/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return Booking the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Booking::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
public function actionExport() { $re = Booking::model()->findAll(); //echo "<pre>";print_r($re); foreach ($re as $res) { $detail = $res['cleaningDetail']; $trans = $res['trans_id']; $price = $res['price']; $serName = $res->serviceType['service_name']; $cAdd = $res->customerAddress['address']; $company = $res->service['company_name']; $val[] = array('Copmany Name' => $company, 'Customer Address' => $cAdd, 'Service Name' => $serName, 'price' => $price, 'TransId' => $trans, 'Detail' => $detail); } //echo "<pre>";print_r($val);die; $filename = "payment.csv"; $csv = new ECSVExport($val); $content = $csv->toCSV(); Yii::app()->getRequest()->sendFile($filename, $content, "text/csv", false); exit; }
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'office_close_time'); ?> <?php echo $form->textField($model, 'office_close_time', array('size' => 5)); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'office_close_time'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'address_type'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'address_type', Booking::model()->list_address_type, array('prompt' => '')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'address_type'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="c50r"> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'pickup_note'); ?> <?php echo $form->textArea($model, 'pickup_note', array('rows' => 6, 'cols' => 50)); ?> <?php
public function actionRequestPickUp() { $req = Yii::app()->request; $shipment_id = $req->getQuery('shipment_id'); if (!isset($_POST['Booking'])) { echo CJSON::encode($this->statusError('Must be in POST method')); Yii::app()->end(); } $booking = new Booking(); $booking->setAttributes($_POST['Booking']); $booking->setAttribute('booking_code', dechex(time())); if ($shipment_id != null) { $shipment = Shipment::model()->findByPk($shipment_id); if (!$shipment instanceof Shipment) { echo CJSON::encode($this->statusError('Your Shipment is invalid')); Yii::app()->end(); } } $trans = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction(); try { if ($booking->save()) { if (isset($shipment) && $shipment instanceof Shipment) { Booking::model()->updateByPk($booking->id, array('customer_id' => $shipment->customer_id)); $shipment->setAttribute('booking_id', $booking->id); if (!$shipment->save()) { throw ServiceControllerException($shipment->getErrors()); } } else { if ($this->token instanceof Token) { $customer = Customer::model()->findByPk($this->token->customer_id); if (!$customer instanceof Customer) { throw new ServiceControllerException('You have to login first'); } else { Booking::model()->updateByPk($booking->id, array('customer_id' => $customer->id)); } } else { $customer = new Customer(); $customer->name = $booking->name; $customer->type = 'personal'; $customer->accountnr = 'WEB' . time(); if ($customer->save()) { $contact = new Contact(); $contact->parent_id = $customer->id; $contact->parent_model = 'Customer'; $contact->full_name = $booking->name; $contact->address = $booking->address; $contact->country = $booking->country; $contact->city = $booking->city; $contact->postal = $booking->postal; if ($contact->save()) { Booking::model()->updateByPk($booking->id, array('customer_id' => $customer->id)); } else { throw new ServiceControllerException($contact->getErrors()); } } else { throw new ServiceControllerException($customer->getErrors()); } } } $data = array('booking_code' => $booking->booking_code); } else { throw ServiceControllerException($booking->getErrors()); } $trans->commit(); } catch (ServiceControllerException $e) { $errors = $e->errors; $trans->rollback(); echo CJSON::encode($this->statusError($errors)); Yii::app()->end(); } echo CJSON::encode($this->statusSuccess($data)); Yii::app()->end(); }
<?php $redirect = $this->getAction()->id; $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'assign_courier-grid', 'dataProvider' => $driver_list_available, 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'hastable'), 'columns' => array(array('header' => 'Driver Name', 'type' => 'raw', 'name' => 'user.username', 'value' => function ($data, $row) use($redirect, $model) { return CHtml::link($data->user->username, array('booking/' . $redirect, 'id' => $model->id, 'driver_id' => $data->user_id)); }), 'routing_code', array('header' => 'Assignment', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function ($data, $row) { return Booking::model()->count('driver_id=:driver_id', array(':driver_id' => $data->user_id)); })))); ?> <br /> <?php echo CHtml::link('Back', Yii::app()->createUrl('/booking'), array('class' => 'l-btn'));
public function actionAssignlist() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['token'])) { echo CJSON::encode($this->statusError(0)); } $booking = Booking::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('driver_id' => $driver = Driver::getUserId($_REQUEST['token']))); $arr = array(); foreach ($booking as $row) { $arr[] = $row->booking_code; } echo CJSON::encode($this->statusSuccess($arr)); }
public function actionIndex() { $model = new PaymentCustomerUser(); $booking = new CustomerBooking(); $address = new CustomerAddress(); $company = new CompanyRequest(); $ses = Yii::app()->session['CleaningDetail']; $servicetype = Yii::app()->session['ServiceTypeId']; $zip = $ses['CleaningTime']['PostCode']; // echo "<pre>";print_r(base64_decode($_REQUEST['value']));die; //echo "<pre>";print_r($ses);die; //$myProducts = Yii::app()->session['detail']; $detail = Yii::app()->session['detail']; foreach ($detail['Additional'] as $k => $d) { $detailadnl[$k] = ServicetypeAdditionalservices::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'id=:id', 'params' => array(':id' => $k))); } foreach ($detailadnl as $key => $nam) { // echo "<pre>";print_r($nam); foreach ($nam as $value) { $detailadnl[$key] = $value['additional_service_name']; } } //echo "<pre>";print_r($detail['Additional']); $finalDetailadnl = array_combine($detailadnl, $detail['Additional']); //echo "<pre>";print_r($fin);die; //$price =$_REQUEST['price']; // code to get the method from admin %age or fiexd cost of total amount $paymentAdmin = PaymentToAdmin::model()->find(array('condition' => 'status=1')); if (!empty($paymentAdmin)) { //echo "adda";die; if ($paymentAdmin['type_of_cost'] == 'Fixed') { $price = $paymentAdmin['cost_percentage']; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['value'])) { $pri = $paymentAdmin['cost_percentage'] * base64_decode($_REQUEST['value']); $pce = $pri / 100; $price = $pce; } else { $price = base64_decode($_REQUEST['value1']); } } } else { $price = base64_decode($_REQUEST['value']); } //echo $price;die; $service_id = $_REQUEST['service_id']; $rec = UkPostcodes::model()->findByattributes(array('postcode' => $zip)); // detail for logged user $loggedId = Yii::app()->session['loggedId']; $customerDetail = PaymentCustomerUser::model()->findByPk(array('id' => $loggedId)); //echo "<pre>";print_r($customerDetail);die; //echo "<pre>";print_r($servicetype);die; if (isset($_POST['PaymentCustomerUser'])) { $logged = Yii::app()->session['loggedId']; //echo "<pre>";print_r($ses);die; $model->attributes = $_POST['PaymentCustomerUser']; if ($model->validate()) { // echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die; $exp = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['expire']; $res = explode("/", $exp); $month = $res[0]; $year = $res[1]; $cardDetail = implode(explode(" ", trim($_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['cardDetail']))); /*if($_REQUEST['value']==0) { $price=0; } */ $paymentInfo = array('Member' => array('first_name' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['cname'], 'last_name' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['clname'], 'billing_address' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['caddress'], 'billing_address2' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['caddress'], 'billing_country' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['country'], 'billing_city' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['city'], 'billing_zip' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['zipcode']), 'CreditCard' => array('card_number' => $cardDetail, 'expiration_month' => trim($month), 'expiration_year' => trim($year), 'cv_code' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['code'], 'credit_type' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['cardType']), 'Order' => array('theTotal' => $price)); // echo "<pre>";print_r($paymentInfo); $result = Yii::app()->Paypal->DoDirectPayment($paymentInfo); //echo http_build_query($data, 'flags_'); //echo "<pre>";print_r($result);die; if ($result['ACK'] == 'Failure') { $links = CmsPages::model()->findAll(); Yii::app()->params['MyArray'] = $links; Yii::app()->user->setFlash('ack', "Please check your card details"); $this->render('index', array('model' => $model, 'town' => $rec, 'price' => $price, 'service_id' => $service_id)); } if (!Yii::app()->Paypal->isCallSucceeded($result)) { if (Yii::app()->Paypal->apiLive === true) { //Live mode basic error message $error = 'We were unable to process your request. Please try again later'; } else { //Sandbox output the actual error message to dive in. $error = $result['L_LONGMESSAGE0']; } echo $error; } else { //Payment was completed successfully, do the rest of your stuff // code to register the customer and save transaction id in differ table if (!empty($result['TRANSACTIONID'])) { $model->cname = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['cname']; $model->clname = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['clname']; $model->caddress = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['caddress']; $model->zipcode = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['zipcode']; $model->phone = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['phone']; $model->email = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['email']; $model->city = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['city']; $model->country = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['country']; $model->cregistered = date('Y-m-d'); $email = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['email']; $user = PaymentCustomerUser::model()->exists('email=:email', array('email' => $email)); // $user=PaymentCustomerUser::model()->findByAttributes(array('email'=>$email)); //echo "<pre>";print_r($user);die; //if(count($user)<0) if (empty($user)) { //echo "hlo";die; $cleartext_password = rand(0, 9999); $model->password = md5($cleartext_password); if ($model->save()) { $signature = md5($model->email . $model->password); $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('registrationEmail', array('model' => $model, 'password' => $cleartext_password, 'url' => $this->createAbsoluteUrl('../registration/login', array('email' => $model->email, 'signature' => $signature))), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($model->email, $subject, $body); // booking detail for register customer here $custId = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); $transId = $result['TRANSACTIONID']; $cust = PaymentCustomerUser::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $custId)); $companyDetail = ServiceUser::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['service_id'])); //echo "<pre>";print_r($companyDetail);die; // save address for customer in different table $address->address = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['caddress']; $address->zipcode = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['zipcode']; $address->date = date('Y-m-d'); $address->customer_id = $custId; $address->save(); $address_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); $re = CustomerAddress::model()->findByAttributes(array('customer_id' => $custId)); //echo "<pre>";print_r($re);die; $addressId = $re->id; $booking->customer_id = $custId; $booking->service_id = $_REQUEST['service_id']; $booking->service_type_id = $servicetype; //$booking->price =$_REQUEST['price']; $booking->price = $price; $booking->trans_id = $transId; $booking->date = date('Y-m-d'); if (!empty($address_id)) { $booking->customer_address_id = $address_id; } else { $booking->customer_address_id = $addressId; } $detail = Yii::app()->session['detail']; // echo "<pre>";print_r($detail);die; foreach ($detail['Cleaning'] as $type => $number) { $cleaningDetail .= $number . "-" . $type . ","; } $booking->cleaningDetail = substr($cleaningDetail, 0, -1); /*foreach($detail['Additional'] as $k=>$val) { if($val!=0) { $addnl .=$val."-".$k.","; } } */ foreach ($finalDetailadnl as $k => $val) { if ($val != 0) { $addnl .= $val . "-" . $k . ","; } } $booking->additional = substr($addnl, 0, -1); $booking->additional_details = $detail['AdditionalCustDetail']['AdditionalCustDetail']; if ($booking->save()) { //booking id for thaks page $insert_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); $cutId = Booking::model()->findByPk(array('id' => $insert_id)); $customerId = $cutId->customer_id; /*code to enter the company request details in company request table*/ $company->booking_id = $insert_id; $company->service_id = $_REQUEST['service_id']; $company->customer_id = $customerId; $company->cleaningtime = $ses['CleaningTime']['time']; $company->postcode = $ses['CleaningTime']['PostCode']; $company->cleaningdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($ses['CleaningTime']['CleaningDate'])); $company->date = date('Y-m-d'); $company->no_of_hours = $ses['CleaningTime']['noOfhour']; $company->no_of_cleaners = $ses['CleaningTime']['noOfCleaners']; $company->save(false); // echo $insert_id;die; // send mail to customer $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('customerEmail', array('model' => $companyDetail, 'cust' => $_REQUEST, 'detail' => $detail, 'adnl' => $finalDetailadnl, 'price' => $price, 'trans' => $result['TRANSACTIONID']), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($cust->email, $subject, $body); // send mail to company $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('companyEmail', array('model' => $companyDetail, 'cust' => $_REQUEST, 'detail' => $detail, 'adnl' => $finalDetailadnl, 'price' => $price, 'trans' => $result['TRANSACTIONID']), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($companyDetail->email, $subject, $body); //$this->refresh(); //$this->redirect(array('../registration/index')); } // booking detail for register customer ends here $link = CmsPages::model()->findAll(); Yii::app()->params['MyArray'] = $link; // $this->redirect('thanks','param1'=>$companyDetail); $this->redirect(array('payment/thanks', 'param1' => $insert_id)); //exit(); //$this->refresh(); //$this->redirect(array('registration/registration')); } } else { // echo "fsf";die; //$price =$_REQUEST['price']; $email = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['email']; $transId = $result['TRANSACTIONID']; $rec = PaymentCustomerUser::model()->findByAttributes(array('email' => $email)); //echo "<pre>";print_r($rec);die; $custId = $rec->id; $companyDetail = ServiceUser::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['service_id'])); // save address for customer in different table $address->address = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['caddress']; $address->zipcode = $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['zipcode']; $address->date = date('Y-m-d'); $address->customer_id = $custId; if (!($user = CustomerAddress::model()->exists('address=:address', array('address' => $_REQUEST['PaymentCustomerUser']['caddress'])))) { $address->save(); $address_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); } //$address_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); $re = CustomerAddress::model()->findByAttributes(array('customer_id' => $custId)); //echo "<pre>";print_r($rec->id);die; $addressId = $re->id; $booking->customer_id = $custId; $booking->service_id = $_REQUEST['service_id']; $booking->service_type_id = $servicetype; //$booking->price =$_REQUEST['price']; $booking->price = $price; $booking->trans_id = $transId; $booking->date = date('Y-m-d'); if (!empty($address_id)) { $booking->customer_address_id = $address_id; } else { $booking->customer_address_id = $addressId; } $detail = Yii::app()->session['detail']; // echo "<pre>";print_r($detail);die; foreach ($detail['Cleaning'] as $type => $number) { $cleaningDetail .= $number . "-" . $type . ","; } $booking->cleaningDetail = substr($cleaningDetail, 0, -1); //echo "<pre>";print_r($detail['Additional']);die; /*foreach($detail['Additional'] as $k=>$val) { if($val!=0) { $addnl .=$val."-".$k.","; } } */ foreach ($finalDetailadnl as $k => $val) { if ($val != 0) { $addnl .= $val . "-" . $k . ","; } } $booking->additional = substr($addnl, 0, -1); $booking->additional_details = $detail['AdditionalCustDetail']['AdditionalCustDetail']; if ($booking->save(false)) { $insert_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); $cutId = Booking::model()->findByPk(array('id' => $insert_id)); //echo "<pre>";print_r($cutId);die; $customerId = $cutId->customer_id; /*code to add the company request details in company request table*/ $company->booking_id = $insert_id; $company->service_id = $_REQUEST['service_id']; $company->customer_id = $customerId; $company->cleaningtime = $ses['CleaningTime']['time']; $company->postcode = $ses['CleaningTime']['PostCode']; $company->cleaningdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($ses['CleaningTime']['CleaningDate'])); $company->date = date('Y-m-d'); $company->no_of_hours = $ses['CleaningTime']['noOfhour']; $company->no_of_cleaners = $ses['CleaningTime']['noOfCleaners']; $company->save(false); // send mail to customer $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('customerEmail', array('model' => $companyDetail, 'cust' => $_REQUEST, 'detail' => $detail, 'adnl' => $finalDetailadnl, 'price' => $price, 'trans' => $result['TRANSACTIONID']), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($rec->email, $subject, $body); // send mail to company $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('companyEmail', array('model' => $companyDetail, 'cust' => $_REQUEST, 'detail' => $detail, 'adnl' => $finalDetailadnl, 'price' => $price, 'trans' => $result['TRANSACTIONID']), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($companyDetail->email, $subject, $body); //$this->refresh(); if ($logged != '') { //$this->redirect(array('../registration/customerdashboard')); $this->redirect(array('payment/thanks', 'param1' => $insert_id)); } else { $this->redirect(array('payment/thanks', 'param1' => $insert_id)); //$this->redirect(array('../registration/index')); } } //echo $servicetype; die; //echo "<pre>";print_r($rec);die; } } } Yii::app()->end(); } else { $errors = $model->getErrors(); // var_dump($errors); } } $links = CmsPages::model()->findAll(); Yii::app()->params['MyArray'] = $links; $this->render('index', array('model' => $model, 'town' => $rec, 'price' => $price, 'service_id' => $service_id, 'customerDetail' => $customerDetail)); }
public function actionChnagequotesDashboardSpeciUser() { //$id =$_REQUEST['id']; $admin = new ParticularPrice(); $adnl = new AdditionalParticularPrice(); $price = new ParticularPrice(); $loggedId = Yii::app()->session['loggedId']; $providerId = CompanyRequest::model()->findByPk(array('id' => $id)); $bookId = $providerId['booking_id']; $bookingrec = Booking::model()->findByPk(array('id' => $bookId)); //echo "<pre>";print_r($bookingrec);die; $servicetype = $bookingrec['service_type_id']; $provId = $bookingrec['service_id']; // echo $bookingId;die; $priceAdmin = PriceAdmin::model()->find(array('condition' => 'service_id=:service_id AND service_type_id=:service_type_id', 'params' => array(':service_id' => $provId, ':service_type_id' => $servicetype))); $addPriceDetl = AdditionalServicePrice::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'service_id=:service_id', 'params' => array(':service_id' => $provId))); $particularRec = ParticularPrice::model()->find(array('condition' => 'booking_id=:booking_id', 'params' => array(':booking_id' => $_REQUEST['booking_id']))); /*code to save the particular quote*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['ParticularPrice'])) { $partiRecord = ParticularPrice::model()->find(array('condition' => 'booking_id=:booking_id', 'params' => array(':booking_id' => $_REQUEST['booking_id']))); if (!empty($partiRecord)) { //echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die; $priceParticular = ParticularPrice::model()->find(array('condition' => 'booking_id=:booking_id', 'params' => array(':booking_id' => $_REQUEST['booking_id']))); foreach ($_REQUEST['ParticularPrice'] as $k => $p) { if ($k == "bedroom") { $modifiedKey = "Bedrooms"; } else { if ($k == "bathroom") { $modifiedKey = "Bathrooms"; } else { if ($k == "property") { $modifiedKey = "Property"; } else { if ($k == "desk") { $modifiedKey = "Desk"; } } } } $firstArrayVal = $_REQUEST['noBedBathDesk'][$modifiedKey]; $newAr[] = $firstArrayVal * $p; $priceParticular->{$k} = $p; // $k++; } $result = array_sum($newAr); $priceParticular->particular_price = $result; $priceParticular->save(false); /*chnage the details for additional particular prices*/ $additionalPartiPrice = AdditionalParticularPrice::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'booking_id=:booking_id', 'params' => array(':booking_id' => $_REQUEST['booking_id']))); //foreach($additionalPartiPrice) //echo "<pre>";print_r($additionalPartiPrice);die; if (!empty($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'])) { //echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die; /* foreach($additionalPartiPrice as $key=>$edit) { //echo "<pre>";print_r($edit); foreach($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $k=>$adnlprice) { //echo "<pre>";print_r($adnlprice); if($edit['additional_service_id']==$k) { $edit->price =$adnlprice; } // $sum = 0; foreach($_REQUEST['adnl'] as $tot) { $arr[] =$tot*$adnlprice; $res =array_sum($arr); } $edit->total_price=$res+$result; $edit->save(false); $res=array(); $arr=array(); } } */ foreach ($additionalPartiPrice as $key => $edit) { foreach ($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $k => $adnlprice) { $edit->price = $adnlprice; $total = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $key => $adnlpr) { $total[] = $adnlpr * $_REQUEST['adnl'][$key]; //echo "<pre>";print_r($total); } //die; $sum1 = array_sum($total); $edit->total_price = $sum1 + $result; $edit->save(false); } } } /* mail to customer*/ $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('chnagequoteparticularCustomerEmail', array('model' => $partiRecord), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($partiRecord->customer['email'], $subject, $body); /*mail to company */ $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('chnagequoteparticularCustomerEmail', array('model' => $partiRecord), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($partiRecord->customer['email'], $subject, $body); $this->redirect(array('dashboard')); } else { $price->customer_id = $_REQUEST['customer_id']; $price->service_id = $loggedId; $price->booking_id = $_REQUEST['booking_id']; $price->date = date('Y-m-d'); //$k=0; foreach ($_REQUEST['ParticularPrice'] as $k => $p) { if ($k == "bedroom") { $modifiedKey = "Bedrooms"; } else { if ($k == "bathroom") { $modifiedKey = "Bathrooms"; } else { if ($k == "property") { $modifiedKey = "Property"; } else { if ($k == "desk") { $modifiedKey = "Desk"; } } } } $firstArrayVal = $_REQUEST['noBedBathDesk'][$modifiedKey]; $newAr[] = $firstArrayVal * $p; $price->{$k} = $p; // $k++; } $result = array_sum($newAr); $price->particular_price = $result; $price->save(false); if (!empty($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'])) { /* foreach($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $k=>$adnlprice) { $adnl =new AdditionalParticularPrice; $adnl->service_id =$loggedId; $adnl->customer_id =$_REQUEST['customer_id']; $adnl->booking_id =$_REQUEST['booking_id']; $adnl->date =date('Y-m-d'); $adnl->additional_service_id=$k; $adnl->price =$adnlprice; // $sum = 0; foreach($_REQUEST['adnl'] as $tot) { $arr[] =$tot*$adnlprice; $res =array_sum($arr); } $adnl->total_price=$res+$result; $adnl->save(false); $res=array(); $arr=array(); } */ //$total = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $k => $adnlprice) { $adnl = new AdditionalParticularPrice(); $adnl->service_id = $loggedId; $adnl->customer_id = $_REQUEST['customer_id']; $adnl->booking_id = $_REQUEST['booking_id']; $adnl->date = date('Y-m-d'); $adnl->additional_service_id = $k; $adnl->price = $adnlprice; $total = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $key => $adnlpr) { $total[] = $adnlpr * $_REQUEST['adnl'][$key]; //echo "<pre>";print_r($total); } //die; $sum1 = array_sum($total); $adnl->total_price = $sum1 + $result; $adnl->save(false); } //die; } //die("fsdfsd"); /* mail to customer*/ $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('chnagequoteparticularCustomerEmail', array('model' => $particularRec), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($partiRecord->customer['email'], $subject, $body); /*mail to company */ $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans'; $body = $this->renderPartial('chnagequoteparticularCustomerEmail', array('model' => $particularRec), true); Yii::app()->mailer->send($partiRecord->customer['email'], $subject, $body); $this->redirect(array('dashboard')); } //$price // echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die; } $links = CmsPages::model()->findAll(); Yii::app()->params['MyArray'] = $links; $this->render('chnagequotesDashboardSpeciUser', array('bookingrec' => $bookingrec, 'priceAdmin' => $priceAdmin, 'admin' => $admin, 'addPriceDetl' => $addPriceDetl, 'adnl' => $adnl, 'particularRec' => $particularRec)); }
public function isBooked($appointmentID) { $result = Booking::model()->count('appointment_id="' . $appointmentID . '"'); return $result > 0 ? 1 : 0; }