function initDashboard() { include_once ABSPATH . "/php/CDBConn.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/hostconfig.php"; $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123"); if (!$conn->connect_no_localhost()) { http_response_code(503); exit; } $cur_login = $_SESSION['g_username']; $get_hostel_id_sql = "SELECT hostel_id FROM users WHERE login = '******'"; $conn->run_query($get_hostel_id_sql); $line = $conn->fetch_array(); // We almost now from which hostel is user $hostel_id = $line['hostel_id']; // in case if hostel id is not set, it's an indicator that hostel definetely has not been configured yet. if ($hostel_id === NULL) { header("Location: /configure/index.php"); exit; } $get_is_configured_sql = "SELECT is_configured FROM hostels WHERE id = {$hostel_id}"; $conn->run_query($get_is_configured_sql); $line = $conn->fetch_array(); $is_configured = $line['is_configured']; // This is the case when user almost configured not if ($is_configured === 'f') { header("Location: /configure/index.php"); // exit(); } $conn->close(); }
if (!isset($_SESSION['g_username'])) { http_response_code(401); exit; } $date_in = $_POST['date_in']; $date_out = $_POST['date_out']; $bed_index = $_POST['bed_index']; $room_id = $_POST['room_id']; require_once '../app-config.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/php/CDBConn.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/php/hostconfig.php'; $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, 'qwerty123', FALSE); $conn->connect(); // Finding whether it overlaps with some of existing orders $check_availability = "SELECT guest_id, date_in, date_out, date_overlap(date_in, date_out, '{$date_in}', '{$date_out}') FROM orders WHERE bed_index={$bed_index} AND room_id={$room_id}"; $conn->run_query($check_availability); $order_info = new stdClass(); while ($line = $conn->fetch_array()) { if ($line['date_overlap'] == 1) { // avail = 0; does mean there exists at least on order // which conflicts with the current order. $order_info->avail = 0; $order_info->date_in = $line['date_in']; $order_info->date_out = $line['date_out']; $guest_id = $line['guest_id']; $guest_query = "SELECT * FROM guests WHERE id = '{$guest_id}'"; $conn->run_query($guest_query); if ($conn->affected_rows() == 1) { $guest_row = $conn->fetch_array(); $order_info->first_name = $guest_row['first_name']; $order_info->last_name = $guest_row['last_name'];
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['g_username'])) { header("Location: /login/index.php"); exit; } $path_to_cdbconn = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/php/CDBConn.php"; include_once $path_to_cdbconn; $hostel_info = json_decode($_POST["hostel_info"]); $rooms = json_decode($_POST["rooms"]); $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123", TRUE); $conn->connect(); // Creating new hostel $insert_query = "INSERT INTO hostels (name, room_count, is_configured) VALUES('{$hostel_info->hostel_name}', {$hostel_info->room_count}, TRUE) RETURNING id"; $conn->run_query($insert_query); echo $conn->affected_rows() . " rows inserted."; $new_hostel_id = 0; while ($line = $conn->fetch_array()) { echo "id = " . $line[0]; $new_hostel_id = $line[0]; } // Associating email with hostel $login_from_session = $_SESSION['g_username']; $update_query = "UPDATE users SET hostel_id = {$new_hostel_id} WHERE login = '******'"; $conn->run_query($update_query); $_SESSION['g_hostel_id'] = $new_hostel_id; // Associating rooms with hostel for ($i = 0; $i < count($rooms); $i++) { $cur_room_name = $rooms[$i]->name; $cur_room_capacity = $rooms[$i]->capacity;
<?php session_start(); require_once "../app-config.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/hostconfig.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/CDBConn.php"; $input_email = $_POST['email']; $input_reg_token = $_POST['reg_token']; $input_password1 = $_POST['password1']; $input_password2 = $_POST['password2']; //printf("input_email=%s<br>input_reg_token=%s<br>input_password1=%s<br>input_password2=%s<br>", $input_email, $input_reg_token, $input_password1, $input_password2); $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123", FALSE); $conn->connect(); $query = "SELECT reg_token, is_activated FROM users WHERE login='******'"; if ($conn->run_query($query)) { switch ($conn->affected_rows()) { case 0: echo "This email has no associated registration inquiry. Link is invalid. Please, review whether you fully copied the activation link. If you don't know what's happened, just try signup again.<br>"; http_response_code(422); break; case 1: $arr = $conn->fetch_array(); //var_dump($arr['reg_token']); //var_dump($_POST['reg_token']); if ($arr["reg_token"] == $input_reg_token) { $adduser_query = "UPDATE users SET is_activated = TRUE, password='******' WHERE login='******'"; if ($arr["is_activated"] === 't') { echo "Your email has been activated. You may log in to your account"; http_response_code(422); exit; }
exit; } require_once "../app-config.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/CDBConn.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/hostconfig.php"; $login = json_decode($_POST['login']); $password = json_decode($_POST['password']); $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123"); if (!$conn->connect()) { http_response_code(503); exit; } $check_user_sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login='******' AND password='******'"; echo $conn->run_select($check_user_sql); if ($conn->affected_rows() != 1) { echo "user with login:'******'; and password:'******' doesnot exists" . "<br>"; http_response_code(401); exit; } else { $_SESSION['g_username'] = $login; $get_hostel_id_sql = "SELECT hostel_id FROM users WHERE login='******'"; $conn->run_query($get_hostel_id_sql); $row = $conn->fetch_array(); $hostel_id = $row['hostel_id']; // Even in case if hostel_id is null, // doConfigure.php script will create it $_SESSION['g_hostel_id'] = $hostel_id; http_response_code(200); exit; } $conn->close();
$room_ids = $_POST['room_ids']; require_once '../app-config.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/php/CDBConn.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/php/hostconfig.php'; $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, 'qwerty123'); $conn->connect(); // Generating SQL query $select_rooms_orders = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE "; //echo "Select rooms orders query(before)= ".$select_rooms_orders; $append = ""; //echo "\n".sizeof($room_ids)."\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($room_ids); $i++) { $current_id = $room_ids[$i]; if ($i != 0) { $append = $append . " OR room_id={$current_id}"; } else { $append = $append . " room_id={$current_id}"; } } //echo "\nappend = ".$append."\n"; $select_rooms_orders = $select_rooms_orders . $append; //echo "Select rooms orders query(after) = ".$select_rooms_orders; $conn->run_query($select_rooms_orders); $orders = []; $i = 0; while ($order = $conn->fetch_array()) { $orders[$i] = $order; $i++; } echo json_encode($orders); $conn->close();
$telephone = $_POST['telephone']; $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; $last_name = $_POST['last_name']; $date_in = $_POST['date_in']; $date_out = $_POST['date_out']; require_once '../app-config.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/php/CDBConn.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/php/hostconfig.php'; $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, 'qwerty123', TRUE); $conn->connect(); /* SELECT date_overlap(date_in, date_out, '2016-01-12', '2016-01-13') FROM orders WHERE bed_index=1 AND room_id=328 */ // check avalability $check_availability = "SELECT date_overlap(date_in, date_out, '{$date_in}', '{$date_out}') FROM orders WHERE bed_index={$bed_index} AND room_id={$room_id}"; $conn->run_query($check_availability); $line = $conn->fetch_array(); if ($line['date_overlap'] == 1) { echo 'dates are not available'; http_response_code(409); exit; } $get_guest = "SELECT id FROM guests WHERE first_name='{$first_name}' AND last_name='{$last_name}' AND telephone = '{$telephone}'"; $conn->run_query($get_guest); $guest_id = 0; if ($conn->affected_rows() == 0) { $insert_guest = "INSERT INTO guests(first_name, last_name, telephone) VALUES('{$first_name}','{$last_name}','{$telephone}') RETURNING id"; $conn->run_query($insert_guest); $arr = $conn->fetch_array(); $guest_id = $arr['id']; echo "New guest id = " . $guest_id . "<br>";
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['g_username'])) { http_response_code(401); exit; } $hostel_id = $_POST['hostel_id']; require_once "../app-config.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/CDBConn.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/hostconfig.php"; $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123"); $conn->connect_no_localhost(); $room_count_query = "SELECT room_count FROM hostels WHERE id = '{$hostel_id}'"; $conn->run_query($room_count_query); $row = $conn->fetch_array(); if ($conn->affected_rows() == 1) { echo $row['room_count']; http_response_code(200); exit; } else { http_response_code(401); exit; }
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['g_username'])) { http_response_code(401); exit; } $room_id = $_POST['room_id']; require_once '../app-config.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/php/CDBConn.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/php/hostconfig.php'; $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, 'qwerty123'); $conn->connect(); $select_orders = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE room_id = {$room_id}"; $conn->run_query($select_orders); $orders = []; $i = 0; while ($order = $conn->fetch_array()) { $orders[$i] = $order; $i++; } echo json_encode($orders); $conn->close();
include_once "../app-config.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/CDBConn.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/hostconfig.php"; if (!isset($_SESSION['g_username'])) { header("Location: /login/index.php"); exit; } else { // $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123"); if (!$conn->connect_no_localhost()) { echo "Database error<br>"; exit; } $cur_login = $_SESSION['g_username']; $get_hostel_id_query = "SELECT hostel_id,login FROM users WHERE login='******'"; $res = $conn->run_query($get_hostel_id_query); if ($conn->affected_rows() == 0) { echo "There is no such login in database. <br>"; exit; } $line = $conn->fetch_array(); $hostel_id = $line['hostel_id']; if ($hostel_id != NULL) { header("Location: /dashboard/"); exit; } } // insert is_configured flag checking ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>
function putRoomsToDatabase(&$arr, $rcount) { $path_to_hostconfig = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/php/hostconfig.php"; include_once $path_to_hostconfig; $path_to_cdbconn = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/php/CDBConn.php"; include_once $path_to_cdbconn; $my_conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123", FALSE); $my_conn->connect(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $rcount; $i++) { $nazv = "nazv" . $i; $room_info[$i] .= "<br><br>Room name: " . $arr[$nazv]; $type_id = "type" . $i; $q_select = "SELECT room_type_name FROM room_type WHERE room_type_id = '" . $arr[$type_id] . "'"; $my_conn->run_query($q_select); $line = pg_fetch_array($my_conn->getResult()); $type_name = "type_name" . $i; $arr[$type_name] = $line[0]; $room_info[$i] .= "<br><br>Category of room: " . $arr[$type_name]; $capacity = "capacity" . $i; $room_info[$i] .= "<br><br>Capacity of the room: " . $arr[$capacity]; //$q_insert = "INSERT INTO room (room_name, room_type_id, bed_count) VALUES('".$arr[$nazv]."',".$arr[$type_id].",".$arr[$capacity].")"; //$my_conn->run_insert($q_insert); } $my_conn->close(); return $room_info; }
<?php $path_to_hostconfig = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/php/hostconfig.php"; $path_to_cdbconn = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/php/CDBConn.php"; include_once $path_to_hostconfig; include_once $path_to_cdbconn; $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123"); $conn->connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM room_types"; $conn->run_query($sql); $data = array(); /*while ($line = pg_fetch_array($conn->getResult())) { // echo $arr["room_type_id"].$arr["room_type_name"]."<br>"; $data[$line["room_type_id"]] = $line["room_type_name"]; } foreach($data as $id => $name) { echo $id.$name."<br>"; }*/ while ($line = pg_fetch_row($conn->getResult())) { $data[] = $line; } echo json_encode($data); $conn->close();
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['g_username'])) { http_response_code(401); exit; } require_once '../app-config.php'; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/CDBConn.php"; include_once ABSPATH . "/php/hostconfig.php"; //$hostel_id = $_POST['hostel_id']; $hostel_id = $_SESSION['g_hostel_id']; $conn = new CDBConn($jet_ip, $db_name, $db_user, "qwerty123"); $conn->connect(); $sql = "SELECT name, bed_count,id FROM rooms WHERE hostel_id ={$hostel_id} ORDER BY id DESC"; $rooms = array(); $result = $conn->run_query($sql); if (!$result) { http_response_code(404); exit; } else { $i = 0; while ($room = $conn->fetch_array()) { $rooms[$i]->name = $room['name']; $rooms[$i]->bed_count = $room['bed_count']; $rooms[$i]->id = $room['id']; $i++; } echo json_encode($rooms); } $conn->close();