  * Add feedback
  * @param mixed $writerID
  * @param mixed $score
  * @param mixed $feedback
  * @param mixed $activityID
  * @param mixed $activityType
  * @return int|null|string|void
 public function addFeedback($writerID, $score, $feedback, $activityID, $activityType = BuckysFeedback::ACTIVITY_TYPE_TRADE)
     global $db;
     if (!is_numeric($activityID) || !is_numeric($writerID) || !is_numeric($score) || $feedback == '') {
     // failed
     //If you left feedback already, then return
     if ($this->hasFeedback($writerID, $activityID, $activityType)) {
     $param = ['activityID' => $activityID, 'activityType' => $activityType, 'writerID' => $writerID, 'score' => $score, 'comment' => $feedback, 'createdDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')];
     $otherUserID = null;
     switch ($activityType) {
         case BuckysFeedback::ACTIVITY_TYPE_TRADE:
             $tradeIns = new BuckysTrade();
             $tradeData = $tradeIns->getTradeByID($activityID);
             if (!$tradeData) {
             //no such trade
             if ($tradeData['sellerID'] == $writerID) {
                 $otherUserID = $param['receiverID'] = $tradeData['buyerID'];
                 $param['itemID'] = $tradeData['buyerItemID'];
             } else {
                 if ($tradeData['buyerID'] == $writerID) {
                     $otherUserID = $param['receiverID'] = $tradeData['sellerID'];
                     $param['itemID'] = $tradeData['sellerItemID'];
                 } else {
                     //no rights
         case BuckysFeedback::ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP:
             $shopOrderIns = new BuckysShopOrder();
             $orderData = $shopOrderIns->getOrderByID($activityID);
             if (!$orderData || $orderData['buyerID'] != $writerID) {
             //no such trade
             $otherUserID = $param['receiverID'] = $orderData['sellerID'];
             $param['itemID'] = $orderData['productID'];
             //no such cases
     $newID = $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_FEEDBACK, $param);
     if ($newID && $otherUserID) {
         //Update TradeUser Table for rating calculation
     //Create notification
     $tradeNotificationIns = new BuckysTradeNotification();
     $tradeNotificationIns->createNotification($otherUserID, $writerID, BuckysTradeNotification::ACTION_TYPE_FEEDBACK, $newID);
     return $newID;
  * Add feedback
  * @param integer $tradeID
  * @param integer $userID
  * @param integer $score : one of this two value, 1 & -1
  * @param string  $feedback
  * @return int
 public function addFeedback($tradeID, $userID, $score, $feedback)
     global $db;
     if (!is_numeric($tradeID) || !is_numeric($userID) || !is_numeric($score) || $feedback == '') {
     // failed
     if ($this->getFeedbackByTradeID($tradeID)) {
     $tradeIns = new BuckysTrade();
     $tradeData = $tradeIns->getTradeByID($tradeID);
     $otherUserID = null;
     if (!$tradeData) {
     //no such trade
     if ($tradeData['sellerID'] == $userID) {
         $param = ['tradeID' => $tradeID, 'sellerID' => $tradeData['sellerID'], 'buyerID' => $tradeData['buyerID'], 'sellerToBuyerScore' => $score, 'sellerToBuyerFeedback' => $feedback, 'sellerToBuyerFeedbackCreatedAt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')];
         $otherUserID = $tradeData['buyerID'];
     } else {
         if ($tradeData['buyerID'] == $userID) {
             $param = ['tradeID' => $tradeID, 'sellerID' => $tradeData['sellerID'], 'buyerID' => $tradeData['buyerID'], 'buyerToSellerScore' => $score, 'buyerToSellerFeedback' => $feedback, 'buyerToSellerFeedbackCreatedAt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')];
             $otherUserID = $tradeData['sellerID'];
         } else {
             //no rights
     $newID = $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_TRADE_FEEDBACK, $param);
     if ($newID && $otherUserID) {
         //Update TradeUser Table for rating calculation
     //Create notification
     $tradeNotificationIns = new BuckysTradeNotification();
     $tradeNotificationIns->createNotification($otherUserID, $userID, BuckysTradeNotification::ACTION_TYPE_FEEDBACK, $newID);
     return $newID;
  * Update shipping Info
  * It has 2 logic in it. Update your own shipping info, and update already created trade records which has no shipping info.
  * @param integer $userID
  * @param array $data
 public function updateShippingInfo($userID, $data)
     if (!is_numeric($userID) || $data['shippingAddress'] == '' || $data['shippingCity'] == '' || $data['shippingState'] == '' || $data['shippingZip'] == '' || $data['shippingCountryID'] == '' || !is_numeric($data['shippingCountryID'])) {
         return false;
     //Update my shipping info
     global $db;
     $query = sprintf('UPDATE %s SET ', TABLE_TRADE_USERS);
     $query = $db->prepare($query . 'shippingAddress=%s, shippingCity=%s, shippingState=%s, shippingZip=%s, shippingCountryID=%d WHERE userID=' . $userID, $data['shippingAddress'], $data['shippingCity'], $data['shippingState'], $data['shippingZip'], $data['shippingCountryID']);
     //Update trade table which has no shipping info with this info.
     //It will check trade table, and create records in trade_shipping_info
     $tradeIns = new BuckysTrade();
     $tradeShippingInfoIns = new BuckysTradeShippingInfo();
     //---------------- Update for seller ----------------------//
     $requiredList = $tradeIns->getShippingInfoRequiredTrade($userID, 'seller');
     if (!empty($requiredList) && count($requiredList) > 0) {
         foreach ($requiredList as $tradeData) {
             //Add shipping info
             $shippingRecID = $tradeShippingInfoIns->addTradeShippingInfo($userID);
             if (!empty($shippingRecID) && is_numeric($shippingRecID)) {
                 //update trade table
                 $tradeIns->updateTrade($tradeData['tradeID'], array('sellerShippingID' => $shippingRecID));
     //---------------- Update for buyer ----------------------//
     $requiredList = $tradeIns->getShippingInfoRequiredTrade($userID, 'buyer');
     if (!empty($requiredList) && count($requiredList) > 0) {
         foreach ($requiredList as $tradeData) {
             //Add shipping info
             $shippingRecID = $tradeShippingInfoIns->addTradeShippingInfo($userID);
             if (!empty($shippingRecID) && is_numeric($shippingRecID)) {
                 //update trade table
                 $tradeIns->updateTrade($tradeData['tradeID'], array('buyerShippingID' => $shippingRecID));
     return true;
 * Save Tracking number
function saveTrackingNumber()
    $userID = buckys_is_logged_in();
    if (!$userID) {
        //You should be logged in
    } else {
        $tradeIns = new BuckysTrade();
        $tradeID = buckys_escape_query_integer($_REQUEST['tradeID']);
        $trackingNo = buckys_escape_query_string($_REQUEST['trackingNo']);
        $tradeData = $tradeIns->getTradeByID($tradeID);
        if (empty($tradeData) || $tradeData['sellerID'] != $userID && $tradeData['buyerID'] != $userID) {
            //error, no permission
            echo json_encode(['success' => 0, 'msg' => "You do not have permission."]);
        } else {
            if ($tradeData['sellerID'] == $userID) {
                $tradeIns->updateTrade($tradeID, ['sellerTrackingNo' => $trackingNo]);
            } else {
                $tradeIns->updateTrade($tradeID, ['buyerTrackingNo' => $trackingNo]);
            echo json_encode(['success' => 1, 'msg' => "You have saved tracking number successfully."]);
Example #5
$BUCKYS_GLOBALS['content'] = 'trade/traded';
$BUCKYS_GLOBALS['headerType'] = 'trade';
$paramCurrentPage = get_secure_integer($_REQUEST['page']);
$paramType = get_secure_string($_REQUEST['type']);
$view = array();
$baseURL = '/trade/traded.php';
if ($paramType == 'history') {
    $baseURL .= '?type=' . $paramType;
} else {
    $paramType = 'completed';
//Get offer_received info
$tradeIns = new BuckysTrade();
$countryIns = new BuckysCountry();
$view['trades'] = $tradeIns->getTradesByUserID($userID, $paramType);
$view['trades'] = buckys_trade_pagination($view['trades'], $baseURL, $paramCurrentPage, TRADE_ROWS_PER_PAGE);
$view['myID'] = $userID;
switch ($paramType) {
    case 'history':
        $view['pagetitle'] = 'Trade History';
    case 'completed':
        $view['pagetitle'] = 'Completed Trades';
        //Mark the activity (offer received) as read
        $tradeNotificationIns = new BuckysTradeNotification();
        $tradeNotificationIns->markAsRead($userID, BuckysTradeNotification::ACTION_TYPE_OFFER_ACCEPTED);
  * Accept offer
  * @param integer $offerID
  * @return bool|int
 public function acceptOffer($offerID)
     if (!is_numeric($offerID)) {
         return false;
     //Get related info for this offer
     $tradeItemIns = new BuckysTradeItem();
     $offerInfo = $this->getOfferByID($offerID);
     if (empty($offerInfo)) {
         return false;
     $sellerData = $tradeItemIns->getItemById($offerInfo['targetItemID']);
     $buyerData = $tradeItemIns->getItemById($offerInfo['offeredItemID']);
     if (empty($buyerData) || empty($sellerData)) {
         return false;
     $offerInfo['sellerID'] = $sellerData['userID'];
     $offerInfo['buyerID'] = $buyerData['userID'];
     //Add trade
     $tradeIns = new BuckysTrade();
     $newTradeID = $tradeIns->addTrade($offerInfo['sellerID'], $offerInfo['buyerID'], $offerInfo['targetItemID'], $offerInfo['offeredItemID']);
     //Change trade Item status to "traded"
     $tradeItemIns->updateItem($offerInfo['targetItemID'], ['status' => BuckysTradeItem::STATUS_ITEM_TRADED]);
     $tradeItemIns->updateItem($offerInfo['offeredItemID'], ['status' => BuckysTradeItem::STATUS_ITEM_TRADED]);
     //Remove all offered made by these 2 items
     //After processing accept (creating record in trade table), then you should remove the offer record from the table
     //$this->deleteOffer($offerID); // Meaningless code since it should be deleted by deleteOffersByItemID (2 commands above this)
     //Create notification
     $tradeNotificationIns = new BuckysTradeNotification();
     $tradeNotificationIns->createNotification($offerInfo['buyerID'], $offerInfo['sellerID'], BuckysTradeNotification::ACTION_TYPE_OFFER_ACCEPTED, $newTradeID);
     return $newTradeID;
  * Update shipping Info
  * It has 2 logic in it. Update your own shipping info, and update already created trade records which has no shipping info.
  * @param integer $userID
  * @param array   $data
  * @return bool
 public function updateShippingInfo($userID, $data)
     if (!is_numeric($userID) || $data['shippingAddress'] == '' || $data['shippingCity'] == '' || $data['shippingState'] == '' || $data['shippingZip'] == '' || $data['shippingCountryID'] == '' || !is_numeric($data['shippingCountryID'])) {
         return false;
     //Update my shipping info
     global $db;
     $db->updateFromArray(TABLE_TRADE_USERS, $data, ['userID' => $userID]);
     //Update trade table which has no shipping info with this info.
     //It will check trade table, and create records in trade_shipping_info
     $tradeIns = new BuckysTrade();
     $tradeShippingInfoIns = new BuckysTradeShippingInfo();
     //---------------- Update for seller ----------------------//
     $requiredList = $tradeIns->getShippingInfoRequiredTrade($userID, 'seller');
     if (!empty($requiredList) && count($requiredList) > 0) {
         foreach ($requiredList as $tradeData) {
             //Add shipping info
             $shippingRecID = $tradeShippingInfoIns->addTradeShippingInfo($userID);
             if (!empty($shippingRecID) && is_numeric($shippingRecID)) {
                 //update trade table
                 $tradeIns->updateTrade($tradeData['tradeID'], ['sellerShippingID' => $shippingRecID]);
     //---------------- Update for buyer ----------------------//
     $requiredList = $tradeIns->getShippingInfoRequiredTrade($userID, 'buyer');
     if (!empty($requiredList) && count($requiredList) > 0) {
         foreach ($requiredList as $tradeData) {
             //Add shipping info
             $shippingRecID = $tradeShippingInfoIns->addTradeShippingInfo($userID);
             if (!empty($shippingRecID) && is_numeric($shippingRecID)) {
                 //update trade table
                 $tradeIns->updateTrade($tradeData['tradeID'], ['buyerShippingID' => $shippingRecID]);
     //-------------------- Update Buyer Shipping Info -----------------------//
     $tradeShippingInfoIns->updateTradeShippingInfo($userID, $data);
     return true;
Example #8
* Save Tracking number
function saveTrackingNumber()
    $userID = buckys_is_logged_in();
    if (!$userID) {
        //You should be logged in
        echo json_encode(array('success' => 0, 'msg' => "Please sign in to save tracking number."));
    } else {
        $tradeIns = new BuckysTrade();
        $tradeID = get_secure_integer($_REQUEST['tradeID']);
        $trackingNo = get_secure_string($_REQUEST['trackingNo']);
        $tradeData = $tradeIns->getTradeByID($tradeID);
        if (empty($tradeData) || $tradeData['sellerID'] != $userID && $tradeData['buyerID'] != $userID) {
            //error, no permission
            echo json_encode(array('success' => 0, 'msg' => "You do not have permission."));
        } else {
            if ($tradeData['sellerID'] == $userID) {
                $tradeIns->updateTrade($tradeID, array('sellerTrackingNo' => $trackingNo));
            } else {
                $tradeIns->updateTrade($tradeID, array('buyerTrackingNo' => $trackingNo));
            echo json_encode(array('success' => 1, 'msg' => "You have saved tracking number successfully."));