Example #1
        $row['homepage'] = 'http://' . $row['homepage'];
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Homepage:", "<a href=\"{$row['homepage']}\" target=\"_blank\">" . "{$row['homepage']}</a></td>\n");
//XXX: Remove entirely?
//$bb->horizHeadRow("Registered since:", $row['created']);
$bb->horizHeadRow("Additional information:", empty($row['userinfo']) ? "&nbsp;" : $row['userinfo']);
$bb->horizHeadRow("VCS Access:", implode("<br />", $access));
if ($row['wishlist'] != "") {
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Wishlist:", make_link("/wishlist.php/" . $row['handle'], "Click here to be redirected."));
if ($row['admin'] == 1) {
    $bb->fullRow("{$row['name']} is a PECL administrator.");
$query = "SELECT p.id, p.name, m.role\n          FROM packages p, maintains m\n          WHERE m.handle = '{$handle}'\n          AND p.id = m.package\n          AND p.package_type = 'pecl'\n          ORDER BY p.name";
$sth = $dbh->query($query);
print "</td><td valign=\"top\">\n";
$bb = new BorderBox("Maintaining These Packages:", "100%", "", 2, true);
if ($sth->numRows() > 0) {
    $bb->headRow("Package Name", "Role");
    while (is_array($row = $sth->fetchRow())) {
        $bb->plainRow("<a href=\"/package/" . $row['name'] . "\">" . $row['name'] . "</a>", $row['role']);
print "<br />\n";
display_user_notes($handle, "100%");
print "<br /><a href=\"/account-edit.php?handle={$handle}\">" . make_image("edit.gif", "Edit") . "</a>";
print "</td></tr></table>\n";
Example #2
                    $dep_text .= sprintf("%s: %s %s", $dep_type_desc[$row['type']], $dep_name_html, $rel);
                } else {
                    $dep_text .= sprintf("%s: %s", $dep_type_desc[$row['type']], $dep_name_html);
                $dep_text .= "<br />";
            $bb->horizHeadRow($title, $dep_text);
        } else {
            $bb->horizHeadRow($title, "No dependencies registered.");
    if ($too_much && empty($version)) {
        $bb->fullRow("Dependencies for older releases can be found on the release overview page.");
// }}}
// {{{ Dependants
$dependants = package::getDependants($name);
if (count($dependants) > 0) {
    echo "<br /><br />";
    $bb = new BorderBox("Packages that depend on " . $name);
    foreach ($dependants as $dep) {
        $bb->plainRow(make_link("/package/" . $dep['p_name'], $dep['p_name']));
// }}}
// {{{ page footer
// }}}
Example #3
        if (is_array($requests) && sizeof($requests) > 0) {
            $bb->headRow("<font face=\"Marlett\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"toggleSelectAll(this)\">6</a></font>", "Name", "Handle", "Account Purpose", "Status", "Created at", "&nbsp;");
            foreach ($requests as $handle => $data) {
                list($name, $note, $userinfo, $created_at) = $data;
                // Grab userinfo/request purpose
                if (@unserialize($userinfo)) {
                    $userinfo = @unserialize($userinfo);
                    $account_purpose = $userinfo[0];
                } else {
                    $account_purpose = $userinfo;
                $rejected = preg_match("/^Account rejected:/", $note);
                if ($rejected) {
                $bb->plainRow('<input type="checkbox" value="' . $handle . '" name="uid[]" onmousedown="highlightAccountRow(this)"/>', sprintf('<span style="cursor: hand" onmousedown="highlightAccountRow(this)">%s</span>', $name), sprintf('<span style="cursor: hand" onmousedown="highlightAccountRow(this)">%s</span>', $handle), sprintf('<span style="cursor: hand" onmousedown="highlightAccountRow(this)">%s</span>', nl2br($account_purpose)), sprintf('<span style="cursor: hand" onmousedown="highlightAccountRow(this)">%s</span>', $rejected ? "rejected" : "<font color=\"#c00000\"><strong>Outstanding</strong></font>"), sprintf('<span style="cursor: hand" onmousedown="highlightAccountRow(this)">%s</span>', $created_at), sprintf('<span style="cursor: hand" onmousedown="highlightAccountRow(this)">%s</span>', "<a onmousedown=\"event.cancelBubble = true\" href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES) . "?acreq={$handle}\">" . make_image("edit.gif") . "</a>"));
        } else {
            print "No account requests.";
		<br />
		<table align="center">
				<select name="reason">
					<option value="">Select rejection reason...</option>
					<option value="Account not needed">Account not needed</option>