  * Checks if all columns of a xml description of all tables of a database matches the database
  * Warning: if ( $change && $strictlyColumns ) it will DROP not described columns !!!
  * @access private
  * @param  string|array        $tablesNames      Name(s) of tables to dump
  * @param  boolean             $withContent      FALSE: only structure, TRUE: also content
  * @return CBSimpleXMLElement
 function dumpTableToXml($tablesNames, $withContent = true)
     $db = new CBSimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><database version="1" />');
     foreach ((array) $tablesNames as $tableName) {
         $table = $db->addChild('table');
         $table->addAttribute('name', $tableName);
         $table->addAttribute('class', '');
         $table->addAttribute('strict', 'false');
         $table->addAttribute('drop', 'never');
         // Columns:
         $allColumns = $this->getAllTableColumns($tableName);
         $columns = $table->addChild('columns');
         foreach ($allColumns as $colEntry) {
             $colTypeUnsigned = explode(' ', $colEntry->Type);
             if (count($colTypeUnsigned) == 1) {
                 $colTypeUnsigned[1] = null;
             $column = $columns->addChild('column');
             $column->addAttribute('name', $colEntry->Field);
             $column->addAttribute('type', 'sql:' . $colTypeUnsigned[0]);
             if ($colTypeUnsigned[1] === 'unsigned') {
                 $column->addAttribute('unsigned', $colTypeUnsigned[1] === 'unsigned' ? 'true' : 'false');
             if ($colEntry->Null === 'YES') {
                 $column->addAttribute('null', $colEntry->Null === 'YES' ? 'true' : 'false');
             if ($colEntry->Default !== null) {
                 if ($colEntry->Null === 'YES') {
                     $column->addAttribute('default', $colEntry->Default);
                 } else {
                     $defaultDefaultTypes = $this->defaultValuesOfTypes($this->mysqlToXmlsql('sql:' . $colTypeUnsigned[0]));
                     if (!in_array($colEntry->Default, $defaultDefaultTypes)) {
                         $column->addAttribute('default', $colEntry->Default);
             if (strpos($colEntry->Extra, 'auto_increment') !== false) {
                 $tableStatus = $this->_db->getTableStatus($tableName);
                 if (isset($tableStatus[0]->Auto_increment)) {
                     $lastAuto_increment = $tableStatus[0]->Auto_increment;
                 } else {
                     $lastAuto_increment = '100';
                 $column->addAttribute('auto_increment', $lastAuto_increment);
         // Indexes:
         $indexes = $table->addChild('indexes');
         $primaryIndex = null;
         $allIndexes = $this->getAllTableIndexes($tableName);
         foreach ($allIndexes as $indexName => $sequenceInIndexArray) {
             $type = $sequenceInIndexArray[1]['type'];
             $using = $sequenceInIndexArray[1]['using'];
             $index = $indexes->addChild('index');
             $index->addAttribute('name', $indexName);
             if ($type != '') {
                 $index->addAttribute('type', $type);
             if ($using != 'btree') {
                 $index->addAttribute('using', $using);
             foreach ($sequenceInIndexArray as $indexAttributes) {
                 $column = $index->addChild('column');
                 $column->addAttribute('name', $indexAttributes['name']);
                 if ($indexAttributes['size']) {
                     $column->addAttribute('size', $indexAttributes['size']);
                 if ($indexAttributes['ordering'] != 'A') {
                     $column->addAttribute('ordering', $indexAttributes['ordering']);
             if ($type == 'primary') {
                 $primaryIndex = $index;
         // Content:
         if ($withContent) {
             $allRows = $this->loadRows($tableName, null, null, null);
             if (count($allRows) > 0) {
                 $rows = $table->addChild('rows');
                 $primaryNames = null;
                 if ($primaryIndex !== null) {
                     foreach ($primaryIndex->children() as $column) {
                         if ($column->name() == 'column') {
                             $primaryNames[] = $column->attributes('name');
                 foreach ($allRows as $rowData) {
                     $row = $rows->addChild('row');
                     // missing primary key here:
                     $rowIndexName = array();
                     $rowIndexValue = array();
                     $rowIndexValueType = array();
                     foreach (get_object_vars($rowData) as $fieldDataName => $fieldDataValue) {
                         if ($fieldDataName[0] != '_') {
                             $typeColumn = $columns->getChildByNameAttributes('column', array('name' => $fieldDataName));
                             $fieldDataValueType = 'const:' . $this->mysqlToXmlsql($typeColumn->attributes('type'));
                             $field = $row->addChild('field');
                             if ($fieldDataValue === null) {
                                 $fieldDataValue = 'NULL';
                                 $fieldDataValueType = 'const:null';
                             $field->addAttribute('name', $fieldDataName);
                             $field->addAttribute('value', $fieldDataValue);
                             $field->addAttribute('valuetype', $fieldDataValueType);
                             if (in_array($fieldDataName, $primaryNames)) {
                                 $field->addAttribute('strict', 'true');
                                 $rowIndexName[] = $fieldDataName;
                                 $rowIndexValue[] = $fieldDataValue;
                                 $rowIndexValueType[] = $fieldDataValueType;
                     $row->addAttribute('index', implode(' ', $rowIndexName));
                     $row->addAttribute('value', implode(' ', $rowIndexValue));
                     $row->addAttribute('valuetype', implode(' ', $rowIndexValueType));
     return $db;