Example #1
 public function actionDescription()
     Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $this->description, "keyWord" => $this->keyWord));
     $id = 0;
     $class = $this->classModel;
     if (!empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $model = $class::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["slug"]));
         if ($model->id > 0) {
             $_GET["id"] = $model->id;
             $id = $model->id;
         } else {
             $arrId = explode("-", $_GET["slug"]);
             if (sizeof($arrId) > 0) {
                 $id = (int) $arrId[0];
     $error = Yii::t("page", "Произошла ошибка перехода на страницу, проверьте правильно написания адреса страницы");
     if ($id > 0) {
         $item = CatalogTours::fetch($id);
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             // Картинки тура
             $images = ImageHelper::getImages($item);
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name . ", тур " . $item->category_id->name . ", " . $item->country_id->name;
             $this->render('description', array("item" => $item, "images" => $images, "otherTours" => CatalogTours::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND country_id=:country_id AND id!=:id AND firm_id!=:firm_id")->setParams(array(":country_id" => $item->country_id->id, ":id" => $item->id, ":firm_id" => $item->firm_id->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(6)), "firmsTours" => CatalogTours::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND firm_id=:firm_id AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":firm_id" => $item->firm_id->id, ":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(6)), "tourCount" => CatalogTours::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id=:country")->setParams(array(":country" => $item->country_id->id))), "firmCount" => CatalogFirms::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id=:country")->setParams(array(":country" => $item->country_id->id)))));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("", $error);
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("", $error);
 public function actionDescription()
     Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $this->description, "keyWord" => $this->keyWord));
     $id = 0;
     $class = $this->classModel;
     if (!empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $model = $class::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["slug"]));
         if ($model->id > 0) {
             $_GET["id"] = $model->id;
             $id = $model->id;
     $error = Yii::t("page", "Произошла ошибка перехода на страницу, проверьте правильно написания адреса страницы");
     if ($id > 0) {
         $item = CatalogFirmsService::fetch($id);
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             // Картинки тура
             $images = ImageHelper::getImages($item);
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name . " - " . Yii::t("page", "услуги от компании");
             $this->render('description', array("item" => $item, "images" => $images, "firmsService" => CatalogFirmsService::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("firm_id=:firm_id AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":firm_id" => $item->firm_id, ":id" => $item->id))->setCache(0)), "firmsItems" => CatalogFirmsItems::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("firm_id=:firm_id")->setParams(array(":firm_id" => $item->firm_id))->setCache(0))));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("", $error);
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("", $error);
 public function actionDescription()
     Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $this->description, "keyWord" => $this->keyWord));
     $id = 0;
     $class = $this->classModel;
     if (!empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $model = $class::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["slug"]));
         if ($model->id > 0) {
             $_GET["id"] = $model->id;
             $id = $model->id;
     if (empty($id)) {
         $id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("id", 0);
     $error = Yii::app()->request->getParam("error", "");
     $tab = Yii::app()->request->getParam("tab", "");
     $tabArray = array("description", "pcomments", "tours");
     if (!in_array($tab, $tabArray)) {
         $tab = "";
     // Ошибка при не правельно ID
     $error = Yii::t("page", "Произошла ошибка перехода на страницу, проверьте правильно написания адреса страницы");
     if (empty($id) && !empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $ar = explode("-", $_GET["slug"]);
         $id = $ar[0];
     if ($id > 0) {
         $item = CatalogFirmsInfo::fetch($id);
         if (empty($tab)) {
             $activeTab = "description";
         } else {
             $activeTab = $tab;
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             LogHelper::save("firms", $item->id, "show");
             $commentModel = new CatalogFirmsCommentsAdd();
             if (!empty($_POST["send_comment"])) {
                 $activeTab = "pcomments";
                 $commentModel->firm_id = $id;
                 if (Yii::app()->user && Yii::app()->user->getId() > 0) {
                     $commentModel->user_id = Yii::app()->user->getId();
                 $commentModel->date = time();
                 if ($commentModel->save()) {
                     $item->onFirmNewComment(new CEvent($commentModel), array("subject" => $commentModel->name, "firm_name" => $item->name, "date" => date("d.m.Y H:i"), "user_name" => $commentModel->fio, "description" => $commentModel->message, "link" => SiteHelper::createUrl("/user/firms/description", array("id" => $item->id, "tab" => "pcomments"))));
                     $commentModel = new CatalogFirmsCommentsAdd();
                     $commentModel->formMessage = Yii::t("tours", "Сообщение отправлено, после модерации оно будет Опубликовано.");
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name . " - " . Yii::t("page", "туристическое агенство") . " " . $item->country_id->name_2 . " " . $item->city_id->name;
             // Поля про поиско по турам
             $tourClass = new CatalogToursFirms();
             $arrSearchFieldsTours = $tourClass->getSearchAttributes();
             $this->render('description', array("item" => $item, "activeTab" => $activeTab, "commentModel" => $commentModel, "otherFirms" => CatalogFirms::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(8)), "listGallery" => CatGallery::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("catalog=:catalog AND item_id=:items_id")->setParams(array(":catalog" => "catalog_firms", ":items_id" => $item->id))->setLimit(15)), "arrSearchFieldsTours" => $arrSearchFieldsTours));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("", "К сожалению описание данного тура не найденно в базе");
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("", "К сожалению описание данного тура не найденно в базе");