public function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $guid = getInput("guid"); $title = getInput("blog_title"); $description = getInput("description"); $access_id = getInput("access_id"); $container_guid = getInput("container_guid"); $owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); if ($guid) { $blog = getEntity($guid); } else { $blog = new Blog(); } $blog->title = $title; $blog->description = $description; $blog->access_id = $access_id; $blog->owner_guid = $owner_guid; $blog->status = "published"; $blog->container_guid = $container_guid; $blog->save(); new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "blog:add", array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $blog->getURL(), $blog->title, truncate($blog->description)), "", $access_id); new SystemMessage("Your blog has been published"); forward("blogs/all_blogs"); }
public function addPost() { // let's setup some rules for our new data // I'm sure you can come up with better ones $rules = array('title' => 'required|min:3|max:128', 'content' => 'required', 'file' => 'mimes:jpg,gif,png'); $pictrue = ''; $title = Input::get('title'); $content = Input::get('content'); $description = Input::get('title'); if (empty($description)) { $description = substr($content, 0, 120); } $author_id = Input::get('author_id'); $tags = Input::get('tags'); if (Input::hasFile('file')) { $file = Input::file('file'); $ext = $file->guessClientExtension(); $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $file->move(public_path() . '/data', md5(date('YmdHis') . $filename) . '.' . $ext); $pictrue = md5(date('YmdHis') . $filename) . '.' . $ext; } $new_blog = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'content' => $content, 'author_id' => $author_id, 'views' => 0, 'pictrue' => $pictrue, 'tags' => $tags); $v = Validator::make($new_blog, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { // redirect back to the form with // errors, input and our currently // logged in user return Redirect::to('blog/add')->with('user', Auth::user())->withErrors($v)->withInput(); } // create the new post $blog = new Blog($new_blog); $blog->save(); // redirect to viewing our new post return Redirect::to('blog/view/' . $blog->id); }
public function __construct($data) { if (isset($data['session'])) { $guid = $data['guid']; $title = $data['blog_title']; $description = $data['description']; $access_id = $data['access_id']; $user = getUserFromSession($data['session']); if (!$guid) { $blog = new Blog(); $blog->owner_guid = $user->guid; $blog->save(); } else { $blog = getEntity($guid); } if ($blog->owner_guid == $user->guid) { $blog->title = $title; $blog->description = $description; $blog->access_id = $access_id; $blog->status = "draft"; $guid = $blog->save(); $blog = getEntity($guid); echo json_encode(array("guid" => $guid, "timeago" => display("output/friendly_time", array("timestamp" => $blog->last_updated)))); } } }
/** * @Acl allow blog-writer * @Acl allow blog-admin */ public function save($title, $text, $tags) { $blog = new Blog($title, UserSession::get()->username, $text, CoOrg::getLanguage()); $config = BlogConfig::get(); $blog->commentsAllowed = $config->enableComments; if ($config->enableCommentsFor) { $blog->commentsCloseDate = time()+60*60*24*$config->enableCommentsFor; } $blog->tags = $tags; try { $blog->save(); $this->notice(t('Your blog item is saved')); $year = date('Y', $blog->datePosted); $month = date('m', $blog->datePosted); $day = date('d', $blog->datePosted); $this->redirect('blog/show', $year, $month, $day, $blog->ID); } catch (ValidationException $e) { $this->blog = $blog; $this->error(t('Your blog item is not saved')); $this->render('create'); } }
public function action_add() { $method = Request::method(); if ($method == 'POST') { // let's setup some rules for our new data // I'm sure you can come up with better ones $rules = array('title' => 'required|min:3|max:128', 'content' => 'required', 'file' => 'mimes:jpg,gif,png'); // //Input::upload('picture', 'path/to/pictures', 'filename.ext'); //File::cpdir($directory, $destination); //File::rmdir($directory); //echo File::mime('gif'); // outputs 'image/gif' //if (File::is('jpg', 'path/to/file.jpg')) //{ //File::extension('picture.png');File::delete('path/to/file'); //File::append('path/to/file', 'appended file content'); //}File::put('path/to/file', 'file contents');$contents = File::get('path/to/file'); // make the validator // let's get the new post from the POST data // this is much safer than using mass assignment $image = Input::file(); $pictrue = ''; $title = Input::get('title'); $content = Input::get('content'); $description = Input::get('title'); if (empty($description)) { $description = substr($content, 0, 120); } $author_id = Input::get('author_id'); $tags = Input::get('tags'); if (!empty($image['file']['name'])) { $ext = File::extension($image['file']['name']); //$image['file']['tmp_name'] Input::upload('file', path('public') . 'data', md5(date('YmdHis') . $image['file']['name']) . '.' . $ext); $pictrue = md5(date('YmdHis') . $image['file']['name']) . '.' . $ext; } $new_blog = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'content' => $content, 'author_id' => $author_id, 'views' => 0, 'pictrue' => $pictrue, 'tags' => $tags); $v = Validator::make($new_blog, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { // redirect back to the form with // errors, input and our currently // logged in user return Redirect::to('blog/add')->with('user', Auth::user())->with_errors($v)->with_input(); } // create the new post $blog = new Blog($new_blog); $blog->save(); // redirect to viewing our new post return Redirect::to('blog/view/' . $blog->id); } else { // get the current user $user = Auth::user(); // show the create post form, and send // the current user to identify the post author return View::make('blog.add')->with('user', $user); } }
/** * Создает новую модель блога. * Если создание прошло успешно - перенаправляет на просмотр. * * @return nothing **/ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Blog(); if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsPostRequest() && Yii::app()->getRequest()->getPost('Blog') !== null) { $model->setAttributes(Yii::app()->getRequest()->getPost('Blog')); if ($model->save()) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash(yupe\widgets\YFlashMessages::SUCCESS_MESSAGE, Yii::t('', 'Blog was added!')); $this->redirect((array) Yii::app()->getRequest()->getPost('submit-type', array('create'))); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public function register() { $blog = new Blog(_post('blog')); $blog->trim(); if (!$blog->validate_register()) { $this->flash->add('message_error', $blog->errors->get_messages()); $this->back(); } $blog->user_id = User::get_login_id(); $blog->save(); $this->redirect_to('/blog/index'); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Blog(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Blog'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Blog']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public function translate($translator, $title, $text, $language) { $translation = new Blog($title, $translator, $text, $language, $this->datePosted); if (!$this->parentID) { $translation->parentID = $this->ID; $translation->parentLanguage = $this->language; } else { $translation->parentID = $this->parentID; $translation->parentLanguage = $this->parentLanguage; } $translation->save(); return $translation; }
public function store() { $datas = Input::all(); $blog = new Blog(); if ($datas['title']) { $blog->title = $datas['title']; } else { $blog->title = "Không tiêu đề"; } $blog->content = $datas['content']; $blog->user_id = Session::get('user')['id']; $blog->privacy = $datas['privacy']; $blog->save(); FEEntriesHelper::save($blog->id, FEEntriesHelper::getId("Blog"), $blog->user_id, $blog->privacy); return Redirect::back(); }
public function executeAdd() { $this->redirectIf($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated(), 'ucp/index'); if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) { $blog = new Blog(); $blog->setMid($this->getRequestParameter('mid')); $blog->setEmail($this->getRequestParameter('email')); $blog->setName($this->getRequestParameter('name')); $blog->setAuthor($this->getRequestParameter('author')); $blog->setUrl($this->getRequestParameter('url')); $blog->setFeed($this->getRequestParameter('feed')); $blog->setFile(substr(md5(rand()), 0, 16)); $blog->save(); $this->blog = $blog; return 'Done'; } return $this->displayAddForm(); }
/** * Register a new user * * @param Request $request * @param string $params * @return void */ protected static function post($request, $params) { try { try { User::find(array('username' => $request->get('username'))); static::response(array(), 409, 'User with this username already exists'); } catch (Exception $e) { $user = new User(array('username' => $request->get('username'), 'password' => password_hash($request->get('password'), PASSWORD_BCRYPT), 'isAdmin' => false)); $user->save(); $blog = new Blog(array('userID' => $user->id, 'name' => $request->get('blogname'))); $blog->save(); $user->blog = $blog; static::response($user, 201); } } catch (Exception $e) { static::response(array(), 500, $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Stores the object in the database. * * If the object is new, it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed. * All related objects are also updated in this method. * * @param Connection $con * @return int The number of rows affected by this insert/update and any referring fk objects' save() operations. * @throws PropelException * @see save() */ protected function doSave($con) { $affectedRows = 0; // initialize var to track total num of affected rows if (!$this->alreadyInSave) { $this->alreadyInSave = true; // We call the save method on the following object(s) if they // were passed to this object by their coresponding set // method. This object relates to these object(s) by a // foreign key reference. if ($this->aBlog !== null) { if ($this->aBlog->isModified()) { $affectedRows += $this->aBlog->save($con); } $this->setBlog($this->aBlog); } // If this object has been modified, then save it to the database. if ($this->isModified()) { if ($this->isNew()) { $pk = PostPeer::doInsert($this, $con); $affectedRows += 1; // we are assuming that there is only 1 row per doInsert() which // should always be true here (even though technically // BasePeer::doInsert() can insert multiple rows). $this->setId($pk); //[IMV] update autoincrement primary key $this->setNew(false); } else { $affectedRows += PostPeer::doUpdate($this, $con); } $this->resetModified(); // [HL] After being saved an object is no longer 'modified' } if ($this->collPostTags !== null) { foreach ($this->collPostTags as $referrerFK) { if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) { $affectedRows += $referrerFK->save($con); } } } $this->alreadyInSave = false; } return $affectedRows; }
private function edit(Blog $model) { if (isset($_POST['Blog']) && $_POST['Blog']) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Blog']; $image = CUploadedFile::getInstanceByName('upload'); $imageModel = new BlogImage(); $imageModel->image = $image; if ($imageModel->save()) { $model->featuredImage = $imageModel->id; } if ($model->save()) { /** @var CWebUser $user */ $user = Yii::app()->user; $user->setFlash('blog-created', $model->isNewRecord ? 'Post succesfully created' : 'Post updated'); $this->redirect(['blog/update', 'id' => $model->id, 'preview' => isset($_POST['preview'])]); } } $this->render('edit', compact('model')); }
/** * Form for POST save the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function doSave() { $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), Blog::$rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $id = Input::get('id'); if (isset($id) && $id > 0) { $blog = Blog::find($id); } else { $blog = new Blog(); } $blog->title = Input::get('title'); $blog->description = Input::get('description'); $blog->tags = Input::get('tags'); $blog->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $blog->save(); return Redirect::route('blog-list')->with('message', 'Blog was changed successfully.'); } else { return Redirect::route('blog-edit')->with('message', 'The following errors occurred')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * POST /blogs * * @return Response */ public function store() { $validator = Blog::validate(Input::only('topic', 'description')); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/create')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::all()); } else { $blog = new Blog(); $blog->topic = Input::get('topic'); $blog->tag_id = Input::get('tag_id'); $author = Input::get('author'); if ($author == "") { $author = "Taylor & Preston"; } $blog->author = $author; $blog->description = Input::get('description'); if ($blog->save()) { return Redirect::to('/blogs'); } } }
public function executeNew(sfWebRequest $request) { // Display the form $this->form = new BlogForm(); if ($this->getRequest()->isMethod('post')) { $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('blog')); if ($this->form->isValid()) { $blog = new Blog(); $blog->setEmail($this->form->getValue('email')); $blog->setUrl($this->form->getValue('url')); $blog->setAdmin_hash(md5(time() . $this->form->getValue('url') . $this->form->getValue('email'))); $blog->setPublic_hash(md5(time() . $this->form->getValue('email') . $this->form->getValue('url'))); $blog->save(); // Send mail with secret URL try { // Create the mailer and message objects //$mailer = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_NativeMail()); //$connection = new Swift_Connection_SMTP(''); $connection = new Swift_Connection_NativeMail(); $mailer = new Swift($connection); $message = new Swift_Message('Welcome!'); // Render message parts $mailContext = array('admin_hash' => $blog->getAdmin_hash(), 'blog_url' => $blog->getUrl()); $v = $this->getPartial('newBlogMailHtmlBody', $mailContext); $htmlPart = new Swift_Message_Part($v, 'text/html'); $message->attach($htmlPart); $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($this->getPartial('newBlogMailTextBody', $mailContext), 'text/plain')); $mailTo = $blog->getEmail(); $mailFrom = sfConfig::get('app_mail_webmaster'); $mailer->send($message, $mailTo, $mailFrom); $mailer->disconnect(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logMessage($e); } //redirect to the thank you page $this->redirect('blog/thankyou'); } } }
public function testIndexWithPager() { for ($i = 0; $i < 40; $i++) { $b = new Blog; $b->title = 'Some Title ' . $i; $b->authorID = 'nathan'; $b->text = 'Some Random Content (4) <-- Its random'; $b->language = 'en'; $b->save(); } $this->request('blog/index/3'); $this->assertVarSet('blogs'); $blogs = CoOrgSmarty::$vars['blogs']; $blogpager = CoOrgSmarty::$vars['blogpager']; $this->assertEquals(2, $blogpager->prev()); $this->assertEquals(4, $blogpager->next()); $this->assertEquals(2, count($blogpager->pages(2))); $this->assertEquals(10, count($blogs)); $this->assertEquals('en', $blogs[0]->language); $this->assertRendered('latest'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { //$proveedores_galeria = new Proveedor_galeria; //$proveedores_galeria->id=0; //$proveedores_galeria->proveedores_idproveedor=Input::get('idproveedor'); //$fecha='' //$titulo=Input::get('titulo'); //$idproveedor=Input::get('idproveedor'); $authuser = Auth::user(); if (!File::exists('images/blog/')) { $result = File::makeDirectory('images/blog/', 0777); } $rules = array('titulo' => 'required', 'contenido' => 'required', 'imagen' => 'required|mimes:png,gif,jpeg|max:200000000'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('administracion/blog/create')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { $file = Input::file('imagen'); $blog = new Blog(); $id = Str::random(4); $date_now = new DateTime(); $destinationPath = 'images/blog/'; $filename = $date_now->format('YmdHis') . $id; $mime_type = $file->getMimeType(); $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $upload_success = $file->move($destinationPath, $filename . '.' . $extension); $blog->fecha = $date_now; $blog->usuario = $authuser->id; $blog->titulo = Input::get('titulo'); $blog->imagen = $filename . '.' . $extension; $blog->contenido = Input::get('contenido'); $blog->save(); } return Redirect::to("administracion/blog")->with(array('usuarioimg' => $authuser->imagen, 'usuarionombre' => $authuser->nombre, 'usuarioid' => $authuser->id)); // }
public function postSaveReply($topic_id) { if (Auth::check()) { $cre = ['reply' => Input::get('reply')]; $rules = ['reply' => 'required']; $validator = Validator::make($cre, $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $blog = new Blog(); $blog->user_id = Auth::id(); $blog->topic_id = $topic_id; $blog->reply = Input::get('reply'); $blog->save(); return Redirect::Back()->with('success', 'gfhfhfh'); } else { return Redirect::Back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } } }
$user->save(); /* Create one service */ $twt = new Twitter(); $twt->user = $user; $twt->rss = ""; $twt->save(); /* Create another service */ $blg = new Blog(); $blg->user = $user; $blg->rss = ""; $blg->save(); /* Create another service */ $blg1 = new Blog(); $blg1->user = $user; $blg1->rss = ""; $blg1->save(); /* Add references to the current user to its services */ $user->add_service($blg); $user->add_service($blg1); $user->add_service($twt); $user->save(); /* Delete current objects */ unset($user, $blg, $blg1, $twt); /* Output the document that is going to be sent to MongoDB */ $debug = TRUE; $users = new User(); foreach ($users->where('username', 'crodas') as $user) { /* Load all references */ $user->doDeferencing(); /* Modify the first service */ $user->services[0]->title = 'English Blog';
public function actionWrite() { $label = new Article(); $labels = $label->findAll('userid=:uid', array(':uid' => Yii::app()->session['uid'])); //$labesArray是对应于id,label键值的一维数组 $labesArray[0] = '--请选择--'; foreach ($labels as $l) { $labesArray[$l->id] = $l->label; } $blog = Blog::model(); if (isset($_POST['Blog'])) { $post = $_POST['Blog']; $post['view'] = 0; $post['time'] = time(); $post['userid'] = Yii::app()->session['uid']; $blog->attributes = $post; if ($blog->validate()) { //$blog = Blog::model(); if (!empty(Yii::app()->session['blogid'])) { //根据blogid查询后更新数据 $blog = $blog->findByPk(Yii::app()->session['blogid']); } else { //insert一条记录 $blog = new Blog(); $blog->userid = Yii::app()->session['uid']; $blog->save(FALSE); Yii::app()->session['blogid'] = $blog->attributes['id']; } /** * 处理图片 * require_once 'UPimage/UPimage.php'; //图片缩略类 * $resizeimage = new resizeimage("1.jpg", "320", "240", "1","2.jpg"); */ Yii::import('application.vendors.*'); require_once 'Qiniu/io.php'; //七牛上传类 require_once 'Qiniu/rs.php'; $images = ""; //拼接图片以@方式 if (CheckUploadFiles($_FILES['thumb'])) { $file = $_FILES['thumb']; $type = ".jpg"; $bucket = Yii::app()->params['bucket']; $accessKey = Yii::app()->params['accessKey']; $secretKey = Yii::app()->params['secretKey']; foreach ($file['name'] as $key => $f) { if (empty($file['name'][$key])) { //为空循环下一次 continue; } if (ImageTypeCheck($file['name'][$key], $file['size'][$key])) { $newname = time() . rand(10000, 99999) . $type; Qiniu_SetKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($bucket); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_Put($upToken, $newname, file_get_contents($file['tmp_name'][$key]), null); if ($err === null) { //成功 //$images .= "http://".Yii::app()->params['bucket'].".".Yii::app()->params['domain']."/".$newname."@"; $images .= $newname . "@"; } else { //失败 } } } } $post['image'] = $images; $post['content'] = $_POST['content']; $blog->attributes = $post; if ($blog->save()) { /** * 注销blogid */ Yii::app()->session['blogid'] = null; Yii::app()->user->setFlash('sendblogsuccess', '发布文章成功 :)'); $this->redirect(array('articles')); } } } $data = array('labels' => $labesArray, 'blogModel' => $blog); $this->render('addarticle', $data); }
private function postBlogs() { for ($i = 0; $i < 95; $i++) { $blog = new Blog; $blog->authorID = 'nathan'; $blog->title = 'Ole Ola ' . $i; $blog->text = '...'; $blog->language = 'en'; $blog->save(); } }
public static function getOrCreateByTag($tag, $user = null) { $blog = self::getByTag($tag); if (!$blog) { $blog = new Blog(); $blog->setTag($tag); $blog->setName($tag); if ($user) { $blog->setUserId($user["id"]); } else { $blog->setUserId(1); } $blog->save(); } return $blog; }
$t->is($service->getOption('fake_option', 'bar'), 'bar', '->getOption() on a nonexistent option returns the default value.'); $t->info('2 - Test shouldShowEditor()'); $service = new ioEditableContentService($context->getUser(), $dispatcher); $t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), false, '->shouldShowEditor() returns false: no credential passed in, but we still require auth.'); $context->getUser()->setAuthenticated(true); $t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), true, '->shouldShowEditor() returns true if no credential is passed to require.'); $service->setOption('admin_credential', 'test_edit_credential'); $t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), false, '->shouldShowEditor() returns false: the user does not have the credential'); $context->getUser()->addCredential('test_edit_credential'); $t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), true, '->shouldShowEditor() returns true: the user has the proper credential'); $t->info('3 - Test getContent()'); $service = new ioEditableContentService($context->getUser(), $dispatcher); $blog = new Blog(); $blog->title = 'Unit test blog'; $blog->body = 'Lorem Ipsum'; $blog->save(); $t->info(' 3.1 - Test a single-field, no partial rendering'); $result = $service->getContent($blog, array('title')); $t->is($result, 'Unit test blog', '->getContent() returns the correct value'); $t->info(' 3.2 - Test multiple fields, no partial - throws an exception'); try { $service->getContent($blog, array('title', 'body'), null, null); $t->fail('Exception not thrown'); } catch (sfException $e) { $t->pass('Exception thrown'); } $t->info(' 3.2.1 - Test multiple fields, no partial, yes "method" - does not throw exception'); try { $service->getContent($blog, array('title', 'body'), null, 'getTestValue'); $t->pass('Exception not thrown'); } catch (sfException $e) {
/** * 发布域名,并更新数据库 * * @param string $domain * * @return \stdClass * * @throws \Exception\Msg */ public static function domain($domain) { $user = User::show(); $repo = Github::showDefaultBlogRepoName($user['metadata']['login']); if ($domain) { $dns = dns_get_record($domain, DNS_CNAME); if (!$dns) { throw new \Exception\Msg('指定域名没有设置CNAME记录'); } if (count($dns) > 1) { throw new \Exception\Msg('指定域名CNAME记录设置超过一个'); } if ($dns[0]['target'] !== $repo) { throw new \Exception\Msg(sprintf('指定域名CNAME错误(错误记录为:%s)', $dns[0]['target'])); } $message = sprintf('Bind domain %s', $domain); } else { $message = sprintf('Remove domain'); } $path = 'CNAME'; $result = self::publishUserRespos($path, $domain, $message); //上传文件成功,更新数据库 if (!empty($result->content) && !empty($result->commit)) { Blog::save(array('domain' => $domain)); } return $result; }
public function postBlog() { $event = $this->calendar->schedule->loadEvent(); if (!PHPWS_Core::initModClass('blog', 'Blog.php')) { return; } $blog = new Blog(); $blog->title = $event->summary; $tpl = $event->tplFormatTime(); $summary[] = sprintf('%s %s %s', $tpl['START_TIME'], $tpl['TO'], $tpl['END_TIME']); if (!empty($event->location)) { $summary[] = $event->getLocation(); } $blog->summary = PHPWS_Text::parseInput('<p class="calendar-post">' . implode('<br />', $summary) . '</p>') . $event->description; $blog->approved = 1; $days = (int) $_POST['advance_post']; $publish = $event->start_time - $days * 86400; if ($publish < time()) { $blog->publish_date = time(); } else { $blog->publish_date =& $publish; } return !PHPWS_Error::logIfError($blog->save()); }
/** * Add post action */ public function actionaddpost() { // Perms if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('op_blog_addposts')) { throw new CHttpException(403, Yii::t('error', 'Sorry, You don\'t have the required permissions to enter this section')); } $model = new Blog(); if (isset($_POST['Blog'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Blog']; if ($model->save()) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::t('adminblog', 'Post Added.')); $this->redirect(array('viewcategory', 'id' => $model->catid)); } } // Adding by cat? if (Yii::app()->request->getParam('catid')) { $model->catid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('catid'); } // cat list $parents = array(); $parentlist = BlogCats::model()->getRootCats(); if (count($parentlist)) { foreach ($parentlist as $row) { $parents[$row->id] = $row->title; } } $this->breadcrumbs[Yii::t('adminblog', 'Adding Post')] = ''; $this->pageTitle[] = Yii::t('adminblog', 'Adding Post'); // Render $this->render('post_form', array('model' => $model, 'parents' => $parents, 'label' => Yii::t('adminblog', 'Adding Post'))); }
public function testSetCommentExpirationDate() { $blog = new Blog; $blog->title = 'My New Blog Title'; $blog->authorID = 'nathan'; $blog->text = '...'; $blog->language = 'en'; $blog->commentsAllowed = true; $blog->commentsOpenFor = 14; // 2 weeks $blog->save(); $blog = Blog::getBlog($blog->year, $blog->month, $blog->day, $blog->ID, 'en'); $this->assertTrue($blog->allowComments()); $this->assertLessThan(5, abs($blog->commentsCloseDate - 60 * 60 * 24 * 14 - time())); $blog = new Blog; $blog->title = 'My New Blog Title With Unlimited comments'; $blog->authorID = 'nathan'; $blog->text = '...'; $blog->language = 'en'; $blog->commentsAllowed = true; $blog->commentsOpenFor = 0; //Unlimited $blog->save(); $blog = Blog::getBlog($blog->year, $blog->month, $blog->day, $blog->ID, 'en'); $this->assertTrue($blog->allowComments()); $this->assertNull($blog->commentsCloseDate); }
/** * Are we allowed to add posts? */ public function actionaddpost() { if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('op_blog_addposts')) { throw new CHttpException(403, Yii::t('error', 'Sorry, You are not allowed to perform that action.')); } $model = new Blog(); if (isset($_POST['Blog'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Blog']; if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('op_blog_manage')) { // Can we auto approve posts for this category? $model->status = 0; $cat = BlogCats::model()->findByPk($model->catid); if ($cat) { if ($cat->autoaddperms) { $perms = explode(',', $cat->autoaddperms); if (count($perms)) { foreach ($perms as $perm) { if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess($perm)) { $model->status = 1; break; } } } } } } if ($model->save()) { if ($model->status) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::t('blog', 'Post Added.')); $this->redirect(array('/blog/view/' . $model->alias, 'lang' => false)); } else { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::t('blog', 'Post Added. It will be displayed once approved.')); $this->redirect('blog/index'); } } } // Grab cats that we can add posts to $cats = BlogCats::model()->getCatsForMember(null, 'add'); // Make a category selection $categories = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $categories[$cat->id] = $cat->title; } // Add page breadcrumb and title $this->pageTitle[] = Yii::t('blog', 'Adding Post'); $this->breadcrumbs[Yii::t('blog', 'Adding Post')] = ''; $this->render('post_form', array('model' => $model, 'label' => Yii::t('blog', 'Adding Post'), 'categories' => $categories)); }