Example #1
  * The Autoloader initialisation
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     // is the profiler enabled?
     if (!(static::$_enabled = ClanCats::$config->get('profiler.enabled'))) {
     // enable profiling only in development mode
     if (ClanCats::in_development()) {
         // add a hook to the resposne so that we can
         // append a table with the profiler data to the body
         CCEvent::mind('response.output', function ($output) {
             if (strpos($output, '</body>') === false) {
                 return $output;
             $table = \UI\Table::create(array('style' => array('width' => '100%'), 'cellpadding' => '5', 'class' => 'table debug-table debug-table-profiler'));
             $table->header(array('#', 'message', 'memory', 'time'));
             foreach (\CCProfiler::data() as $key => $item) {
                 $table->row(array($key + 1, $item[0], $item[1], $item[2]));
             // add the table before the body end
             return str_replace('</body>', $table . "\n</body>", $output);
         // also add an error inspector hook so that we can access the
         // profiler data in the error handler
         CCError_Inspector::info_callback('Profiler', function () {
             $table = array();
             foreach (\CCProfiler::data() as $key => $check) {
                 $table['#' . ($key + 1) . ': ' . $check[2]] = $check[0];
             return $table;
Example #2
  * install an orbit module
  * @param array 		$params 
 public function action_permissions($params)
     $folders = \CCEvent::fire('ccdoctor.permissions');
     if (!is_array($folders)) {
         $folders = array();
     // add storage directories
     foreach (\ClanCats::$config->get('storage.paths') as $folder) {
         $folders[] = $folder;
     foreach ($folders as $folder) {
         $display_folder = \CCStr::replace($folder, array(CCROOT => ''));
         // create directory if not existing
         if (!is_dir($folder)) {
             if (!mkdir($folder, 0755, true)) {
                 $this->error("doctor could not create folder at: {$display_folder}");
         // check permissions
         $perm = substr(decoct(fileperms($folder)), 2);
         if ($perm < 755) {
             CCCli::line(CCCli::color($perm, 'red') . ' - ' . $display_folder . ' fixing with ' . CCCli::color('755', 'green'));
             if (!chmod($folder, 0755)) {
                 CCCli::line("doctor - is not able to change permissions for: {$display_folder}", 'red');
         } elseif ($perm == 777) {
             CCCli::line(CCCli::color($perm, 'yellow') . ' - ' . $display_folder . ' warning! this can be dangerous.');
         } else {
             $this->success('- ' . $display_folder, $perm);
Example #3
  * initialize the ship
  * @return void
 public function wake()
     // wrap the assets
     \CCFinder::alias('CCAsset', __DIR__ . '/CCAsset' . EXT);
     // map the other classes
     \CCFinder::package(__DIR__ . '/', array('Packtacular' => 'Packtacular' . EXT, 'Packtacular\\Theme' => 'Theme' . EXT, 'lessc' => 'lib/lessc.inc' . EXT));
     // add writeable directory hook
     \CCEvent::mind('ccdoctor.permissions', function () {
         return PUBLICPATH . \CCConfig::create("Packtacular::packtacular")->path;
Example #4
  * Static init
  * When we are in development then we append the qurey log to body
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     if (\ClanCats::in_development()) {
         // add a hook to the main resposne
         \CCEvent::mind('response.output', function ($output) {
             if (strpos($output, '</body>') === false) {
                 return $output;
             $table = \UI\Table::create(array('style' => array('width' => '100%'), 'cellpadding' => '5', 'class' => 'table debug-table debug-table-db'));
             $table->header(array('#', 'query'));
             foreach (static::log() as $key => $item) {
                 $table->row(array($key + 1, $item));
             return str_replace('</body>', $table . "\n</body>", $output);
Example #5
  * error class init
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     // we capture non fatal errors only in dev environments
     if (ClanCats::in_development()) {
         // add a hook to the main resposne
         CCEvent::mind('response.output', function ($output) {
             if (strpos($output, '</body>') === false) {
                 return $output;
             $table = \UI\Table::create(array('style' => array('width' => '100%'), 'cellpadding' => '5', 'class' => 'table debug-table debug-table-errors'));
             $table->header(array('#', 'message', 'file'));
             foreach (\CCError::$non_fatals as $key => $item) {
                 $table->row(array($key + 1, $item->getMessage(), CCStr::strip($item->getFile(), CCROOT) . ':' . $item->getLine()));
             return str_replace('</body>', $table . "\n</body>", $output);
Example #6
  * Get full details for an Event object
  * @param string $url - url to an Event
  * @return Event
 public function getEventDetails($url)
     $response = $this->CTCTRequest->makeRequest($url, 'GET');
     $parsedResponse = simplexml_load_string($response['xml'], null, null, "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
     return new CCEvent(CCEvent::createStruct($parsedResponse));
Example #7
  * send response
  * means printing the response and setting the headers if set
  * @param bool		$headers	
  * @return  void
 public function send($headers = false)
     if ($headers && headers_sent() && !CLI) {
         throw new CCException("CCResponse::send - cannot send header, header has already been send.");
     if ($headers) {
         // status header
         header(CCIn::server('SERVER_PROTOCOL') . ' ' . $this->_status . ' ' . CCResponse::$messages[$this->_status]);
         // check if content type is already set
         if (!isset($this->_header['Content-Type'])) {
             $this->header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=' . ClanCats::$config->get('charset', 'utf-8'));
         $this->header('X-Powered-By', 'ClanCatsFramework version: ' . ClanCats::VERSION);
         // set headers
         foreach ($this->_header as $key => $content) {
             header($key . ': ' . $content);
     // profiler
     CCProfiler::check('CCResponse - sending response');
     // print the body
     echo CCEvent::pass('response.output', $this->body());
Example #8
  * Sign a user out
  * @param id  				$user_id	
  * @param string				$name
  * @return false
 public function sign_out()
     if (!$this->authenticated) {
         return false;
     // remove the restore login
     \DB::delete($this->config->get('logins.table'))->where('restore_token', $this->restore_key($this->user))->run();
     // logout the user
     // pass the user object through all user hooks
     $this->user = \CCEvent::pass('auth.sign_out', $this->user);
     $user_model = $this->config->user_model;
     // create new empty user
     $this->user = new $user_model();
     return $this->authenticated = false;
Example #9
  * Handler::sign_in keep login tests
 public function test_sign_in_keeper()
     $example_user = clone static::$current_user;
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create();
     $auth->sign_in($example_user, false);
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof DB\Model);
     $this->assertEquals(static::$current_user->id, $auth->user->id);
     // test valid
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create();
     // lets create an keeper login now
     // lets test the login store event
     $this->assertEquals(null, $auth->login()->client_ip);
     CCEvent::mind('auth.store_login', function ($data) {
         $data['client_ip'] = '';
         return $data;
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create();
     $this->assertEquals('', $auth->login()->client_ip);
     // now lets modify some data to force restore failure
     // changing the the current client ip will force failure
     CCIn::instance(new CCIn_Instance(array(), array(), array(), array(), array('REMOTE_ADDR' => '')));
     // next lets modify the users password wich will force a failure
     static::$current_user->password = "******";
     // modifiy the restore_id
     CCCookie::set('ccauth-restore-id', '34');
     // modifiy the restore_token
     CCCookie::set('ccauth-restore-token', 'wrong');
     // delete the user
     // create him again
Example #10
  * static initialisation
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     CCEvent::after('CCF.shutdown', array(get_class(), 'write'));
Example #11
  * Resolve an uri and get the route object
  * @param string 		$uri
  * @return CCRoute
 public static function resolve($uri)
     // cut unnecessary slashes and params
     if (substr($uri, -1) == '/') {
         $uri = substr($uri, 0, -1);
     if (substr($uri, 0, 1) == '/') {
         $uri = substr($uri, 1);
     $uri = CCStr::cut($uri, '?');
     // create new route instance
     $route = new CCRoute($uri);
     // private route
     if (substr($uri, 0, 1) == '#') {
         if (!array_key_exists($uri, static::$privates)) {
             throw new CCException("CCRouter::resolve() - private route {$uri} could not be found.");
         return static::configure($route, static::$privates[$uri]);
     // pass the route trough the priority events
     if ($hook_route = CCEvent::pass('ccf.router.resolve.before', array($route, false))) {
         if ($hook_route[1] === true) {
             return static::configure($route, $hook_route[0]);
     // if the uri is empty root is requestet
     if (empty($uri)) {
         // try one slash also aka empty
         if (array_key_exists('', static::$routes)) {
             return static::configure($route, static::$routes['']);
         return static::configure($route, static::$privates['#root']);
     // simple static key route
     if (isset(static::$routes[$uri])) {
         return static::configure($route, static::$routes[$uri]);
     // explode the uri
     $uri_parts = explode('/', $uri);
     // get the action
     $action = array_pop($uri_parts);
     // implode the uri without action
     $uri_without_action = implode('/', $uri_parts);
     // try the static key with an action
     if (isset($action)) {
         if (isset(static::$routes[$uri_without_action])) {
             if (CCController::has_action(static::$routes[$uri_without_action], $action)) {
                 $route->action = $action;
                 return static::configure($route, static::$routes[$uri_without_action]);
     // dynamic keys
     foreach (static::$routes as $pattern => $dynamic_route) {
         // try the dynamic route only if it can be a pattern
         if (strpos($pattern, '[') !== false && strpos($pattern, ']') !== false) {
             // build an reqular expression
             $regx = '#^' . CCStr::replace($pattern, static::$filters) . '$#i';
             // try to match the uri with regex
             if (preg_match($regx, $uri, $params)) {
                 // remove the first param
                 $route->action = null;
                 $route->params = $params;
                 return static::configure($route, $dynamic_route);
             // try to match the uri without the action with the regex
             if (is_string($dynamic_route) && preg_match($regx, $uri_without_action, $params)) {
                 if (CCController::has_action($dynamic_route, $action)) {
                     // remove the first param
                     $route->action = $action;
                     $route->params = $params;
                     return static::configure($route, $dynamic_route);
      * pass to events
     if ($hook_route = CCEvent::pass('ccf.router.resolve.after', array($route, false))) {
         if ($hook_route[1] === true) {
             return static::configure($route, $hook_route[0]);
     return false;
Example #12
 * but also some mini helpers like _dd() for var_dump and die. 
require COREPATH . 'shortcuts' . EXT;
 * shutdown handler
 * Register our shutdown handler so we can display custom error
 * messages and run events before shutdown like saving the 
 * session ect..
register_shutdown_function(function () {
    // try to run all shutdown hooks
    try {
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
    // run error shutdown to catch possible errors
    if (class_exists("\\CCError")) {
 * exception handler
 * Register our handler for uncaught exceptions, so we can
 * handle them on our own.
Example #13
  * Session constructor
  * @param string 		$name
  * @param array 			$config
 protected function __construct($name, $config = null)
     if (is_null($config)) {
         $config = \CCConfig::create('session')->get($name);
         // check for an alias. If you set a string
         // in your config file we use the config
         // with the passed key.
         if (is_string($config)) {
             $config = \CCConfig::create('session')->get($config);
     if (empty($config)) {
         throw new Exception("Session\\Manager::create - Invalid session manager (" . $name . ").");
     // also don't forget to set the name manager name becaue we need him later.
     $this->_name = $name;
     // keep the configuration array
     $this->_config = $config;
     // Setup the driver class. We simply use name
     // from the confif file and make the first letter
     // capital. example: Handler_Mysql, Handler_Sqlite etc.
     $driver_class = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\Manager_" . ucfirst($config['driver']);
     if (!class_exists($driver_class)) {
         throw new Exception("Session\\Manager::create - The driver (" . $driver_class . ") is invalid.");
     // try to get the id from cookie
     $this->id = $this->cookie_session_id();
     // set the fingerprint
     $this->fingerprint = sha1($this->id);
     // Before reading we might have to kill old sessions using
     // the Garbage collector
     if (\CCArr::get('gc.enabled', $this->_config, true)) {
         if (mt_rand(1, \CCArr::get('gc.factor', $this->_config, 25)) == 1) {
     // Register a shutdown event to write the session down
     // This should not happen on shutdown if we using command line
     if (!\ClanCats::is_cli()) {
         \CCEvent::mind('CCF.shutdown', array($this, 'write'));
     // Now get the inital data from our driver