function show_form() { echo "\n <h2>Edit applications</h2>\n "; start_table(); table_header("ID", "Name and description<br><p class=\"text-muted\">Click for details</p>", "Created", "weight<br><a href=><p class=\"text-muted\">details</p></a>", "shmem items", "HR type<br><a href=><p class=\"text-muted\">details</p></a>", "homogeneous app version?<br><a href=><p class=\"text-muted\">details</p></a>", "deprecated?", "Non-CPU-intensive?", "Beta?", "Exact fraction done?", ""); $total_weight = BoincApp::sum("weight", "where deprecated=0"); $swi = parse_config(get_config(), "<shmem_work_items>"); if (!$swi) { $swi = 100; } $apps = BoincApp::enum(""); $i = 0; foreach ($apps as $app) { // grey-out deprecated versions $f1 = $f2 = ''; if ($app->deprecated == 1) { $f1 = "<font color='GREY'>"; $f2 = "</font>"; } echo "<tr class=row{$i}><form action=manage_apps.php method=POST>"; $i = 1 - $i; echo "<input type=hidden name=id value={$app->id}>"; echo " <TD align='center'>{$f1} {$app->id} {$f2}</TD>\n"; echo " <TD align='left'>{$f1}<a href=app_details.php?appid={$app->id}>{$app->name}</a><br> {$app->user_friendly_name} {$f2}</TD>\n"; echo " <TD align='center'>{$f1} " . date_str($app->create_time) . "{$f2}</TD>\n"; $v = $app->weight; echo " <TD align='center'>\n <input type='text' size='4' name='weight' value='{$v}'></TD>\n"; if ($app->deprecated || $total_weight == 0) { echo '<td></td>'; } else { echo '<td align="right">' . round($app->weight / $total_weight * $swi) . '</td>'; } $v = $app->homogeneous_redundancy; echo " <TD align='center'>\n <input name='homogeneous_redundancy' value='{$v}'></TD>\n "; $v = ''; if ($app->homogeneous_app_version) { $v = ' CHECKED '; } echo " <TD align='center'>\n <input name='homogeneous_app_version' type='checkbox' {$v}></TD>\n "; $v = ''; if ($app->deprecated) { $v = ' CHECKED '; } echo " <TD align='center'>\n <input name='deprecated' type='checkbox' {$v}></TD>\n "; $v = ''; if ($app->non_cpu_intensive) { $v = ' CHECKED '; } echo " <TD align='center'>\n <input name='non_cpu_intensive' type='checkbox' {$v}></TD>\n "; $v = ''; if ($app->beta) { $v = ' CHECKED '; } echo " <TD align='center'>\n <input name='beta' type='checkbox' {$v}></TD>\n "; $v = ''; if ($app->fraction_done_exact) { $v = ' CHECKED '; } echo " <TD align='center'>\n <input name='fraction_done_exact' type='checkbox' {$v}></TD>\n "; echo "<td><input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=submit name=submit value=Update>"; echo "</tr></form>"; } end_table(); // Entry form to create a new application // echo "<P>\n <h2>Add an application</h2>\n To add an application enter the short name and description\n ('user friendly name') below. You can then edit the\n application when it appears in the table above.\n <p>\n <form action=manage_apps.php method=POST>\n "; start_table("align='center' "); table_header("Name", "Description", " "); echo "<TR>\n <TD> <input type='text' size='12' name='add_name' value=''></TD>\n <TD> <input type='text' size='35' name='add_user_friendly_name' value=''></TD>\n <TD align='center' >\n <input type='submit' name='add_app' value='Add Application'></TD>\n </TR>\n"; end_table(); echo "</form><p>\n"; }