Example #1
  * Load the latest constants of the patient
  * @param string    $datetime  The reference datetime
  * @param array     $selection A selection of constantes to load
  * @param CMbObject $context   A particular context
  * @param boolean   $use_cache Force the function to return the latest_values is already set
  * @return array
 function loadRefLatestConstantes($datetime = null, $selection = array(), $context = null, $use_cache = true)
     $latest = CConstantesMedicales::getLatestFor($this, $datetime, $selection, $context, $use_cache);
     list($this->_ref_constantes_medicales, $this->_latest_constantes_dates) = $latest;
     return $latest;
$can_create = $perms->edit;
if ($perms->edit && $constantes->_id && $modif_timeout > 0 && time() - strtotime($constantes->datetime) > $modif_timeout * 3600) {
    $can_edit = 0;
} else {
    $modif_timeout = 0;
/* Gestion des droits d'edition sur les constantes */
if (is_null($can_edit)) {
    /* Impossible d'éditer si on est pas dans le contexte actuel */
    if ($constantes->_id && $context_guid != $constantes->_ref_context->_guid) {
        $can_edit = 0;
    } else {
        $can_edit = $perms->edit;
$latest_constantes = CConstantesMedicales::getLatestFor($patient_id, $constantes->datetime, array(), $context, false);
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign('constantes', $constantes);
$smarty->assign('latest_constantes', $latest_constantes);
$smarty->assign('context_guid', $context_guid);
$smarty->assign('selection', $selection);
$smarty->assign('dates', $dates);
$smarty->assign('can_create', $can_create);
$smarty->assign('can_edit', $can_edit);
$smarty->assign('modif_timeout', $modif_timeout);
$smarty->assign('display_graph', $display_graph);
$smarty->assign('unique_id', $unique_id);
$smarty->assign('show_cat_tabs', $show_cat_tabs);
$smarty->assign('show_enable_all_button', $show_enable_all_button);
Example #3
$consultations =& $patient->_ref_consultations;
$sejours =& $patient->_ref_sejours;
// Consultations
foreach ($consultations as $consultation) {
    $_latest_constantes = CConstantesMedicales::getLatestFor($patient, null, array("poids", "taille"), $consultation);
    $consultation->_latest_constantes = $_latest_constantes[0];
    // Affichage des ordonnances
    if (isset($consultation->_ref_prescriptions["externe"])) {
        foreach ($consultation->_ref_prescriptions["externe"]->_ref_files as $key => $_file) {
            if ($_file->annule) {
// Sejours
$where = array();
$where["chir_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrat));
Example #4
  * Ordonnancement par degré des constantes notées
  * @return void
 function orderCtes()
     if (!$this->_id) {
         return null;
     $this->_ref_cts_degre = array(1 => array(), 2 => array(), 3 => array(), 4 => array());
     $this->_estimation_ccmu = 4;
     $this->_ref_latest_constantes = CConstantesMedicales::getLatestFor($this->_patient_id, null, array(), $this->_ref_sejour, false);
     $where = array();
     $where["patient_id"] = " = '" . $this->_patient_id . "'";
     $where["context_class"] = " = '" . $this->_ref_sejour->_class . "'";
     $where["context_id"] = " = '" . $this->_ref_sejour->_id . "'";
     $where["comment"] = " IS NOT NULL";
     $constante = new CConstantesMedicales();
     $constante->loadObject($where, "datetime ASC");
     if ($constante->_id) {
         $this->_ref_latest_constantes[0]->comment = $constante->comment;
     $latest_constantes = $this->_ref_latest_constantes;
     $echelle_tri = $this->loadRefEchelleTri();
     $grossesse = $this->_ref_sejour->loadRefGrossesse();
     $sa_grossesse = CModule::getActive("maternite") && $grossesse->terme_prevu ? $grossesse->_semaine_grossesse : $echelle_tri->enceinte == 1 ?: 0;
     if ($glasgow = $latest_constantes[0]->glasgow) {
         $degre = $glasgow <= 8 ? 1 : 4;
         if ($glasgow >= 9 && $glasgow <= 13) {
             $degre = 2;
         } elseif ($glasgow == 14 && $glasgow == 15) {
             $degre = 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'glasgow';
     if ($pouls = $latest_constantes[0]->pouls) {
         $degre = $pouls < 40 || $pouls > 150 ? 1 : 4;
         if ($pouls >= 40 && $pouls <= 50 || $pouls >= 130 && $pouls <= 150) {
             $degre = 2;
         } elseif ($pouls >= 51 && $pouls <= 129) {
             $degre = 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'pouls';
     if ($latest_constantes[0]->ta_gauche) {
         $this->orderTA("ta_gauche", $latest_constantes[0]->_ta_gauche_systole, $latest_constantes[0]->_ta_gauche_diastole);
     if ($latest_constantes[0]->ta_droit) {
         $this->orderTA("ta_droit", $latest_constantes[0]->_ta_droit_systole, $latest_constantes[0]->_ta_droit_diastole);
     if ($latest_constantes[0]->ta) {
         $this->orderTA("ta", $latest_constantes[0]->_ta_systole, $latest_constantes[0]->_ta_diastole);
     if ($frequence = $latest_constantes[0]->frequence_respiratoire) {
         $degre = $frequence > 35 || $frequence <= 8 ? 1 : 4;
         if ($frequence >= 25 && $frequence <= 35 || $frequence >= 9 && $frequence <= 12) {
             $degre = 2;
         } elseif ($frequence >= 13 && $frequence <= 24) {
             $degre = 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'frequence_respiratoire';
     if ($spo2 = $latest_constantes[0]->spo2) {
         $degre = $spo2 < 90 ? 1 : 4;
         if ($spo2 >= 90 && $spo2 <= 93) {
             $degre = 2;
         } elseif ($spo2 >= 94 && $spo2 <= 100) {
             $degre = 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'spo2';
     if ($temp = $latest_constantes[0]->temperature) {
         $degre = $temp < 32 ? 1 : 4;
         if ($temp >= 32 && $temp <= 35 || $temp > 40) {
             $degre = 2;
         } elseif ($temp > 35 && $temp <= 40) {
             $degre = 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'temperature';
     if ($glycemie = $latest_constantes[0]->glycemie) {
         if ($glycemie < 4 || $glycemie >= 25) {
             $degre = 2;
         } elseif ($glycemie >= 4 && $glycemie < 25) {
             $degre = 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'glycemie';
     if ($cetonemie = $latest_constantes[0]->cetonemie) {
         if ($cetonemie >= 0.6) {
             $degre = 2;
         } elseif ($cetonemie < 0.6) {
             $degre = 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'cetonemie';
     $patient = $this->_ref_sejour->_ref_patient;
     if ($latest_constantes[0]->peak_flow && $latest_constantes[0]->taille && $patient->_annees && $patient->sexe) {
         //(H)DEPTh = Exp[(0,544 x Log(Age)) - (0,0151 x Age) - (74,7 / Taille) + 5,48]
         //((F)DEPTh = Exp[(0,376 x Log(Age)) - (0,0120 x Age) - (58,8 / Taille) + 5,63]
         if ($patient->sexe == 'f') {
             $depth = round(exp(0.376 * log($patient->_annees) - 0.012 * $patient->_annees - 58.8 / $latest_constantes[0]->taille + 5.63), 2);
         } else {
             $depth = round(exp(0.544 * log($patient->_annees) - 0.0151 * $patient->_annees - 74.7 / $latest_constantes[0]->taille + 5.48));
         $taux = round($latest_constantes[0]->peak_flow / $depth * 100, 2);
         $degre = $taux > 50 ? 3 : 2;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][$depth] = 'peak_flow';
     if ($contraction_uterine = $latest_constantes[0]->contraction_uterine) {
         $degre = $contraction_uterine >= 3 ? 1 : 4;
         if ($contraction_uterine > 1 && $contraction_uterine < 3) {
             $degre = 2;
         } elseif ($contraction_uterine <= 1) {
             $degre = 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'contraction_uterine';
     if ($latest_constantes[0]->bruit_foetal && $sa_grossesse >= 20) {
         $bruit_foetal = $latest_constantes[0]->bruit_foetal;
         $degre = 4;
         if ($sa_grossesse > 24) {
             if ($bruit_foetal >= 40 && $bruit_foetal <= 100 || $bruit_foetal >= 180) {
                 $degre = 1;
             } elseif ($bruit_foetal == 0 || $bruit_foetal >= 101 && $bruit_foetal <= 119 || $bruit_foetal >= 160 && $bruit_foetal <= 179) {
                 $degre = 2;
             } elseif ($bruit_foetal >= 120 && $bruit_foetal <= 159) {
                 $degre = 3;
         } else {
             $degre = $bruit_foetal > 0 ? 3 : 2;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'bruit_foetal';
     if ($echelle_tri->liquide && $grossesse->_id) {
         $degre = $echelle_tri->liquide == 'meconial' ? 2 : 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'liquide';
     if ($echelle_tri->pupille_droite || $echelle_tri->pupille_gauche) {
         $gauche = $echelle_tri->pupille_gauche;
         $droit = $echelle_tri->pupille_droite;
         $degre = $gauche == 3 || $gauche == 1 || $droit == 3 || $droit == 1 ? 2 : 3;
         $this->_ref_cts_degre[$degre][] = 'pupilles';
     if (count($this->_ref_cts_degre[1])) {
         $this->_estimation_ccmu = 1;
     } elseif (count($this->_ref_cts_degre[2])) {
         $this->_estimation_ccmu = 2;
     } elseif (count($this->_ref_cts_degre[3])) {
         $this->_estimation_ccmu = 3;
Example #5
 $age_patient = $patient->_annees;
 if ($age_patient < 40) {
     $exam_igs->age = '0';
 } elseif ($age_patient <= 59) {
     $exam_igs->age = '7';
 } elseif ($age_patient <= 69) {
     $exam_igs->age = '12';
 } elseif ($age_patient <= 74) {
     $exam_igs->age = '15';
 } elseif ($age_patient <= 79) {
     $exam_igs->age = '16';
 } else {
     $exam_igs->age = '18';
 // Pre-remplissage des constantes médicales: FC, TA, temp, diurese (l/jour)
 list($constantes_medicales, $dates) = CConstantesMedicales::getLatestFor($patient, $date);
 $FC = $constantes_medicales->pouls;
 if ($FC) {
     $last_constantes["FC"] = $FC;
     if ($FC < 40) {
         $exam_igs->FC = '11';
     } elseif ($FC <= 69) {
         $exam_igs->FC = '2';
     } elseif ($FC <= 119) {
         $exam_igs->FC = '0';
     } elseif ($FC <= 159) {
         $exam_igs->FC = '4';
     } else {
         $exam_igs->FC = '7';