Example #1
 * WARNING - This example will NOT work until you have generated your public
 * keys and also see the documentation on how to save those keys.
 * Also please be aware that you CANNOT create an invoice until you have paired
 * the keys and received a token back. The token is usesd with the request.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$time = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\.", 1414691179) . "000Z";
$token = new \Bitpay\Token();
$token->setFacade('payroll')->setToken('<your payroll facade-enable token>');
//this is a special api that requires a explicit payroll relationship with BitPay
$instruction1 = new \Bitpay\PayoutInstruction();
$instruction1->setAmount(100)->setAddress('2NA5EVH9HHHhM5RxSEWf54gP4v397EmFTxi')->setLabel('Paying Chris');
$payout = new \Bitpay\Payout();
$payout->setEffectiveDate($time)->setAmount(100)->setCurrency(new \Bitpay\Currency('USD'))->setPricingMethod('bitcoinbestbuy')->setReference('a reference, can be json')->setNotificationEmail('*****@*****.**')->setNotificationUrl('https://example.com/ipn.php')->setToken($token)->addInstruction($instruction1);
$private = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey();
//this is your private key in some form (see GetKeys.php)
$public = new \Bitpay\PublicKey();
$network = new \Bitpay\Network\Testnet();
$adapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter();
$bitpay = new \Bitpay\Bitpay();
$client = new \Bitpay\Client\Client();
Example #2

 * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 BitPay
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$private = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey();
//if you've got a hex-encoded private key string, you can use it to create a private key
$public = new \Bitpay\PublicKey();
$sin = $public->getSin();
printf("Public Key:  %s\n", $public);
printf("Private Key: %s\n", $private);
printf("Sin Key:     %s\n\n", $sin);
$keypair = array($private->getHex(), $public->getHex());
printf("PEM keypair:  %s\n", $private->pemEncode($keypair));
// -or- if you've got a PEM-encoded text file containing your key pair, we can use this
$keys = file_get_contents(getenv('HOME') . '/.php-bitpay-client/key.pem');
if (isset($keys) && strlen($keys) > 0) {
    $keys = chop($keys);
    $private = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey();
    printf("Public Key:  %s\n", $private->getPublicKey());
    printf("Private Key: %s\n", $private);
    printf("Sin Key:     %s\n\n", $private->getPublicKey()->getSin());