    if ($name) {
        $class .= ' ' . $name;
    if (isset($params['class'])) {
        $class .= ' ' . $params['class'];
    $tplName = 'default';
    if (isset($params['template'])) {
        $tplName = $params['template'];
    $tplPath = $render->getLayoutPath('menu/' . $tplName . '.tpl');
    $assign = array('menu_entries' => $menuEntries, 'menu_class' => $class, 'activePath' => $activePath, 'activeParams' => $activeParams, 'name' => $name, 'originalParams' => $params);
    return $render->fetchTemplate($tplPath, $assign);
Example #17
  * @param CM_Http_Request_Abstract               $request
  * @param CM_Http_Response_Page_ProcessingResult $result
  * @throws CM_Exception
  * @throws Exception
  * @return boolean
 private function _processPage(CM_Http_Request_Abstract $request, CM_Http_Response_Page_ProcessingResult $result)
     return $this->_runWithCatching(function () use($request, $result) {
         $path = CM_Util::link($request->getPath(), $request->getQuery());
         $pageParams = CM_Params::factory($request->getQuery(), true);
         try {
             $className = CM_Page_Abstract::getClassnameByPath($this->getRender(), $request->getPath());
             $page = CM_Page_Abstract::factory($className, $pageParams);
         } catch (CM_Exception $ex) {
             throw new CM_Exception_Nonexistent('Cannot load page `' . $request->getPath() . '`: ' . $ex->getMessage());
         $environment = $this->getRender()->getEnvironment();
         $page->prepareResponse($environment, $this);
         if ($this->getRedirectUrl()) {
             return true;
         if ($page->getCanTrackPageView()) {
             $this->getRender()->getServiceManager()->getTrackings()->trackPageView($environment, $result->getPathTracking());
         return true;
     }, function (CM_Exception $ex, array $errorOptions) use($request) {
         /** @var CM_Page_Abstract $errorPage */
         $errorPage = $errorOptions['errorPage'];
         return false;
Example #18
  * @param array[] $paramsList
  * @return mixed[]
 protected function _runMultipleWithoutGearman(array $paramsList)
     $resultList = array();
     foreach ($paramsList as $params) {
         $resultList[] = $this->_executeJob(CM_Params::factory($params, true));
     return $resultList;
Example #19
  * @param array                 $data
  * @param CM_Http_Response_View_Form $response
  * @param CM_Form_Abstract      $form
  * @return mixed
 public final function process(array $data, CM_Http_Response_View_Form $response, CM_Form_Abstract $form)
     return $this->_process(CM_Params::factory($data, false), $response, $form);