Example #1
  * install an orbit module
  * @param array 		$params 
 public function action_permissions($params)
     $folders = \CCEvent::fire('ccdoctor.permissions');
     if (!is_array($folders)) {
         $folders = array();
     // add storage directories
     foreach (\ClanCats::$config->get('storage.paths') as $folder) {
         $folders[] = $folder;
     foreach ($folders as $folder) {
         $display_folder = \CCStr::replace($folder, array(CCROOT => ''));
         // create directory if not existing
         if (!is_dir($folder)) {
             if (!mkdir($folder, 0755, true)) {
                 $this->error("doctor could not create folder at: {$display_folder}");
         // check permissions
         $perm = substr(decoct(fileperms($folder)), 2);
         if ($perm < 755) {
             CCCli::line(CCCli::color($perm, 'red') . ' - ' . $display_folder . ' fixing with ' . CCCli::color('755', 'green'));
             if (!chmod($folder, 0755)) {
                 CCCli::line("doctor - is not able to change permissions for: {$display_folder}", 'red');
         } elseif ($perm == 777) {
             CCCli::line(CCCli::color($perm, 'yellow') . ' - ' . $display_folder . ' warning! this can be dangerous.');
         } else {
             $this->success('- ' . $display_folder, $perm);
Example #2
  * Add something to the packer
  * This method allows you to add stylesheets, javascript files etc. 
  * to one single file.
  * exmaple:
  *     CCAsset::pack( 'jquery.js', 'footer', 'core' );
  * @param string	|array		$item	An single or an array of assets
  * @param string 			$name 	The holders name like header / theme / footer
  * @param string 			$pack	The package like core lib etc.
  * @return void
 public static function pack($item, $name = null, $pack = 'pack')
     if (!is_array($item)) {
         $items = array($item => $name);
     $path = PUBLICPATH . static::holder($name)->path;
     foreach ($items as $file => $holder) {
         static::holder($name)->assets['_packtacular'][$pack][CCStr::extension($item)][] = $path . $file;
Example #3
  * initialize the ship
  * @return void
 public function wake()
     if (!\ClanCats::in_development()) {
     // get all controllers in the dev namespace
     foreach (\CCFile::ls(\CCPath::controllers('Dev::*Controller' . EXT)) as $path) {
         $name = \CCStr::cut(basename($path), 'Controller' . EXT);
         \CCRouter::on('dev/' . \CCStr::lower($name), 'Dev::' . $name);
Example #4
  * Get the current builder output
  * @return string
 public function output()
     $shema = \DB::fetch("DESCRIBE {$this->table};", array(), null, 'assoc');
     if (empty($shema)) {
         throw new CCException('CCShipyard - The given database table is invalid or does not exist.');
     $class = \CCShipyard::create('class', $this->name, "\\DB\\Model");
     $class->add('property', '_table', 'protected static', $this->table, 'The database table name');
     // timestamps
     if ($this->timestamps) {
         $class->add('line', 2);
         $class->add('property', '_timestamps', 'protected static', true, 'Allow automatic timestamps');
     // shema
     $class->add('line', 2);
     // define the internal types
     $internal_types = array('bool', 'int', 'float', 'double', 'string');
     $match_types = array('tinyint' => 'int', 'text' => 'string', 'varchar' => 'string');
     foreach ($shema as $item) {
         $default = $item['Default'];
         $field = $item['Field'];
         if (empty($default)) {
             $type = \CCStr::cut($item['Type'], '(');
             if (array_key_exists($type, $match_types)) {
                 $type = $match_types[$type];
             } elseif (!in_array($type, $internal_types)) {
                 $type = null;
             // The primary key should not contain a default value
             if ($item['Key'] == 'PRI') {
                 $type = null;
             } elseif ($item['Type'] == 'tinyint(1)') {
                 $type = 'bool';
             if ($type !== null) {
                 settype($default, $type);
         $buffer = "\t'{$field}'";
         if (!is_null($type)) {
             $buffer .= " => array( '" . $type . "'";
             if (!is_null($default)) {
                 $buffer .= ", " . var_export($default, true) . " )";
         $props[] = $buffer;
     $class->add('property', '_defaults', 'protected static', "array(\n" . implode(",\n", $props) . "\n)", 'The ' . $class . ' default properties', false);
     return $class->output();
Example #5
  * Add an asset to the holder. Basically this method checks the 
  * file extension to sort them and generate the correct code using the macros.
  *     $holder->add( 'jquery.js' );
  *     $holder->add( 'style.css' );
  *     $holder->add( '<script>document.write( "Hello World" );</script>' );
  * @param string			$item
  * @return void
 public function add($item)
     // when the first character is a "smaller than" we simply assume
     // that a custom tag has been passed and not a filepath
     if (strpos($item, "<") !== false) {
         $macro = '_';
     } else {
         $macro = CCStr::extension($item);
     if (!isset($this->assets[$macro])) {
         $this->assets[$macro] = array();
     $this->assets[$macro][] = $item;
Example #6
  * show php info 
 public function action_phpinfo()
     // set topic
     $this->theme->topic = "php info";
     // get php info in a string
     $pinfo = ob_get_contents();
     // get only the body
     $pinfo = preg_replace('%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms', '$1', $pinfo);
     // add table class
     $pinfo = str_replace('<table', '<table class="table table-bordered"', $pinfo);
     // better headers
     $pinfo = \CCStr::replace($pinfo, array('</h2>' => '</h2><hr>'));
     echo $pinfo;
Example #7
  * error class init
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     // we capture non fatal errors only in dev environments
     if (ClanCats::in_development()) {
         // add a hook to the main resposne
         CCEvent::mind('response.output', function ($output) {
             if (strpos($output, '</body>') === false) {
                 return $output;
             $table = \UI\Table::create(array('style' => array('width' => '100%'), 'cellpadding' => '5', 'class' => 'table debug-table debug-table-errors'));
             $table->header(array('#', 'message', 'file'));
             foreach (\CCError::$non_fatals as $key => $item) {
                 $table->row(array($key + 1, $item->getMessage(), CCStr::strip($item->getFile(), CCROOT) . ':' . $item->getLine()));
             return str_replace('</body>', $table . "\n</body>", $output);
Example #8
  * check if a controller implements an action
  * @param string		$path
  * @param string		$action
  * @return bool
 public static function has_action($path, $action = null)
     $path = CCStr::cut($path, '@');
     $path = CCStr::cut($path, '?');
     // fix closure given
     if (!is_string($path)) {
         return false;
     // get controllers default action
     if (is_null($action)) {
         $action = static::$_default_action;
     // try to load the controller
     if (!($controller = static::create($path))) {
         return false;
     return method_exists($controller, static::$_action_prefix . $action);
Example #9
  * connect to database
  * @param array 		$conf
  * @return bool
 public function connect($conf)
     $connection_params = array();
     foreach ($conf as $key => $value) {
         if (is_string($value)) {
             $connection_params['{' . $key . '}'] = $value;
     $connection_string = \CCStr::replace($this->connection_string, $connection_params);
     $this->connection = new \PDO($connection_string, $conf['user'], $conf['pass'], $this->connection_attributes($conf));
     // At the moment this will never happen because pdo is going to
     // trhow an exception when the connection fails
     /*if ( !$this->connection )
     			return false;
     // let pdo throw exceptions
     $this->connection->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
     return true;
Example #10
  * handle some files
  * @param array		$files
  * @param string	$dir
  * @param string	$file
 public static function handle($files, $dir, $file)
     if (empty($files)) {
         return null;
     $last_change = static::last_change($files);
     $file = str_replace("{time}", $last_change, $file);
     // the main needed paths
     $file = static::$path . $dir . $file;
     $dir = static::$path . $dir;
     // does the file already exist?
     if (file_exists(PUBLICPATH . $file)) {
         return $file;
     // is there a cache dir?
     if (!is_dir(PUBLICPATH . $dir)) {
         if (!mkdir(PUBLICPATH . $dir, 0755, true)) {
             throw new CCException("CCPacktacular - could not create Packtacular folder at: {$dir}");
     // get the pack file extention
     $ext = CCStr::extension($file);
     // get all the content
     $content = "";
     foreach ($files as $tmp_file) {
         $content .= "\n\n/*\n * file: " . str_replace(PUBLICPATH, '', $tmp_file) . "\n */\n\n";
         $content .= file_get_contents($tmp_file);
     // call the modifier
     if (method_exists(get_class(), "handle_" . $ext)) {
         $content = call_user_func_array("static::handle_" . $ext, array($content));
     // save the file
     if (!file_put_contents(PUBLICPATH . $file, $content)) {
         throw new CCException("CCPacktacular - could not create packed file {$file}!");
     // return the path
     return $file;
Example #11
  * Creates a new migrator instance 
  * @param string 		$path 	The path of the migration
  * @return void
 protected function __construct($path)
     $this->path = $path;
     $this->name = \CCStr::cut(substr(basename($path), 0, strrpos(basename($path), '_')), '.');
Example #12
  * modify the headers to force a download
  * @param string 	$filename
  * @return void
 public function as_download($filename = null)
     if (is_null($filename)) {
         $filename = 'file.' . CCStr::suffix($this->header('Content-Type'), '/');
     $this->header('Content-Description', 'File Transfer');
     $this->header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $filename);
     $this->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'binary');
     $this->header('Expires', '0');
     $this->header('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate');
     $this->header('Pragma', 'public');
     $this->header('Content-Length', strlen($this->body()));
     return $this;
Example #13
  * generates an closure
  * @param string		$str
  * @param int		$wordwrap
  * @return string
 public function closure($name, $content = null, $comment)
     return $this->add(($comment ? static::make('comment', array($comment)) . "\n" : '') . $name . "\n{\n" . str_replace("\n", "\n\t", "\t" . CCStr::capture($content)) . "\n}");
Example #14
  * Prepares a file with the parameters
  * @param string 		$file
  * @return $file
 public static function file($file)
     $params = array_merge(static::$params, array('time' => time(), 'fingerprint' => \CCSession::fingerprint(), 'random' => CCStr::random()));
     foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
         $file = str_replace(':' . $param, $value, $file);
     return $file;
Example #15
  * Always hash the passwort 
  * @param string 		$password
  * @return string
 protected function _set_modifier_password($password)
     return \CCStr::hash($password);
Example #16
  * install a ship
  * string 	$path | the ship name / the folder. If the path is not absolute, ORBITPATH gets used
 public static function install($path)
     // load ship at path
     $ship = CCOrbit_Ship::create($path);
     if (static::$data->has('installed.' . $ship->name)) {
         throw new CCException("CCOrbit::install - {$ship->name} ship already installed.");
     if ($ship->install !== false) {
     static::$data->set('installed.' . $ship->name, CCStr::strip($ship->path, CCROOT));
     // save changes
Example #17
  * returns current execution time
  * @param bool 		$format
  * @return string
 public static function time($format = false)
     $time = microtime(true) - CCF_PROFILER_TME;
     if ($format) {
         return CCStr::microtime($time);
     return $time;
Example #18
  * Search and replace vars with . array access
  * @param string 	$view
  * @return void
 private function compile_arrays($view)
     $tokens = token_get_all($view);
     $tags = array(0 => '');
     $tag_index = 0;
     $in_tag = false;
     // parse all php tags out of the view
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         if (is_array($token)) {
             if ($token[0] === T_OPEN_TAG) {
                 $in_tag = true;
             if ($in_tag && !in_array($token[0], array(T_INLINE_HTML))) {
                 $tags[$tag_index] .= $token[1];
             if ($token[0] === T_CLOSE_TAG) {
                 $in_tag = false;
         } else {
             if ($in_tag) {
                 $tags[$tag_index] .= $token;
     // lets make the tags search keys
     $tags = array_flip($tags);
     // now search and replace var in the php sections
     foreach ($tags as $search => &$replace) {
         $replace = preg_replace_callback('/(\\$[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.\\-\\>\\;]+)/s', function ($match) {
             $var = $match[1];
             if (strpos($var, '.') !== false) {
                 $buffer = '';
                 $length = strlen($var);
                 $inside_arr = false;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                     $char = $var[$i];
                     if ($char == '.' && !$inside_arr) {
                         $buffer .= "['";
                         $inside_arr = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($inside_arr && in_array($char, array(';', '-', ','))) {
                             $buffer .= "']";
                             $inside_arr = false;
                         if ($char == '.') {
                             $buffer .= "']['";
                             $inside_arr = true;
                         } else {
                             $buffer .= $char;
                 if ($inside_arr) {
                     $buffer .= "']";
                 $var = $buffer;
             return $var;
         }, $search);
     return CCStr::replace($view, $tags);
Example #19

 * Database configuration
return array('main' => array('db' => 'db_' . CCStr::clean_url(App::name(), '_'), 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '', 'user' => 'root', 'pass' => '', 'charset' => 'utf8'));
Example #20
  * default help formatter
  * @param array 		$params
  * @return void
 protected function help_formatter($help = null)
     if (is_null($help)) {
         CCCli::line('Invalid data passed to help formatter.', 'red');
     $output = array();
     // print the name
     if (isset($help['name'])) {
         $output[] = '+-' . str_repeat('-', strlen($help['name'])) . '-+';
         $output[] = '| ' . CCCli::color($help['name'], 'light_yellow') . ' |';
         $output[] = '+-' . str_repeat('-', strlen($help['name'])) . '-+';
     // description
     if (isset($help['desc'])) {
         $output[] = wordwrap(str_replace("\n", "\n" . ' * ', $help['desc']), 60);
     // list the actions
     if (isset($help['actions']) && !empty($help['actions'])) {
         // for every action in this console controller
         foreach ($help['actions'] as $action => $attributes) {
             // print the action
             $output[] = '';
             $output[] = '| ' . CCStr::suffix(get_called_class(), '\\') . '::' . CCCli::color($action, 'cyan');
             $output[] = '|';
             // for every attribute ( arguments, usage etc. )
             foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $options) {
                 $output[] = '| ' . CCCli::color(ucfirst($attribute), 'light_yellow');
                 // if we just got a string
                 if (is_string($options)) {
                     $output[] = '|  ' . CCCli::color($options, 'green');
                 } elseif (is_array($options)) {
                     // print every option and its description
                     foreach ($options as $option => $description) {
                         $buffer = CCCli::color($option, 'green');
                         $buffer .= str_repeat(' ', 35 - strlen($buffer));
                         $buffer .= $description;
                         $buffer = '|  ' . $buffer;
                         // is the line to long?
                         if (strlen($buffer) > 80) {
                             $overflow = substr($buffer, 80);
                             $buffer = substr($buffer, 0, 80) . "\n";
                             $overflow = wordwrap($overflow, 45);
                             $overflow = explode("\n", $overflow);
                             foreach ($overflow as $key => $value) {
                                 $overflow[$key] = '| ' . str_repeat(' ', 25) . trim($value);
                             $buffer .= implode("\n", $overflow);
                         $output[] = $buffer;
                 $output[] = '|';
     return $output;
Example #21
  * test string bytes
 public function testBytes()
     $this->assertEquals('956b', CCStr::bytes(956));
     $this->assertEquals('42.4kb', CCStr::bytes(43413));
     $this->assertEquals('423.96kb', CCStr::bytes(434131));
     $this->assertEquals('41.4mb', CCStr::bytes(43413313));
     $this->assertEquals('4.04gb', CCStr::bytes(4341311313));
     $this->assertEquals('42kb', CCStr::bytes(43413, 0));
     $this->assertEquals('423.956kb', CCStr::bytes(434131, 3));
     $this->assertEquals('41.4022mb', CCStr::bytes(43413313, 4));
     $this->assertEquals('41.4mb', CCStr::bytes(43434513, 1));
Example #22
  * Create a image from file
  * @param string 	$file 
  * @param string 	$type		jpg|png|gif
  * @return CCImage|false
 public static function create($file, $type = null)
     // when no type is given use the file extension
     if (is_null($type)) {
         $type = CCStr::extension($file);
         // validate type
         if (!in_array($type, static::$available_image_types)) {
             $type = null;
     $image_data = getimagesize($file);
     if ($image_data === false) {
         return false;
     $image = null;
     switch ($image_data['mime']) {
         case 'image/gif':
             $image = imagecreatefromgif($file);
         case 'image/jpeg':
             $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
         case 'image/png':
             $image = imagecreatefrompng($file);
             // we dont support other image types
             return false;
     // when the image type is still null we are going to use
     // the mime type of the image
     if (is_null($type)) {
         $type = CCStr::suffix($image_data['mime'], '/');
     return new static($image, $type);
Example #23
 function _e($in, $recursive = false)
     return CCStr::htmlentities($in, $recursive = false);
Example #24
  * Create a new from instance
  * @param callback		$callback	
  * @param string			$key			The form key used for identification.
  * @param array 			$attr		The form dom attributes.
  * @return UI\Form
 public static function capture($callback = null, $key = null, $attr = null)
     // we got some dynamics in the parameters here so in case
     // of this shift stuff
     if (is_callable($attr) && !is_callable($callback)) {
         $new_attr = $key;
         $key = $callback;
         $callback = $attr;
         $attr = $new_attr;
     $form = new static();
     if (is_null($callback)) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot use capture without a callback or string given.');
     // fix no array given
     if (!is_array($attr)) {
         $attr = array();
     return static::start($key, $attr) . \CCStr::capture($callback, array($form)) . static::end();
Example #25
  * Validate an identifier with the password 
  * In other words is the login correct?
  * @param string 	$identifier
  * @param string 	$password
  * @return mixed  	false on failure, user object on success
 public function validate($identifier, $password)
     $user = null;
     $user_model = $this->config->user_model;
     foreach ($this->config->identifiers as $property) {
         if ($user = $user_model::find($property, $identifier)) {
     // when could not find a user matching the identifiers return false
     if (!$user) {
         return false;
     // in case the user has no password set always return false
     // you might implement a oauth login so you dont need to set a
     // password but this makes sure that validating fails the password fails
     if (empty($user->password)) {
         return false;
     // when the passwords match return the user object
     if (\CCStr::verify_hash($password, $user->password)) {
         return $user;
     // otherwise return false
     return false;
Example #26
  * Check and complete a route
  * @param CCRoute 			$route
  * @param mixed				$raw_route
  * @return false|CCRoute
 protected static function configure($route, $raw_route)
     // deal with emptiness
     if (is_null($raw_route)) {
         return false;
     // this might be a controller
     if (is_string($raw_route)) {
         // are there overwrite parameters?
         if (strpos($raw_route, '?') !== false) {
             $route->params = explode(',', CCStr::suffix($raw_route, '?'));
             $raw_route = CCStr::cut($raw_route, '?');
         // is there a overwrite action?
         if (strpos($raw_route, '@') !== false) {
             $route->action = CCStr::suffix($raw_route, '@');
             $raw_route = CCStr::cut($raw_route, '@');
         // try creating an controller instance
         $controller = CCController::create($raw_route);
         // set the callback on controller execute
         $route->callback = array($controller, 'execute');
     } elseif (is_callable($raw_route)) {
         $route->callback = $raw_route;
     return $route;
Example #27
  * get the requestet uri
  * @param bool		$full	Don't cut the get params
  * @return string 
 public function uri($full = false)
     // check if we already set the current uri
     if (is_null($this->uri)) {
         $this->uri = $this->server('REQUEST_URI', '/');
         // fix doubled slashes
         $this->uri = preg_replace('/(\\/+)/', '/', $this->uri);
         // remove get params
         if (!$full) {
             $this->uri = CCStr::cut($this->uri, '?');
         // cut the offset from the config
         $this->uri = substr($this->uri, strlen(ClanCats::$config->get('url.path')));
         // if null or false set to default
         if (!$this->uri) {
             $this->uri = '';
     return $this->uri;
Example #28
  * Generate a new session id and checks the dirver for dublicates.
  * @return string	The new generated session id.
 public function regenerate()
     do {
         $id = \CCStr::random(32);
     } while ($this->_driver->has($id));
     $this->fingerprint = sha1($id);
     return $this->id = $id;
Example #29
  * Send the mail
  * @param CCMail 		$mail	The mail object.
  * @return void
  * @throws Mail\Exception
 public function send(CCMail $mail)
     $data = $mail->export_data();
     $filename = 'mails/' . date('Y-m') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . date("H-i-s") . '-' . \CCStr::clean_url($data['subject']) . '.log';
     \CCFile::append(\CCStorage::path($filename), \CCJson::encode($data, true));
Example #30
  * just like capture but it appends
  * @param string			$key
  * @param callback		$callback
  * @return void
 public function capture_append($key, $callback)
     return $this->set($key, $this->get($key, '') . CCStr::capture($callback, $this));