Example #1
	function InstallEvents()
		global $DB;

		$arCurPhpVer = Explode(".", PhpVersion());
		if (IntVal($arCurPhpVer[0]) < 5)
			return true;

		$rs = $DB->Query("SELECT count(*) C FROM b_event_type WHERE EVENT_NAME IN (".$sIn.") ", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__);
		$ar = $rs->Fetch();

		if($ar["C"] <= 0)

		if (!IsModuleInstalled('intranet'))
			COption::SetOptionString("intranet", "calendar_2", "Y");

			$arTypes = CCalendarType::GetList();
			if (!$arTypes || !count($arTypes))
					'NEW' => true,
					'arFields' => array(
						'XML_ID' => 'events',
						'NAME' => GetMessage('CAL_DEFAULT_TYPE'),
						'ACCESS' => array(
							'G2' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_type', 'calendar_type_view')

		return true;
Example #2

if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) {
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("calendar") || WIZARD_IS_RERUN) {
COption::SetOptionString("intranet", "calendar_2", "Y");
// company calendar calendar type
CCalendarType::Edit(array('NEW' => true, 'arFields' => array('XML_ID' => 'company_calendar', 'NAME' => GetMessage('CAL_TYPE_COMPANY_NAME'), 'DESCRIPTION' => '', 'ACCESS' => array('G2' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_type', 'calendar_type_view')))));
// Sections
$sectId0 = CCalendar::SaveSection(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMPANY_SECT_0"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMPANY_SECT_DESC_0"), 'COLOR' => '#855CC5', 'TEXT_COLOR' => '', 'OWNER_ID' => '', 'EXPORT' => array('ALLOW' => true, 'SET' => '3_9'), 'ACCESS' => array(), 'IS_EXCHANGE' => false)));
$sectId1 = CCalendar::SaveSection(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMPANY_SECT_1"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMPANY_SECT_DESC_1"), 'COLOR' => '#7DDEC2', 'TEXT_COLOR' => '', 'OWNER_ID' => '', 'EXPORT' => array('ALLOW' => true, 'SET' => '3_9'), 'ACCESS' => array(), 'IS_EXCHANGE' => false)));
$sectId2 = CCalendar::SaveSection(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMPANY_SECT_2"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMPANY_SECT_DESC_2"), 'COLOR' => '#F6EA68', 'TEXT_COLOR' => '', 'OWNER_ID' => '', 'EXPORT' => array('ALLOW' => true, 'SET' => '3_9'), 'ACCESS' => array(), 'IS_EXCHANGE' => false)));
// Events for company_calendar
CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'OWNER_ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_NAME_0"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_DESC_0"), 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(9, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(16, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'RRULE' => array('FREQ' => 'WEEKLY', 'INTERVAL' => 1, 'UNTIL' => GetTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y") + 1), "SHORT"), 'BYDAY' => 'TU'), 'SECTIONS' => $sectId0), 'userId' => 1));
CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'OWNER_ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_NAME_1"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_DESC_1"), 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 2, date("Y")), "SHORT"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 2, date("Y")), "SHORT"), 'RRULE' => array('FREQ' => 'MONTHLY', 'INTERVAL' => 1, 'UNTIL' => GetTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y") + 1), "SHORT")), 'SECTIONS' => $sectId0), 'userId' => 1));
CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'OWNER_ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_NAME_2"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_DESC_2"), 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(10, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(12, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'RRULE' => array('FREQ' => 'WEEKLY', 'INTERVAL' => 1, 'BYDAY' => 'MO'), 'SECTIONS' => $sectId1), 'userId' => 1));
CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'OWNER_ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_NAME_3"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_DESC_3"), 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(9, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(18, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'RRULE' => array('FREQ' => 'WEEKLY', 'INTERVAL' => 1, 'BYDAY' => 'TU'), 'SECTIONS' => $sectId2), 'userId' => 1));
CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'OWNER_ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_NAME_4"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_DESC_4"), 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(12, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(17, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'RRULE' => array('FREQ' => 'WEEKLY', 'INTERVAL' => 1, 'BYDAY' => 'FR'), 'SECTIONS' => $sectId2), 'userId' => 1));
CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'company_calendar', 'OWNER_ID' => 1, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_NAME_5"), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage("CAL_COMP_EVENT_DESC_5"), 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(16, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(21, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "FULL"), 'RRULE' => array('FREQ' => 'WEEKLY', 'INTERVAL' => 1, 'BYDAY' => 'SA'), 'SECTIONS' => $sectId1), 'userId' => 1));
// User's calendar type
CCalendarType::Edit(array('NEW' => true, 'arFields' => array('XML_ID' => 'user', 'NAME' => GetMessage('CAL_TYPE_USER_NAME'), 'DESCRIPTION' => '', 'ACCESS' => array('G2' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_type', 'calendar_type_edit')))));
// Group's calendar type
CCalendarType::Edit(array('NEW' => true, 'arFields' => array('XML_ID' => 'group', 'NAME' => GetMessage('CAL_TYPE_GROUP_NAME'), 'DESCRIPTION' => '', 'ACCESS' => array('G2' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_type', 'calendar_type_edit')))));
$id = CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'user', 'OWNER_ID' => 1, 'NAME' => GetMessage("W_IB_CALENDAR_EMP_ABS"), 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(12, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 1, date("Y")), "FULL"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(14, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 1, date("Y")), "FULL"), 'DESCRIPTION' => ''), 'userId' => 1, 'autoDetectSection' => true, 'autoCreateSection' => true));
Example #3
 public static function ConvertEntity($ownerType, $ownerId, $sectionId, $iblockId, $createdBy)
     $eventsCount = 0;
     $sectCount = 0;
     $bs = new CIBlockSection();
     $ent_id = "IBLOCK_" . $iblockId . "_SECTION";
     $result = array('eventsCount' => 0, 'sectCount' => 0);
     $bSetAccessFromCalendar = true;
     $Access = array('G2' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_denied'));
     if ($ownerType == 'user') {
         if (!CSocNetFeatures::IsActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $ownerId, "calendar")) {
             return $result;
         // Read
         $read = CSocNetFeaturesPerms::GetOperationPerm(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $ownerId, "calendar", 'view');
         $taskId = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_view');
         if ($read == 'A') {
             // All users
             $Access['G2'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($read == 'C') {
             // All autorized
             $Access['AU'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($read == 'M' || $read == 'E') {
             // Friends
             $Access['SU' . $ownerId . '_F'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($bSetAccessFromCalendar) {
             $bSetAccessFromCalendar = false;
         // Write - will override read access
         $write = CSocNetFeaturesPerms::GetOperationPerm(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $ownerId, "calendar", 'write');
         $taskId = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_edit');
         if ($write == 'A') {
             // All users
             $Access['G2'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($write == 'C') {
             // All autorized
             $Access['AU'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($write == 'M' || $write == 'E') {
             // Friends
             $Access['SU' . $ownerId . '_F'] = $taskId;
     } elseif ($ownerType == 'group') {
         if (!CSocNetFeatures::IsActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $ownerId, "calendar")) {
             return $result;
         // Read
         $read = CSocNetFeaturesPerms::GetOperationPerm(SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $ownerId, "calendar", 'view');
         $taskId = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_view');
         if ($read == 'A') {
             // Group owner
             $Access['SG' . $ownerId . '_A'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($read == 'E') {
             // Group moderator
             $Access['SG' . $ownerId . '_E'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($read == 'K') {
             // User
             $Access['SG' . $ownerId . '_K'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($read == 'L') {
             // Authorized
             $Access['AU'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($read == 'N') {
             // Authorized
             $Access['G2'] = $taskId;
         // Write - will override read access
         $write = CSocNetFeaturesPerms::GetOperationPerm(SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $ownerId, "calendar", 'write');
         $taskId = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_edit');
         if ($write == 'A') {
             // Group owner
             $Access['SG' . $ownerId . '_A'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($write == 'E') {
             // Group moderator
             $Access['SG' . $ownerId . '_E'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($write == 'K') {
             // User
             $Access['SG' . $ownerId . '_K'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($write == 'L') {
             // Authorized
             $Access['AU'] = $taskId;
         } elseif ($write == 'N') {
             // Authorized
             $Access['G2'] = $taskId;
     } else {
         $arGroupPerm = CIBlock::GetGroupPermissions($iblockId);
         $taskByLetter = array('D' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_denied'), 'R' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_view'), 'W' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_edit'), 'X' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_access'));
         foreach ($arGroupPerm as $groupId => $letter) {
             $Access['G' . $groupId] = $taskByLetter[$letter];
     // 1. Fetch sections
     $arUserSections = CEventCalendar::GetCalendarList(array($iblockId, $sectionId, 0, $ownerType));
     $calendarIndex = array();
     foreach ($arUserSections as $section) {
         $arUF = $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->GetUserFields($ent_id, $section['ID']);
         if (isset($arUF["UF_CAL_CONVERTED"]) && strlen($arUF["UF_CAL_CONVERTED"]['VALUE']) > 0) {
         $SectionAccess = array();
         if ($bSetAccessFromCalendar && $ownerType == 'user') {
             if ($section['PRIVATE_STATUS'] == 'private') {
                 $deniedTask = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_denied');
                 $SectionAccess['G2'] = $deniedTask;
             } elseif ($section['PRIVATE_STATUS'] == 'time') {
                 $viewTimeTask = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_view_time');
                 $SectionAccess['G2'] = $viewTimeTask;
             } elseif ($section['PRIVATE_STATUS'] == 'title') {
                 $viewTitleTask = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_view_title');
                 $SectionAccess['G2'] = $viewTitleTask;
             } else {
                 $SectionAccess = $Access;
                 // nested from common access settings from socnet
         } else {
             $SectionAccess = $Access;
             // G2 => denied
         $new_sect_id = CCalendarSect::Edit(array('arFields' => array("CAL_TYPE" => $ownerType, "NAME" => $section['NAME'], "OWNER_ID" => $ownerId, "CREATED_BY" => $createdBy, "DESCRIPTION" => $section['DESCRIPTION'], "COLOR" => $section["COLOR"], "ACCESS" => $SectionAccess)));
         // Set converted property
         $bs->Update($section['ID'], array('UF_CAL_CONVERTED' => 1));
         $calendarIndex[$section['ID']] = $new_sect_id;
     // 2. Create events
     $arEvents = CEventCalendar::GetCalendarEventsList(array($iblockId, $sectionId, 0), array());
     foreach ($arEvents as $event) {
         if (!isset($calendarIndex[$event['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']]) || $event['PROPERTY_PARENT'] > 0) {
         $arFields = array("CAL_TYPE" => $ownerType, "OWNER_ID" => $ownerId, "CREATED_BY" => $event["CREATED_BY"], "DT_FROM" => $event['ACTIVE_FROM'], "DT_TO" => $event['ACTIVE_TO'], 'NAME' => htmlspecialcharsback($event['NAME']), 'DESCRIPTION' => CCalendar::ParseHTMLToBB(htmlspecialcharsback($event['DETAIL_TEXT'])), 'SECTIONS' => array($calendarIndex[$event['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']]), 'ACCESSIBILITY' => $event['PROPERTY_ACCESSIBILITY'], 'IMPORTANCE' => $event['PROPERTY_IMPORTANCE'], 'PRIVATE_EVENT' => $event['PROPERTY_PRIVATE'] && $event['PROPERTY_PRIVATE'] == 'true' ? '1' : '', 'RRULE' => array(), 'LOCATION' => array('NEW' => $event['PROPERTY_LOCATION'], 'RE_RESERVE' => 'N'), "REMIND" => array(), "IS_MEETING" => $event['PROPERTY_IS_MEETING'] == 'Y');
         if (!empty($event['PROPERTY_REMIND_SETTINGS'])) {
             $ar = explode("_", $event["PROPERTY_REMIND_SETTINGS"]);
             if (count($ar) == 2) {
                 $arFields["REMIND"][] = array('type' => $ar[1], 'count' => floatVal($ar[0]));
         if (isset($event["PROPERTY_PERIOD_TYPE"]) && in_array($event["PROPERTY_PERIOD_TYPE"], array("DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY", "YEARLY"))) {
             $arFields['RRULE']['FREQ'] = $event["PROPERTY_PERIOD_TYPE"];
             $arFields['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] = $event["PROPERTY_PERIOD_COUNT"];
             if (!empty($event['PROPERTY_EVENT_LENGTH'])) {
                 $arFields['DT_LENGTH'] = intval($event['PROPERTY_EVENT_LENGTH']);
             if (!$arFields['DT_LENGTH']) {
                 $arFields['DT_LENGTH'] = 86400;
             if ($arFields['RRULE']['FREQ'] == "WEEKLY" && !empty($event['PROPERTY_PERIOD_ADDITIONAL'])) {
                 $arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY'] = array();
                 $bydays = explode(',', $event['PROPERTY_PERIOD_ADDITIONAL']);
                 foreach ($bydays as $day) {
                     $day = CCalendar::WeekDayByInd($day);
                     if ($day !== false) {
                         $arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY'][] = $day;
                 $arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY'] = implode(',', $arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY']);
             $arFields['RRULE']['UNTIL'] = $event['ACTIVE_TO'];
         if ($arFields['IS_MEETING']) {
             if ($event['PROPERTY_PARENT'] > 0) {
             $host = intVal($event['CREATED_BY']);
             $arFields['ATTENDEES'] = array();
             if ($event['PROPERTY_HOST_IS_ABSENT'] == 'N') {
                 $arFields['ATTENDEES'][] = $host;
             $arGuests = CECEvent::GetGuests(self::$userIblockId, $event['ID']);
             $attendeesStatuses = array();
             foreach ($arGuests as $userId => $ev) {
                 $attendeesStatuses[$userId] = $ev['PROPERTY_VALUES']['CONFIRMED'];
                 $arFields['ATTENDEES'][] = $userId;
             $arFields['MEETING_HOST'] = $host;
             $arFields['MEETING'] = array('HOST_NAME' => CCalendar::GetUserName($host), 'TEXT' => is_array($event['PROPERTY_MEETING_TEXT']) && is_string($event['PROPERTY_MEETING_TEXT']['TEXT']) ? trim($event['PROPERTY_MEETING_TEXT']['TEXT']) : '', 'OPEN' => false, 'NOTIFY' => false, 'REINVITE' => false);
         $new_event_id = CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => $arFields, 'bAffectToDav' => false, 'attendeesStatuses' => $attendeesStatuses, 'bSendInvitations' => false));
     // 3. Set userfield
     $bs->Update($sectionId, array('UF_CAL_CONVERTED' => 1));
     return array('eventsCount' => $eventsCount, 'sectCount' => $sectCount);
 public static function GetDefaultAccess($type, $ownerId)
     if (CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled()) {
         $access = array('G2' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_view_time'));
     } else {
         $access = array('G2' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_view'));
     if ($type == 'user') {
     } elseif ($type == 'group' && $ownerId > 0) {
         $access['SG' . $ownerId . '_A'] = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_access');
         $access['SG' . $ownerId . '_E'] = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_edit');
         $access['SG' . $ownerId . '_K'] = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_edit');
     } else {
     // Creator of the section
     $access['U' . CCalendar::GetUserId()] = CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_section', 'calendar_access');
     $arAccessCodes = array();
     foreach ($access as $code => $o) {
         $arAccessCodes[] = $code;
     return $access;
Example #5

if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) {
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("calendar")) {
COption::SetOptionString("intranet", "calendar_2", "Y");
    // calendar type
    $arTypes = CCalendarType::GetList(array("arFilter" => array("XML_ID" => 'events_info')));
    if (!$arTypes || count($arTypes) <= 0) {
        CCalendarType::Edit(array('NEW' => true, 'arFields' => array('XML_ID' => 'events_info', 'NAME' => GetMessage('CAL_DEFAULT_TYPE'), 'ACCESS' => array('G2' => CCalendar::GetAccessTasksByName('calendar_type', 'calendar_type_view')))));
    // Sections
    $sectId0 = CCalendar::SaveSection(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'events_info', 'ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_TYPE_COMPANY_NAME"), 'DESCRIPTION' => "", 'COLOR' => '#855CC5', 'TEXT_COLOR' => '', 'OWNER_ID' => '', 'EXPORT' => array('ALLOW' => true, 'SET' => '3_9'), 'ACCESS' => array(), 'IS_EXCHANGE' => false)));
    // Events for company_calendar
    CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'events_info', 'OWNER_ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_EVENT_1_NAME"), 'DESCRIPTION' => "", 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 4, date("Y")), "FULL"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 4, date("Y")), "FULL"), 'RRULE' => array(), 'SECTIONS' => $sectId0), 'userId' => 1));
    CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => array('CAL_TYPE' => 'events', 'OWNER_ID' => 0, 'NAME' => GetMessage("CAL_EVENT_2_NAME"), 'DESCRIPTION' => "", 'COLOR' => '#FFFF80', 'DT_FROM' => GetTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "SHORT"), 'DT_TO' => GetTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), "SHORT"), 'RRULE' => array('FREQ' => 'WEEKLY', 'INTERVAL' => 3, 'BYDAY' => 'SA'), 'SECTIONS' => $sectId0), 'userId' => 1));