Example #1
 public function getAuthAssignments($user_id)
     if (!isset($this->user_assignments[$user_id])) {
         $this->user_assignments[$user_id] = parent::getAuthAssignments($user_id);
     return $this->user_assignments[$user_id];
  * Removes cache before revoking auth item assignement
  * @param string $itemName the item name
  * @param mixed $userId the user ID (see {@link IWebUser::getId})
  * @return boolean whether removal is successful
  * @throws CExeption if the application component could not be loaded.
 public function revoke($itemName, $userId)
     if (Yii::app()->getComponent($this->cacheID) !== null) {
         Yii::app()->getComponent($this->cacheID)->delete($this->cacheID . '_' . $itemName . '_' . $userId);
         return parent::revoke($itemName, $userId);
     } else {
         throw new CException('Application component ' . $this->cacheID . ' could not be loaded.');
 public function init()
     // Run the parent
     // Run only if we are not guests
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         // Assign a role to the member only if we didn't assign one yet
         if (!$this->isAssigned(Yii::app()->user->role, Yii::app()->user->id)) {
             if ($this->assign(Yii::app()->user->role, Yii::app()->user->id)) {
Example #4
  * Returns the authorization item with the specified name.
  * Overloads the parent method to allow for runtime caching.
  * @param string $name the name of the item.
  * @param boolean $allowCaching whether to accept cached data.
  * @return CAuthItem the authorization item. Null if the item cannot be found.
 public function getAuthItem($name, $allowCaching = true)
     // Get all items if necessary and cache them.
     if ($allowCaching && $this->_items === array()) {
         $this->_items = $this->getAuthItems();
     // Get the items from cache if possible.
     if ($allowCaching && isset($this->_items[$name])) {
         return $this->_items[$name];
     } else {
         if (($item = parent::getAuthItem($name)) !== null) {
             return $item;
     // Item does not exist.
     return null;
Example #5
  * Performs access check for the specified user.
  * @param string $itemName the name of the operation that need access check.
  * @param integer $userId the user id.
  * @param array $params name-value pairs that would be passed to biz rules associated
  * with the tasks and roles assigned to the user.
  * @param boolean $allowCaching whether to allow caching the result of access check.
  * @return boolean whether the operations can be performed by the user.
 public function checkAccess($itemName, $userId, $params = array(), $allowCaching = true)
     $cacheKey = $this->resolveCacheKey($itemName, $userId);
     $key = serialize($params);
     if ($allowCaching && ($cache = $this->getCache()) !== null) {
         if (($data = $cache->get($cacheKey)) !== false) {
             $data = unserialize($data);
             if (isset($data[$key])) {
                 return $data[$key];
     } else {
         $data = array();
     $result = $data[$key] = parent::checkAccess($itemName, $userId, $params);
     if (isset($cache)) {
         $cache->set($cacheKey, serialize($data), $this->cachingDuration);
     return $result;
Example #6
  * Returns the authorization items of the specific type and user.
  * Overloads the parent method to allow for sorting.
  * @param integer $type the item type (0: operation, 1: task, 2: role). Defaults to null,
  * meaning returning all items regardless of their type.
  * @param mixed $userId the user ID. Defaults to null, meaning returning all items even if
  * they are not assigned to a user.
  * @param boolean $sort whether to sort the items according to their weights.
  * @return array the authorization items of the specific type.
 public function getAuthItems($type = null, $userId = null, $sort = true)
     // We need to sort the items.
     if ($sort === true) {
         if ($type === null && $userId === null) {
             $sql = "SELECT name,t1.type,description,t1.bizrule,t1.data,weight\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->itemTable)} t1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->rightsTable)} t2 ON name=itemname\r\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY t1.type DESC, weight ASC";
             $command = $this->db->createCommand($sql);
         } else {
             if ($userId === null) {
                 $sql = "SELECT name,t1.type,description,t1.bizrule,t1.data,weight\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->itemTable)} t1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->rightsTable)} t2 ON name=itemname\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t1.type=:type\r\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY t1.type DESC, weight ASC";
                 $command = $this->db->createCommand($sql);
                 $command->bindValue(':type', $type);
             } else {
                 if ($type === null) {
                     $sql = "SELECT name,t1.type,description,t1.bizrule,t1.data,weight\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->itemTable)} t1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->assignmentTable)} t2 ON name=t2.itemname\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->rightsTable)} t3 ON name=t3.itemname\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE userid=:userid\r\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY t1.type DESC, weight ASC";
                     $command = $this->db->createCommand($sql);
                     $command->bindValue(':userid', $userId);
                 } else {
                     $sql = "SELECT name,t1.type,description,t1.bizrule,t1.data,weight\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->itemTable)} t1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->assignmentTable)} t2 ON name=t2.itemname\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->db->quoteTableName($this->rightsTable)} t3 ON name=t3.itemname\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t1.type=:type AND userid=:userid\r\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY t1.type DESC, weight ASC";
                     $command = $this->db->createCommand($sql);
                     $command->bindValue(':type', $type);
                     $command->bindValue(':userid', $userId);
         $items = array();
         foreach ($command->queryAll() as $row) {
             $items[$row['name']] = new CAuthItem($this, $row['name'], $row['type'], $row['description'], $row['bizrule'], unserialize($row['data']));
     } else {
         $items = parent::getAuthItems($type, $userId);
     return $items;
Example #7
  * Access check function.
  * Checks access and attempts to speed up all future access checks using
  * caching and storage of the variable within {@link _access}.
  * Note, only if parameters are empty will permissions caching or storage
  * in {@link _access} be effective, because parameters (i.e. the assignment
  * of a record based on the value of its assignedTo field) are expected to
  * vary. For example, in record-specific permission items checked for
  * multiple records. That is why $params be empty for any shortcuts to be
  * taken.
  * @param string $itemName Name of the auth item for which access is being checked
  * @param integer $userId ID of the user for which to check access
  * @param array $params Parameters to pass to business rules
  * @return boolean
 public function checkAccess($itemName, $userId, $params = array())
     if (!isset($params['userId'])) {
         $params['userId'] = $userId;
     if (!isset($this->_access)) {
         $this->_access = array();
     if (isset($this->_access[$userId][$itemName]) && !empty($this->_access[$userId][$itemName])) {
         $checkParams = $this->getCacheParams($params);
         if ($checkParams !== false) {
             $checkParams = json_encode($checkParams);
             // Shortcut 1: return data stored in the component's property
             if (isset($this->_access[$userId][$itemName][$checkParams])) {
                 return $this->_access[$userId][$itemName][$checkParams];
     } else {
         if ($this->caching) {
             // Shortcut 2: load the auth cache data and return if a result was found
             if (!isset($this->_access[$userId])) {
                 $this->_access[$userId] = Yii::app()->authCache->loadAuthCache($userId);
             if (isset($this->_access[$userId][$itemName]) && !empty($this->_access[$userId][$itemName])) {
                 $checkParams = $this->getCacheParams($params);
                 if ($checkParams !== false) {
                     $checkParams = json_encode($checkParams);
                     if (isset($this->_access[$userId][$itemName][$checkParams])) {
                         return $this->_access[$userId][$itemName][$checkParams];
     if (!isset($this->_access[$userId])) {
         $this->_access[$userId] = array();
     if (!isset($this->_access[$userId][$itemName])) {
         $this->_access[$userId][$itemName] = array();
     // Get assignments via roles.
     // In X2Engine's system, x2_auth_assignment doesn't refer to users, but
     // to roles. Hence, the ID of each role is sent to
     // parent::getAuthAssignments rather than a user ID, which would be
     // meaningless in light of how x2_auth_assignment stores roles.
     if (isset($this->_assignments[$userId])) {
         $assignments = $this->_assignments[$userId];
     } else {
         $roles = Roles::getUserRoles($userId);
         $assignments = array();
         foreach ($roles as $roleId) {
             $assignments = array_merge($assignments, parent::getAuthAssignments($roleId));
         $this->_assignments[$userId] = $assignments;
     // Prepare the username for the session-agnostic permissions check:
     if (!isset($this->_usernames[$userId])) {
         if ($userId == Yii::app()->getSuId()) {
             $user = Yii::app()->getSuModel();
         } else {
             $user = User::model()->findByPk($userId);
         if ($user instanceof User) {
             $this->_usernames[$userId] = $user->username;
         } else {
             $this->_usernames[$userId] = 'Guest';
     // Get whether the user has access:
     $hasAccess = parent::checkAccessRecursive($itemName, $userId, $params, $assignments);
     // Store locally.
     $cacheParams = $this->getCacheParams($params);
     if ($cacheParams !== false) {
         $this->_access[$userId][$itemName][json_encode($cacheParams)] = $hasAccess;
         // Cache
         if ($this->caching) {
             Yii::app()->authCache->addResult($userId, $itemName, $hasAccess, $cacheParams);
     return $hasAccess;
Example #8
  * Removes all authorization data.
 public function clearAll()
     $this->db->createCommand("DELETE FROM {$this->pathTable}")->execute();
Example #9
 public function getAuthItem($name)
     if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_authItems)) {
         if ($this->_authItems[$name] == null) {
             return null;
         return new CAuthItem($this, $this->_authItems[$name]['name'], $this->_authItems[$name]['type'], $this->_authItems[$name]['description'], $this->_authItems[$name]['bizrule'], $this->_authItems[$name]['data']);
     $item = parent::getAuthItem($name);
     if ($item == null) {
         $this->_authItems[$name] = null;
     } else {
         $this->_authItems[$name]['name'] = $item->getName();
         $this->_authItems[$name]['type'] = $item->getType();
         $this->_authItems[$name]['description'] = $item->getDescription();
         $this->_authItems[$name]['bizrule'] = $item->getBizRule();
         $this->_authItems[$name]['data'] = $item->getData();
     return $item;
 protected function checkGroupAccess($itemName, $userId, $params)
     $user = Yii::app()->getUser();
     if (!$user->isGuest) {
         $ugroups = Profile::model()->with('groups')->findByPk($userId);
         foreach ($ugroups->groups as $group) {
             if (parent::checkAccess($itemName, $group->id, $params)) {
                 return true;
     return false;
Example #11
  * Revoce authorization assignment from a user
  * @param string $itemName if null, all user assignments are revoked
  * @param int $userId
  * @return boolean
 public function revoke($itemName, $userId)
     if ($itemName != NULL) {
         return parent::revoke($itemName, $userId);
     } else {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->assignmentTable} WHERE userid=:userid";
         $command = $this->db->createCommand($sql);
         $command->bindValue(':userid', $userId);
         return $command->execute() > 0;