<td><input type="text" name="find_name" value="<?echo htmlspecialcharsbx($find_name)?>" size="47"><?php echo ShowFilterLogicHelp(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?echo GetMessage("MAIN_F_KEYWORDS")?></td> <td><input type="text" name="find_keywords" value="<?echo htmlspecialcharsbx($find_keywords)?>" size="47"><?php echo ShowFilterLogicHelp(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><?echo GetMessage("F_GROUP")?><br><img src="/freetrix/images/main/mouse.gif" width="44" height="21" border="0" alt=""></td> <td><? $z = CGroup::GetDropDownList("AND ID!=2"); echo SelectBoxM("find_group_id[]", $z, $find_group_id, "", false, 10); ?></td> </tr> <input type="hidden" name="FN" value="<?echo htmlspecialcharsbx($FN)?>"> <input type="hidden" name="FC" value="<?echo htmlspecialcharsbx($FC)?>"> <input type="hidden" name="JSFUNC" value="<?echo htmlspecialcharsbx($JSFUNC)?>"> <? $oFilter->Buttons(array("table_id"=>$sTableID, "url"=>$APPLICATION->GetCurPage(), "form"=>"find_form")); $oFilter->End(); ?> </form> <? $lAdmin->DisplayList(); require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/freetrix/modules/main/include/epilog_popup_admin.php");
?> </textarea><?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td valign="top"><?php echo GetMessage("EXTRANET_USER_GROUP"); ?> </td> <td valign="middle"><?php echo SelectBox("EXTRANET_USER_GROUP_ID", CGroup::GetDropDownList("and ACTIVE='Y' and ID <> 2"), GetMessage("MAIN_NO"), htmlspecialcharsbx($EXTRANET_USER_GROUP_ID)); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->Buttons(); ?> <input type="submit" name="Update" value="<?php echo GetMessage("EXTRANET_SAVE"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="Update" value="Y"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="<?php echo GetMessage("EXTRANET_RESET"); ?> ">
?> </textarea><?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td><?php echo GetMessage("FLOW_ADMIN"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo SelectBox("WORKFLOW_ADMIN_GROUP_ID", CGroup::GetDropDownList(""), GetMessage("MAIN_NO"), htmlspecialcharsbx($WORKFLOW_ADMIN_GROUP_ID)); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->BeginNextTab(); require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/admin/group_rights.php"; $tabControl->Buttons(); ?> <input <?php if ($WORKFLOW_RIGHT < "W") { echo "disabled"; } ?> type="submit" name="Update" value="<?php
// "type" => "html", // "value" => " ".GetMessage("FILEMAN_ADMIN_IN")." " // ); // $arGrActionAr["copy1"] = array( // "type" => "html", // "value" => $strHTML // ); // } if ($logical != "Y") { $lAdmin->AddGroupActionTable($arGrActionAr, array()); } $defaultEdit = COption::GetOptionString("fileman", "default_edit", "text"); if ($USER->CanDoOperation('view_groups') && $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_view_permission', $arPath)) { $arDDMenu = array(); $isB = false; $dbRes = CGroup::GetDropDownList(); while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { if ($show_perms_for == $arRes["REFERENCE_ID"]) { $isB = true; } $arDDMenu[] = array("TEXT" => $arRes["REFERENCE"], "ACTION" => $lAdmin->ActionAjaxReload("fileman_admin.php?" . $addUrl_s . "&site=" . urlencode($site) . "&path=" . urlencode($path) . "&show_perms_for=" . $arRes["REFERENCE_ID"]) . ';return false;', "ICON" => $show_perms_for == $arRes["REFERENCE_ID"] ? "checked" : ""); } $arDDMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_ADM_CUR_USER"), "ACTION" => $lAdmin->ActionAjaxReload("fileman_admin.php?" . $addUrl_s . "&site=" . urlencode($site) . "&path=" . urlencode($path) . "&show_perms_for=0") . ';return false;', "ICON" => !$isB ? "checked" : ""); } $aContext = array(); if (!$bSearch) { if ($USER->CanDoOperation('fileman_admin_folders') && $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_create_new_folder', $arPath)) { $aContext[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_ADMIN_ADD_FOLDER"), "ICON" => "btn_new_folder", "LINK" => "fileman_newfolder.php?" . $addUrl . "&site=" . $site . "&path=" . urlencode($path) . "", "TITLE" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_ADMIN_ADD_FOLDER")); } if ($USER->CanDoOperation('fileman_admin_files') && $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_create_new_file', $arPath)) { $aContext[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_ADMIN_ADD_FILE"), "ICON" => "btn_new_file", "LINK" => $defaultEdit == 'html' ? "fileman_html_edit.php?" . $addUrl . "&site=" . $site . "&path=" . urlencode($path) . "&new=y" : ($defaultEdit == 'php' && $USER->IsAdmin() ? "fileman_file_edit.php?" . $addUrl . "&site=" . $site . "&full_src=Y&path=" . urlencode($path) . "&new=y" : "fileman_file_edit.php?" . $addUrl . "&site=" . $site . "&path=" . urlencode($path) . "&new=y"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_ADMIN_ADD_FILE"));
</td> </tr> <?php } //******************** //Access Tab //******************** $tabControl->BeginNextTab(); ?> <?php $arr_ref = array(); $arr_ref_id = array(); $arr_ref[] = GetMessage("FORM_OWNER"); $arr_ref_id[] = 0; $z = CGroup::GetDropDownList("and ACTIVE='Y' and ID>1"); while ($zr = $z->Fetch()) { $reference_id = $zr["REFERENCE_ID"]; $reference = $zr["REFERENCE"]; if (strlen($reference_id) <= 0) { $reference_id = $zr["reference_id"]; } if (strlen($reference) <= 0) { $reference = $zr["reference"]; } $arr_ref[] = $reference; $arr_ref_id[] = $reference_id; } ?> <tr> <td><?php
<?php if ($USER->IsAdmin() && CModule::IncludeModule('iblock') && CModule::IncludeModule('lists')) { IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/options.php"); IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $aTabs = array(array("DIV" => "permissions", "TAB" => GetMessage("LISTS_OPTIONS_TAB_PERMISSIONS"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("LISTS_OPTIONS_TAB_TITLE_PERMISSIONS"), "OPTIONS" => array())); if (IsModuleInstalled('socialnetwork')) { $aTabs[] = array("DIV" => "socnet", "TAB" => GetMessage("LISTS_OPTIONS_TAB_SOCNET"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("LISTS_OPTIONS_TAB_TITLE_SOCNET"), "OPTIONS" => array()); } $arGroups = array("REFERENCE" => array(), "REFERENCE_ID" => array()); $rsGroups = CGroup::GetDropDownList(); while ($ar = $rsGroups->Fetch()) { $arGroups["REFERENCE"][] = $ar["REFERENCE"]; $arGroups["REFERENCE_ID"][] = $ar["REFERENCE_ID"]; } $arIBTypes = array("REFERENCE" => array(), "REFERENCE_ID" => array()); $rsIBTypes = CIBlockType::GetList(); while ($arIBType = $rsIBTypes->GetNext()) { $arIBTypes["REFERENCE"][] = $arIBType["~ID"]; $arIBTypes["REFERENCE_ID"][] = $arIBType["~ID"]; } $tabControl = new CAdminTabControl("tabControl", $aTabs); if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" && strlen($Update . $Apply . $RestoreDefaults) > 0 && check_bitrix_sessid()) { if (strlen($RestoreDefaults) > 0) { COption::RemoveOption("lists"); } else { $arRights = array(); if (isset($_POST["type_right"]) && is_array($_POST["type_right"]) && isset($_POST["group_right"]) && is_array($_POST["group_right"])) { $keys = array_keys($_POST["type_right"]); foreach ($keys as $i) { if (array_key_exists($i, $_POST["type_right"]) && array_key_exists($i, $_POST["group_right"])) {
/** * Селектор юзергроупов * @static * @param $sSelectName * @param $aSelectedValues * @param $bIsMultiple * @return void */ public static function GetUserGroupSelect($sSelectName, $aSelectedValues = array(), $bIsMultiple = true) { if (!is_array($aSelectedValues)) { $aSelectedValues = array($aSelectedValues); } static $aUserGroups = array(); if (empty($aUserGroups)) { $oUserGroups = CGroup::GetDropDownList(); while ($aUG = $oUserGroups->Fetch()) { $aUserGroups[$aUG['REFERENCE_ID']] = $aUG['REFERENCE']; } } $sResult = ''; if ($bIsMultiple) { $sResult .= '<select name="' . $sSelectName . '" multiple="multiple">'; } else { $sResult .= '<select name="' . $sSelectName . '">'; } if (!empty($aUserGroups)) { foreach ($aUserGroups as $sKey => $sOption) { $sResult .= '<option value="' . $sKey . '" ' . (in_array($sKey, $aSelectedValues) ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' >' . $sOption . '</option>'; } } $sResult .= '</select>'; return $sResult; }
<td class="adm-detail-valign-top"><?php echo GetMessage('FLOW_MOVE_RIGHTS'); ?> <br><img src="/bitrix/images/workflow/mouse.gif" width="44" height="21" border=0 alt=""></td> <td><?php echo SelectBoxM("arPERMISSION_M[]", CGroup::GetDropDownList(""), $arPERMISSION_M, "", true, 8); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="adm-detail-valign-top"><?php echo GetMessage('FLOW_EDIT_RIGHTS'); ?> <br><img src="/bitrix/images/workflow/mouse.gif" width="44" height="21" border=0 alt=""></td> <td><?php echo SelectBoxM("arPERMISSION_E[]", CGroup::GetDropDownList(""), $arPERMISSION_E, "", true, 8); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="notify"><?php echo GetMessage("FLOW_NOTIFY"); ?> </label></td> <td><?php echo InputType("checkbox", "NOTIFY", "Y", $str_NOTIFY, false, "", 'id="notify"'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->Buttons(array("disabled" => $WORKFLOW_RIGHT < "W", "back_url" => "workflow_status_list.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID));