$output .= $option['close']; return $output; } if (empty($_POST['submit'])) { // show the install page if (file_exists('site.config.php')) { if (!is_writable('site.config.php')) { die('make site.config.php writable'); } } else { die('create site.config.php first, be sure it is writable'); } $output = file_get_contents('install.html'); $output = preg_replace('#%(.+?)\\.lang#', '\\1', $output); $output = preg_replace('#%(.+?)\\.name#', '\\1', $output); $output = ereg_replace('%database.options', replacedbtypes($database->getAllSupportedDatabases()), $output); echo $output; } else { if ($_POST['submit'] == 'install') { if (empty($POST['activatemail'])) { header('install.php'); } // install config script $config = '<?php' . NL . TAB; //$config .= '// general'; $config .= "\$config['general']['servertimezone'] = {$_POST['servertimezone']};" . NL . TAB; $config .= "\$config['general']['timezone'] = 0;" . NL . TAB; $config .= "\$config['general']['timeformat'] = 'H:i:s d/m/y';" . NL . TAB; $config .= "\$config['general']['sitename'] = '{$_POST['sitename']}';" . NL . TAB; $config .= "\$config['general']['description'] = '{$_POST['description']}';" . NL . TAB; $config .= "\$config['general']['contentlanguage'] = 'en';" . NL . TAB;