Example #1
  * Runs the widget 
 public function run()
     $id = $this->id;
     // Determine what options should be passed
     $options = array();
     foreach ($this->_defaultButtons as $button) {
         $options[$button] = $this->buttons === null || array_search($button, $this->buttons) !== false;
     if (isset($this->events)) {
         $options['events'] = $this->events;
     $options = CJavascript::encode($options);
     echo CHtml::openTag('textarea', $this->htmlOptions);
     echo $this->value;
     Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, "jQuery('#{$id}').wysihtml5({$options});");
     echo '</textarea>';
Example #2
 private function createInfiniteScrollScript()
     $options = $this->buildInifiniteScrollOptions();
     $contentLoadedCallback = CJavascript::encode($this->contentLoadedCallback);
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript(uniqid(), "\$('{$this->contentSelector}').infinitescroll({$options}, {$contentLoadedCallback});");
Example #3
     * Register script that will handle its behavior
    public function registerClientScript()
        $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
        if ($this->afterAjaxUpdate !== null) {
            if (!$this->afterAjaxUpdate instanceof CJavaScriptExpression && strpos($this->afterAjaxUpdate, 'js:') !== 0) {
                $this->afterAjaxUpdate = new CJavaScriptExpression($this->afterAjaxUpdate);
            } else {
                $this->afterAjaxUpdate = $this->afterAjaxUpdate;
        } else {
            $this->afterAjaxUpdate = 'js:$.noop';
        $this->ajaxErrorMessage = CHtml::encode($this->ajaxErrorMessage);
        $afterAjaxUpdate = CJavaScript::encode($this->afterAjaxUpdate);
        $span = count($this->grid->columns);
        $loadingPic = CHtml::image(Yii::app()->bootstrap->getAssetsUrl() . '/img/loading.gif');
        $cache = $this->cacheData ? 'true' : 'false';
        $data = !empty($this->submitData) && is_array($this->submitData) ? $this->submitData : 'js:{}';
        $data = CJavascript::encode($data);
        $js = <<<EOD
\$(document).on('click','.{$this->cssClass}', function(){
\tvar span = {$span};
\tvar that = \$(this);
\tvar status = that.data('status');
\tvar rowid = that.data('rowid');
\tvar tr = \$('#relatedinfo'+rowid);
\tvar parent = that.parents('tr');
\tvar afterAjaxUpdate = {$afterAjaxUpdate};

\tif(status && status=='on'){return}

\tif(tr.length && !tr.is(':visible') && {$cache})
\t}else if(tr.length && tr.is(':visible'))
\t\tvar td = \$('<td/>').html('{$loadingPic}').attr({'colspan':{$span}});
\t\ttr = \$('<tr/>').prop({'id':'relatedinfo'+rowid}).append(td);
\t\t/* we need to maintain zebra styles :) */
\t\tvar fake = \$('<tr/>').append(\$('<td/>').attr({'colspan':{$span}})).css('display','none');
\tvar data = \$.extend({$data}, {id:rowid});
\t\turl: '{$this->url}',
\t\tdata: data,
\t\tsuccess: function(data){
\t\t    tr.find('td').html(data);
\t\t    that.data('status','off');
\t\t    if(\$.isFunction(afterAjaxUpdate))
\t\t    {
\t\t        afterAjaxUpdate(tr,rowid,data);
\t\t    }
\t\terror: function()
        $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $this->id, $js);
  * Returns the javascript code responsable of handling the drag and drop sorting through an Ajax request
  * @return string drag and drop sorting javascript code
 protected function getSortScript()
     return '
      var grid_id = ' . Cjavascript::encode($this->getId()) . ';
      var grid_selector = ' . Cjavascript::encode('#' . $this->getId()) . ';
      var tbody_selector = ' . Cjavascript::encode('#' . $this->getId() . ' tbody') . ';
      /*apply sortable*/
      $(tbody_selector).sortable(' . CJavascript::encode($this->jqueryUiSortableOptions) . ');
      /*helper to keep each table cell width while dragging*/
      $(tbody_selector).sortable("option", "helper", function(e, ui) {
         ui.children().each(function() {
         return ui;
      /*add dragged row index before moving as an attribute. Used to know if item is moved forward or backward*/
      $(tbody_selector).bind("sortstart", function(event, ui) {
         ui.item.attr("data-prev-index", ui.item.index());
      /*trigger ajax sorting when grid is updated*/
      $(tbody_selector).bind("sortupdate", function(event, ui) {
         $(grid_selector).addClass(' . CJavascript::encode($this->loadingCssClass) . ');
         var data = {};
         data["dragged_item_id"] = parseInt(ui.item.attr("data-id"));
         var prev_index = parseInt(ui.item.attr("data-prev-index"));
         var new_index = parseInt(ui.item.index());
         /*which item place take dragged item*/
         if (prev_index < new_index) {
            data["replacement_item_id"] = ui.item.prev().attr("data-id");
         } else {
            data["replacement_item_id"] = ui.item.next().attr("data-id");
         data["model"] = ' . Cjavascript::encode($this->dataProvider->modelClass) . ';
         data["order_field"] = ' . Cjavascript::encode($this->orderField) . ';
         data["YII_CSRF_TOKEN"] = ' . Cjavascript::encode(Yii::app()->getRequest()->getCsrfToken()) . ';
         ' . CHtml::ajax(array('type' => 'POST', 'url' => Yii::App()->controller->createAbsoluteUrl($this->orderUrl), 'data' => 'js:data', 'success' => 'js:function() {
               $(grid_selector).removeClass(' . CJavascript::encode($this->loadingCssClass) . ');
               /*update the whole grid again to update row class values*/
               if ("' . (string) $this->updateAfterSorting . '") {
               if ("' . (string) $this->successMessage . '") {
                  alert(' . CJavascript::encode($this->successMessage) . ');
            ', 'error' => 'js:function() {
               $(grid_selector).removeClass(' . CJavascript::encode($this->loadingCssClass) . ');
               alert(' . CJavascript::encode($this->errorMessage) . ');
            ')) . '
     * Register script that will handle its behavior
    public function registerClientScript()
        /** @var $cs CClientScript */
        $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
        if ($this->afterAjaxUpdate !== null) {
            if (!$this->afterAjaxUpdate instanceof CJavaScriptExpression && strpos($this->afterAjaxUpdate, 'js:') !== 0) {
                $this->afterAjaxUpdate = new CJavaScriptExpression($this->afterAjaxUpdate);
        } else {
            $this->afterAjaxUpdate = 'js:$.noop';
        $this->ajaxErrorMessage = CHtml::encode($this->ajaxErrorMessage);
        $afterAjaxUpdate = CJavaScript::encode($this->afterAjaxUpdate);
        $span = count($this->grid->columns);
        $loadingPic = CHtml::image(Yii::app()->bootstrap->getAssetsUrl() . '/img/loading.gif');
        $cache = $this->cacheData ? 'true' : 'false';
        $data = !empty($this->submitData) && is_array($this->submitData) ? $this->submitData : 'js:{}';
        $data = CJavascript::encode($data);
        $token = Yii::app()->request->enableCsrfValidation ? Yii::app()->request->csrfToken : '';
        $cssClass = '.' . str_replace(' ', '.', $this->cssClass);
        $js = <<<EOD

\$(document).on('click','{$cssClass}', function(){
\tvar span = {$span};
\tvar that = \$(this);
\tvar afterAjaxUpdate = {$afterAjaxUpdate};

\ttoggleRelateCol(span, that,afterAjaxUpdate);
        $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $this->id, $js);
        $fn = <<<EOD
function toggleRelateCol(span, that, tr, afterAjaxUpdate){
\tvar status = that.data('status');
\tvar rowid = that.data('rowid');
\tvar tr = \$('#relatedinfo'+rowid);
\tvar parent = that.parents('tr').eq(0);

\tif (status && status=='on'){return}
\tif (tr.length && !tr.is(':visible') && {$cache})
\t}else if (tr.length && tr.is(':visible'))
\tif (tr.length)
\t\tif (!tr.is(':visible')){
\t\tvar td = \$('<td/>').html('{$loadingPic}').attr({'colspan':span,'class':'relatedinfo-container'});
\t\ttr = \$('<tr/>').prop({'id':'relatedinfo'+rowid}).append(td);
\t\t/* we need to maintain zebra styles :) */
\t\tvar fake = \$('<tr class="hide"/>').append(\$('<td/>').attr({'colspan':span,'class':'relatedinfo-container'}));
\tvar data = \$.extend({$data}, {id:rowid,YII_CSRF_TOKEN:'{$token}'});
\t\turl: '{$this->url}',
\t\tdata: data,
\t\ttype: 'post',
\t\tsuccess: function(data){
\t\t\tif (\$.isFunction(afterAjaxUpdate))
\t\terror: function()
        $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . 'Functions', $fn, CClientScript::POS_END);
Example #6
     * Register script that will handle its behavior
    public function registerClientScript()
        $assets = Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets');
        /** @var $cs CClientScript */
        $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
        $cs->registerCssFile($assets . '/expand-column.css');
        if ($this->afterAjaxUpdate !== null) {
            if (!$this->afterAjaxUpdate instanceof CJavaScriptExpression && strpos($this->afterAjaxUpdate, 'js:') !== 0) {
                $this->afterAjaxUpdate = new CJavaScriptExpression($this->afterAjaxUpdate);
        } else {
            $this->afterAjaxUpdate = 'js:$.noop';
        $this->ajaxErrorMessage = CHtml::encode($this->ajaxErrorMessage);
        $afterAjaxUpdate = CJavaScript::encode($this->afterAjaxUpdate);
        $span = count($this->grid->columns);
        $loadingPic = CHtml::image($assets . '/loading.gif');
        $cache = $this->cacheData ? 'true' : 'false';
        $data = !empty($this->submitData) && is_array($this->submitData) ? $this->submitData : 'js:{}';
        $data = CJavascript::encode($data);
        list($parentId) = explode('_', $this->id);
        $js = <<<EOD
\$('#{$parentId} .{$this->columnCssClass}').live('click',function(){
\tvar span = {$span};
\tvar that = \$(this);
\tvar status = that.data('status');
\tvar rowid = that.data('rowid');
\tvar tr = \$('#relatedinfo'+rowid);
\tvar parent = that.parents('tr').eq(0);
\tvar afterAjaxUpdate = {$afterAjaxUpdate};

\tif (status && status=='on'){return}

\tif (tr.length && !tr.is(':visible') && {$cache})
\t}else if (tr.length && tr.is(':visible'))
\tif (tr.length)
\t\tif (!tr.is(':visible')){
\t\tvar td = \$('<td/>').html('{$loadingPic}').attr({'class':'{$this->rowCssClass}','colspan':{$span}});
\t\ttr = \$('<tr/>').prop({'id':'relatedinfo'+rowid}).append(td);
\t\t/* we need to maintain zebra styles :)*/
\t\tvar fake = \$('<tr/>').append(\$('<td/>').attr({'style':'display:none','colspan':{$span}}));
\tvar data = \$.extend({$data}, {id:rowid});
\t\turl: '{$this->url}',
\t\tdata: data,
\t\tsuccess: function(data){
\t\t\tif (\$.isFunction(afterAjaxUpdate))
\t\terror: function()
        $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $this->id, $js);