function displayWeeks($list, $task, $level, $fromPeriod, $toPeriod)
    //start of week
    $sd = new CDate($fromPeriod);
    $days_from_start = $sd->getDayOfWeek();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $days_from_start; $i++) {
        $stmp = $sd->getPrevDay();
        $sd = new CDate($stmp->format('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'));
    //end of week
    $ed = new CDate($toPeriod);
    $days_spent = $ed->getDayOfWeek();
    for ($i = 6 - $days_spent; $i > 0; $i--) {
        $etmp = $ed->getNextDay();
        $ed = new CDate($etmp->format('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'));
    $st = new CDate($task->task_start_date);
    $et = new CDate($task->task_end_date);
    $row = '';
    while ($sd->before($ed)) {
        $sd_end = new CDate($sd->format('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'));
        $sd_end->addSeconds(7 * 24 * 3600);
        //add one week
        if ($sd->after($st) && $sd_end->before($et) || $st->before($sd_end) && !$st->before($sd) || $et->after($sd) && !$et->after($sd_end)) {
             * generate visually distiguishable colors for up to 12 task levels
             * Color will just be blue (#0000FF) for levels 12th and up. 
            $red_key = 12 - floor($level / 3) * 3;
            $red_key = $red_key > 15 ? 15 : ($red_key < 0 ? 0 : $red_key);
            $green_key_1 = $red_key + 4 - $level % 3 * 4;
            $green_key_1 = $green_key_1 > 15 ? 15 : ($green_key_1 < 0 ? 0 : $green_key_1);
            $green_key_2 = $green_key_1 == $red_key ? 0 : $green_key_1;
            $color_hex = mb_strtoupper('#' . dechex($red_key) . '0' . dechex($green_key_1) . dechex($green_key_2) . 'FF');
            $row .= '<td nowrap="nowrap" style="background:' . $color_hex . ';" >';
        } else {
            $row .= '<td nowrap="nowrap">';
        $row .= '&nbsp;</td>';
        $sd->addSeconds(7 * 24 * 3600);
        //add one week
    return $row;
Example #2
$rowspan_count = 0;
$total_hours_daily = 0;
$total_hours_weekly = 0;
$dow = 0;
$last_day = new CDate();
$no_results = true;
$first = 1;
for ($dow = 0; $dow < 7; $dow++) {
    $dmsg = $last_day->getDayName(false) . ' ' . $last_day->format($df);
    writeDayLine($last_day, $df, $AppUI->_('Add Task Log'), $is_my_timesheet, $user_id);
    $ntasks = 0;
    $pname = '';
    foreach ($result as $task) {
        $task_date = new CDate($task['task_log_date']);
        $task_dow = $task_date->getDayOfWeek();
        if ($task_dow == $dow) {
            $total_hours_daily += $task['task_log_hours'];
            if ($pname != $task['project_name']) {
                $pname = $task['project_name'];
                echo '<tr class="second" onclick="viewProject(' . $task['project_id'] . ')">' . '<td colspan="100%" style="padding-left: 24px"><b>' . $pname . '</b></td></tr>';
				<tr class="second">
					<td nowrap="nowrap" style="padding-left: 24px" valign="top">
            if ($task['task_log_creator'] == $AppUI->user_id || $can_edit_other_timesheets) {
						<img class="clickable" src="images/edit_log.gif" title="Edit"
$df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
//How many weeks are we going to show?
$week_count = 4;
if (isset($_GET['start_date'])) {
    $AppUI->setState('TimecardWeeklyReportStartDate', $_GET['start_date']);
$start_day = new CDate($AppUI->getState('TimecardWeeklyReportStartDate') ? $AppUI->getState('TimecardWeeklyReportStartDate') : NULL);
if (isset($_GET['company_id'])) {
    $AppUI->setState('TimecardWeeklyReportCompanyId', $_GET['company_id']);
$company_id = $AppUI->getState('TimecardWeeklyReportCompanyId') ? $AppUI->getState('TimecardWeeklyReportCompanyId') : 0;
//print $company_id;
//set that to just midnight so as to grab the whole day
$date = $start_day->format("%Y-%m-%d") . " 00:00:00";
$start_day->setDate($date, DATE_FORMAT_ISO);
$today_weekday = $start_day->getDayOfWeek();
//roll back to the first day of that week, regardless of what day was specified
$rollover_day = '0';
$new_start_offset = $rollover_day - $today_weekday;
//last day of that week, add 6 days
$end_day = new CDate();
//set that to just before midnight so as to grab the whole day
$date = $end_day->format("%Y-%m-%d") . " 23:59:59";
$end_day->setDate($date, DATE_FORMAT_ISO);
$selects = array();
$join = array();
$where = getPermsWhereClause("companies", "user_company");
$sql = "\n\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\tuser_id,\n\t\t\tconcat(contact_last_name,' ',contact_first_name) as name,\n\t\t\tcontact_email,\n\t\t\tcompany_name\n\t\tFROM \n\t\t\tusers\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN contacts ON users.user_contact=contacts.contact_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN companies ON companies.company_id=contacts.contact_company\n\t\tWHERE \n\t\t" . $where . "\n\t";
Example #4
 public function calcFinish($durn, $durnType)
     // since one will alter the date ($this) one better copies it to a new instance
     $f = new CDate();
     // get w2P time constants
     $cal_day_start = intval(w2PgetConfig('cal_day_start'));
     $cal_day_end = intval(w2PgetConfig('cal_day_end'));
     $workHours = intval(w2PgetConfig('daily_working_hours'));
     $workingDays = w2PgetConfig('cal_working_days');
     $working_days = explode(',', $workingDays);
     //temporary variables
     $inc = floor($durn);
     $hoursToAddToLastDay = 0;
     $hoursToAddToFirstDay = $durn;
     $fullWorkingDays = 0;
     $int_st_hour = $f->getHour();
     //catch the gap between the working hours and the open hours (like lunch periods)
     $workGap = $cal_day_end - $cal_day_start - $workHours;
     // calculate the number of non-working days
     $k = 7 - count($working_days);
     $durnMins = ($durn - $inc) * 60;
     if ($f->getMinute() + $durnMins >= 60) {
     $mins = ($f->getMinute() + $durnMins) % 60;
     if ($mins > 38) {
     } elseif ($mins > 23) {
     } elseif ($mins > 8) {
     } else {
     // jump over to the first working day
     for ($i = 0; $i < $k; $i++) {
         if (array_search($f->getDayOfWeek(), $working_days) === false) {
     if ($durnType == 24) {
         if ($f->getHour() == $cal_day_start && $f->getMinute() == 0) {
             $fullWorkingDays = ceil($inc);
         } else {
             $fullWorkingDays = ceil($inc) + 1;
         // Include start day as a working day (if it is one)
         if (!(array_search($f->getDayOfWeek(), $working_days) === false)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $fullWorkingDays; $i++) {
             if (array_search($f->getDayOfWeek(), $working_days) === false) {
         if ($f->getHour() == $cal_day_start && $f->getMinute() == 0) {
     } else {
         $hoursToAddToFirstDay = $inc;
         if ($f->getHour() + $inc > $cal_day_end - $workGap) {
             $hoursToAddToFirstDay = $cal_day_end - $workGap - $f->getHour();
         if ($hoursToAddToFirstDay > $workHours) {
             $hoursToAddToFirstDay = $workHours;
         $inc -= $hoursToAddToFirstDay;
         $hoursToAddToLastDay = $inc % $workHours;
         $fullWorkingDays = floor(($inc - $hoursToAddToLastDay) / $workHours);
         if ($hoursToAddToLastDay <= 0 && !($hoursToAddToFirstDay == $workHours)) {
             $f->setHour($f->getHour() + $hoursToAddToFirstDay);
         } elseif ($hoursToAddToLastDay == 0) {
             $f->setHour($f->getHour() + $hoursToAddToFirstDay + $workGap);
         } else {
             $f->setHour($cal_day_start + $hoursToAddToLastDay);
         if (($f->getHour() == $cal_day_end || $f->getHour() - $int_st_hour == $workHours + $workGap) && $mins > 0) {
         // boolean for setting later if we just found a non-working day
         // and therefore do not have to add a day in the next loop
         // (which would have caused to not respecting multiple non-working days after each other)
         $g = false;
         for ($i = 0, $i_cmp = ceil($fullWorkingDays); $i < $i_cmp; $i++) {
             if (!$g) {
             $g = false;
             // calculate overriden non-working days
             if (array_search($f->getDayOfWeek(), $working_days) === false) {
                 $g = true;
     // if there was no fullworkingday we have to check whether the end day is a working day
     // and in the negative case postpone the end date by appropriate days
     for ($i = 0, $i_cmp = 7 - count($working_days); $i < $i_cmp; $i++) {
         // override  possible non-working enddays
         if (array_search($f->getDayOfWeek(), $working_days) === false) {
     return $f;