Example #1
  *  Get Featured Videos
  *  @return     array   Objects of random featured videos
  *  @since      1.5
 public function _getFeatVideos()
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_VIDEOS);
     $featuredVideos = $featured->getItemIds();
     $featuredList = array();
     foreach ($featuredVideos as $videoId) {
         $table = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
         $featuredList[] = $table;
     return $featuredList;
Example #2
  *	Get Featured Videos
  *	@return		array	Objects of random featured videos
  *	@since		1.5
 private function _getFeatVideos()
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'videos');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_VIDEOS);
     $featuredVideos = $featured->getItemIds();
     $featuredList = array();
     foreach ($featuredVideos as $videoId) {
         $table =& JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
         $featuredList[] = $table;
     return $featuredList;
Example #3
  *    Get Featured Videos
  * @return        array    Objects of random featured videos
  * @since        1.5
 private function _getFeatVideos()
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_VIDEOS);
     $featuredVideos = $featured->getItemIds();
     $featuredList = array();
     foreach ($featuredVideos as $videoId) {
         $table = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
         if (empty($table->id)) {
         $featuredList[] = $table;
     return $featuredList;
$categories = $model->getAllCategories();
$categoryIds = CCategoryHelper::getCategoryChilds($categories, $category->id);
if (!$eventType) {
    //upcoming events
    $result = $model->getEvents($categoryIds, $userid, $sorted, null, true, false, null, array('parent' => $eventparent), CEventHelper::ALL_TYPES, 0, $limit, $upcomingOnly, false);
} else {
    //my event
    if (!$userid) {
        //if no id is provided and this is user type, the result should be empty
        $result = array();
    } else {
        $result = $model->getEvents(null, $userid, $sorted);
$events = array();
$featuredOnly = $params->get('filter_by', 0);
if ($featuredOnly) {
    //1 = featured only
    $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_EVENTS);
    $featuredEvents = $featured->getItemIds();
foreach ($result as $row) {
    if ($featuredOnly && !in_array($row->id, $featuredEvents)) {
        //if we only show featured item, and the item does not exists.
    $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable');
    $events[] = $event;
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_community_events', $params->get('layout', 'default'));
Example #5
  * Display a list of pending friend requests
  * */
 public function pending($data = null)
     if (!$this->accessAllowed('registered')) {
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     if ($my->id == 0) {
         $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PLEASE_LOGIN_WARNING'), 'error');
     // Set pathway
     $this->addPathway(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_FRIENDS'), CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=friends'));
      * Opengraph
     CHeadHelper::setType('website', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_FRIENDS_AWAITING_AUTHORIZATION'));
     // Load submenu
     $rows = !empty($data->pending) ? $data->pending : array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
         $row = $rows[$i];
         $row->user = CFactory::getUser($row->id);
         $row->user->friendsCount = $row->user->getFriendCount();
         $row->user->profileLink = CUrlHelper::userLink($row->id);
         $row->msg = $this->escape($row->msg);
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_USERS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     echo $tmpl->set('rows', $rows)->setRef('my', $my)->set('config', $config)->set('pagination', $data->pagination)->set('submenu', $this->showSubmenu(false))->set('featuredList', $featuredList)->fetch('friends/request-received');
Example #6
 public function _getEventsFeaturedList()
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_EVENTS);
     $featuredEvents = $featured->getItemIds();
     $featuredList = array();
     foreach ($featuredEvents as $event) {
         $table =& JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable');
         $featuredList[] = $table;
     return $featuredList;
Example #7
  * //@todo Use usort to sort the data when PHP 5.3 is the minimal requirement
  * Sort album key based on the key data comparison given
  * @param $albums
  * @param string $sort
  * @return array
 private function sortAlbums($albums, $sort = 'date')
     $data = array();
     foreach ($albums as $row) {
         $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable');
         $album->thumbnail = $album->getCoverThumbPath();
         $lastupdated = new DateTime($album->lastupdated);
         //sorting happens here
         switch ($sort) {
             case 'hit':
                 //$key = $this->getNextUniqueAlbumKey($album->hits,$data);
                 $data[] = $album;
             case 'name':
                 if (array_key_exists($album->name, $data)) {
                     $data[strtolower($album->name) . (strtotime("now") + rand('1', '100000'))] = $album;
                 } else {
                     $data[strtolower($album->name) . strtotime("now")] = $album;
             case 'featured_only':
                 $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_ALBUMS);
                 $featuredAlbums = $featured->getItemIds();
                 foreach ($featuredAlbums as $featuredAlbum) {
                     if ($album->id == $featuredAlbum) {
                         $data[] = $album;
             case 'featured':
                 $data[] = $album;
                 /* removed in 4.0
                    very heavy to filter
                    case 'like' :
                        $like = new CLike();
                        $totalLikes = $like->getLikeCount('album', $album->id);
                        $key = $this->getNextUniqueAlbumKey($totalLikes,$data);
                        $data[$key] = $album;
                    case 'comment';
                        $totalComments = CWallLibrary::getWallCount('albums',$album->id);
                        $key = $this->getNextUniqueAlbumKey($totalComments,$data);
                        $data[$key] = $album;
             /* removed in 4.0
                very heavy to filter
                case 'like' :
                    $like = new CLike();
                    $totalLikes = $like->getLikeCount('album', $album->id);
                    $key = $this->getNextUniqueAlbumKey($totalLikes,$data);
                    $data[$key] = $album;
                case 'comment';
                    $totalComments = CWallLibrary::getWallCount('albums',$album->id);
                    $key = $this->getNextUniqueAlbumKey($totalComments,$data);
                    $data[$key] = $album;
                 $key = $this->getNextUniqueAlbumKey($lastupdated->format('U'), $data);
                 $data[$key] = $album;
     //sort by the key
     if ($sort != 'featured') {
     if ($sort == 'name' || $sort == 'hit') {
         $data = array_reverse($data);
     return $data;
Example #8
 * @url https://www.jomsocial.com/license-agreement
 * The PHP code portions are distributed under the GPL license. If not otherwise stated, all images, manuals, cascading style sheets, and included JavaScript *are NOT GPL, and are released under the IJOOMLA Proprietary Use License v1.0
 * More info at https://www.jomsocial.com/license-agreement
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$isMine = COwnerHelper::isMine($my->id, $user->id);
$avatar = $user->getAvatarInfo();
$loggedIn = $my->id != 0;
$profileFields = '';
$themeModel = CFactory::getModel('theme');
$profileModel = CFactory::getModel('profile');
$settings = $themeModel->getSettings('profile');
$my = CFactory::getUser($profile->id);
$config = CFactory::getConfig();
$featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_USERS);
$featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
if (isset($settings['profile']['tagline']) && strlen($settings['profile']['tagline'])) {
    $blocks = json_decode($settings['profile']['tagline'], true);
    $blockEnabled = true;
    foreach ($blocks as $block) {
        $blockString = "";
        if ($block['spacebefore']) {
            $blockString .= " ";
        if (strlen($block['before'])) {
            $blockString .= JText::_($block['before']) . " ";
        if (strlen($block['field'])) {
            if (isset($profile->fieldsById->{$block['field']}) && strlen($profile->fieldsById->{$block['field']}->value)) {
                # var_dump($profile->fieldsById->{$block['field']});
                $blockString .= $themeModel->formatField($profile->fieldsById->{$block['field']});
Example #9
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $jinput = $mainframe->input;
     $id = $jinput->get('listid', '', 'INT');
     //JRequest::getVar( 'listid' , '' );
     $list = JTable::getInstance('MemberList', 'CTable');
     if (empty($list->id) || is_null($list->id)) {
         echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INVALID_ID');
      * Opengraph
     CHeadHelper::setType('website', $list->getTitle());
     $tmpCriterias = $list->getCriterias();
     $criterias = array();
     foreach ($tmpCriterias as $criteria) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->field = $criteria->field;
         $obj->condition = $criteria->condition;
         $obj->fieldType = $criteria->type;
         switch ($criteria->type) {
             case 'date':
             case 'birthdate':
                 if ($criteria->condition == 'between') {
                     $date = explode(',', $criteria->value);
                     if (isset($date[1])) {
                         $delimeter = '-';
                         if (strpos($date[0], '/')) {
                             $delimeter = '/';
                         $startDate = explode($delimeter, $date[0]);
                         $endDate = explode($delimeter, $date[1]);
                         if (isset($startDate[2]) && isset($endDate[2])) {
                             //date format
                             $obj->value = array($startDate[2] . '-' . intval($startDate[1]) . '-' . $startDate[0] . ' 00:00:00', $endDate[2] . '-' . intval($endDate[1]) . '-' . $endDate[0] . ' 23:59:59');
                         } else {
                             //age format
                             $obj->value = array($date[0], $date[1]);
                     } else {
                         //wrong data, set to default
                         $obj->value = array(0, 0);
                 } else {
                     $delimeter = '-';
                     if (strpos($criteria->value, '/')) {
                         $delimeter = '/';
                     $startDate = explode($delimeter, $criteria->value);
                     if (isset($startDate[2])) {
                         //date format
                         $obj->value = $startDate[2] . '-' . intval($startDate[1]) . '-' . $startDate[0] . ' 00:00:00';
                     } else {
                         //age format
                         $obj->value = $criteria->value;
             case 'checkbox':
                 $obj->value = $criteria->value;
         $criterias[] = $obj;
     //CFactory::load( 'helpers' , 'time');
     $created = CTimeHelper::getDate($list->created);
     //CFactory::load( 'libraries' , 'advancesearch' );
     //CFactory::load( 'libraries' , 'filterbar' );
     $sortItems = array('latest' => JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SORT_LATEST'), 'online' => JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SORT_ONLINE'), 'alphabetical' => JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SORT_ALPHABETICAL'));
     $sorting = $jinput->get->get('sort', 'latest', 'STRING');
     //JRequest::getVar( 'sort' , 'latest' , 'GET' );
     $data = CAdvanceSearch::getResult($criterias, $list->condition, $list->avataronly, $sorting);
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     $html = $tmpl->set('list', $list)->set('created', $created)->set('sorting', CFilterBar::getHTML(CRoute::getURI(), $sortItems, 'latest'))->fetch('memberlist.result');
     //CFactory::load( 'libraries' , 'tooltip' );
     //CFactory::load( 'helpers' , 'owner' );
     //CFactory::load( 'libraries' , 'featured' );
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_USERS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $resultRows = array();
     $friendsModel = CFactory::getModel('friends');
     $alreadyfriend = array();
     //CFactory::load( 'helpers' , 'friends' );
     foreach ($data->result as $user) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->user = $user;
         $obj->friendsCount = $user->getFriendCount();
         $obj->profileLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $user->id);
         $isFriend = CFriendsHelper::isConnected($user->id, $my->id);
         $obj->addFriend = !$isFriend && $my->id != 0 && $my->id != $user->id ? true : false;
         //record friends
         if ($obj->addFriend) {
             $alreadyfriend[$user->id] = $user->id;
         $resultRows[] = $obj;
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     echo $tmpl->set('data', $resultRows)->set('alreadyfriend', $alreadyfriend)->set('sortings', '')->set('pagination', $data->pagination)->set('filter', '')->set('featuredList', $featuredList)->set('my', $my)->set('showFeaturedList', false)->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin())->fetch('people.browse');
Example #10
 public function ajaxGetFeaturedVideos($limit)
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     $limit = $filter->clean($limit, 'int');
     $limit = max(0, $limit);
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $permissions = $my->id == 0 ? 10 : 20;
     $permissions = COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin() ? 40 : $permissions;
     //CFactory::load( 'libraries', 'featured' );
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_VIDEOS);
     $featuredVideos = $featured->getItemIds();
     if (!empty($featuredVideos)) {
         $videoId = array();
         foreach ($featuredVideos as $featuredVideo) {
             $videoId[] = $featuredVideo;
         $objResponse = new JAXResponse();
         $oversampledTotal = $limit * COMMUNITY_OVERSAMPLING_FACTOR;
         $model = CFactory::getModel('videos');
         $filter = array('id' => $videoId, 'status' => 'ready', 'permissions' => $permissions, 'sorting' => 'latest', 'limit' => $oversampledTotal);
         $featuredVideos = $model->getVideos($filter, true);
         if (!empty($featuredVideos)) {
             $maxLatestCount = count($featuredVideos) > $limit ? $limit : count($featuredVideos);
             $html = $this->prepareVideosData($featuredVideos, $maxLatestCount, $objResponse);
         } else {
     } else {
     $json = array('success' => true, 'html' => $html);
Example #11
 function _getGroupsHTML($tmpGroups, $tmpPagination = NULL)
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_GROUPS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $task = JRequest::getVar('task', '', 'GET');
     $showFeatured = empty($task) ? true : false;
     $groups = array();
     CFactory::load('models', 'groups');
     if ($tmpGroups) {
         foreach ($tmpGroups as $row) {
             $group =& JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
             $groups[] = $group;
     $tmpl->set('showFeatured', $showFeatured);
     $tmpl->set('featuredList', $featuredList);
     $tmpl->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin());
     $tmpl->set('groups', $groups);
     $tmpl->set('pagination', $tmpPagination);
     $groupsHTML = $tmpl->fetch('groups.list');
     return $groupsHTML;
Example #12
  * Search list of friends
  * if no $_GET['id'] is set, we're viewing our own friends
 public function friendsearch($data)
     //return $this->search($data);
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'profile.php';
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'friends.php';
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $avatarOnly = JRequest::getVar('avatar', '');
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $friendsModel = CFactory::getModel('friends');
     $resultRows = array();
     $id = JRequest::getInt('userid', null);
     if ($id == null) {
         $id = $my->id;
     $user = CFactory::getUser($id);
     $isMine = $id == $my->id && $my->id != 0;
     $pagination = !empty($data) ? $data->pagination : '';
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data->result); $i++) {
         $row =& $data->result[$i];
         $user = CFactory::getUser($row->id);
         $row->profileLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $row->id);
         $row->friendsCount = $user->getFriendCount();
         $isFriend = CFriendsHelper::isConnected($row->id, $my->id);
         $row->user = $user;
         $row->addFriend = !$isFriend && $my->id != 0 && $my->id != $row->id ? true : false;
         $resultRows[] = $row;
     $tmpl->set('data', $resultRows);
     $tmpl->set('sortings', '');
     $tmpl->set('pagination', $pagination);
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'tooltip');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_USERS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $tmpl->set('featuredList', $featuredList);
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     $tmpl->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin());
     $tmpl->set('showFeaturedList', false);
     $tmpl->set('my', $my);
     $resultHTML = $tmpl->fetch('people.browse');
     $searchLinks = parent::getAppSearchLinks('people');
     if ($isMine) {
     } else {
         $this->addSubmenuItem('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $user->id, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PROFILE_BACK_TO_PROFILE'));
         $this->addSubmenuItem('index.php?option=com_community&view=friends&userid=' . $user->id, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_FRIENDS_VIEW_ALL'));
         $this->addSubmenuItem('index.php?option=com_community&view=friends&task=mutualFriends&userid=' . $user->id . '&filter=mutual', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_MUTUAL_FRIENDS'));
         $tmpl = new CTemplate();
         $tmpl->set('view', "friends");
         $tmpl->set('url', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=friends&task=viewfriends'));
         $html = $tmpl->fetch('friendsearch.submenu');
         $this->addSubmenuItem('index.php?option=com_community&view=friends&task=viewfriends', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SEARCH_FRIENDS'), 'joms.videos.toggleSearchSubmenu(this)', SUBMENU_LEFT, $html);
         $document->setTitle(JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_FRIENDS_ALL_FRIENDS', $user->getDisplayName()));
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     $tmpl->set('avatarOnly', $avatarOnly);
     $tmpl->set('results', $data->result);
     $tmpl->set('resultHTML', $resultHTML);
     $tmpl->set('query', $data->query);
     $tmpl->set('searchLinks', $searchLinks);
     echo $tmpl->fetch('friendsearch');
Example #13
 public function display()
     $id = JRequest::getVar('listid', '');
     $list =& JTable::getInstance('MemberList', 'CTable');
     if (empty($list->id) || is_null($list->id)) {
         echo JText::_('CC INVALID ID');
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $tmpCriterias = $list->getCriterias();
     $criterias = array();
     foreach ($list->getCriterias() as $criteria) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->field = $criteria->field;
         $obj->condition = $criteria->condition;
         $obj->fieldType = $criteria->type;
         switch ($criteria->type) {
             case 'date':
                 if ($criteria->condition == 'between') {
                     $date = explode(',', $criteria->value);
                     $startDate = explode('/', $date[0]);
                     $endDate = explode('/', $date[1]);
                     $obj->value = array($startDate[2] . '-' . intval($startDate[1]) . '-' . $startDate[0] . ' 00:00:00', $endDate[2] . '-' . intval($endDate[1]) . '-' . $endDate[0] . ' 23:59:59');
                 } else {
                     $startDate = explode('/', $criteria->value);
                     $obj->value = $startDate[2] . '-' . intval($startDate[1]) . '-' . $startDate[0] . ' 00:00:00';
             case 'checkbox':
                 $obj->value = $criteria->value;
         $criterias[] = $obj;
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'time');
     $created = CTimeHelper::getDate($list->created);
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'advancesearch');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'filterbar');
     $sortItems = array('latest' => JText::_('CC SORT LATEST'), 'online' => JText::_('CC SORT ONLINE'), 'alphabetical' => JText::_('CC SORT ALPHABETICAL'));
     $sorting = JRequest::getVar('sort', 'latest', 'GET');
     $data = CAdvanceSearch::getResult($criterias, $list->condition, $list->avataronly, $sorting);
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     $tmpl->set('list', $list);
     $tmpl->set('created', $created);
     $tmpl->set('sorting', CFilterBar::getHTML(CRoute::getURI(), $sortItems, 'latest'));
     $html = $tmpl->fetch('memberlist.result');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'tooltip');
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_USERS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $resultRows = array();
     $friendsModel = CFactory::getModel('friends');
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'friends');
     foreach ($data->result as $user) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->user = $user;
         $obj->friendsCount = $user->getFriendCount();
         $obj->profileLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $user->id);
         $isFriend = CFriendsHelper::isConnected($user->id, $my->id);
         $obj->addFriend = !$isFriend && $my->id != 0 && $my->id != $user->id ? true : false;
         $resultRows[] = $obj;
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     $tmpl->set('data', $resultRows);
     $tmpl->set('sortings', '');
     $tmpl->set('pagination', $data->pagination);
     $tmpl->set('filter', '');
     $tmpl->set('featuredList', $featuredList);
     $tmpl->set('my', $my);
     $tmpl->set('showFeaturedList', false);
     $tmpl->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin());
     $html .= $tmpl->fetch('people.browse');
     echo $html;
Example #14
 function advanceSearch()
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'advancesearch');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'messaging');
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'friends');
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->setTitle(JText::_('CC TITLE CUSTOM SEARCH'));
     $this->addPathway(JText::_('CC TITLE CUSTOM SEARCH'));
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $result = null;
     $fields = CAdvanceSearch::getFields();
     $data = new stdClass();
     $post = JRequest::get('GET');
     $keyList = isset($post['key-list']) ? $post['key-list'] : '';
     $avatarOnly = JRequest::getVar('avatar', '');
     if (JString::strlen($keyList) > 0) {
         //formatting the assoc array
         $filter = array();
         $key = explode(',', $keyList);
         $joinOperator = $post['operator'];
         foreach ($key as $idx) {
             $obj = new stdClass();
             $obj->field = $post['field' . $idx];
             $obj->condition = $post['condition' . $idx];
             $obj->fieldType = $post['fieldType' . $idx];
             if ($obj->fieldType == 'email') {
                 $obj->condition = 'equal';
             // we need to check whether the value contain start and end kind of values.
             // if yes, make them an array.
             if (isset($post['value' . $idx . '_2'])) {
                 if ($obj->fieldType == 'date') {
                     $startDate = empty($post['value' . $idx]) ? '01/01/1970' : $post['value' . $idx];
                     $endDate = empty($post['value' . $idx . '_2']) ? '01/01/1970' : $post['value' . $idx . '_2'];
                     $sdate = explode('/', $startDate);
                     $edate = explode('/', $endDate);
                     $obj->value = array($sdate[2] . '-' . intval($sdate[1]) . '-' . $sdate[0] . ' 00:00:00', $edate[2] . '-' . intval($edate[1]) . '-' . $edate[0] . ' 23:59:59');
                 } else {
                     $obj->value = array($post['value' . $idx], $post['value' . $idx . '_2']);
             } else {
                 if ($obj->fieldType == 'date') {
                     $startDate = empty($post['value' . $idx]) ? '01/01/1970' : $post['value' . $idx];
                     $sdate = explode('/', $startDate);
                     $obj->value = $sdate[2] . '-' . intval($sdate[1]) . '-' . $sdate[0] . ' 00:00:00';
                 } else {
                     if ($obj->fieldType == 'checkbox') {
                         if (empty($post['value' . $idx])) {
                             //this mean user didnot check any of the option.
                             $obj->value = '';
                         } else {
                             $obj->value = isset($post['value' . $idx]) ? implode(',', $post['value' . $idx]) : '';
                     } else {
                         $obj->value = isset($post['value' . $idx]) ? $post['value' . $idx] : '';
             $filter[] = $obj;
         $data->search = CAdvanceSearch::getResult($filter, $joinOperator, $avatarOnly);
         $data->filter = $post;
     $rows = !empty($data->search) ? $data->search->result : array();
     $pagination = !empty($data->search) ? $data->search->pagination : '';
     $filter = !empty($data->filter) ? $data->filter : array();
     $resultRows = array();
     $friendsModel = CFactory::getModel('friends');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
         $row =& $rows[$i];
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->user =& $row;
         $obj->friendsCount = $row->getFriendCount();
         $obj->profileLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $row->id);
         $isFriend = CFriendsHelper::isConnected($row->id, $my->id);
         $obj->addFriend = !$isFriend && $my->id != 0 && $my->id != $row->id ? true : false;
         $resultRows[] = $obj;
     if (class_exists('Services_JSON')) {
         $json = new Services_JSON();
     } else {
         require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'system' . DS . 'pc_includes' . DS . 'JSON.php';
         $json = new Services_JSON();
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     $tmpl->set('fields', $fields);
     $tmpl->set('keyList', $keyList);
     $tmpl->set('avatarOnly', $avatarOnly);
     $tmpl->set('filterJson', $json->encode($filter));
     $tmpl->set('postresult', isset($post['key-list']));
     $searchForm = $tmpl->fetch('search.advancesearch');
     if (isset($post['key-list'])) {
         //result template
         $tmplResult = new CTemplate();
         $tmplResult->set('data', $resultRows);
         $tmplResult->set('sortings', '');
         $tmplResult->set('pagination', $pagination);
         $tmplResult->set('filter', $filter);
         CFactory::load('libraries', 'tooltip');
         CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
         CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
         $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_USERS);
         $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
         $tmpl->set('featuredList', $featuredList);
         $tmplResult->set('my', $my);
         $tmplResult->set('showFeaturedList', false);
         $tmplResult->set('featuredList', $featuredList);
         $tmplResult->set('featuredList', $featuredList);
         $tmplResult->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin());
         $searchForm .= $tmplResult->fetch('people.browse');
     echo $searchForm;
Example #15
 function _getAlbumsHTML($albums, $type = PHOTOS_USER_TYPE, $pagination = NULL)
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $groupId = JRequest::getVar('groupid', '', 'REQUEST');
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities');
     CFactory::load('models', 'groups');
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($albums); $i++) {
         $albums[$i]->user = CFactory::getUser($albums[$i]->creator);
         $albums[$i]->link = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid={$albums[$i]->id}&userid={$albums[$i]->creator}");
         $albums[$i]->editLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=editAlbum&albumid={$albums[$i]->id}&userid={$albums[$i]->creator}");
         $albums[$i]->uploadLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=uploader&albumid={$albums[$i]->id}&userid={$albums[$i]->creator}");
         $albums[$i]->isOwner = $my->id == $albums[$i]->creator;
         if ($type == PHOTOS_GROUP_TYPE) {
             $group =& JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
             $albums[$i]->link = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid={$albums[$i]->id}&groupid={$albums[$i]->groupid}");
             $albums[$i]->editLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=editAlbum&albumid={$albums[$i]->id}&groupid={$albums[$i]->groupid}");
             $albums[$i]->uploadLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=uploader&albumid={$albums[$i]->id}&groupid={$albums[$i]->groupid}");
             $params = $group->getParams();
             $photopermission = $params->get('photopermission', GROUP_PHOTO_PERMISSION_ADMINS);
             if ($photopermission == GROUP_PHOTO_PERMISSION_MEMBERS && $group->isMember($my->id)) {
                 $albums[$i]->isOwner = $my->id == $albums[$i]->creator;
             } else {
                 if ($photopermission == GROUP_PHOTO_PERMISSION_ADMINS && $group->isAdmin($my->id) || COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin()) {
                     $albums[$i]->isOwner = true;
                 } else {
                     $albums[$i]->isOwner = false;
         // If new albums that has just been created and
         // does not contain any images, the lastupdated will always be 0000-00-00 00:00:00:00
         // Try to use the albums creation date instead.
         if ($albums[$i]->lastupdated == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $albums[$i]->lastupdated == '') {
             $albums[$i]->lastupdated = $albums[$i]->created;
             if ($albums[$i]->lastupdated == '' || $albums[$i]->lastupdated == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                 $albums[$i]->lastupdated = JText::_('CC NO LAST ACTIVITY');
             } else {
                 $lastUpdated = new JDate($albums[$i]->lastupdated);
                 $albums[$i]->lastupdated = CActivityStream::_createdLapse($lastUpdated);
         } else {
             $lastUpdated = new JDate($albums[$i]->lastupdated);
             $albums[$i]->lastupdated = CActivityStream::_createdLapse($lastUpdated);
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_ALBUMS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $task = JRequest::getVar('task', '', 'GET');
     $showFeatured = empty($task) ? true : false;
     $createLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=newalbum&userid=' . $my->id);
     if ($type == PHOTOS_GROUP_TYPE) {
         $createLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=newalbum&groupid=' . $groupId);
         CFactory::load('helpers', 'group');
         $isOwner = CGroupHelper::allowManagePhoto($groupId);
     } else {
         $userId = JRequest::getInt('userid', '', 'REQUEST');
         $user = CFactory::getUser($userId);
         $isOwner = $my->id == $user->id ? true : false;
     $task = JRequest::getCmd('task', '');
     $tmpl->set('isMember', $my->id != 0);
     $tmpl->set('isOwner', $isOwner);
     $tmpl->set('type', $type);
     $tmpl->set('createLink', $createLink);
     $tmpl->set('currentTask', $task);
     $tmpl->set('showFeatured', $showFeatured);
     $tmpl->set('featuredList', $featuredList);
     $tmpl->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin());
     $tmpl->set('my', $my);
     $tmpl->set('albums', $albums);
     $tmpl->set('pagination', $pagination);
     $tmpl->set('isSuperAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin());
     return $tmpl->fetch('albums.list');
Example #16
 public function _getAlbumsHTML($albums, $type = PHOTOS_USER_TYPE, $pagination = NULL)
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $groupId = JRequest::getVar('groupid', '', 'REQUEST');
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities');
     CFactory::load('models', 'groups');
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     $handler = $this->_getHandler();
     $photoTag = CFactory::getModel('phototagging');
     $photos = array();
     foreach ($albums as &$album) {
         $album->user = CFactory::getUser($album->creator);
         $album->link = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid={$album->id}&userid={$album->creator}");
         $album->editLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=editAlbum&albumid={$album->id}&userid={$album->creator}&referrer=myphotos");
         $album->uploadLink = "javascript:joms.notifications.showUploadPhoto({$album->id});";
         $album->isOwner = $my->id == $album->creator;
         // Get all photos from album
         $photos[$album->id] = $handler->getAlbumPhotos($album->id);
         $photoCount = count($photos[$album->id]);
         $tagRecords[$album->id] = array();
         // get tag users from photos
         if ($photoCount > 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $photoCount; $i++) {
                 $tempTagRecords = $photoTag->getTaggedList($photos[$album->id][$i]->id);
                 if (count($tempTagRecords) > 0) {
                     $tagRecords[$album->id][] = $tempTagRecords;
         if ($type == PHOTOS_GROUP_TYPE) {
             $album->link = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid={$album->id}&groupid={$album->groupid}");
             $album->editLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=editAlbum&albumid={$album->id}&groupid={$album->groupid}&referrer=myphotos");
             $album->uploadLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=uploader&albumid={$album->id}&groupid={$album->groupid}");
             $albums[$i]->isOwner = $my->authorise('community.view', 'photos.group.album.' . $groupId, $albums[$i]);
         // If new albums that has just been created and
         // does not contain any images, the lastupdated will always be 0000-00-00 00:00:00:00
         // Try to use the albums creation date instead.
         if ($album->lastupdated == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $album->lastupdated == '') {
             $album->lastupdated = $album->created;
             if ($album->lastupdated == '' || $album->lastupdated == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                 $album->lastupdated = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTOS_NO_ACTIVITY');
             } else {
                 $lastUpdated = new JDate($album->lastupdated);
                 $album->lastupdated = CActivityStream::_createdLapse($lastUpdated, false);
         } else {
             $lastUpdated = new JDate($album->lastupdated);
             $album->lastupdated = CActivityStream::_createdLapse($lastUpdated, false);
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     $createLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=newalbum&userid=' . $my->id);
     if ($type == PHOTOS_GROUP_TYPE) {
         $createLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=newalbum&groupid=' . $groupId);
         CFactory::load('helpers', 'group');
         $isOwner = CGroupHelper::allowManagePhoto($groupId);
     } else {
         $userId = JRequest::getInt('userid', '', 'REQUEST');
         $user = CFactory::getUser($userId);
         $isOwner = $my->id == $user->id ? true : false;
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_ALBUMS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $task = JRequest::getCmd('task', '');
     return $tmpl->set('isMember', $my->id != 0)->set('isOwner', $isOwner)->set('type', $type)->set('createLink', $createLink)->set('currentTask', $task)->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin())->set('my', $my)->set('albums', $albums)->set('pagination', $pagination)->set('isSuperAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin())->set('featuredList', $featuredList)->fetch('albums.list');
Example #17
 public function _getEventsFeaturedList()
     //CFactory::load( 'libraries' , 'featured' );
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_EVENTS);
     $featuredEvents = $featured->getItemIds();
     $featuredList = array();
     $now = new JDate();
     foreach ($featuredEvents as $event) {
         $table = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable');
         $expiry = new JDate($table->enddate);
         if ($expiry->toUnix() >= $now->toUnix()) {
             if ($table->id != '') {
                 $featuredList[] = $table;
     if (!empty($featuredList)) {
         foreach ($featuredList as $key => $row) {
             $orderByDate[$key] = strtotime($row->startdate);
         array_multisort($orderByDate, SORT_ASC, $featuredList);
     return $featuredList;
Example #18
  * @param int $limit
  * get members and order by featured first
 public function getFeaturedMember($limit = 15)
     if ($limit == 0) {
         return array();
     $limit = $limit < 0 ? 0 : $limit;
     $db = $this->getDBO();
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_USERS);
     $featuredUsers = implode(',', $featured->getItemIds());
     $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $db->quoteName('id');
     if (!$featuredUsers || count($featuredUsers) == 0) {
         return array();
     $filterquery = '';
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     if (!$config->get('privacy_show_admins')) {
         $userModel = CFactory::getModel('User');
         $tmpAdmins = $userModel->getSuperAdmins();
         $admins = array();
         $filterquery .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('id') . ' NOT IN(';
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmpAdmins); $i++) {
             $admin = $tmpAdmins[$i];
             $filterquery .= $db->Quote($admin->id);
             $filterquery .= $i < count($tmpAdmins) - 1 ? ',' : '';
         $filterquery .= ')';
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__users') . ' ' . ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('block') . '=' . $db->Quote(0) . ' ' . $filterquery . ' AND id IN (' . $featuredUsers . ') ' . ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr());
     $latestMembers = array();
     $uids = array();
     foreach ($result as $m) {
         $uids[] = $m->id;
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $latestMembers[] = CFactory::getUser($row->id);
     return $latestMembers;
Example #19
 public function _getGroupsHTML($tmpGroups, $tmpPagination = NULL)
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_GROUPS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $groups = array();
     if ($tmpGroups) {
         foreach ($tmpGroups as $row) {
             $group =& JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
             //ensure that stats are up-to-date
             $group->description = CStringHelper::clean(CStringHelper::truncate($group->description, $config->get('tips_desc_length')));
             $groups[] = $group;
     $groupsHTML = $tmpl->set('showFeatured', $config->get('show_featured'))->set('featuredList', $featuredList)->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin())->set('groups', $groups)->set('pagination', $tmpPagination)->fetch('groups.list');
     return $groupsHTML;
Example #20
  * Loads the videos
  * @public
  * @param	array	$filters	The video's filter
  * @return	array	An array of videos object
  * @since	1.2
 public function getVideos($filters = array(), $tableBind = false, $limitSetting = true, $useCache = true, $pagination = true)
     /* use caching */
     if ($useCache) {
         $cache = CFactory::getFastCache();
         $cacheid = serialize(func_get_args()) . serialize(JRequest::get());
         if ($data = $cache->get($cacheid)) {
             $this->_pagination = new JPagination($data['total'], $data['limitstart'], $data['limit']);
             return $data['entries'];
     $db = $this->getDBO();
     $where = array();
     $limiter = '';
     $defaultFilters = array('published' => 1);
     $filters = array_merge($defaultFilters, $filters);
     foreach ($filters as $field => $value) {
         if ($value || $value === 0) {
             switch (strtolower($field)) {
                 case 'id':
                     if (is_array($value)) {
                         $value = implode(',', $value);
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ' IN (' . $value . ')';
                 case 'title':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('title') . '  LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $value . '%');
                 case 'type':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('type') . ' = ' . $db->quote($value);
                 case 'description':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('description') . ' LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $value . '%');
                 case 'creator':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('creator') . ' = ' . $db->quote((int) $value);
                 case 'creator_type':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('creator_type') . ' = ' . $db->quote($value);
                 case 'created':
                     $value = JFactory::getDate($value)->toSql();
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('created') . ' BETWEEN ' . $db->quote('1970-01-01 00:00:01') . ' AND ' . $db->quote($value);
                 case 'permissions':
                     if (isset($filters['friendsvideos']) && $filters['friendsvideos']) {
                         $my = CFactory::getUser();
                         $extrasql = '';
                         if ($my->id != 0) {
                             if (empty($filters['groupid'])) {
                                 $friendmodel = CFactory::getModel('friends');
                                 $friends = $friendmodel->getFriendIds($my->id);
                                 if (!empty($friends)) {
                                     $extrasql .= ' OR (creator IN(' . implode(',', $friends) . ') AND permissions = ' . $db->Quote(30) . ') ';
                         $where[] = '( v.' . $db->quoteName('permissions') . ' <= ' . $db->quote((int) $value) . ' ' . $extrasql . '  OR ( creator=' . $db->Quote($my->id) . ' AND permissions <=' . $db->Quote(40) . ' ) )';
                     } else {
                         $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('permissions') . ' <= ' . $db->quote((int) $value);
                 case 'category_id':
                     if (is_array($value)) {
                         $value = implode(',', $value);
                     if ($value != 0) {
                         $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('category_id') . ' IN (' . $value . ')';
                 case 'hits':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('hits') . ' >= ' . $db->quote((int) $value);
                 case 'published':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('published') . ' = ' . $db->quote((bool) $value);
                 case 'featured':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('featured') . ' = ' . $db->quote((bool) $value);
                 case 'duration':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('duration') . ' >= ' . $db->quote((int) $value);
                 case 'status':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('status') . ' = ' . $db->quote($value);
                 case 'groupid':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('groupid') . ' = ' . $db->quote($value);
                 case 'eventid':
                     $where[] = 'v.' . $db->quoteName('eventid') . ' = ' . $db->quote($value);
                 case 'limitstart':
                     $limitstart = (int) $value;
                 case 'limit':
                     $limit = (int) $value;
     $where = count($where) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '';
     // Joint with group table
     $join = '';
     if (isset($filters['or_group_privacy'])) {
         $approvals = (int) $filters['or_group_privacy'];
         $join = ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_groups') . ' AS g';
         $join .= ' ON g.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ' = v.' . $db->quoteName('groupid');
         $where .= ' AND (g.' . $db->quoteName('approvals') . ' = ' . $db->Quote('0') . ' OR g.' . $db->quoteName('approvals') . ' IS NULL)';
     $limit = isset($limit) ? $limit : $this->getState('limit');
     $limit = $limit < 0 ? 0 : $limit;
     if ($pagination) {
         $limitstart = isset($limitstart) ? $limitstart : $this->getState('limitstart');
     } else {
         $limitstart = 0;
     if ($limitSetting == true) {
         /* Temporary fix for ajaxGetFeaturedVideos LIMIT 0,0 */
         if ($limit != 0) {
             $limiter = ' LIMIT ' . $limitstart . ', ' . $limit;
     } else {
         $limiter = '';
     $order = '';
     $sorting = isset($filters['sorting']) ? $filters['sorting'] : 'latest';
     switch ($sorting) {
         case 'mostwalls':
             // do a query to get the most commented items ids
             $wallquery = ' SELECT contentid' . ' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_wall') . ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('type') . ' = ' . $db->quote('videos') . ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('published') . ' = ' . $db->quote(1) . ' group by id ' . ' order by count(*) DESC ';
             $wallResult = $db->loadColumn();
             $sortedResult = array();
             // key represents content id, and value is the total comment that exists
             foreach ($wallResult as $result) {
                 if (!isset($sortedResult[$result])) {
                     $sortedResult[$result] = 0;
             //sort the result based on value
             //implode array key
             $wallResult = array();
             foreach ($sortedResult as $key => $value) {
                 $wallResult[] = $key;
             //sort by specific id using FIELD
             $order .= !empty($wallResult) ? ' ORDER BY FIELD(  v.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ' , ' . implode(',', $wallResult) . ') DESC' : ' ORDER BY v.' . $db->quoteName('created') . ' DESC';
         case 'mostviews':
             $order = ' ORDER BY v.' . $db->quoteName('hits') . ' DESC';
         case 'title':
             $order = ' ORDER BY v.' . $db->quoteName('title') . ' ASC';
         case 'featured':
             $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_VIDEOS);
             $featuredVideos = implode(',', $featured->getItemIds());
             if (count($featuredVideos) > 0) {
                 if ($featuredVideos) {
                     $order = " ORDER BY (v.`id` IN (" . $featuredVideos . ")) DESC, v.id ";
                 //this is added to filter the result instead of sorting
                 if (isset($filters['filterResult']) && $filters['filterResult']) {
                     $where .= " AND v.`id` IN (" . $featuredVideos . ")";
         case 'latest':
             $order = ' ORDER BY v.' . $db->quoteName('created') . ' DESC';
     $query = ' SELECT v.*, v.' . $db->quoteName('created') . ' AS lastupdated' . ' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_videos') . ' AS v' . $join . $where . $order . $limiter;
     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
     // bind to JTable
     $data = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
         $video->lastupdated = $video->created;
         $data[] = $video;
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr());
     // Get total of records to be used in the pagination
     $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*)' . ' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_videos') . ' AS v' . $join . $where;
     $total = $db->loadResult();
     $this->total = $total;
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr());
     // Apply pagination
     if (empty($this->_pagination)) {
         $this->_pagination = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
     // Add the wallcount property for sorting purpose
     // foreach ($data as $video) {
     // 	// Wall post count
     // 	$query	= ' SELECT COUNT(*)'
     // 			. ' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_wall')
     // 			. ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('type') . ' = ' . $db->quote('videos')
     // 			. ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('published') . ' = ' . $db->quote(1)
     // 			. ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('contentid') . ' = ' . $db->quote($video->id)
     // 			;
     // 	$db->setQuery($query);
     // 	$video->wallcount	= $db->loadResult();
     // }
     // // Sort videos according to wall post count
     // if ($sorting == 'mostwalls')
     // 	JArrayHelper::sortObjects( $data, 'wallcount', -1);
     $resultentriesdata = array('entries' => $data, 'total' => $total, 'limitstart' => $limitstart, 'limit' => $limit);
     if ($useCache) {
         $cache->store($resultentriesdata, $cacheid, array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS));
     return $data;
Example #21
 function _getAllAlbums()
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $userId = JRequest::getInt('userid', '');
     CFactory::load('models', 'groups');
     $model = CFactory::getModel('photos');
     $groupId = JRequest::getInt('groupid', '', 'REQUEST');
     $type = PHOTOS_USER_TYPE;
     if (!empty($userId)) {
         $user = CFactory::getUser($userId);
         // Set document title
         CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner');
         $blocked = $user->isBlocked();
         if ($blocked && !COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin()) {
             $tmpl = new CTemplate();
             echo $tmpl->fetch('profile.blocked');
         if ($my->id == $user->id) {
             $title = JText::_('CC MY PHOTOS');
         } else {
             $title = JText::sprintf('CC USERS PHOTO TITLE', $user->getDisplayName());
     } else {
         $title = JText::_('CC ALL PHOTOS TITLE');
     if (!empty($groupId)) {
         $title = JText::_('CC SUBSCRIBE TO GROUP PHOTOS FEEDS');
         $group =& JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
         //@rule: Do not allow non members to view albums for private group
         if ($group->approvals == COMMUNITY_PRIVATE_GROUP && !$group->isMember($my->id) && !$group->isAdmin($my->id)) {
             echo JText::_('CC ACCESS FORBIDDEN');
         $type = PHOTOS_GROUP_TYPE;
         $albumsData = $model->getGroupAlbums($groupId, false, false, $mainframe->getCfg('feed_limit'));
     } else {
         // Get ALL albums or USER albums
         if (!empty($userId)) {
             $albumsData = $model->_getAlbums($userId, $type, false, false, $mainframe->getCfg('feed_limit'));
         } else {
             $albumsData = $model->getAllAlbums($userId, $mainframe->getCfg('feed_limit'));
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_ALBUMS);
     $featuredAlbums = $featured->getItemIds();
     $featuredList = array();
     // Prepare feeds
     foreach ($albumsData as $album) {
         $table =& JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable');
         $table->thumbnail = $table->getCoverThumbPath();
         $albumAuthor = CFactory::getUser($table->creator);
         $description = '<img src="' . $table->thumbnail . '" alt="" />&nbsp;';
         $description .= $albumAuthor->getDisplayName() . ' posted ' . $album->count . ' photos ';
         //print_r($albumAuthor); exit;
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $table->name;
         $item->link = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $albumAuthor->id);
         $item->description = $description . $table->description;
         $item->date = $table->created;
         $item->author = $albumAuthor->getDisplayName();
         // Make sure url is absolute
         $item->description = JString::str_ireplace('href="/', 'href="' . JURI::base(), $item->description);
     $content = $document->render();
Example #22
 public function ajaxGetFeaturedVideos($limit)
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     $limit = $filter->clean($limit, 'int');
     $limit = max(0, $limit);
     $cache = CFactory::getCache('Core');
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $permissions = $my->id == 0 ? 0 : 20;
     if (!($html = $cache->load('frontpage_ajaxGetFeaturedVideos_' . $permissions . '_' . $intRandom))) {
         CFactory::load('libraries', 'featured');
         $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_VIDEOS);
         $featuredVideos = $featured->getItemIds();
         if (!empty($featuredVideos)) {
             $videoId = array();
             foreach ($featuredVideos as $featuredVideo) {
                 $videoId[] = $featuredVideo;
             $objResponse = new JAXResponse();
             $oversampledTotal = $limit * COMMUNITY_OVERSAMPLING_FACTOR;
             $model = CFactory::getModel('videos');
             $filter = array('id' => $videoId, 'status' => 'ready', 'permissions' => $permissions, 'sorting' => 'latest', 'limit' => $oversampledTotal);
             $featuredVideos = $model->getVideos($filter, true);
             if (!empty($featuredVideos)) {
                 $maxLatestCount = count($featuredVideos) > $limit ? $limit : count($featuredVideos);
                 $html = $this->prepareVideosData($featuredVideos, $maxLatestCount, $objResponse);
             } else {
                 $html = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_NO_FEATURED_VIDEOS_YET');
         } else {
         $cache->save($html, NULL, array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS));
     $objResponse = new JAXResponse();
     $objResponse->addAssign('latest-videos-container', 'innerHTML', $html);
     return $objResponse->sendResponse();
Example #23
 public function advanceSearch()
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $jinput = $mainframe->input;
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     //load calendar behavior
      * Opengraph
     CHeadHelper::setType('website', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_TITLE_CUSTOM_SEARCH'));
     $profileType = $jinput->get('profiletype', 0, 'INT');
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $result = null;
     $fields = CAdvanceSearch::getFields($profileType);
     $data = new stdClass();
     $post = JRequest::get('GET');
     $keyList = isset($post['key-list']) ? $post['key-list'] : '';
     $avatarOnly = $jinput->get('avatar', '', 'NONE');
     if (JString::strlen($keyList) > 0) {
         //formatting the assoc array
         $filter = array();
         $key = explode(',', $keyList);
         $joinOperator = isset($post['operator']) ? $post['operator'] : '';
         foreach ($key as $idx) {
             $obj = new stdClass();
             $obj->field = $post['field' . $idx];
             $obj->condition = $post['condition' . $idx];
             $obj->fieldType = $post['fieldType' . $idx];
             if ($obj->fieldType == 'email') {
                 $obj->condition = 'equal';
             // we need to check whether the value contain start and end kind of values.
             // if yes, make them an array.
             if (isset($post['value' . $idx . '_2'])) {
                 if ($obj->fieldType == 'date') {
                     $startDate = empty($post['value' . $idx]) ? '01/01/1970' : $post['value' . $idx];
                     $endDate = empty($post['value' . $idx . '_2']) ? '01/01/1970' : $post['value' . $idx . '_2'];
                     // Joomla 1.5 uses "/"
                     // Joomla 1.6 uses "-"
                     $delimeter = '-';
                     if (strpos($startDate, '/')) {
                         $delimeter = '/';
                     $sdate = explode($delimeter, $startDate);
                     $edate = explode($delimeter, $endDate);
                     if (isset($sdate[2]) && isset($edate[2])) {
                         $obj->value = array($sdate[0] . '-' . $sdate[1] . '-' . $sdate[2] . ' 00:00:00', $edate[0] . '-' . $edate[1] . '-' . $edate[2] . ' 23:59:59');
                     } else {
                         $obj->value = array(0, 0);
                 } else {
                     $obj->value = array($post['value' . $idx], $post['value' . $idx . '_2']);
             } else {
                 if ($obj->fieldType == 'date') {
                     $startDate = empty($post['value' . $idx]) ? '01/01/1970' : $post['value' . $idx];
                     $delimeter = '-';
                     if (strpos($startDate, '/')) {
                         $delimeter = '/';
                     $sdate = explode($delimeter, $startDate);
                     if (isset($sdate[2])) {
                         $obj->value = $sdate[2] . '-' . $sdate[1] . '-' . $sdate[0] . ' 00:00:00';
                     } else {
                         $obj->value = 0;
                 } else {
                     if ($obj->fieldType == 'checkbox') {
                         if (empty($post['value' . $idx])) {
                             //this mean user didnot check any of the option.
                             $obj->value = '';
                         } else {
                             $obj->value = isset($post['value' . $idx]) ? implode(',', $post['value' . $idx]) : '';
                     } else {
                         $obj->value = isset($post['value' . $idx]) ? $post['value' . $idx] : '';
             $filter[] = $obj;
         $data->search = CAdvanceSearch::getResult($filter, $joinOperator, $avatarOnly, '', $profileType);
         $data->filter = $post;
     $rows = !empty($data->search) ? $data->search->result : array();
     $pagination = !empty($data->search) ? $data->search->pagination : '';
     $filter = !empty($data->filter) ? $data->filter : array();
     $resultRows = array();
     $friendsModel = CFactory::getModel('friends');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
         $row = $rows[$i];
         //filter the user profile type
         if ($profileType && $row->_profile_id != $profileType) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->user = $row;
         $obj->friendsCount = $row->getFriendCount();
         $obj->profileLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $row->id);
         $isFriend = CFriendsHelper::isConnected($row->id, $my->id);
         $obj->addFriend = !$isFriend && $my->id != 0 && $my->id != $row->id ? true : false;
         $resultRows[] = $obj;
     if (class_exists('Services_JSON')) {
         $json = new Services_JSON();
     } else {
         require_once AZRUL_SYSTEM_PATH . '/pc_includes/JSON.php';
         $json = new Services_JSON();
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     $multiprofileArr = array();
     $hasMultiprofile = false;
     //let see if we have any multiprofile enabled
     if ($config->get('profile_multiprofile')) {
         $hasMultiprofile = true;
         //lets get the available profile
         $profileModel = CFactory::getModel('Profile');
         $profiles = $profileModel->getProfileTypes();
         if ($profiles) {
             $multiprofileArr[] = array('url' => CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=search&task=advancesearch'), 'name' => JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_ALL_PROFILE'), 'selected' => !$profileType ? 1 : 0);
             foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
                 $multiprofileArr[] = array('url' => CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=search&task=advancesearch&profiletype=' . $profile->id), 'name' => $profile->name, 'selected' => $profile->id == $profileType ? 1 : 0);
     $searchForm = $tmpl->set('fields', $fields)->set('hasMultiprofile', $hasMultiprofile)->set('multiprofileArr', $multiprofileArr)->set('keyList', $keyList)->set('profileType', $profileType)->set('avatarOnly', $avatarOnly)->set('filterJson', $json->encode($filter))->set('postresult', isset($post['key-list']))->set('submenu', $this->showSubmenu(false))->fetch('search.advancesearch');
     if (isset($post['key-list'])) {
         //result template
         $tmplResult = new CTemplate();
         $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_USERS);
         $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
         $tmpl->set('featuredList', $featuredList);
         $searchForm .= $tmplResult->set('my', $my)->set('showFeaturedList', false)->set('multiprofileArr', $multiprofileArr)->set('featuredList', $featuredList)->set('data', $resultRows)->set('isAdvanceSearch', true)->set('hasMultiprofile', $hasMultiprofile)->set('sortings', '')->set('pagination', $pagination)->set('filter', $filter)->set('featuredList', $featuredList)->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin())->fetch('people.browse');
     echo $searchForm;
Example #24
     * Returns an object of events which the user has registered.
     * @access    public
     * @param    string     User's id.
     * @param    string     sorting criteria.
     * @returns array  An objects of event fields.
    public function getEvents($categoryId = null, $userId = null, $sorting = null, $search = null, $hideOldEvent = true, $showOnlyOldEvent = false, $pending = null, $advance = null, $type = CEventHelper::ALL_TYPES, $contentid = 0, $limit = null, $upcomingOnly = false, $pagination = true, $hidePrivate = false)
        $db = $this->getDBO();
        $join = '';
        $extraSQL = '';
        $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
        $my = CFactory::getUser();
        //get current user results as well if this is a private event/private group events
        if (!empty($userId) || $my->id) {
            $join = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_events_members') . ' AS b ON a.' . $db->quoteName('id') . '=b.' . $db->quoteName('eventid');
            if ($my->id && empty($userId)) {
                $extraSQL .= ' AND (b.' . $db->quoteName('memberid') . '=' . $db->Quote($my->id) . ' OR 1)';
            } else {
                $extraSQL .= ' AND b.' . $db->quoteName('memberid') . '=' . $db->Quote($userId);
            $pendingFlag = 1;
            if (!is_null($pending)) {
                $pendingFlag = $pending;
            $extraSQL .= ' AND b.' . $db->quoteName('status') . '=' . $db->Quote($pendingFlag);
        $user = CFactory::getUser();
        if ($user->id > 0) {
            if (!COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin()) {
                $extraSQL .= '

            AND(' . 'a.' . $db->quoteName('unlisted') . ' = ' . $db->Quote('0') . ' OR(' . 'a.' . $db->quoteName('unlisted') . ' = ' . $db->Quote('1') . ' AND' . '(SELECT COUNT(' . $db->quoteName('eventid') . ') FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_events_members') . ' as b WHERE b.' . $db->quoteName('memberid') . '=' . $db->quote($user->id) . ' and b.' . $db->quoteName('eventid') . '=a.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ') > 0

        } else {
            $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('unlisted') . ' = ' . $db->Quote('0');
        if ($hidePrivate) {
            //hide the private event if current viewer is not the part of the event
            if (!COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin()) {
                $extraSQL .= '

            AND(' . 'a.' . $db->quoteName('permission') . ' = ' . $db->Quote('0') . ' OR(' . 'a.' . $db->quoteName('permission') . ' = ' . $db->Quote('1') . ' AND' . '(SELECT COUNT(' . $db->quoteName('eventid') . ') FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_events_members') . ' as b WHERE b.' . $db->quoteName('memberid') . '=' . $db->quote($my->id) . ' and b.' . $db->quoteName('eventid') . '=a.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ') > 0

        if (!empty($search)) {
            $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('title') . ' LIKE ' . $db->Quote('%' . $search . '%');
        if (!empty($categoryId) && $categoryId != 0) {
            if (is_array($categoryId)) {
                $categoryIds = implode(',', $categoryId);
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('catid') . ' IN(' . $categoryIds . ')';
            } else {
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('catid') . '=' . $db->Quote($categoryId);
        /* Begin : ADVANCE SEARCH */
        if (!empty($advance)) {
            if (!empty($advance['startdate'])) {
                $startDate = CTimeHelper::getDate(strtotime($advance['startdate']));
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('startdate') . ' >= ' . $db->Quote($startDate->toSql());
            } else {
                if (!isset($advance['date'])) {
                    // If empty, don't select the past event
                    // $now = CTimeHelper::getDate();
                    // $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('enddate') . ' >= ' . $db->Quote($now->toSql());
            if (!empty($advance['date'])) {
                // to get event within this date
                $between_date = date('Ymd', strtotime($advance['date']));
                $extraSQL .= ' AND DATE_FORMAT(a.' . $db->quoteName('startdate') . ',"%Y%m%d") <= ' . $db->Quote($between_date) . ' AND DATE_FORMAT(a.' . $db->quoteName('enddate') . ',"%Y%m%d") >= ' . $db->Quote($between_date);
                //show old/current event as well
                $hideOldEvent = false;
                $upcomingOnly = false;
            if (!empty($advance['enddate'])) {
                $endDate = CTimeHelper::getDate(strtotime($advance['enddate']));
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('startdate') . ' <= ' . $db->Quote($endDate->toSql());
            /* Begin : SEARCH WITHIN */
            if (!empty($advance['radius']) && !empty($advance['fromlocation'])) {
                $longitude = null;
                $latitude = null;
                $data = CMapping::getAddressData($advance['fromlocation']);
                if ($data) {
                    if ($data->status == 'OK') {
                        $latitude = (double) $data->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
                        $longitude = (double) $data->results[0]->geometry->location->lng;
                $now = new JDate();
                $lng_min = $longitude - $advance['radius'] / abs(cos(deg2rad($latitude)) * 69);
                $lng_max = $longitude + $advance['radius'] / abs(cos(deg2rad($latitude)) * 69);
                $lat_min = $latitude - $advance['radius'] / 69;
                $lat_max = $latitude + $advance['radius'] / 69;
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('longitude') . ' > ' . $db->quote($lng_min) . ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('longitude') . ' < ' . $db->quote($lng_max) . ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('latitude') . ' > ' . $db->quote($lat_min) . ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('latitude') . ' < ' . $db->quote($lat_max);
            if (!empty($advance['parent'])) {
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('parent') . ' = ' . $db->Quote($advance['parent']);
            if (!empty($advance['id'])) {
                if (is_array($advance['id']) && count($advance['id']) > 0) {
                    $ids = implode(',', $advance['id']);
                    $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('id') . 'IN (' . $ids . ')';
            /* End : SEARCH WITHIN */
        /* End : ADVANCE SEARCH */
        if ($pagination) {
            $limitstart = $this->getState('limitstart');
        } else {
            $limitstart = 0;
        $limit = $limit === null ? $this->getState('limit') : $limit;
        if ($type != CEventHelper::ALL_TYPES && $type != 'featured_only') {
            $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('type') . '=' . $db->Quote($type);
            if (is_array($contentid)) {
                $contentids = implode(',', $contentid);
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('contentid') . ' IN(' . $contentids . ')';
            } elseif ($contentid > 0) {
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('contentid') . '=' . $contentid;
        if ($type == 'featured_only') {
            $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_EVENTS);
            $featuredEvents = implode(',', $featured->getItemIds());
            if ($featuredEvents) {
                $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ' IN (' . $featuredEvents . ')';
            } else {
                $extraSQL .= ' AND 0 ';
        if ($type == CEventHelper::GROUP_TYPE || $type == CEventHelper::ALL_TYPES) {
            // @rule: Respect group privacy
            $join .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_groups') . ' AS g';
            $join .= ' ON g.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ' = a.' . $db->quoteName('contentid');
            if ($type != CEventHelper::GROUP_TYPE) {
                $extraSQL .= ' AND (g.' . $db->quoteName('approvals') . ' = ' . $db->Quote('0') . ' OR g.' . $db->quoteName('approvals') . ' IS NULL';
                $extraSQL .= ' OR (g.' . $db->quoteName('approvals') . '=' . $db->Quote('1') . ' AND (SELECT COUNT(' . $db->quoteName('groupid') . ') FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_groups_members') . ' as t WHERE t.' . $db->quoteName('memberid') . '=' . $db->quote($user->id) . ' AND t.' . $db->quoteName('approved') . '=' . $db->Quote('1') . ' and t.' . $db->quoteName('groupid') . '=g.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ') > 0) ';
                if (!empty($userId)) {
                    $extraSQL .= ' OR b.' . $db->quoteName('memberid') . '=' . $db->Quote($userId);
                $extraSQL .= ')';
        $orderBy = '';
        $total = 0;
        switch ($sorting) {
            case 'latest':
                if (empty($orderBy)) {
                    $orderBy = ' ORDER BY a.' . $db->quoteName('created') . ' DESC';
            case 'alphabetical':
                if (empty($orderBy)) {
                    $orderBy = ' ORDER BY a.' . $db->quoteName('title') . ' ASC';
            case 'startdate':
                if (empty($orderBy)) {
                    $orderBy = ' ORDER BY a.startdate ASC';
                $orderBy = ' ORDER BY a.' . $db->quoteName('startdate') . ' ASC';
        $now = new JDate();
         * @todo need check and improve get correctly time with offset
        $CTimeHelper = new CTimeHelper();
        $pastDate = $CTimeHelper->getLocaleDate();
        if ($hideOldEvent && !$upcomingOnly) {
            $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('enddate') . ' >= ' . $db->Quote($pastDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true, false));
        if ($upcomingOnly) {
            $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('startdate') . ' > ' . $db->Quote($pastDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true, false));
        if ($showOnlyOldEvent) {
            $extraSQL .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('enddate') . ' < ' . $db->Quote($pastDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true, false));
        // Filtering on repeat event's parent
        $extraSQL .= ' AND ((a.' . $db->quoteName('parent') . '=' . $db->quote(0) . ' && (a.' . $db->quoteName('repeat') . '=' . $db->quote('') . ' || a.' . $db->quoteName('repeat') . ' IS NULL)) || (a.' . $db->quoteName('parent') . '!= 0 && a.' . $db->quoteName('repeat') . ' IS NOT NULL))';
        $limit = empty($limit) ? 0 : $limit;
        $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_events') . ' AS a ' . $join . 'WHERE a.' . $db->quoteName('published') . '=' . $db->Quote('1') . $extraSQL . $orderBy . ' LIMIT ' . $limitstart . ', ' . $limit;
        $result = $db->loadObjectList();
        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
            JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr());
        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
            JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr());
        $query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(a.' . $db->quoteName('id') . ')) FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_events') . ' AS a ' . $join . 'WHERE a.' . $db->quoteName('published') . '=' . $db->Quote('1') . ' ' . $extraSQL;
        $total = $db->loadResult();
        $this->total = $total;
        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
            JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr());
        if (empty($this->_pagination)) {
            $this->_pagination = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
        return $result;
Example #25
 public function _getAlbumsHTML($albums, $type = PHOTOS_USER_TYPE, $pagination = NULL)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $jinput = $mainframe->input;
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $groupId = $jinput->request->get('groupid', '', 'INT');
     //JRequest::getVar( 'groupid' , '' ,'REQUEST');
     $tmpl = new CTemplate();
     $handler = $this->_getHandler();
     $photoTag = CFactory::getModel('phototagging');
     $photos = array();
     foreach ($albums as &$album) {
         $album->user = CFactory::getUser($album->creator);
         $album->link = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid={$album->id}&userid={$album->creator}");
         $album->editLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=editAlbum&albumid={$album->id}&userid={$album->creator}&referrer=myphotos");
         $album->uploadLink = "javascript:joms.notifications.showUploadPhoto({$album->id});";
         $album->isOwner = $my->id == $album->creator;
         // Get all photos from album
         $photos[$album->id] = $handler->getAlbumPhotos($album->id);
         $photoCount = count($photos[$album->id]);
         if ($type == PHOTOS_GROUP_TYPE) {
             $album->link = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid={$album->id}&groupid={$album->groupid}");
             $album->editLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=editAlbum&albumid={$album->id}&groupid={$album->groupid}&referrer=myphotos");
             $album->uploadLink = CRoute::_("index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=uploader&albumid={$album->id}&groupid={$album->groupid}");
             $albums[$i]->isOwner = $my->authorise('community.view', 'photos.group.album.' . $groupId, $albums[$i]);
     $createLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=newalbum&userid=' . $my->id);
     if ($type == PHOTOS_GROUP_TYPE) {
         $createLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=newalbum&groupid=' . $groupId);
         $baselink = "index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=display&groupid=" . $groupId;
         $isOwner = CGroupHelper::allowManagePhoto($groupId);
     } else {
         $userId = JRequest::getInt('userid', '', 'REQUEST');
         $baselink = "index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=myphotos&userid=" . $userId;
         $user = CFactory::getUser($userId);
         $isOwner = $my->id == $user->id ? true : false;
     $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_ALBUMS);
     $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds();
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $task = JRequest::getCmd('task', '');
     return $tmpl->set('isMember', $my->id != 0)->set('isOwner', $isOwner)->set('type', $type)->set('baseLink', $baselink)->set('createLink', $createLink)->set('currentTask', $task)->set('isCommunityAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin())->set('my', $my)->set('albums', $albums)->set('pagination', $pagination)->set('isSuperAdmin', COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin())->set('featuredList', $featuredList)->set('showFeatured', $config->get('show_featured'))->set('groupId', $groupId)->set('config', $config)->fetch('album/list');
    if (!CFactory::getUser()->id) {
        //since this is my group only and if there is no userid provided, it should be empty
        $tmpGroups = array();
    } else {
        $model->setState('limit', $limit);
        // limit the results
        $tmpGroups = $model->getGroups(CFactory::getUser()->id);
} else {
    //0 = show upcoming only
    $tmpGroups = $model->getAllGroups(null, null, null, $limit, true, false, false);
$groups = array();
$data = array();
$featuredOnly = $params->get('filter_by', 0);
if ($featuredOnly) {
    //1 = featured only
    $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_GROUPS);
    $featuredGroups = $featured->getItemIds();
foreach ($tmpGroups as $row) {
    if ($featuredOnly && !in_array($row->id, $featuredGroups)) {
        //if we only show featured item, and the item does not exists.
    $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
    $group->description = JHTML::_('string.truncate', $group->description, 30);
    $groups[] = $group;
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_community_groups', $params->get('layout', 'default'));