function BP_NewExam(BubPdf $BubPdf, $CorrectAnswersProvided = FALSE) { global $examtitle, $teacher, $exam_id, $grade, $subject, $instancedate; // StudentCode bubbles removed whenever CorrectAnswers are provided if ($CorrectAnswersProvided) { $BubPdf->CorrectAnswersProvided = TRUE; } $BubPdf->getAliasNbPages(); //Defines an alias for the total number of pages. It will be substituted as the document is closed. $BubPdf->SetTopMargin($BubPdf->AreaTopMargin); $BubPdf->SetLeftMargin($BubPdf->AreaLeftMargin); $BubPdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, $BubPdf->AreaBotMargin); // bottom margin (if columns seem offset funny, this number could be to blame) // fill in some of the PDF meta data $BubPdf->SetTitle($examtitle); $BubPdf->SetAuthor($teacher); $BubPdf->SetSubject($exam_id); $BubPdf->SetKeywords("{$grade} {$subject} {$instancedate}"); }