Example #1
 public function edit($userID)
     $branches = array();
     foreach (Branches::all() as $branch) {
         $branches[$branch->ID] = "(" . $branch->BranchID . ") " . $branch->Name;
     return View::make("users.editUser", ['user' => User::find($userID), 'branches' => $branches]);
Example #2
 public function get_branches()
     $branches = Branches::all();
     $res = "";
     foreach ($branches as $branch) {
         $res = $res . "<option value=\"" . $branch->ID . "\">" . $branch->BranchID . "</option>";
     return $res;
Example #3
 public function index()
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('kit.kitManagment', ['selected_menu' => 'main-menu-administration', 'selected_admin_menu' => 'admin-menu-manage-kits', 'kitTypes' => KitTypes::all(), 'branches' => Branches::all(), 'kitStates' => KitState::all()], 'home.index', [], true);
Example #4
 public function getInventory()
     $branch = Branches::find(Session::get('branch'));
     // If the session is not set, default to the IT depot
     if (!isset($branch)) {
         $branch = Branches::find(0);
     $data = DB::select('SELECT
                           K.ID AS KitID, K.KitType, K.Name AS KitName, K.AtBranch, K.KitState, K.BarcodeNumber, K.Specialized,  K.SpecializedName,
                           B.ID as BookingID, B.ForBranch, B.StartDate, B.EndDate, B.ShadowStartDate, B.ShadowEndDate, B.Purpose,
                           KT.Name AS KitTypeName, KT.TypeDescription as KitTypeDesc
                           FROM Booking AS B
                             INNER JOIN Kits as K ON (K.ID = B.KitID)
                               INNER JOIN KitTypes AS KT ON (KT.ID = K.KitType)
                               INNER JOIN KitSTate AS KS ON (KS.ID = K.KitState)
                          WHERE now() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(B.ShadowStartDate, INTERVAL -1 DAY) AND B.ShadowEndDate
                                AND B.ForBranch = ?
                                AND B.ForBranch <> K.AtBranch
                           K.ID AS KitID, K.KitType, K.Name AS KitName, K.AtBranch, K.KitState, K.BarcodeNumber, K.Specialized,  K.SpecializedName,
                           B.ID as BookingID, B.ForBranch, B.StartDate, B.EndDate, B.ShadowStartDate, B.ShadowEndDate, B.Purpose,
                           KT.Name AS KitTypeName, KT.TypeDescription as KitTypeDesc
                           FROM Booking AS B
                             INNER JOIN Kits as K ON (K.ID = B.KitID)
                               INNER JOIN KitTypes AS KT ON (KT.ID = K.KitType)
                               INNER JOIN KitSTate AS KS ON (KS.ID = K.KitState)
                          WHERE now() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(B.ShadowStartDate, INTERVAL -1 DAY) AND B.ShadowEndDate
                                AND K.AtBranch = ?
                                AND K.KitState = 1
                                AND B.ForBranch <> K.AtBranch
                           K.ID AS KitID, K.KitType, K.Name AS KitName, K.AtBranch, K.KitState, K.BarcodeNumber, K.Specialized,  K.SpecializedName,
                           "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
                           KT.Name AS KitTypeName, KT.TypeDescription as KitTypeDesc
                           FROM Kits AS K
                             INNER JOIN KitTypes AS KT ON (KT.ID = K.KitType)
                             INNER JOIN KitSTate AS KS ON (KS.ID = K.KitState)
                               LEFT JOIN Booking AS B ON (     B.ForBranch <> K.AtBranch
                                                           AND B.KitID = K.ID
                                                           AND now() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(B.ShadowStartDate, INTERVAL -1 DAY) AND B.ShadowEndDate
                          WHERE  B.ID is null
                                 AND K.KitState = 1
                                 AND K.AtBranch = ?
                          ORDER BY KitID
                         ', array($branch->ID, $branch->ID, $branch->ID));
     $allBranches = array();
     foreach (Branches::all() as $brnch) {
         $allBranches[$brnch->ID] = array('ID' => $brnch->ID, 'BranchID' => $brnch->BranchID, 'Name' => $brnch->Name, 'Address' => $brnch->EPLAddress, 'PhoneNumber' => $brnch->PhoneNumber);
     // Build a list of the users bookings.
     $userBookingIDs = array();
     $detRecords = DB::table("BookingDetails")->where('UserID', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('BookingDetails.Booker', '=', 1)->join('Booking', 'BookingDetails.BookingID', '=', 'Booking.ID')->join('Kits', 'Booking.KitID', '=', 'Kits.ID')->join('Branches', 'Booking.ForBranch', '=', 'Branches.ID')->where('Booking.EndDate', '>=', new DateTime('today'))->select('Kits.Name as KitName', 'BookingDetails.*', 'Kits.KitType', 'Kits.Specialized', 'Kits.SpecializedName', 'Booking.*', 'Branches.BranchID');
     foreach ($detRecords->get() as $det) {
         array_unshift($userBookingIDs, $det->BookingID);
     // union that with the bookings for this branch.
     $bookings = $detRecords->union(DB::table("BookingDetails")->where('BookingDetails.Booker', '=', 1)->join('Booking', 'BookingDetails.BookingID', '=', 'Booking.ID')->wherenotin('Booking.ID', $userBookingIDs)->join('Kits', 'Booking.KitID', '=', 'Kits.ID')->join('Branches', 'Booking.ForBranch', '=', 'Branches.ID')->where('Booking.EndDate', '>=', new DateTime('today'))->select('Kits.Name as KitName', 'BookingDetails.*', 'Kits.KitType', 'Kits.Specialized', 'Kits.SpecializedName', 'Booking.*', 'Branches.BranchID'))->orderBy('StartDate', 'desc');
     // slice out only the columns we need and send them to the client.
     $bookingDetails = array();
     foreach ($bookings->get() as $det) {
         array_unshift($bookingDetails, array('KitID' => $det->KitID, 'type' => $det->KitType, 'Name' => $det->Specialized ? $det->KitName . ' + ' . $det->SpecializedName : $det->KitName, 'Booker' => user::find($det->UserID)->realname, 'Branch' => $det->BranchID, 'Event' => $det->Purpose, 'Start Date' => date("d-m-y", strtotime($det->StartDate)), 'End Date' => date("d-m-y", strtotime($det->EndDate))));
     //get today's date
     $res = array();
     // $res['sql'] = $bookings->toSql();
     $res['kitTypes'] = KitTypes::all();
     $res['data'] = $data;
     $res['branches'] = $allBranches;
     $res['branch_ID'] = $branch->ID;
     $res['branch_BranchID'] = $branch->BranchID;
     $res['branch_name'] = $branch->Name;
     $res['bookings'] = $bookingDetails;
     return json_encode($res);