Example #1
 public function _getOriginalHTML()
     if (defined('JPATH_ROOT')) {
         $path = JPATH_ROOT;
     } else {
         global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
         $path = $mosConfig_absolute_path;
     $status = (include $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'acctexp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'acctexp.php');
     if (!$status && !defined('INSTALLER_FOLDER')) {
         echo "We were unable to load the AEC library. If you removed the AEC folder, please also remove this plugins from the Joomla plugins manager.";
     $user =& CFactory::getActiveProfile();
     // get the memberID
     $membersSessionC =& WGet::classes('members.session');
     $myMember = $membersSessionC->getMember($user->_userid, true);
     $memberId = $myMember->uid;
     // if we dont have member we dont show the view
     if (empty($memberId)) {
     // set the value for the view filter
     WGlobals::setVar('integrationmemberid', $memberId);
     WGlobals::setVar('extensionKEY', 'subscription.node', 'acctexp');
     // Show the view
     $integrationV = WView::get('subscription_widget_integration');
     if (empty($integrationV)) {
         return '';
     $HTMLoutput .= $integrationV->make();
     return $HTMLoutput;
 function onProfileDisplay()
     // Load language
     $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
     JPlugin::loadLanguage('plg_community_plg_rsmembership', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
     // Attach CSS
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $css = JURI::base() . 'plugins/community/plg_rsmembership/style.css';
     if (!file_exists($this->_path)) {
         $content = '<div class="icon-nopost"><img src="' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_community/assets/error.gif" alt="" /></div>';
         $content .= '<div class="content-nopost">' . JText::_('RSM_NOT_INSTALLED') . '</div>';
     } else {
         require_once $this->_path;
         $user =& CFactory::getActiveProfile();
         $userName = $user->getDisplayName();
         $userId = $user->id;
         $memberships = $this->_getMemberships();
         $Itemid = $this->getItemid();
         $cache =& JFactory::getCache('plgCommunityPlg_RSMembership');
         $cache->setCaching($this->params->get('cache', 1));
         $callback = array('plgCommunityPlg_RSMembership', '_getRSMembershipHTML');
         $content = $cache->call($callback, $userName, $userId, $memberships, $Itemid);
     return $content;
Example #3
 function onProfileDisplay()
     $config =& CFactory::getConfig();
     $uri = JURI::base();
     $user = CFactory::getActiveProfile();
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $css = $uri . 'plugins/community/groups/style.css';
     $view = $this->params->get('fabrik_view');
     $id = $this->params->get('fabrik_view_id');
     $rowid = $this->params->get('fabrik_row_id');
     $usekey = $this->params->get('fabrik_usekey');
     $layout = $this->params->get('fabrik_layout');
     $additional = $this->params->get('fabrik_additional');
     $element = $this->params->get('fabrik_element');
     if (!empty($view) && !empty($id)) {
         $cache =& JFactory::getCache('plgCommunityFabrik');
         $cache->setCaching($this->params->get('cache', 1));
         $callback = array('plgCommunityFabrik', '_getFabrikHTML');
         $content = $cache->call($callback, $view, $id, $rowid, $usekey, $layout, $element, $additional, $this->userparams, $user->id);
     } else {
         $content = "<div class=\"icon-nopost\"><img src='" . JURI::base() . "components/com_community/assets/error.gif' alt=\"\" /></div>";
         $content .= "<div class=\"content-nopost\">" . JText::_('Fabrik view details not set.') . "</div>";
     return $content;
Example #4
 function onProfileDisplay()
     if (!file_exists($this->_path . DS . 'admin.jreviews.php')) {
         return JText::_('jReviews is not installed. Please contact site administrator.');
     } else {
         $user = CFactory::getActiveProfile();
         $userId = $user->id;
         $cacheSetting = $this->params->get('cache', 1) ? JApplication::getCfg('caching') : 0;
         # Load CSS stylesheets -- done here because when cache is on css is not loaded
         if ($cacheSetting) {
             # MVC initalization script
             if (!defined('DS')) {
                 define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
             require 'components' . DS . 'com_jreviews' . DS . 'jreviews' . DS . 'framework.php';
             $cache_file = 'jreviews_config_' . md5(cmsFramework::getConfig('secret'));
             $Config =& S2Cache::read($cache_file);
             if (!is_object($Config)) {
                 //Create config file
                 $eParams['data']['controller'] = 'common';
                 $eParams['data']['action'] = 'index';
                 $Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews', false, true);
                 $Config =& S2Cache::read($cache_file);
             App::import('Helper', 'html');
             $Html =& RegisterClass::getInstance('HtmlHelper');
             $Html->viewTheme = $Config->template;
             $Html->app = 'jreviews';
             App::import('Helper', 'libraries', 'jreviews');
             $Libraries =& RegisterClass::getInstance('LibrariesHelper');
             $Html->css(array('theme', 'plugins', 'paginator'));
             $Html->js(array('jreviews', 'jquery' => 'jquery', 'jq.scrollable'), $Libraries->js());
         $cache =& JFactory::getCache('plgCommunityJreviews_myfavorites');
         $callback = array('plgCommunityJreviews_myfavorites', '_getPage');
         $contents = $cache->call($callback, $userId, $this->params, $cacheSetting);
         return $contents;
Example #5
 function onProfileDisplay()
     JPlugin::loadLanguage('plg_community_ninjaboard', JPATH_SITE);
     $config =& CFactory::getConfig();
     $my =& JFactory::getUser();
     $user =& CFactory::getActiveProfile();
     // Attach CSS & JS
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'plugins/community/ninjaboard/ninjaboard.css');
     //get parameters
     $caching = $this->params->get('cache', "0");
     $nbPlugShowSubject = $this->params->get('nbPlugShowSubject', "1");
     $nbPlugTruncateSubject = $this->params->get('nbPlugTruncateSubject', "25");
     $nbPlugShowMessage = $this->params->get('nbPlugShowMessage', "1");
     $nbPlugTruncateMessage = $this->params->get('nbPlugTruncateMessage', "50");
     $nbPlugShowForum = $this->params->get('nbPlugShowForum', "1");
     $nbPlugShowHits = $this->params->get('nbPlugShowHits', "1");
     $nbPlugShowCreated = $this->params->get('nbPlugShowCreated', "1");
     $nbPlugShowModified = $this->params->get('nbPlugShowModified', "1");
     $nbPlugDateFormat = $this->params->get('nbPlugDateFormat', "D, d M");
     $nbPlugShowEdit = $this->params->get('nbPlugShowEdit', "1");
     $nbPlugSortBy = $this->params->get('nbPlugSortBy', "1");
     $nbPlugSortOrder = $this->params->get('nbPlugSortOrder', "DESC");
     $nbPlugShowPagination = $this->params->get('nbPlugShowPagination', "0");
     $nbPlugPaginationCount = $this->params->get('nbPlugPaginationCount', "5");
     $userId = $user->id;
     $limit = $nbPlugPaginationCount > 0 ? $nbPlugPaginationCount : 0;
     $offset = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, 'REQUEST');
     //get user posts
     $rows = $this->getPosts($userId, $nbPlugSortBy, $nbPlugSortOrder, $nbPlugPaginationCount, $limit, $offset);
     //get user post count
     $row_count = $this->countPosts($userId);
     //get itemid
     $itemId = $this->getItemId();
     $cache =& JFactory::getCache('plgCommunityNinjaBoard');
     $callback = array('plgCommunityNinjaBoard', '_getNinjaBoardHTML');
     $content = $cache->call($callback, $rows, $row_count, $user->id, $nbPlugShowSubject, $nbPlugTruncateSubject, $nbPlugShowMessage, $nbPlugTruncateMessage, $nbPlugShowForum, $nbPlugShowHits, $nbPlugShowCreated, $nbPlugShowModified, $nbPlugDateFormat, $nbPlugShowEdit, $nbPlugSortBy, $nbPlugSortOrder, $nbPlugShowPagination, $nbPlugPaginationCount, $offset, $limit, $itemId, $this->params, $user, $my);
     return $content;
Example #6
    function onProfileDisplay()
        $config = CFactory::getConfig();
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $uri = JURI::base();
        $my = JFactory::getUser();
        $user = CFactory::getActiveProfile();
        $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $lang->load('plg_community_jssurveyresponses', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $lang->getTag(), true);
        $lang->load('plg_community_jssurveyresponsesoverride', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $lang->getTag(), true);
        $query = '
					distinct(a.id), a.title, a.alias, a.created, a.responses, a.private_survey
					#__survey a 
				left join 
					#__survey_responses r on a.id = r.survey_id
					r.created_by=' . $user->id . ' and a.published = 1 order by a.created desc';
        $db->setQuery($query, 0, 10);
        $items = $db->loadObjectList();
        $content = '';
        if ($items && count($items)) {
            $content = '<ol>';
            $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
            $mnuitems = $menu->getItems('link', 'index.php?option=com_communitysurveys&view=survey');
            $itemid = isset($mnuitems[0]) ? '&amp;Itemid=' . $mnuitems[0]->id : '';
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                if ($item->private_survey == 0) {
                    $url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_communitysurveys&view=survey&task=respond&id=' . $item->id . ':' . $item->alias . $itemid);
                    $content .= '<li><a href="' . $url . '">' . htmlentities($item->title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</a>&nbsp;(' . $item->responses . ' ' . ($item->responses == 1 ? JText::_('LBL_RESPONSE') : JText::_('LBL_RESPONSES')) . ')</li>';
                } else {
                    $content .= '<li>' . htmlentities($item->title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '&nbsp;(' . $item->responses . ' ' . ($item->responses == 1 ? JText::_('LBL_RESPONSE') : JText::_('LBL_RESPONSES')) . ')</li>';
            $content .= '</ol>';
        return $content;
Example #7
 function plgCommunityActivityComment(&$subject, $config)
     $this->_user =& CFactory::getActiveProfile();
     $this->_my =& CFactory::getUser();
     parent::__construct($subject, $config);
Example #8
  * Helper-method to show the tab
  * @access private
  * @param null
  * @return null
 private function showTab()
     // Require the core JomSocial library
     if (!class_exists('CFactory')) {
         require_once JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_community/libraries/core.php';
     // Import the MageBridge autoloader
     require_once JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_magebridge/helpers/loader.php';
     // Get the variables
     $toolbar = CFactory::getToolbar();
     $user = CFactory::getActiveProfile();
     $username = $user->getDisplayName();
     $tab = $this->getTab();
     if (!empty($tab)) {
         $toolbar->addGroup('MAGEBRIDGE', $tab['name'], $this->getLink($tab['url']));
         foreach ($tab['children'] as $link) {
             $this->addLink($link[0], $link[1], $link[2]);
    function onProfileDisplay()
        if (!file_exists($this->_path . DS . 'admin.jreviews.php')) {
            return JText::_('jReviews is not installed. Please contact site administrator.');
        } else {
            $user = CFactory::getActiveProfile();
            $userId = $user->id;
            $cacheSetting = $this->params->get('cache', 1) ? JApplication::getCfg('caching') : 0;
            # Load CSS stylesheets -- done here because when cache is on css is not loaded
            if ($cacheSetting) {
                # MVC initalization script
                if (!defined('DS')) {
                    define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
                require 'components' . DS . 'com_jreviews' . DS . 'jreviews' . DS . 'framework.php';
                //Create config file
                $eParams['data']['controller'] = 'common';
                $eParams['data']['action'] = 'index';
                $Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews', false, true);
                $Access = Configure::read('JreviewsSystem.Access');
                $Config = Configure::read('JreviewsSystem.Config');
                App::import('Helper', 'html');
                $Html = ClassRegistry::getClass('HtmlHelper');
                $Html->viewTheme = $Config->template;
                $Html->app = 'jreviews';
                App::import('Helper', 'libraries', 'jreviews');
                $Libraries = ClassRegistry::getClass('LibrariesHelper');
                $Libraries->Config = $Config;
                $assets = array('css' => array('theme', 'theme.detail', 'theme.form', 'jq.ui.core', 'paginator'), 'js' => array('jreviews', 'jquery' => 'jquery', 'jq.ui.core', 'jq.jreviews.plugins'));
                if ($Access->canAddReview() || $Access->isEditor()) {
                    $assets['js'][] = 'jreviews.fields';
                    if ($Config->rating_selector == 'stars') {
                        $assets['js'][] = 'jq.ui.rating';
                    $assets['js'][] = 'jq.tooltip';
                $Html->css(arrayFilter($assets['css'], $Libraries->css()));
                $Html->js(arrayFilter($assets['js'], $Libraries->js()));
                <script type="text/javascript">
                /* <![CDATA[ */
                if ($Access->canAddReview && !$Access->moderateReview() && $Config->facebook_enable && $Config->facebook_reviews) {
                    if(!jQuery('#fb-root').length) jQuery("body").append('<div id="fb-root"></div>');
                    echo $Config->facebook_appid;
                    echo $Config->facebook_optout;
                        'publish_text': '<?php 
                    __t("Publish to Facebook", false, true);
                /* ]]> */
            $cache =& JFactory::getCache('plgCommunityJreviews_reviewme');
            $callback = array('plgCommunityJreviews_reviewme', '_getPage');
            $contents = $cache->call($callback, $userId, $this->params, $cacheSetting);
            return $contents;