<html> <head> <title>Delete Blog Entry</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> <?php MWF_ViewLoader::Load("mod_core_design", "base_css"); ?> </style> </head> <body> <?php MWF_ViewLoader::Load("mod_core_design", "headerbar"); ?> <?php $E = new BlogEngine(); $data = $E->getPost($_GET["POST_ID"]); ?> <form action="?mod=mod_adminpage&view=delete_entry_action" method="POST"> <p>Are you sure to Delete Post #<?php echo $data->getPostID(); ?> </p> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="javascript:history.back(1);" /> <input type="submit" value="Confirm Delete" /> <input type="hidden" name="POST_ID" value="<?php echo $data->getPostID(); ?> " /> </form> <div class="blog_post">
<?php $Authen = new ExtendedAuthenticationEngine(); $E = new BlogEngine(); if (!$Authen->isLoggedIn()) { header("Location: ."); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome To My Blog</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> <?php MWF_ViewLoader::Load("mod_core_design", "base_css"); ?> </style> </head> <body> <?php MWF_ViewLoader::Load("mod_core_design", "headerbar"); ?> <?php if ($Authen->isAuthorized(1)) { echo '<p><a href="?mod=mod_adminpage&view=add_entry">Create new blog entry</a></p>'; } ?> <hr> <?php if (!isset($_GET["page"])) {
<?php $Authen = new ExtendedAuthenticationEngine(); if (!$Authen->isAuthorized(1)) { header('Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage'); die; } $blogengine = new BlogEngine(); $PostData = new PostData(NULL, $_POST["title"], $_POST["data"], NULL); // New Post Object with Given Data ($_POST) $success = $blogengine->newPost($PostData); if (!$success) { header('Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage&view=add_entry&success=0'); } else { header('Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage'); }
<?php $Authen = new ExtendedAuthenticationEngine(); if (!$Authen->isAuthorized(3)) { header('Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage'); die; } $E = new BlogEngine(); $post = $E->getPost($_POST["POST_ID"]); $LoginData = $Authen->getLoginData(); if ($LoginData["USER_ID"] != $post->getPostOwner() && !$Authen->isAuthorized(4)) { header('Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage'); } else { $data = $E->delPost($_POST["POST_ID"]); if ($data) { header("Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage"); } else { echo "Delete Post Failed"; } }
<?php $Authen = new ExtendedAuthenticationEngine(); if (!$Authen->isAuthorized(2)) { header('Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage'); die; } $E = new BlogEngine(); $post = $E->getPost($_POST["POST_ID"]); $LoginData = $Authen->getLoginData(); if ($LoginData["USER_ID"] != $post->getPostOwner() && !$Authen->isAuthorized(4)) { header('Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage'); } else { $post->setPostTitle($_POST["title"]); $post->setPostData($_POST["data"]); $data = $E->setPost($post); if ($data) { header("Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage"); } else { header("Location: ?mod=mod_adminpage&view=edit_entry&POST_ID=" . $_POST["POST_ID"]); } }