public function Delete($ID, $options = array()) { global $DB, $APPLICATION; $ID = intval($ID); $iUserId = CCrmSecurityHelper::GetCurrentUserID(); $sWherePerm = ''; if ($this->bCheckPermission) { $arEntityAttr = $this->cPerms->GetEntityAttr('QUOTE', $ID); $sEntityPerm = $this->cPerms->GetPermType('QUOTE', 'DELETE', $arEntityAttr[$ID]); if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_NONE) { return false; } else { if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_SELF) { $sWherePerm = " AND ASSIGNED_BY_ID = {$iUserId}"; } else { if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_OPEN) { $sWherePerm = " AND (OPENED = 'Y' OR ASSIGNED_BY_ID = {$iUserId})"; } } } } $APPLICATION->ResetException(); foreach (GetModuleEvents('crm', 'OnBeforeCrmQuoteDelete', true) as $arEvent) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)) === false) { $err = GetMessage("MAIN_BEFORE_DEL_ERR") . ' ' . $arEvent['TO_NAME']; if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $err .= ': ' . $ex->GetString(); } $APPLICATION->throwException($err); return false; } } if (!(isset($options['SKIP_FILES']) && $options['SKIP_FILES'])) { if (!self::DeleteStorageElements($ID)) { return false; } if (!$DB->Query('DELETE FROM ' . CCrmQuote::ELEMENT_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE QUOTE_ID = ' . $ID, false, 'File: ' . __FILE__ . '<br/>Line: ' . __LINE__)) { $APPLICATION->throwException(GetMessage('CRM_QUOTE_ERR_DELETE_STORAGE_ELEMENTS_QUERY')); return false; } } $dbRes = $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_crm_quote WHERE ID = {$ID}{$sWherePerm}", false, 'FILE: ' . __FILE__ . '<br /> LINE: ' . __LINE__); if (is_object($dbRes) && $dbRes->AffectedRowsCount() > 0) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_crm_entity_perms WHERE ENTITY='QUOTE' AND ENTITY_ID = {$ID}", false, 'FILE: ' . __FILE__ . '<br /> LINE: ' . __LINE__); $GLOBALS['USER_FIELD_MANAGER']->Delete(self::$sUFEntityID, $ID); $CCrmFieldMulti = new CCrmFieldMulti(); $CCrmFieldMulti->DeleteByElement('QUOTE', $ID); $CCrmEvent = new CCrmEvent(); $CCrmEvent->DeleteByElement('QUOTE', $ID); CCrmSearch::DeleteSearch('QUOTE', $ID); // Deletion of quote details CCrmProductRow::DeleteByOwner(self::OWNER_TYPE, $ID); CCrmProductRow::DeleteSettings(self::OWNER_TYPE, $ID); /*CCrmActivity::DeleteByOwner(CCrmOwnerType::Quote, $ID);*/ if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->ClearByTag("crm_entity_name_" . CCrmOwnerType::Quote . "_" . $ID); } $afterEvents = GetModuleEvents('crm', 'OnAfterCrmQuoteDelete'); while ($arEvent = $afterEvents->Fetch()) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); } } return true; }
public function Delete($ID, $arOptions = array()) { global $DB, $APPLICATION; $ID = intval($ID); $iUserId = CCrmSecurityHelper::GetCurrentUserID(); if (!is_array($arOptions)) { $arOptions = array(); } $sWherePerm = ''; if ($this->bCheckPermission) { $arEntityAttr = $this->cPerms->GetEntityAttr('DEAL', $ID); $sEntityPerm = $this->cPerms->GetPermType('DEAL', 'DELETE', $arEntityAttr[$ID]); if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_NONE) { return false; } else { if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_SELF) { $sWherePerm = " AND ASSIGNED_BY_ID = {$iUserId}"; } else { if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_OPEN) { $sWherePerm = " AND (OPENED = 'Y' OR ASSIGNED_BY_ID = {$iUserId})"; } } } } $APPLICATION->ResetException(); $events = GetModuleEvents('crm', 'OnBeforeCrmDealDelete'); while ($arEvent = $events->Fetch()) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)) === false) { $err = GetMessage("MAIN_BEFORE_DEL_ERR") . ' ' . $arEvent['TO_NAME']; if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $err .= ': ' . $ex->GetString(); } $APPLICATION->throwException($err); return false; } } //By defaut we need to clean up related bizproc entities $processBizproc = isset($arOptions['PROCESS_BIZPROC']) ? (bool) $arOptions['PROCESS_BIZPROC'] : true; if ($processBizproc) { $bizproc = new CCrmBizProc('DEAL'); $bizproc->ProcessDeletion($ID); } $dbRes = $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_crm_deal WHERE ID = {$ID}{$sWherePerm}", false, 'FILE: ' . __FILE__ . '<br /> LINE: ' . __LINE__); if (is_object($dbRes) && $dbRes->AffectedRowsCount() > 0) { CCrmSearch::DeleteSearch('DEAL', $ID); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_crm_entity_perms WHERE ENTITY='DEAL' AND ENTITY_ID = {$ID}", false, 'FILE: ' . __FILE__ . '<br /> LINE: ' . __LINE__); $GLOBALS['USER_FIELD_MANAGER']->Delete(self::$sUFEntityID, $ID); $CCrmFieldMulti = new CCrmFieldMulti(); $CCrmFieldMulti->DeleteByElement('DEAL', $ID); $CCrmEvent = new CCrmEvent(); $CCrmEvent->DeleteByElement('DEAL', $ID); Bitrix\Crm\History\DealStageHistoryEntry::unregister($ID); Bitrix\Crm\Statistics\DealSumStatisticEntry::unregister($ID); Bitrix\Crm\Statistics\DealInvoiceStatisticEntry::unregister($ID); Bitrix\Crm\Statistics\DealActivityStatisticEntry::unregister($ID); // Deletion of deal details CCrmProductRow::DeleteByOwner('D', $ID); CCrmProductRow::DeleteSettings('D', $ID); CCrmActivity::DeleteByOwner(CCrmOwnerType::Deal, $ID); CCrmSonetSubscription::UnRegisterSubscriptionByEntity(CCrmOwnerType::Deal, $ID); CCrmLiveFeed::DeleteLogEvents(array('ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => CCrmOwnerType::Deal, 'ENTITY_ID' => $ID)); self::PullChange('DELETE', array('ID' => $ID)); if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->ClearByTag("crm_entity_name_" . CCrmOwnerType::Deal . "_" . $ID); } $afterEvents = GetModuleEvents('crm', 'OnAfterCrmDealDelete'); while ($arEvent = $afterEvents->Fetch()) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); } } return true; }
public function Delete($ID) { /** @global CUserTypeManager $USER_FIELD_MANAGER */ global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; if (!CModule::IncludeModule('sale')) { return false; } $dealID = 0; $dbResult = CCrmInvoice::GetList(array(), array('ID' => $ID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N'), false, false, array('ID', 'UF_DEAL_ID')); $fields = is_object($dbResult) ? $dbResult->Fetch() : null; if (is_array($fields)) { $dealID = isset($fields['UF_DEAL_ID']) ? $fields['UF_DEAL_ID'] : 0; } $CSaleOrder = new CSaleOrder(); $result = $CSaleOrder->Delete($ID); if ($result) { $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->Delete(self::$sUFEntityID, $ID); CCrmProductRow::DeleteSettings('I', $ID); self::UnregisterLiveFeedEvent($ID); CCrmSonetSubscription::UnRegisterSubscriptionByEntity(CCrmOwnerType::Invoice, $ID); if ($dealID > 0) { Bitrix\Crm\Statistics\DealInvoiceStatisticEntry::register($dealID); } CCrmSearch::DeleteSearch('INVOICE', $ID); } return $result; }
public function Delete($ID, $arOptions = array()) { global $DB, $APPLICATION; $ID = intval($ID); $iUserId = CCrmSecurityHelper::GetCurrentUserID(); $this->LAST_ERROR = ''; $APPLICATION->ResetException(); if (!is_array($arOptions)) { $arOptions = array(); } if (isset($arOptions['CHECK_DEPENDENCIES']) && (bool) $arOptions['CHECK_DEPENDENCIES']) { $dbRes = self::GetListEx(array(), array('=ID' => $ID), false, false, array('TITLE', 'STATUS_ID', 'COMPANY_ID', 'CONTACT_ID')); $arFields = $dbRes ? $dbRes->Fetch() : null; if (is_array($arFields) && isset($arFields['STATUS_ID']) && $arFields['STATUS_ID'] === 'CONVERTED' && (CCrmCompany::Exists(isset($arFields['COMPANY_ID']) ? intval($arFields['COMPANY_ID']) : 0) || CCrmContact::Exists(isset($arFields['CONTACT_ID']) ? intval($arFields['CONTACT_ID']) : 0))) { $title = isset($arFields['TITLE']) && $arFields['TITLE'] !== '' ? $arFields['TITLE'] : $ID; $err = GetMessage('CRM_LEAD_DELETION_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND', array('#TITLE#' => $title)); $this->LAST_ERROR = $err; $APPLICATION->throwException($err); return false; } } $sWherePerm = ''; if ($this->bCheckPermission) { $arEntityAttr = $this->cPerms->GetEntityAttr('LEAD', $ID); $sEntityPerm = $this->cPerms->GetPermType('LEAD', 'DELETE', $arEntityAttr[$ID]); if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_NONE) { return false; } else { if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_SELF) { $sWherePerm = " AND ASSIGNED_BY_ID = {$iUserId}"; } else { if ($sEntityPerm == BX_CRM_PERM_OPEN) { $sWherePerm = " AND (OPENED = 'Y' OR ASSIGNED_BY_ID = {$iUserId})"; } } } } $events = GetModuleEvents('crm', 'OnBeforeCrmLeadDelete'); while ($arEvent = $events->Fetch()) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)) === false) { $err = GetMessage("MAIN_BEFORE_DEL_ERR") . ' ' . $arEvent['TO_NAME']; if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $err .= ': ' . $ex->GetString(); } $APPLICATION->throwException($err); $this->LAST_ERROR = $err; return false; } } //By defaut we need to clean up related bizproc entities $processBizproc = isset($arOptions['PROCESS_BIZPROC']) ? (bool) $arOptions['PROCESS_BIZPROC'] : true; if ($processBizproc) { $bizproc = new CCrmBizProc('LEAD'); $bizproc->ProcessDeletion($ID); } $tableName = CCrmLead::TABLE_NAME; $sSql = "DELETE FROM {$tableName} WHERE ID = {$ID}{$sWherePerm}"; $obRes = $DB->Query($sSql, false, 'FILE: ' . __FILE__ . '<br /> LINE: ' . __LINE__); if (is_object($obRes) && $obRes->AffectedRowsCount() > 0) { CCrmSearch::DeleteSearch('LEAD', $ID); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_crm_entity_perms WHERE ENTITY='LEAD' AND ENTITY_ID = {$ID}", false, 'FILE: ' . __FILE__ . '<br /> LINE: ' . __LINE__); $GLOBALS['USER_FIELD_MANAGER']->Delete(self::$sUFEntityID, $ID); $CCrmFieldMulti = new CCrmFieldMulti(); $CCrmFieldMulti->DeleteByElement('LEAD', $ID); $CCrmEvent = new CCrmEvent(); $CCrmEvent->DeleteByElement('LEAD', $ID); \Bitrix\Crm\EntityAddress::unregister(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID, \Bitrix\Crm\EntityAddress::Primary); \Bitrix\Crm\Integrity\DuplicateEntityRanking::unregisterEntityStatistics(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID); \Bitrix\Crm\Integrity\DuplicatePersonCriterion::unregister(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID); \Bitrix\Crm\Integrity\DuplicateOrganizationCriterion::unregister(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID); \Bitrix\Crm\Integrity\DuplicateCommunicationCriterion::unregister(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID); \Bitrix\Crm\Integrity\DuplicateIndexMismatch::unregisterEntity(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID); $enableDupIndexInvalidation = is_array($arOptions) && isset($arOptions['ENABLE_DUP_INDEX_INVALIDATION']) ? (bool) $arOptions['ENABLE_DUP_INDEX_INVALIDATION'] : true; if ($enableDupIndexInvalidation) { \Bitrix\Crm\Integrity\DuplicateIndexBuilder::markAsJunk(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID); } // Deletion of lead details CCrmProductRow::DeleteByOwner('L', $ID); CCrmProductRow::DeleteSettings('L', $ID); CCrmActivity::DeleteByOwner(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID); CCrmSonetSubscription::UnRegisterSubscriptionByEntity(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $ID); CCrmLiveFeed::DeleteLogEvents(array('ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => CCrmOwnerType::Lead, 'ENTITY_ID' => $ID)); if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->ClearByTag("crm_entity_name_" . CCrmOwnerType::Lead . "_" . $ID); } $afterEvents = GetModuleEvents('crm', 'OnAfterCrmLeadDelete'); while ($arEvent = $afterEvents->Fetch()) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); } } return true; }
public function Delete($ID) { /** @global CUserTypeManager $USER_FIELD_MANAGER */ /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ /** @var CApplicationException $ex */ global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER, $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->ResetException(); foreach (GetModuleEvents('crm', 'OnBeforeCrmInvoiceDelete', true) as $arEvent) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)) === false) { $err = GetMessage('CRM_INVOICE_DELETE_CANCELED') . ' ' . $arEvent['TO_NAME']; if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $err .= ': ' . $ex->GetString(); } $APPLICATION->throwException($err); return false; } } if (!CModule::IncludeModule('sale')) { return false; } $dealID = 0; $dbResult = CCrmInvoice::GetList(array(), array('ID' => $ID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N'), false, false, array('ID', 'UF_DEAL_ID')); $fields = is_object($dbResult) ? $dbResult->Fetch() : null; if (is_array($fields)) { $dealID = isset($fields['UF_DEAL_ID']) ? $fields['UF_DEAL_ID'] : 0; } $CSaleOrder = new CSaleOrder(); $result = $CSaleOrder->Delete($ID); if ($result) { $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->Delete(self::$sUFEntityID, $ID); CCrmProductRow::DeleteSettings('I', $ID); self::UnregisterLiveFeedEvent($ID); CCrmSonetSubscription::UnRegisterSubscriptionByEntity(CCrmOwnerType::Invoice, $ID); if ($dealID > 0) { Bitrix\Crm\Statistics\DealInvoiceStatisticEntry::register($dealID); } CCrmSearch::DeleteSearch('INVOICE', $ID); foreach (GetModuleEvents('crm', 'OnAfterCrmInvoiceDelete', true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); } } return $result; }