Example #1
ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$set = $database->query("select * from user order by id");
echo "<form method='post'><table>";
while ($set->next()) {
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>", $set->getString('id'), "</td>";
    echo "<td>", $set->getString('forum_name'), "</td>";
    echo "<td>", $set->getString('login'), "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
Example #2

echo "updating...";
ini_set("include_path", "../inc:../boxiky/:../config");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
// that's all folks
$q4 = "update user set user_k='3'";
/* inicializacia, uz netreba
$database->query("UPDATE k_logs SET k_amount=sign(k_amount)");

$database->query("UPDATE submissions SET submission_k=0");
$database->query("UPDATE dennik SET karma=0");
$r = $database->query("SELECT * FROM k_logs");
while($r->next()) {
	if ($r->getString("node_type") == 'dennik')
		$database->query("UPDATE dennik SET karma=karma+".$r->getString("k_amount")." WHERE id=".$r->getString('node_id'));
		$database->query("UPDATE submissions SET submission_k=submission_k+".$r->getString("k_amount")." WHERE submission_id=".$r->getString('node_id'));

Example #3
include_once "../inc/kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
function getParent($category)
    global $pole;
    global $database;
    //	echo "select category_parent from category where category_id='$category' and category_parent!=0";
    $set = $database->query("select category_parent from category where category_id='{$category}' and category_parent!=0");
    if ($set->next()) {
        //		$set->next();
        $pole[] = $set->getString('category_parent');
include_once "../inc/kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$q = "select forum_id,forum_category from forum";
$set = $database->query($q);
while ($set->next()) {
    $pole[] = $set->getString('forum_category');
    $pole = array_reverse($pole);
    echo "<br>" . $set->getString('forum_id');
    foreach ($pole as $key => $value) {
        $param .= "&kat[{$key}]={$value}";
    echo "::{$param}";
    $database->update("update forum set forum_category_param='{$param}' where forum_id='" . $set->getString('forum_id') . "'");
Example #4

ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/:/home/hromi1/kyberia/config");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$q = "select * from forum";
$set = $database->query($q);
while ($set->next()) {
    $q = "select count(*) as pocet from submissions where  forum_id='" . $set->getString('forum_id') . "'";
    $set2 = $database->query($q);
    $q = "select submission_timestamp from submissions where forum_id='" . $set->getString('forum_id') . "' order by submission_timestamp desc limit 1";
    $set3 = $database->query($q);
    $q = "update forum set last_submission='" . $set3->getString('submission_timestamp') . "', forum_submissions='" . $set2->getString('pocet') . "' where forum_id='" . $set->getString('forum_id') . "'";
    echo $q . "<br>";
Example #5

$id_page = 1;
include "./inc/kyberia.inc";
$kyberia = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
if (!$offset) {
    $offset = 0;
Header("Cache-control: no-cache");
echo "kyberia.sk - ", $kyberia->getTitle();
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="http://localhost/kyberia/css/griga.css">
<table cellspacing=10>

<td valign=top width=150> 
include "navbox.inc";
include "introbox.inc";
Example #6
<html><head><title>mindfuck v0.23</title>

ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$set = $database->executeQuery("select mindfuck.meno as meno ,user.login as registrator from mindfuck left join user on user.id=mindfuck.user_id order by meno asc");
echo "<table border=1>";
while ($set->next()) {
    echo "<tr style='border-width: 1pt; border-color: black;'><td>" . $set->getString('meno') . "<td>" . $set->getString('registrator') . "<td style='border-width: 1pt; border-color: black;' width=300 ></tr>";
echo "</table>";
Example #7
include_once "kyberia.inc";
include_once "configdb.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
function getParent($category)
    global $pole;
    global $database;
    //	echo "select category_parent from category where category_id='$category' and category_parent!=0";
    $set = $database->query("select category_parent from category where category_id='{$category}' and category_parent!=0");
    if ($set->next()) {
        //		$set->next();
        $pole[] = $set->getString('category_parent');
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$q = "select * from category";
$set = $database->query($q);
while ($set->next()) {
    $pole[] = $set->getString('category_id');
    $pole = array_reverse($pole);
    echo "<br>" . $set->getString('category_id');
    foreach ($pole as $key => $value) {
        $param .= "{$value};";
    echo "::{$param}";
    $param = addslashes($param);
Example #8

ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$set = $database->query("select distinct email, login,password from user where user_active='yes'");
while ($set->next()) {
    echo "<BR>" . $set->getString('login') . " :: " . $set->getString('email') . " :: " . $set->getString('password');
Example #9

include_once "../inc/kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$q = "select id_user from sessions where last<date_sub(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 HOUR)";
echo $q;
$set = $database->query($q);
while ($set->next()) {
    $q = "update user set user_action='',user_mode='off',user_action_param_name='',user_action_param_id='',user_action_param_value='' where id='" . $set->getString('id_user') . "'";
    echo $q;
    $database->query("delete from sessions where id_user='******'id_user') . "'");
Example #10

ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/:/home/hromi1/kyberia/config");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$set = $database->query("alter table forum modify forum_public enum('private', 'public', 'moderated') default 'public'");
$set = $database->query("update user set admin = 'yes' where id = '840'");
Example #11

ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$kyberia = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
function strip_http_headers($text)
    $text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
    $pozice = strpos($text, "\n\n");
    $text = trim(substr($text, $pozice + 0, strlen($text)));
    return $text;
function unhtmlspecialchars($str)
    $trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);
    $trans = array_flip($trans);
    return strtr($str, $trans);
function steal($url)
    $url = str_replace("http://", "", $url);
    $i = strpos($url, "/");
    $hostname = substr($url, 0, $i);
    $filename = substr($url, $i);
    $fp = fsockopen($hostname, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
    if (!$fp) {
        echo "{$errstr} ({$errno})<br>\n";
    } else {
        fputs($fp, "GET /{$filename} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$hostname}\r\n\r\n");
        while (!feof($fp)) {
            $rssdata .= fgets($fp, 128);
Example #12

ini_set("include_path", "./inc:./boxiky/:./config:../inc:../boxiky/:../config");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
//toto je povodne stanovenie dK podla charizmy
$q = "select count(*) as pocet,friend_id from friends group by friend_id ";
$q2 = "select count(*) as psubm,u.login as ulogin, u.id as uid, u.user_karma as ukarma, u.user_k as uk from submissions as s inner join user as u on \nu.id = s.submission_owner group by s.submission_owner";
$q3 = "select count(*) as psubmall,sum(s.submission_k) as allkarma from submissions as s, user as u where s.submission_owner=u.id";
//vynulovanie povodnych kariem
//co ak niekto zacne prispievat hrozne nahovno
$q4 = "update user set user_k='0'";
$set = $database->query($q);
$set3 = $database->query($q3);
$pomerall = $set3->getString('allkarma') / $set3->getString('psubmall');
//Vsetka karma v systeme
echo "allkarma:  " . $set3->getString('allkarma') . "<br>";
//celkovy pocet prispevkov
echo "psubmall:  " . $set3->getString('psubmall') . "<br>";
//pomer karmy na prispevok celek kyberky
echo "pomerall:  " . $pomerall . "<br>";
//najprv sa stanovi dkarma podla charizmy
while ($set->next()) {
    $q0 = "update user set charisma='" . $set->getString('pocet') . "' where id='" . $set->getString('friend_id') . "'";
    echo $q0 . "<br>";
    $q0 = "update user set user_k='" . $set->getString('pocet') . "' where id='" . $set->getString('friend_id') . "'";
    echo $q0 . "<br>";
Example #13

ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/:/home/hromi1/kyberia/config");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$set = $database->query("update user set login = '******' where id = '2031'");
Example #14

ini_set("include_path", "./inc:./boxiky/:./config:../inc:../boxiky/:../config");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$q = "select * from session";
$set = $database->query($q);
while ($set->next()) {
    $user_id = $set->getString('user_id');
    $q2 = "select friend_id from friends where user_id={$user_id}";
    $set2 = $database->query($q2);
    $friends_serial = "";
    while ($set2->next()) {
        $friends_serial .= $set2->getString('friend_id') . ";";
    $database->query("update session set friends_serial='{$friends_serial}' where user_id={$user_id}");
    echo $set->getString('user_name') . "   :   " . $set->getString('friends_serial') . "<br>";

Example #15

ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/:/home/hromi1/kyberia/config");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$set = $database->executeQuery("select user_name, user_action, user_action_id,\nuser_action_name from session where user_id = '" . $user_id . "'");
echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><td>user_name</td><td>user_action</td><td>user_action_id</td><td>user_action_name</td></tr>";
while ($set->next()) {
    echo "<tr><td>" . $set->getString('user_name') . "</td><td>" . $set->getString('user_action') . "</td><td>" . $set->getString('user_action_id') . "</td><td>" . $set->getString('user_action_name') . "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
Example #16
<html><head><title>user administration</title>
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="../css/gr.css">
ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/:/home/hromi1/kyberia/config/");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$event = $_POST['event'];
if ($event == 'accept') {
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $mailbody = "zdravim ta clovece\ndocela rad ti oznamujem ze si bol(a) zaregistrovany(a) do diskusneho systemu kyberia.sk s loginom " . $_POST['login'] . "..takze ked chces, zaloguj sa dnu & uzivaj si kyberpriestor..help k systemu najdes tu: http://www.kyberia.sk/index.php?action=article&node_id=179.....ako prve by som ti asi poradil nastavit si ikonku v sekcii \"nastavenie\"...tot vse..\n\ns pozdravom\nhromi@kyberia.sk\n\n";
    if (!empty($_POST['message'])) {
        $mailbody .= "poznamka od registratora> " . $_POST['message'];
    //	mail("*****@*****.**",'registracia na kyberia.sk',$mailbody,"From: hromi@kyberia.sk\nReturn-path: kyberia@kyberia.sk");
    mail($email, 'registracia na kyberia.sk', $mailbody, "From: kyberia@kyberia.sk\nReturn-path: kyberia@kyberia.sk");
    $id = $_POST['id'];
    $database->query("update user set user_active='yes' where id='{$id}'");
} elseif ($event == 'refuse') {
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $mailbody = "zdravim ta clovece\nbohuzial ti musim oznamit ze si nebol zaregistrovany do systemu kyberia.sk....pokial mas este stale zaujem o to stat sa clenom kyberie, pokus sa znova, mozno budes mat tentokrat stastie,alebo budem mat empatickejsiu naladu ;-)\n\ns pozdravom hromi@kyberia.sk";
    if (!empty($_POST['message'])) {
        $mailbody .= "P.S> " . $_POST['message'];
    mail($email, 'registracia na kyberia.sk', $mailbody, "From: kyberia@kyberia.sk\nReturn-path: kyberia@kyberia.sk");
    echo $mailbody;
    $id = $_POST['id'];
    $database->query("delete from user where id='{$id}'");
} elseif ($event == 'delete') {
    $database->query("delete from user where id='{$id}'");
Example #17
ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$set = $database->query("select user.login as login,forum.* from forum left join user on user.id=forum.forum_owner order by forum_id");
echo "<form method='post'><table>";
while ($set->next()) {
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>", $set->getString('forum_id'), "</td>";
    echo "<td>", $set->getString('forum_name'), "</td>";
    echo "<td>", $set->getString('login'), "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
Example #18

ini_set("include_path", "./inc:./boxiky/:./config:../inc:../boxiky/:../config");
include_once "kyberia.inc";
$database = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
$q = "select * from session";
$set = $database->query($q);
while ($set->next()) {
    echo $set->getString('user_name') . "   :   " . $set->getString('friends_serial') . "<br>";
Example #19
//inicializacia stopiek vzniku stranky
$timer_start = Time() + SubStr(MicroTime(), 0, 8);
//nastavenie ciest
ini_set("include_path", "./inc:./boxiky/:./config:../inc:../boxiky/:../config");
//tu je umiestnena hlavna class kyberia
include "kyberia.inc";
//tu su rozne zobrazovacie funkcie
include "showz.inc";
//nastavenie databaze
include "configdb.inc";
//nastavenia banerov a title
include "config_texts.inc";
//cesty na ukladanie napr obrazkov
include "config_pathz.inc";
//definicia hlavnej najpouzivanejsej class
$kyberia = new CLASS_KYBERIA();
//ak sa niekto snazil podstrcit prihlasenie cez GET
if (isset($user_id)) {
    $kyberia->ubikMail("38", "Bastard to skusal z {$REMOTE_ADDR}");
    echo "Hmmm nepokusaj sa o blbosti. Tvoja ip mi bola prave odoslana do posty.";
//pokial neexistuje cookie tak ho vytvori
if (empty($_COOKIE['kybersession'])) {
    $id = md5(MicroTime());
    Setcookie("kybersession", $id, 0, "/");
//posiela hlavicku aby nic necachovalo
Header("Cache-control: no-cache");
Header("Expires:" . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");