private static function parseRecipe($recipe) { $recipe = explode("=>", $recipe); $recipeItems = array(); foreach (explode(",", $recipe[0]) as $item) { $item = explode("x", $item); $id = explode(":", $item[0]); $meta = array_pop($id); $id = $id[0]; $it = BlockAPI::fromString($id); $recipeItems[$it->getID()] = array($it->getID(), $meta === "?" ? false : intval($meta) & 0xffff, intval($item[1])); } ksort($recipeItems); $item = explode("x", $recipe[1]); $id = explode(":", $item[0]); $meta = array_pop($id); $id = $id[0]; $it = BlockAPI::fromString($id); $craftItem = array($it->getID(), intval($meta) & 0xffff, intval($item[1])); $recipeString = ""; foreach ($recipeItems as $item) { $recipeString .= $item[0] . "x" . $item[2] . ","; } $recipeString = substr($recipeString, 0, -1) . "=>" . $craftItem[0] . "x" . $craftItem[2]; return array($recipeItems, $craftItem, $recipeString); }
public function initPlayer($player) { if ($player->gamemode === CREATIVE) { foreach ($player->inventory as $slot => $item) { if ($this->api->ban->isOp($player->__get("iusername"))) { $player->setSlot($slot, BlockAPI::fromString($this->config["creative-item-op"][$slot])); } else { $player->setSlot($slot, BlockAPI::fromString($this->config["creative-item"][$slot])); } } } }
public function handler(&$data, $event) { switch ($event) { case "server.close": //file_put_contents("./plugins/Essentials/Protectdata.dat", serialize($this->save)); break; case "plugin.forge.api": $data["CommandAPI"]->register("blundo", "<player>", array($this, "defaultCommands")); break; case "entity.explosion": if ($this->config["allow-explosion"] === false) { return true; } break; case "tile.update": break; case "": if ($data["item"]->getID() === CHEST) { $this->protect["chest"][$data["player"]->__get("iusername")][] = new Protect($this->api, $data["player"]->__get("iusername"), new Position($data["block"]->x, $data["block"]->y, $data["block"]->z, $data["player"]->level)); break; } if ($this->api->ban->isOp($data["player"]->__get("iusername")) === false) { $items = BlockAPI::fromString($this->config["blacklist"]["placement"], true); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($data["item"]->getID() === $item->getID() and $data["item"]->getMetadata() === $item->getMetadata()) { return false; } } } break; case "player.block.break": if ($data["target"]->getID() === CHEST) { $t = $this->get(new Position($data["target"]->x, $data["target"]->y, $data["target"]->z, $data["player"]->level)); if ($t !== false) { if ($this->api->ban->isOp($data["player"]->__get("iusername"))) { $t->__destruct(); break; } $break = $t->onBreak($output, $data["player"]); if ($output != "") { $data["player"]->sendChat($output); } return $break; } break; } if ($this->api->ban->isOp($data["player"]->__get("iusername")) === false) { $items = BlockAPI::fromString($this->config["blacklist"]["break"], true); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($data["target"]->getID() === $item->getID() and $data["target"]->getMetadata() === $item->getMetadata()) { return false; } } } break; case "player.block.activate": if ($data["target"]->getID() === CHEST) { $output = ""; $t = $this->get(new Position($data["target"]->x, $data["target"]->y, $data["target"]->z, $data["player"]->level)); if ($data["item"]->getID() === STICK and ($this->api->ban->isOp($data["player"]->__get("iusername")) or $t->owner === $data["player"]->__get("iusername"))) { $t->protectChange($output); if ($output != "") { $data["player"]->sendChat($output); } return false; } if ($t !== false) { $open = $t->onOpen($output, $data["player"]); if ($output != "") { $data["player"]->sendChat($output); } return $open; } } elseif ($data["target"]->getID() === WOOD_DOOR_BLOCK) { return false; } break; } }
public function command($cmd, $params, $issuer, $alias) { $output = ""; if ($alias !== false) { $cmd = $alias; } if ($cmd[0] === "/") { $cmd = substr($cmd, 1); } switch ($cmd) { case "paste": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $session =& $this->session($issuer); $this->W_paste($session["clipboard"], $issuer->entity, $output); break; case "copy": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $session =& $this->session($issuer); $count = $this->countBlocks($session["selection"], $startX, $startY, $startZ); if ($count > $session["block-limit"] and $session["block-limit"] > 0) { $output .= "Block limit of " . $session["block-limit"] . " exceeded, tried to copy {$count} block(s).\n"; break; } $blocks = $this->W_copy($session["selection"], $output); if (count($blocks) > 0) { $offset = array($startX - $issuer->entity->x - 0.5, $startY - $issuer->entity->y, $startZ - $issuer->entity->z - 0.5); $session["clipboard"] = array($offset, $blocks); } break; case "cut": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $session =& $this->session($issuer); $count = $this->countBlocks($session["selection"], $startX, $startY, $startZ); if ($count > $session["block-limit"] and $session["block-limit"] > 0) { $output .= "Block limit of " . $session["block-limit"] . " exceeded, tried to cut {$count} block(s).\n"; break; } $blocks = $this->W_cut($session["selection"], $output); if (count($blocks) > 0) { $offset = array($startX - $issuer->entity->x - 0.5, $startY - $issuer->entity->y, $startZ - $issuer->entity->z - 0.5); $session["clipboard"] = array($offset, $blocks); } break; case "toggleeditwand": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $session =& $this->session($issuer); $session["wand-usage"] = $session["wand-usage"] == true ? false : true; $output .= "Wand Item is now " . ($session["wand-usage"] === true ? "enabled" : "disabled") . ".\n"; break; case "wand": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } if ($issuer->hasItem($this->config->get("wand-item"))) { $output .= "You already have the wand item.\n"; break; } elseif ($issuer->gamemode === CREATIVE) { $output .= "You are on creative mode.\n"; } else { $this->api->entity->drop(new Position($issuer->entity->x - 0.5, $issuer->entity->y, $issuer->entity->z - 0.5, $issuer->entity->level), BlockAPI::getItem($this->config->get("wand-item"))); } $output .= "Break a block to set the #1 position, place for the #1.\n"; break; case "desel": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $session =& $this->session($issuer); $session["selection"] = array(false, false); $output = "Selection cleared.\n"; break; case "limit": if (!isset($params[0]) or trim($params[0]) === "") { $output .= "Usage: //limit <limit>\n"; break; } $limit = intval($params[0]); if ($limit < 0) { $limit = -1; } if ($this->config->get("block-limit") > 0) { $limit = $limit === -1 ? $this->config->get("block-limit") : min($this->config->get("block-limit"), $limit); } $this->session($issuer)["block-limit"] = $limit; $output .= "Block limit set to " . ($limit === -1 ? "infinite" : $limit) . " block(s).\n"; break; case "pos1": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $this->setPosition1($this->session($issuer), new Position($issuer->entity->x - 0.5, $issuer->entity->y, $issuer->entity->z - 0.5, $issuer->entity->level), $output); break; case "pos2": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $this->setPosition2($this->session($issuer), new Position($issuer->entity->x - 0.5, $issuer->entity->y, $issuer->entity->z - 0.5, $issuer->entity->level), $output); break; case "hsphere": $filled = false; case "sphere": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } if (!isset($filled)) { $filled = true; } if (!isset($params[1]) or $params[1] == "") { $output .= "Usage: //{$cmd} <block> <radius>.\n"; break; } $radius = abs(floatval($params[1])); $session =& $this->session($issuer); $items = BlockAPI::fromString($params[0], true); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->getID() > 0xff) { $output .= "Incorrect block.\n"; return $output; } } $this->W_sphere(new Position($issuer->entity->x - 0.5, $issuer->entity->y, $issuer->entity->z - 0.5, $issuer->entity->level), $items, $radius, $radius, $radius, $filled, $output); break; case "set": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $session =& $this->session($issuer); $count = $this->countBlocks($session["selection"]); if ($count > $session["block-limit"] and $session["block-limit"] > 0) { $output .= "Block limit of " . $session["block-limit"] . " exceeded, tried to change {$count} block(s).\n"; break; } $items = BlockAPI::fromString($params[0], true); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->getID() > 0xff) { $output .= "Incorrect block.\n"; return $output; } } $this->W_set($session["selection"], $items, $output); break; case "replace": if (!$issuer instanceof Player) { $output .= "Please run this command in-game.\n"; break; } $session =& $this->session($issuer); $count = $this->countBlocks($session["selection"]); if ($count > $session["block-limit"] and $session["block-limit"] > 0) { $output .= "Block limit of " . $session["block-limit"] . " exceeded, tried to change {$count} block(s).\n"; break; } $item1 = BlockAPI::fromString($params[0]); if ($item1->getID() > 0xff) { $output .= "Incorrect target block.\n"; break; } $items2 = BlockAPI::fromString($params[1], true); foreach ($items2 as $item) { if ($item->getID() > 0xff) { $output .= "Incorrect replacement block.\n"; return $output; } } $this->W_replace($session["selection"], $item1, $items2, $output); break; default: case "help": $output .= "Commands: //cut, //copy, //paste, //sphere, //hsphere, //desel, //limit, //pos1, //pos2, //set, //replace, //help, //wand, /toggleeditwand\n"; break; } return $output; }
public function populateLevel() { $this->random->setSeed($this->level->getSeed()); if (isset($this->options["spawn"])) { $spawn = array(10, new SandstoneBlock()); if (isset($this->options["spawn"]["radius"])) { $spawn[0] = intval($this->options["spawn"]["radius"]); } if (isset($this->options["spawn"]["block"])) { $spawn[1] = BlockAPI::fromString($this->options["spawn"]["block"])->getBlock(); if (!$spawn[1] instanceof Block) { $spawn[1] = new SandstoneBlock(); } } $start = 128 - $spawn[0]; $end = 128 + $spawn[0]; for ($x = $start; $x <= $end; ++$x) { for ($z = $start; $z <= $end; ++$z) { if (floor(sqrt(pow($x - 128, 2) + pow($z - 128, 2))) <= $spawn[0]) { $this->level->setBlockRaw(new Vector3($x, $this->floorLevel - 1, $z), $spawn[1], null); } } } } if (isset($this->options["decoration"])) { $treecount = 80; $grasscount = 120; if (isset($this->options["spawn"]["treecount"])) { $treecount = intval($this->options["spawn"]["treecount"]); } if (isset($this->options["spawn"]["grasscount"])) { $grasscount = intval($this->options["spawn"]["grasscount"]); } for ($t = 0; $t < $treecount; ++$t) { $centerX = $this->random->nextRange(0, 255); $centerZ = $this->random->nextRange(0, 255); $down = $this->level->level->getBlockID($centerX, $this->floorLevel - 1, $centerZ); if ($down === DIRT or $down === GRASS or $down === FARMLAND) { TreeObject::growTree($this->level, new Vector3($centerX, $this->floorLevel, $centerZ), $this->random, $this->random->nextRange(0, 3)); } } for ($t = 0; $t < $grasscount; ++$t) { $centerX = $this->random->nextRange(0, 255); $centerZ = $this->random->nextRange(0, 255); $down = $this->level->level->getBlockID($centerX, $this->floorLevel - 1, $centerZ); if ($down === GRASS) { TallGrassObject::growGrass($this->level, new Vector3($centerX, $this->floorLevel - 1, $centerZ), $this->random, $this->random->nextRange(8, 40)); } } } }
public function commandHandler($cmd, $params, $issuer, $alias) { $output = ""; switch ($cmd) { case "give": if (!isset($params[0]) or !isset($params[1])) { $output .= "Usage: /give <player> <item[:damage]> [amount]\n"; break; } $player = $this->server->api->player->get($params[0]); $item = BlockAPI::fromString($params[1]); if (!isset($params[2])) { $item->count = $item->getMaxStackSize(); } else { $item->count = (int) $params[2]; } if ($player instanceof Player) { if (($player->gamemode & 0x1) === 0x1) { $output .= "Player is in creative mode.\n"; break; } if ($item->getID() == 0) { $output .= "You cannot give an air block to a player.\n"; break; } $player->addItem($item->getID(), $item->getMetadata(), $item->count); $output .= "Giving " . $item->count . " of " . $item->getName() . " (" . $item->getID() . ":" . $item->getMetadata() . ") to " . $player->username . "\n"; } else { $output .= "Unknown player.\n"; } break; } return $output; }