Example #1
 public function testBigIntIgnoreCaseOrderBy()
     // Some sample data
     $b = new Bookstore();
     $b = new Bookstore();
     $b = new Bookstore();
     $b = new Bookstore();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(BookstorePeer::STORE_NAME, 'SortTest%', Criteria::LIKE);
     $rows = BookstorePeer::doSelect($c);
     $this->assertEquals('SortTest2', $rows[0]->getStoreName());
     $this->assertEquals('SortTest3', $rows[1]->getStoreName());
     $this->assertEquals('SortTest1', $rows[2]->getStoreName());
     $this->assertEquals('SortTest4', $rows[3]->getStoreName());
  * Test that setting the auto-increment primary key will result in exception.
 public function testSettingAutoIncrementPK()
     // The whole test is in a transaction, but this test needs real transactions
     $b = new Bookstore();
     try {
         $this->fail("Expected setting auto-increment primary key to result in Exception");
     } catch (Exception $x) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('PropelException', $x);
     // ... but we should silently ignore NULL values, since these are really
     // the same as "not set" in PHP world.
     $b = new Bookstore();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $x) {
         $this->fail("Expected no exception when setting auto-increment primary key to NULL");
     // success ...
  * Test that setting the auto-increment primary key will result in exception.
 public function testSettingAutoIncrementPK()
     $b = new Bookstore();
     try {
         $this->fail("Expected setting auto-increment primary key to result in Exception");
     } catch (Exception $x) {
         $this->assertType('PropelException', $x);
     // ... but we should silently ignore NULL values, since these are really
     // the same as "not set" in PHP world.
     $b = new Bookstore();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $x) {
         $this->fail("Expected no exception when setting auto-increment primary key to NULL");
     // success ...
  * Testing foreign keys with multiple referrer columns.
  * @link       http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/ticket/606
 public function testMultiColJoin()
     $bs = new Bookstore();
     $bs1Id = $bs->getId();
     $bs2 = new Bookstore();
     $bs2Id = $bs2->getId();
     $ct1 = new Contest();
     $ct1Id = $ct1->getId();
     $ct2 = new Contest();
     $ct2Id = $ct2->getId();
     $cmr = new Customer();
     $cmr1Id = $cmr->getId();
     $cmr2 = new Customer();
     $cmr2Id = $cmr2->getId();
     $contest = new BookstoreContest();
     $contest = new BookstoreContest();
     $entry = new BookstoreContestEntry();
     $entry = new BookstoreContestEntry();
     // Note: this test isn't really working very well.  We setup fkeys that
     // require that the BookstoreContest rows exist and then try to violate
     // the rules ... :-/  This may work in some lenient databases, but an error
     // is expected here.
      * Commented out for now ... though without it, this test may not really be testing anything
     $entry = new BookstoreContestEntry();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->addJoin(array(BookstoreContestEntryPeer::BOOKSTORE_ID, BookstoreContestEntryPeer::CONTEST_ID), array(BookstoreContestPeer::BOOKSTORE_ID, BookstoreContestPeer::CONTEST_ID));
     $results = BookstoreContestEntryPeer::doSelect($c);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($results));
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $this->assertEquals($bs1Id, $result->getBookstoreId());
         $this->assertEquals($ct1Id, $result->getContestId());
  * Test that cascading deletes are happening correctly for composite pk.
  * @link       http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/ticket/544
 public function testDoDelete_Cascade_CompositePK()
     $origBceCount = BookstoreContestEntryPeer::doCount(new Criteria());
     $cust1 = new Customer();
     $cust2 = new Customer();
     $c1 = new Contest();
     $c2 = new Contest();
     $store1 = new Bookstore();
     $bc1 = new BookstoreContest();
     $bc2 = new BookstoreContest();
     $bce1 = new BookstoreContestEntry();
     $bce2 = new BookstoreContestEntry();
     // Now, if we remove $bc1, we expect *only* bce1 to be no longer valid.
     $newCount = BookstoreContestEntryPeer::doCount(new Criteria());
     $this->assertEquals($origBceCount + 1, $newCount, "Expected new number of rows in BCE to be orig + 1");
     $bcetest = BookstoreContestEntryPeer::retrieveByPK($store1->getId(), $c1->getId(), $cust1->getId());
     $this->assertNull($bcetest, "Expected BCE for store1 to be cascade deleted.");
     $bcetest2 = BookstoreContestEntryPeer::retrieveByPK($store1->getId(), $c2->getId(), $cust1->getId());
     $this->assertNotNull($bcetest2, "Expected BCE for store2 to NOT be cascade deleted.");
  * Test behavior of columns that are implicated in multiple foreign keys.
  * @link       http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/ticket/228
 public function testMultiFkImplication()
     // Create a new bookstore, contest, bookstore_contest, and bookstore_contest_entry
     $b = new Bookstore();
     $c = new Contest();
     $c->setName("Bookathon Contest");
     $bc = new BookstoreContest();
     $c = new Customer();
     $c->setName("Happy Customer");
     $bce = new BookstoreContestEntry();
 public static function populate($con = null)
     if ($con === null) {
         $con = Propel::getConnection(BookPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     // Add publisher records
     // ---------------------
     $scholastic = new Publisher();
     // do not save, will do later to test cascade
     $morrow = new Publisher();
     $morrow->setName("William Morrow");
     $morrow_id = $morrow->getId();
     $penguin = new Publisher();
     $penguin_id = $penguin->getId();
     $vintage = new Publisher();
     $vintage_id = $vintage->getId();
     $rowling = new Author();
     // no save()
     $stephenson = new Author();
     $stephenson_id = $stephenson->getId();
     $byron = new Author();
     $byron_id = $byron->getId();
     $grass = new Author();
     $grass_id = $grass->getId();
     $phoenix = new Book();
     $phoenix->setTitle("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix");
     $phoenix_id = $phoenix->getId();
     $qs = new Book();
     $qs_id = $qs->getId();
     $dj = new Book();
     $dj->setTitle("Don Juan");
     $dj_id = $dj->getId();
     $td = new Book();
     $td->setTitle("The Tin Drum");
     $td_id = $td->getId();
     $r1 = new Review();
     $r1->setReviewedBy("Washington Post");
     $r1_id = $r1->getId();
     $r2 = new Review();
     $r2->setReviewedBy("New York Times");
     $r2_id = $r2->getId();
     $blob_path = _LOB_SAMPLE_FILE_PATH . '/tin_drum.gif';
     $clob_path = _LOB_SAMPLE_FILE_PATH . '/tin_drum.txt';
     $m1 = new Media();
     // CLOB is broken in PDO OCI, see http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=7943
     if (get_class(Propel::getDB()) != "DBOracle") {
     // Add book list records
     // ---------------------
     // (this is for many-to-many tests)
     $blc1 = new BookClubList();
     $brel1 = new BookListRel();
     $brel2 = new BookListRel();
     $bemp1 = new BookstoreEmployee();
     $bemp2 = new BookstoreEmployee();
     $bemp3 = new BookstoreCashier();
     $role = new AcctAccessRole();
     $bempacct = new BookstoreEmployeeAccount();
     // Add bookstores
     $store = new Bookstore();
     // world population
     $store = new Bookstore();
     $store->setStoreName("Local Store");
     $summary = new BookSummary();
     $summary->setSummary("Harry Potter does some amazing magic!");