Example #1
 private static function initRedis()
     $apf = APF::get_instance();
     $config = $apf->get_config('redis_to_db', 'redis');
     //$config['host'] = '';
     //$config['port'] = '6379';
     if (!isset($config['host']) || !isset($config['port'])) {
         throw new RedisException('Host and port are needed to connect redis server.');
     self::$redis = new Redis();
     if (!self::$redis->connect($config['host'], $config['port'])) {
         throw new RedisException("Failed to connect redis server: {$config['host']}:{$config['port']}");
     self::$redis->setOption(4, 1);
     // retry when we get no keys back
Example #2
 public function handle_request_internal()
      * 小区签到逻辑
      * - 验证参数
      * - 获取经纪人
      * - 获取小区(AjkCommunity)
      * - 校验小区坐标和lat、lng的距离5公里(如小区无坐标,直接拒绝)
      * - 添加签到记录
      *  - 添加签到记录
      *  - 更新签到按日统计信息(incr)
      * - 更新经纪人坐标
      *  - 添加经纪人坐标日志
      *  - 更新经纪人坐标
      * - 返回数据
     $result = array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => '', 'message' => '');
     // 获取参数
     $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId'];
     $commId = $this->_params['commId'];
     $lat = $this->_params['lat'];
     $lng = $this->_params['lng'];
     if (empty($lat) || empty($lng)) {
         $result['message'] = '获取定位数据失败,请重新定位';
         return $result;
     // 根据ID获取经纪人
     $broker = Bll_Commsign::getBrokerInfo($brokerId);
     if (!$broker) {
         $broker = Model_Broker_AjkBrokerExtend::data_access()->filter('brokerId', $brokerId)->find_only();
         if (!$broker) {
             throw new Exception('经纪人不存在', Const_APIStatus::E_BROKER_NOT_EXISTS);
         $broker_photo = Util_ImageUtils::get_broker_photo_url($broker['userPhoto'], '200x200');
         $brokerInfo = array('brokerId' => $broker['brokerId'], 'username' => $broker['trueName'], 'userPhoto' => $broker_photo, 'cityId' => $broker['cityId']);
         Bll_Commsign::redisBrokerInfo($brokerId, $brokerInfo);
     // 根据ID获取小区
     $community = Bll_Commsign::getCommInfo($commId);
     if (empty($community)) {
         $community = Bll_Community_APIComm::getInstance()->getInfoByIdMapping($commId, 2);
         $commInfo = array();
         $commInfo['commId'] = $community['commId'];
         $commInfo['commName'] = $community['commName'];
         $commInfo['sosolng'] = $community['sosolng'];
         $commInfo['sosolat'] = $community['sosolat'];
         Bll_Commsign::setCommInfo($commId, $commInfo);
     // 小区不存在或小区经纬租表不存在时,返回小区不存在
     if (!$community || !$community['sosolat'] || !$community['sosolng']) {
         $result['errcode'] = Const_APIStatus::E_COMMUNITY_NOT_EXISTS;
         $result['message'] = '小区暂未开通签到功能';
         return $result;
     // 对比小区坐标和参数坐标两点的距离(5km)
     $distance = Util_Map::distance($lat, $lng, $community['sosolat'], $community['sosolng']);
     if ($distance > 5000) {
         $result['errcode'] = Const_APIStatus::E_BROKER_COMMSIGN_FAR_AWAY;
         $result['message'] = '签到失败!你跑得太远了,请返回重新定位';
         return $result;
     // 获取当前所处签到时间(10:00 15:00 20:00)
     $currentSignRange = Bll_Broker_CommunitySign::getCurrentSignRange();
     if (!$currentSignRange) {
         $result['errcode'] = Const_APIStatus::E_BROKER_COMMSIGN_NOT_IN_RANGE;
         $result['message'] = '不在签到时间范围';
         return $result;
     // 判断是否已经签到
     if (Bll_Commsign::isSigned($brokerId, $commId, $currentSignRange[0])) {
         $result['errcode'] = Const_APIStatus::E_BROKER_COMMSIGN_ALREADY_SIGNED;
         $result['message'] = '已经签到!';
         return $result;
     try {
         // 新建签到,
         $sign = array('brokerId' => $brokerId, 'communityId' => $commId, 'lat' => $lat, 'lng' => $lng, 'signTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'currentSignRange' => $currentSignRange[0]);
         Bll_Commsign::Signed($brokerId, $commId, $currentSignRange[0], $sign);
         // 缓存经纪人位置
         $locationInfo = array('brokerId' => $brokerId, 'lng' => $lng, 'lat' => $lat, 'updateTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         Bll_Commsign::setLocationInfo($brokerId, $locationInfo);
         // 获取签到排名
         $rank = Bll_Commsign::getSignRank($commId, $currentSignRange[0]);
         $SignStatistics = Bll_Commsign::getSignStatistics($brokerId);
         $sendFlag = false;
         if ($SignStatistics) {
             if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($SignStatistics['updateTime'])) == date('Y-m-d', strtotime('yesterday'))) {
                 $SignStatistics['signCount'] = $SignStatistics['signCount'] + 1;
                 $sendFlag = true;
             } elseif (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($SignStatistics['updateTime'])) == date('Y-m-d', time())) {
             } else {
                 $SignStatistics['signCount'] = 1;
                 $sendFlag = true;
             if ($SignStatistics['signCount'] > $SignStatistics['maxSignCount']) {
                 $SignStatistics['maxSignCount'] = $SignStatistics['signCount'];
             $SignStatistics['updateTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             Bll_Commsign::setSignStatistics($brokerId, $SignStatistics);
             $SignStatistics = array_merge($SignStatistics, array('sendFlag' => $sendFlag));
         } else {
             $SignStatistics = array('brokerId' => $brokerId, 'signCount' => 1, 'maxSignCount' => 1, 'createTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             Bll_Commsign::setSignStatistics($brokerId, $SignStatistics);
             $sendFlag = true;
             $SignStatistics = array_merge($SignStatistics, array('sendFlag' => $sendFlag));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $result['message'] = '签到人太多,系统繁忙,请稍后再试~';
         return $result;
     return array('status' => Const_APIStatus::RETURN_CODE_OK, 'data' => array('signRank' => $rank, 'countDown' => Bll_Broker_CommunitySign::nextSignCountDown()));