  * createColumn is handy because it can take any input $fieldName and use
  *   its suffix to determine how the field should be displayed.
  * This allows us to treat project_description, task_description,
  *   company_description, or even some_other_crazy_wacky_description in
  *   exactly the same way without additional lines of code or configuration.
  *   If you want to do your own, feel free... but this is probably easier.
  * Examples: _budget, _date, _name, _owner
  * This may not work for things like company_type or project_type which are
  *   actually just references to look up tables, ... but should work on
  *   fields like project_company, dept_company because we still have a 
  *   common suffix.
  * @note I'm kind of annoyed about the complexity and sheer number of
  *   paths of this method but overall I think it's laid out reasonably
  *   well. I think the more important part is that I've been able to
  *   encapsulate it all here instead of spreading it all over the modules
  *   and views.
 public function createCell($fieldName, $value, $custom = array())
     $additional = '';
     if ('' == $value) {
         return '<td>-</td>';
     $pieces = explode('_', $fieldName);
     $prefix = $pieces[0];
     $suffix = '_' . end($pieces);
     if ($fieldName == 'project_actual_end_date') {
         $suffix = '_actual';
     switch ($suffix) {
         //BEGIN: object-based linkings
          * TODO: The following cases are likely to change once we have an approach to 
          *   handle module-level objects and their proper mapping/linkings.
         case '_company':
         case '_contact':
         case '_task':
             $module = substr($suffix, 1);
             $class = 'C' . ucfirst($module);
             $obj = new $class();
             $link = '?m=' . w2p_pluralize($module) . '&a=view&' . $module . '_id=' . $value;
             $cell = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $obj->{"{$module}" . '_name'} . '</a>';
             $suffix .= ' _name';
         case '_department':
             $module = substr($suffix, 1);
             $class = 'C' . ucfirst($module);
             $obj = new $class();
              * This is a branch separate from _company, _contact, etc above because although the module is called
              *   departments, the fields are dept_id and dept_name. :(
              *                                                              ~ caseydk, Dec 11 2013
             $link = '?m=' . w2p_pluralize($module) . '&a=view&dept_id=' . $value;
             $cell = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $obj->dept_name . '</a>';
             $suffix .= ' _name';
         case '_folder':
             $obj = new CFile_Folder();
             $foldername = $value ? $obj->file_folder_name : 'Root';
             $image = '<img src="' . w2PfindImage('folder5_small.png', 'files') . '" />';
             $link = '?m=files&tab=4&folder=' . (int) $value;
             $cell = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $image . ' ' . $foldername . '</a>';
             $suffix .= ' _name';
         case '_user':
         case '_username':
             $obj = new CContact();
             $link = '?m=users&a=view&user_id=' . $this->tableRowData['user_id'];
             $cell = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $obj->user_username . '</a>';
             //END: object-based linkings
              * TODO: These two prefix adjustments are an ugly hack because our departments 
              *   table doesn't follow the same convention as every other table we have. 
              *   This needs to be fixed in v4.0 - caseydk 13 Feb 2012
              * TODO: And unfortunately, the forums module is screwy using 'viewer' instead 
              *   of our standard 'view' for the page. ~ caseydk 16 Feb 2012
         //END: object-based linkings
          * TODO: These two prefix adjustments are an ugly hack because our departments 
          *   table doesn't follow the same convention as every other table we have. 
          *   This needs to be fixed in v4.0 - caseydk 13 Feb 2012
          * TODO: And unfortunately, the forums module is screwy using 'viewer' instead 
          *   of our standard 'view' for the page. ~ caseydk 16 Feb 2012
         case '_name':
             $prefix = $prefix == 'project_short' ? 'project' : $prefix;
             $prefix = $prefix == 'dept' ? 'department' : $prefix;
             $page = $prefix == 'forum' || $prefix == 'message' ? 'viewer' : 'view';
             $link = '?m=' . w2p_pluralize($prefix) . '&a=' . $page . '&';
             $link = $prefix == 'message' ? '?m=forums&a=' . $page . '&' : $link;
             $prefix = $prefix == 'department' ? 'dept' : $prefix;
             $link .= $prefix . '_id=' . $this->tableRowData[$prefix . '_id'];
             $link .= $prefix == 'task_log' ? '&tab=1&task_id=' . $this->tableRowData['task_id'] : '';
             $icon = $fieldName == 'file_name' ? '<img src="' . w2PfindImage(getIcon($this->tableRowData['file_type']), 'files') . '" />&nbsp;' : '';
             $cell = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $icon . $value . '</a>';
             //TODO: task_logs are another oddball..
             $cell = $prefix == 'task_log' ? str_replace('task_logs', 'tasks', $cell) : $cell;
         case '_author':
         case '_creator':
         case '_owner':
         case '_updator':
             if ((int) $value) {
                 $obj = new CContact();
                 $suffix .= ' nowrap';
                 $link = '?m=users&a=view&user_id=' . $value;
                 $cell = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $obj->contact_display_name . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $cell = $value;
             // The above are all contact/user display names, the below are numbers.
         // The above are all contact/user display names, the below are numbers.
         case '_count':
         case '_hours':
             $cell = $value;
         case '_duration':
             $durnTypes = w2PgetSysVal('TaskDurationType');
             $cell = $value . ' ' . $this->AppUI->_($durnTypes[$this->tableRowData['task_duration_type']]);
         case '_size':
             $cell = file_size($value);
         case '_budget':
             $cell = w2PgetConfig('currency_symbol');
             $cell .= formatCurrency($value, $this->AppUI->getPref('CURRENCYFORM'));
         case '_url':
             $value = str_replace(array('"', '"', '<', '>'), '', $value);
             $cell = w2p_url($value);
         case '_email':
             $cell = w2p_email($value);
         case '_birthday':
         case '_date':
             $myDate = intval($value) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($value) : null;
             $cell = $myDate ? $myDate->format($this->df) : '-';
         case '_actual':
             $end_date = intval($this->tableRowData['project_end_date']) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->tableRowData['project_end_date']) : null;
             $actual_end_date = intval($this->tableRowData['project_actual_end_date']) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->tableRowData['project_actual_end_date']) : null;
             $style = $actual_end_date < $end_date && !empty($end_date) ? 'style="color:red; font-weight:bold"' : '';
             if ($actual_end_date) {
                 $cell = '<a href="?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $this->tableRowData['project_last_task'] . '" ' . $style . '>' . $actual_end_date->format($this->df) . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $cell = '-';
         case '_created':
         case '_datetime':
         case '_update':
         case '_updated':
             $myDate = intval($value) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($value, '%Y-%m-%d %T')) : null;
             $cell = $myDate ? $myDate->format($this->dtf) : '-';
         case '_description':
             $cell = w2p_textarea($value);
         case '_priority':
             $mod = $value > 0 ? '+' : '-';
             $image = '<img src="' . w2PfindImage('icons/priority' . $mod . abs($value) . '.gif') . '" width="13" height="16" alt="">';
             $cell = $value != 0 ? $image : '';
         case '_complete':
         case '_assignment':
         case '_allocated':
         case '_allocation':
             $cell = round($value) . '%';
         case '_password':
             $cell = '(' . $this->AppUI->_('hidden') . ')';
         case '_version':
             $value = (int) (100 * $value);
             $cell = number_format($value / 100, 2);
         case '_identifier':
             $additional = 'style="background-color:#' . $value . '; color:' . bestColor($value) . '" ';
             $cell = $this->tableRowData['project_percent_complete'] . '%';
         case '_project':
             $module = substr($suffix, 1);
             $class = 'C' . ucfirst($module);
             $obj = new $class();
             $color = $obj->project_color_identifier;
             $link = '?m=' . w2p_pluralize($module) . '&a=view&' . $module . '_id=' . $value;
             $cell = '<span style="background-color:#' . $color . '; padding: 3px"><a href="' . $link . '" style="color:' . bestColor($color) . '">' . $obj->{"{$module}" . '_name'} . '</a></span>';
             $suffix .= ' _name';
         case '_assignees':
             $cell = $value;
         case '_problem':
             if ($value) {
                 $cell = '<a href="?m=tasks&a=index&f=all&project_id=' . $this->tableRowData['project_id'] . '">';
                 $cell .= w2PshowImage('icons/dialog-warning5.png', 16, 16, 'Problem', 'Problem');
                 $cell .= '</a>';
             } else {
                 $cell = '-';
             $value = isset($custom[$fieldName]) ? $custom[$fieldName][$value] : $value;
             $cell = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES);
     $begin = '<td ' . $additional . 'class="' . $suffix . '">';
     $end = '</td>';
     return $begin . $cell . $end;
  * Tests the delete of a link
 public function testDelete()
     $result = $this->obj->store();
     $original_id = $this->obj->file_folder_id;
     $result = $this->obj->delete();
     $item = new CFile_Folder();
     $this->mockDB->stageHash(array('file_folder_name' => ''));
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($item, 'CFile_Folder'));
     $this->assertEquals('', $item->file_folder_name);