Example #1
function main()
    $libraries = BoostLibraries::load();
    $master = $libraries->get_for_version('master');
    $unreleased_libs = array();
    foreach ($master as $lib) {
        if ($lib['boost-version']->is_unreleased()) {
            $unreleased_libs[$lib['name']] = $lib;
    if ($unreleased_libs) {
        ksort($unreleased_libs, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE);
        $count = count($unreleased_libs);
        echo "For release notes:\n\n";
        echo "[section New Libraries]\n\n";
        foreach ($unreleased_libs as $lib) {
            echo "* [phrase library..[@/{$lib['documentation']} {$lib['name']}]:]\n";
            echo "  {$lib['description']}\n\n";
        echo "[endsection]\n\n";
    } else {
        echo "No new libraries yet.\n";
Example #2
function main()
    $libraries = BoostLibraries::load();
    $master = $libraries->get_for_version('master');
    $unreleased_libs = [];
    foreach ($master as $lib) {
        if ($lib['boost-version']->is_unreleased()) {
            $unreleased_libs[$lib['name']] = $lib;
    if ($unreleased_libs) {
        ksort($unreleased_libs, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE);
        $count = count($unreleased_libs);
        echo "For release notes:\n\n";
        echo "[section New Libraries]\n\n";
        foreach ($unreleased_libs as $lib) {
            echo "* [phrase library..[@/{$lib['documentation']} {$lib['name']}]:]\n";
            echo "  {$lib['description']}\n\n";
        echo "[endsection]\n\n";
        echo "For root index file:\n\n";
        $library_links = [];
        foreach ($unreleased_libs as $lib) {
            $library_links[] = "<a href=\"" . filesystem_doc_link($lib) . "\">{$lib['name']}</a>";
        echo "  <p>The release includes {$count} new " . ($count === 1 ? "library" : "libraries") . "\n";
        echo "  (" . implode(",\n   ", $library_links) . "),\n";
function main()
    $args = $_SERVER['argv'];
    $boost_root = null;
    switch (count($args)) {
        case 2:
            $boost_root = $args[1];
            echo "Usage: create-module-metadata.php boost_root\n";
    $library_details = BoostLibraries::from_xml_file(__DIR__ . '/../doc/libraries.xml')->get_for_version(BoostVersion::develop());
    $super_project = new BoostSuperProject($boost_root);
    $git_submodules = $super_project->get_modules();
    // Split the libraries up into modules.
    $libraries_by_module = array();
    foreach ($library_details as $library) {
        $module = $library['module'];
        if (!isset($git_submodules[$module])) {
            echo "Unknown module: {$module}\n";
        if (isset($library['documentation'])) {
            $doc_url = $library['documentation'];
            $module_base = $git_submodules[$module]['path'];
            if ($doc_url == $module_base) {
                $doc_url = '';
            } else {
                if (strpos($doc_url, "{$module_base}/") === 0) {
                    $doc_url = substr($doc_url, strlen("{$module_base}/"));
                } else {
                    $doc_url = "/{$doc_url}";
            if (!$doc_url) {
            } else {
                $library['documentation'] = $doc_url;
        $libraries_by_module[$module][] = $library;
    // Write the module metadata
    foreach ($libraries_by_module as $module => $libraries) {
        $module_libraries = BoostLibraries::from_array($libraries);
        $module_dir = "{$boost_root}/{$git_submodules[$module]['path']}";
        $meta_dir = "{$module_dir}/meta";
        $meta_file = "{$module_dir}/meta/libraries.json";
        if (!is_dir($module_dir)) {
            echo "Module '{$module}' doesn't exist at '{$module_dir}'\n";
        if (!is_dir($meta_dir)) {
        file_put_contents($meta_file, $module_libraries->to_json(array('boost-version', 'update-version', 'module')) . "\n");
Example #4
 function display()
     // TODO: Specifying the version only works *after* a release, as
     //       new libraries will still have develop/master as their
     //       version. This works for now as version is always
     //       master/develop, but might change in the future.
     $version = BoostVersion::from(array_key_exists('version', $this->args) ? $this->args['version'] : 'master');
     $page = $this->args['page'];
     $libs = BoostLibraries::load();
     $categorized = $libs->get_categorized_for_version($version, 'name', 'BoostLibraries::filter_released');
     // TODO: Shouldn't really have to sort this here.
     uasort($categorized, function ($a, $b) {
         $a = $a['title'];
         $b = $b['title'];
         if ($a === 'Miscellaneous') {
             $a = 'ZZZZZZZZ';
         if ($b === 'Miscellaneous') {
             $b = 'ZZZZZZZZ';
         return $a > $b ?: ($a < $b ? -1 : 0);
     $alphabetic = $libs->get_for_version($version, 'name', 'BoostLibraries::filter_released');
     $params = array('categorized' => array(), 'alphabetic' => array(), 'unreleased_libs' => array(), 'unreleased_lib_count' => 0);
     foreach ($categorized as $category) {
         $template_value = $category;
         $template_value['libraries'] = array();
         foreach ($category['libraries'] as $index => $library) {
             $template_value['libraries'][] = $this->rewrite_library($library, $index);
         $params['categorized'][] = $template_value;
     foreach ($alphabetic as $index => $library) {
         $params['alphabetic'][] = $this->rewrite_library($library, $index);
     if ($version->is_unreleased()) {
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($alphabetic as $library) {
             if ($library['boost-version']->is_unreleased() || $library['boost-version']->is_beta()) {
                 $params['unreleased_libs'][] = $this->rewrite_library($library, $index++);
     } else {
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($alphabetic as $library) {
             if ($library['boost-version']->major() == $version->major() && $library['boost-version']->minor() == $version->minor()) {
                 $params['unreleased_libs'][] = $this->rewrite_library($library, $index++);
     $params['unreleased_lib_count'] = count($params['unreleased_libs']);
     // Better support for other branches?
     $template_dir = BOOST_REPOS_DIR . '/boost-' . ((string) $version == 'develop' ? 'develop' : 'master') . '/' . $page;
     echo BoostSimpleTemplate::render(file_get_contents($template_dir), $params);
function main()
    $args = $_SERVER['argv'];
    $location = null;
    switch (count($args)) {
        case 2:
            $location = $args[1];
            echo "Usage: backdate-maintainers.php location\n";
    // Get the library data, so that it can be updated with maintainers.
    // In case you're wondering why the result from get_for_version doesn't
    // use 'key' as its key, it's for historical reasons I think, might be
    // fixable.
    $libraries = BoostLibraries::from_xml_file(__DIR__ . '/../doc/libraries.xml');
    $unknown_libs = array();
    foreach (BoostSuperProject::run_process("cd \"{$location}\" && git tag") as $tag) {
        if (preg_match('@^boost-1\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$@', $tag)) {
            $library_details = $libraries->get_for_version($tag, null, 'BoostLibraries::filter_all');
            $libs_index = array();
            foreach ($library_details as $index => $details) {
                $libs_index[$details['key']] = $index;
            foreach (BoostMaintainers::read_from_text(git_file($location, $tag, 'libs/maintainers.txt'))->maintainers as $key => $lib_maintainers) {
                if (isset($libs_index[$key])) {
                    $index = $libs_index[$key];
                    $library_details[$index]['maintainers'] = $lib_maintainers;
                } else {
                    $unknown_libs[$key][] = $tag;
            $update = array_map(function ($lib) {
                return new BoostLibrary($lib);
            }, $library_details);
            $libraries->update($tag, $update);
    file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../doc/libraries.xml', $libraries->to_xml());
    $names = array_keys($unknown_libs);
    echo "Unable to find libraries:\n";
    foreach ($names as $lib) {
        echo "{$lib} from: " . implode(', ', $unknown_libs[$lib]) . "\n";
function main()
    $args = $_SERVER['argv'];
    if (count($args) != 3) {
        echo "Usage: update-maintainers.php location version\n";
    $location = $args[1];
    $version = $args[2];
    $libraries = BoostLibraries::from_xml_file(__DIR__ . '/../doc/libraries.xml');
    $unknown_libs = array();
    $maintainers = BoostMaintainers::read_from_text(file($location . '/libs/maintainers.txt'));
    $library_details = $libraries->get_for_version($version, null);
    $libs_index = array();
    foreach ($library_details as $index => $details) {
        if (isset($details['maintainers'])) {
            $maintainers->update_maintainer($details['key'], $details['maintainers']);
    file_put_contents($location . '/libs/maintainers.txt', $maintainers->write_to_text());
Example #7
function main()
    $options = BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse("Usage: {} location version");
    if (count($options->positional) != 2) {
        echo $options->usage_message();
    $location = $options->positional[0];
    $version = $options->positional[1];
    $libraries = BoostLibraries::from_xml_file(__DIR__ . '/../doc/libraries.xml');
    $unknown_libs = array();
    $maintainers = BoostMaintainers::read_from_text(file($location . '/libs/maintainers.txt'));
    // TODO: Want to include hidden libraries here.
    $library_details = $libraries->get_for_version($version, null);
    $libs_index = array();
    foreach ($library_details as $index => $details) {
        if (isset($details['maintainers'])) {
            $maintainers->update_maintainer($details['key'], $details['maintainers']);
    file_put_contents($location . '/libs/maintainers.txt', $maintainers->write_to_text());
Example #8
 static function load()
     return USE_SERIALIZED_INFO ? unserialize(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../generated/libraries.txt')) : BoostLibraries::from_xml_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../doc/libraries.xml');
Example #9
                if (is_string($v) && $v != '') {
                    $url_params .= $url_params ? '&' : '?';
                    $url_params .= urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v);
            echo '<a href="' . html_encode($this->base_uri . $url_params) . '">', html_encode($description), '</a>';
    function category_link($name)
        $category = $this->categories[$name];
        $this->option_link(isset($category['title']) ? $category['title'] : $name, 'view', 'category_' . $name);
// Page variables
$library_page = new LibraryPage($_GET, BoostLibraries::load());
if (BoostVersion::page()->is_numbered_release() && $library_page->libs->latest_version && BoostVersion::page()->compare($library_page->libs->latest_version) > 0) {
// To avoid confusion, only show this page when there is actual documentation.
// TODO: Maybe for versions without documentation, could display the list
//       with no links.
// TODO: This duplicates the BoostDocumentation object in display_libs.
$archive = new BoostDocumentation(array('fix_dir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixes', 'archive_dir' => STATIC_DIR, 'use_http_expire_date' => true));
if (!is_dir($archive->documentation_dir())) {
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
Example #10

require_once __DIR__ . '/../boost.php';
$libraries = BoostLibraries::from_xml('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<boost xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <category name="Math">
      <title>Maths stuff.</title>
    <category name="Generic">
      <title>Nonbranded stuff.</title>
    <authors>Eric Niebler</authors>
    <description>Framework for incremental calculation, and collection of statistical accumulators.</description>
$accumulators_details = '{
    "key" : "accumulators",
    "module": "accumulators",
    "boost-version": "1.36.0",
function main()
    global $quiet;
    $options = BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse(UPDATE_DOC_LIST_USAGE, array('quiet' => false));
    $quiet = $options->flags['quiet'];
    $location = null;
    $version = null;
    switch (count($options->positional)) {
        case 2:
            $version = $options->positional[1];
        case 1:
            $location = $options->positional[0];
        case 0:
            echo $options->usage_message();
    if ($version) {
        // BoostVersion dies if version is invalid.
        $version = BoostVersion::from($version);
    $libs = BoostLibraries::from_xml_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../doc/libraries.xml');
    $updates = array();
    if ($location) {
        $real_location = realpath($location);
        if ($real_location && !is_dir($real_location)) {
            echo "Not a directory: {$location}\n";
        $location = $real_location;
        // If this is not a git repo.
        // TODO: Don't output stderr.
        exec("cd \"{$location}\" && git rev-parse --git-dir", $output, $return_var);
        if ($return_var != 0) {
            if (!$version || !$version->is_numbered_release()) {
                echo "Error: Release version required for release.\n";
            $updates[(string) $version] = read_metadata_from_filesystem($location, $version);
        } else {
            if (get_bool_from_array(BoostSuperProject::run_process("cd '{$location}' && git rev-parse --is-bare-repository"))) {
                if ($version) {
                    $updates[(string) $version] = read_metadata_from_git($location, $version);
                } else {
                    $updates[(string) 'master'] = read_metadata_from_git($location, 'master');
                    $updates[(string) 'develop'] = read_metadata_from_git($location, 'develop');
            } else {
                // TODO: Could get version from the branch in a git checkout.
                if (!$version) {
                    echo "Error: Version required for local tree.\n";
                $updates[(string) $version] = read_metadata_from_filesystem($location, $version);
    if ($updates) {
        foreach ($updates as $update_version => $update) {
            $libs->update($update_version, $update);
    } else {
    if (!$quiet) {
        echo "Writing to disk\n";
    file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../doc/libraries.xml', $libs->to_xml());
    file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../generated/libraries.txt', serialize($libs));
 * @param string $location The location of the super project in the mirror.
 * @param BoostVersion $version The version of the release.
 * @param \BoostLibraries $libs The existing libraries.
 * @throws RuntimeException
function read_metadata_from_release($location, $version, $libs)
    // We don't have a list for modules, so have to work it out from the
    // existing library data.
    // If we're updating an old version, then use that as the basis,
    // For a new version, take the data from the master branch, as this
    // may contain new modules that aren't in a release yet.
    $equivalent_version = BoostVersion::$current->compare($version) >= 0 ? $version : BoostVersion::master();
    // Grab the modules from the metadata.
    $module_for_keys = array();
    foreach ($libs->get_for_version($equivalent_version) as $details) {
        $module_for_keys[$details['key']] = $details['module'];
    // Scan release for metadata files.
    $module_paths = array();
    foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator("{$location}/libs", FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_SELF | FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS)) as $info) {
        if ($info->isDot() && $info->getFilename() == '.') {
            $path = dirname($info->getSubPathname());
            if (is_file("{$info->getPathname()}/libraries.json")) {
                $module_paths[] = "libs/" . dirname($path);
    $updated_libs = array();
    foreach ($module_paths as $path) {
        $json_path = "{$location}/{$path}/meta/libraries.json";
        try {
            $libraries = BoostLibrary::read_libraries_json(file_get_contents($json_path));
            // Get the module for each library.
            foreach ($libraries as $lib) {
                if (!isset($module_for_keys[$lib->details['key']])) {
                    echo "No module for key: {$lib->details['key']}.\n";
                } else {
                    $lib->set_module($module_for_keys[$lib->details['key']], $path);
            $updated_libs = array_merge($updated_libs, $libraries);
        } catch (library_decode_exception $e) {
            echo "Error decoding metadata for module at {$json_path}:\n{$e->content()}\n";
    return $updated_libs;
Example #13
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">

// Returns true if the library is part of the current release of boost.
function xmlentities($text)
    return str_replace(array('&', '<', '>', '"', "'"), array('&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&quot;', '&apos;'), $text);
function echo_sitemap_url($loc, $priority, $freq)
    $loc_xml = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? xmlentities("http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/{$loc}") : xmlentities("http://www.boost.org/{$loc}");
    echo <<<EOL

// Library list
echo_sitemap_url("doc/libs/", '1.0', 'daily');
// Library 'home pages'
$libs = BoostLibraries::load();
// TODO: Include hidden libraries? Or not?
foreach ($libs->get_for_version(BoostVersion::current()) as $lib) {
    echo_sitemap_url("doc/libs/release/{$lib['documentation']}", '1.0', 'daily');
Example #14

require_once __DIR__ . '/../common/code/bootstrap.php';
if (isset($_GET['version'])) {
    try {
        $version = BoostVersion::from($_GET['version']);
    } catch (BoostVersion_Exception $e) {
        header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
        echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage()));
} else {
    $version = BoostVersion::current();
// TODO: This is a bit awkard, should probably have an alternative
//       to 'get_for_version' which returns a BoostLibraries instance
//       rather than an array.
// TODO: Include hidden libraries.
$version_libs = array_map(function ($lib) {
    return new BoostLibrary($lib);
}, BoostLibraries::load()->get_for_version($version));
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo BoostLibrary::get_libraries_json($version_libs);
echo $version_libs->to_json();