Example #1
  * Constructor
 function __construct($aModule)
     $this->aFilesConfig = array('original' => array('postfix' => '_{ext}'));
     $this->aGlParams = array('auto_activation' => 'bx_files_activation', 'mode_top_index' => 'bx_files_mode_index', 'category_auto_approve' => 'category_auto_activation_bx_files', 'browse_width' => 'bx_files_thumb_width');
     $this->_aMimeTypes = array();
Example #2
  * Constructor
 function __construct(&$aModule)
     // only image files can added/removed here, changing list of sound files requires source code modification
     // image files support square resizing, just specify 'square' => true
     $this->aFilesConfig = array('browse' => array('postfix' => SCREENSHOT_EXT, 'fallback' => 'default.png', 'image' => true, 'w' => 240, 'h' => 240, 'square' => true), 'browse2x' => array('postfix' => '-2x' . SCREENSHOT_EXT, 'fallback' => 'default.png', 'image' => true, 'w' => 480, 'h' => 480, 'square' => true), 'file' => array('postfix' => MP3_EXTENSION));
     $this->aGlParams = array('mode_top_index' => 'bx_sounds_mode_index', 'category_auto_approve' => 'category_auto_activation_bx_sounds');
  * Constructor
 function __construct(&$aModule)
     $this->aFilesConfig = array('icon' => array('postfix' => '_ri.jpg', 'size_def' => 32, 'square' => true), 'thumb' => array('postfix' => '_rt.jpg', 'size_def' => 64, 'square' => true), 'browse' => array('postfix' => '_t.jpg', 'size_def' => 240, 'square' => true), 'browse2x' => array('postfix' => '_t_2x.jpg', 'size_def' => 480, 'square' => true), 'file' => array('postfix' => '_m.jpg', 'size_def' => 600), 'original' => array('postfix' => '.{ext}'));
     $this->aGlParams = array('auto_activation' => 'bx_photos_activation', 'mode_top_index' => 'bx_photos_mode_index', 'category_auto_approve' => 'category_auto_activation_bx_photos');
     $this->aDefaultAlbums[] = 'profile_cover_album_name';
     if (!defined("FLICKR_PHOTO_RSS")) {
         define("FLICKR_PHOTO_RSS", "http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.getInfo&api_key=#api_key#&photo_id=#photo#");
     if (!defined("FLICKR_PHOTO_URL")) {
         define("FLICKR_PHOTO_URL", "http://farm#farm#.static.flickr.com/#server#/#id#_#secret##mode#.#ext#");
  * Constructor
 function __construct(&$aModule)
     // only image files can added/removed here, changing list of video files requires source code modification
     // image files support square resizing, just specify 'square' => true
     $this->aFilesConfig = array('poster' => array('postfix' => IMAGE_EXTENSION, 'image' => true), 'browse' => array('postfix' => THUMB_FILE_NAME . IMAGE_EXTENSION, 'image' => true, 'w' => 240, 'h' => 240, 'square' => true), 'browse2x' => array('postfix' => THUMB_FILE_NAME . '_2x' . IMAGE_EXTENSION, 'image' => true, 'w' => 480, 'h' => 480, 'square' => true), 'main' => array('postfix' => FLV_EXTENSION), 'mpg' => array('postfix' => '.mpg'), 'file' => array('postfix' => MOBILE_EXTENSION), 'm4v' => array('postfix' => M4V_EXTENSION));
     $this->aGlParams = array('mode_top_index' => 'bx_videos_mode_index', 'category_auto_approve' => 'category_auto_activation_bx_videos');
     $sProto = bx_proto();
     if (!defined("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_PLAYER")) {
         define("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_PLAYER", '<iframe width="100%" height="360" src="' . $sProto . '://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/#video#?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0#autoplay#" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');
     if (!defined("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_EMBED")) {
         define("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_EMBED", '<iframe width="480" height="360" src="' . $sProto . '://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/#video#?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');