if (!defined('CCTM_PATH')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');
if (!current_user_can('administrator')) {
    exit('Admins only.');
require_once CCTM_PATH . '/includes/CCTM_PostTypeDef.php';
require_once CCTM_PATH . '/includes/CCTM_OutputFilter.php';
$data = array();
$data['page_title'] = sprintf(__('Sample Themes for %s', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), "<em>{$post_type}</em>");
$data['help'] = 'http://code.google.com/p/wordpress-custom-content-type-manager/wiki/SampleTemplates';
$data['menu'] = sprintf('<a href="' . get_admin_url(false, 'admin.php') . '?page=cctm&a=list_post_types" class="button">%s</a>', __('Back', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN)) . ' ' . sprintf('<a href="' . get_admin_url(false, 'admin.php') . '?page=cctm&a=list_custom_field_types&pt=%s" class="button">%s</a>', $post_type, __('Create Custom Field for this Post Type', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN));
$data['msg'] = '';
$data['post_type'] = $post_type;
// Validate post type
if (!CCTM_PostTypeDef::is_existing_post_type($post_type)) {
    include CCTM_PATH . '/controllers/error.php';
$current_theme_name = wp_get_theme();
$current_theme_path = get_stylesheet_directory();
$hash = array();
$tpl = file_get_contents(CCTM_PATH . '/tpls/samples/single_post.tpl');
$tpl = htmlspecialchars($tpl);
$data['single_page_msg'] = sprintf(__('WordPress supports a custom theme file for each registered post-type (content-type). Copy the text below into a file named <strong>%s</strong> and save it into your active theme.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), 'single-' . $post_type . '.php');
$data['single_page_msg'] .= sprintf(__('You are currently using the %1$s theme. Save the file into the %2$s directory.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), '<strong>' . $current_theme_name . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $current_theme_path . '</strong>');
// built-in content types don't verbosely display what fields they display
/* Array
[product] => Array
$data['def'] = self::$default_post_type_def;
//		$def = self::$post_type_form_definition;
// Save data if it was properly submitted
if (!empty($_POST) && check_admin_referer($data['action_name'], $data['nonce_name'])) {
    $sanitized_vals = CCTM_PostTypeDef::sanitize_post_type_def($_POST);
    $error_msg = CCTM_PostTypeDef::post_type_name_has_errors($sanitized_vals, true);
    if (empty($error_msg)) {
        // Clean slate.  This nukes any instance of 'is_foreign' (and potentially other issues)
        // that may arise if the post-type name was used by another plugin and the CCTM tracked
        // custom fields for that plugin, and then later the other plugin was deactivated and
        // the CCTM wants to use the same post-type name.
        $data['msg'] = CCTM::format_msg(sprintf(__('The content type %s has been created', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), '<em>' . $sanitized_vals['post_type'] . '</em>'));
        include CCTM_PATH . '/controllers/list_post_types.php';
    } else {
        // clean up... menu labels in particular can get gunked up. :(
        $data['def'] = $sanitized_vals;
        $data['def']['labels']['singular_name'] = '';
        $data['def']['label'] = '';
        $data['msg'] = CCTM::format_error_msg($error_msg);
$data['icons'] = CCTM_PostTypeDef::get_post_type_icons();
$data['columns'] = CCTM_PostTypeDef::get_columns($post_type);
$data['orderby_options'] = CCTM_PostTypeDef::get_orderby_options($post_type);
$data['content'] = CCTM::load_view('post_type.php', $data);
print CCTM::load_view('templates/default.php', $data);
            $dir = get_stylesheet_directory();
            $oldfilename = $dir . '/single-' . $sanitized_vals['original_post_type_name'] . '.php';
            $newfilename = $dir . '/single-' . $sanitized_vals['post_type'] . '.php';
            if (file_exists($oldfilename)) {
                // May generate "Permission denied" warning, so we use @ to suppress it.
                if (!@rename($oldfilename, $dir . '/single-' . $sanitized_vals['post_type'] . '.php')) {
                    $warning = sprintf(__('You have changed the name of your post_type, so you must also rename your template file! Rename %s to %s.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), "<code>{$oldfilename}</code>", '<code>' . basename($newfilename) . '</code>');
        $data['msg'] .= '<div class="updated"><p>' . sprintf(__('Settings for %s have been updated.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), '<em>' . $sanitized_vals['post_type'] . '</em>') . '</p></div>';
        print '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.replace("' . get_admin_url(false, 'admin.php') . '?page=cctm");</script>';
    } else {
        //print $error_msg; exit;
        // clean up... menu labels in particular can get gunked up. :(
        $d['def'] = $sanitized_vals;
        $d['labels']['singular_name'] = '';
        $d['label'] = '';
        $data['msg'] = "<div class='error'><p>{$error_msg}</p></div>";
$d['icons'] = CCTM_PostTypeDef::get_post_type_icons();
$d['orderby_options'] = CCTM_PostTypeDef::get_orderby_options($post_type);
$d['columns'] = CCTM_PostTypeDef::get_columns($post_type);
$data['content'] = CCTM::load_view('post_type.php', $d);
print CCTM::load_view('templates/default.php', $data);
// Any validation errors
// Save data if it was properly submitted
if (!empty($_POST) && check_admin_referer($d['action_name'], $d['nonce_name'])) {
    $sanitized_vals = CCTM_PostTypeDef::sanitize_post_type_def($_POST);
    if (isset($d['def']['custom_fields'])) {
        $sanitized_vals['custom_fields'] = $d['def']['custom_fields'];
    } else {
        $sanitized_vals['custom_fields'] = array();
    $error_msg = CCTM_PostTypeDef::post_type_name_has_errors($sanitized_vals, true);
    if (empty($error_msg)) {
        $data['msg'] = '
		<div class="updated">
			<p>' . sprintf(__('The content type %s has been created', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), '<em>' . $sanitized_vals['post_type'] . '</em>') . '</p>
        include CCTM_PATH . '/controllers/list_post_types.php';
    } else {
        // clean up... menu labels in particular can get gunked up. :(
        $data['def'] = $sanitized_vals;
        $data['def']['labels']['singular_name'] = '';
        $data['def']['label'] = '';
        $data['msg'] = "<div class='error'>{$error_msg}</div>";
$d['icons'] = CCTM_PostTypeDef::get_post_type_icons();
$data['content'] = CCTM::load_view('post_type.php', $d);
print CCTM::load_view('templates/default.php', $data);