/** * Create a new invoice with as much info already added. It should add * some basic info and setup the invoice object. * * @return Bitpay\Invoice */ private function initializeInvoice() { \Mage::helper('bitpay')->registerAutoloader(); $invoice = new Bitpay\Invoice(); if (false === isset($invoice) || true === empty($invoice)) { $this->debugData('[ERROR] In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::initializeInvoice(): could not construct new BitPay invoice object.'); throw new \Exception('In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::initializeInvoice(): could not construct new BitPay invoice object.'); } else { $this->debugData('[INFO] In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::initializeInvoice(): constructed new BitPay invoice object successfully.'); } $invoice->setFullNotifications(true); $invoice->setTransactionSpeed(\Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/bitpay/speed')); $invoice->setNotificationUrl(\Mage::getUrl(\Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/bitpay/notification_url'))); $invoice->setRedirectUrl(\Mage::getUrl(\Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/bitpay/redirect_url'))); return $invoice; }
/** * Prepares an Invoice to send to BitPay * * @param array $order_info OpenCart checkout order * @return Invoice */ private function prepareInvoice($order_info = array()) { $invoice = new \Bitpay\Invoice(); if (empty($order_info['order_id'])) { $this->log('error', 'Cannot prepare invoice without `order_id`'); throw Exception('Cannot prepare invoice without `order_id`'); } $this->log('info', sprintf('Preparing Invoice for Order %s', (string) $order_info['order_id'])); $invoice->setOrderId((string) $order_info['order_id']); if (empty($order_info['currency_code'])) { $this->log('error', 'Cannot prepare invoice without `currency_code`'); throw Exception('Cannot prepare invoice without `currency_code`'); } $invoice->setCurrency(new \Bitpay\Currency($order_info['currency_code'])); if (empty($order_info['total'])) { $this->log('error', 'Cannot prepare invoice without `total`'); throw Exception('Cannot prepare invoice without `total`'); } $invoice->setPrice((double) $order_info['total']); // Send Buyer Information? if ($this->setting('send_buyer_info')) { $buyer = new \Bitpay\Buyer(); $buyer->setFirstName($order_info['firstname'])->setLastName($order_info['lastname'])->setEmail($order_info['email'])->setPhone($order_info['telephone'])->setAddress(array($order_info['payment_address_1'], $order_info['payment_address_2']))->setCity($order_info['payment_city'])->setState($order_info['payment_zone_code'])->setZip($order_info['payment_postcode'])->setCountry($order_info['payment_country']); $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); } $invoice->setFullNotifications(true); $return_url = $this->setting('return_url'); if (empty($return_url)) { $return_url = $this->url->link('payment/bitpay/success', $this->config->get('config_secure')); } $notify_url = $this->setting('notify_url'); if (empty($notify_url)) { $notify_url = $this->url->link('payment/bitpay/callback', $this->config->get('config_secure')); } $invoice->setRedirectUrl($return_url); $invoice->setNotificationUrl($notify_url); $invoice->setTransactionSpeed($this->setting('risk_speed')); return $invoice; }
/** * Process the payment and return the result * * @param int $order_id * @return array */ public function process_payment($order_id) { $this->log(' [Info] Entered process_payment() with order_id = ' . $order_id . '...'); if (true === empty($order_id)) { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but the order_id was missing.'); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but the order_id was missing. Cannot continue!'); } $order = wc_get_order($order_id); if (false === $order) { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not retrieve the order details for order_id ' . $order_id); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not retrieve the order details for order_id ' . $order_id . '. Cannot continue!'); } $this->log(' [Info] Generating payment form for order ' . $order->get_order_number() . '. Notify URL: ' . $this->notification_url); // Mark new order according to user settings (we're awaiting the payment) $new_order_states = $this->get_option('order_states'); $new_order_status = $new_order_states['new']; $order->update_status($new_order_status, 'Awaiting payment notification from BitPay.'); $thanks_link = $this->get_return_url($order); $this->log(' [Info] The variable thanks_link = ' . $thanks_link . '...'); // Redirect URL & Notification URL $redirect_url = $this->get_option('redirect_url', $thanks_link); $this->log(' [Info] The variable redirect_url = ' . $redirect_url . '...'); $notification_url = $this->get_option('notification_url', WC()->api_request_url('WC_Gateway_Bitpay')); $this->log(' [Info] Notification URL is now set to: ' . $notification_url . '...'); // Setup the currency $currency_code = get_woocommerce_currency(); $this->log(' [Info] The variable currency_code = ' . $currency_code . '...'); $currency = new \Bitpay\Currency($currency_code); if (false === isset($currency) && true === empty($currency)) { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate a Currency object.'); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate a Currency object. Cannot continue!'); } // Get a BitPay Client to prepare for invoice creation $client = new \Bitpay\Client\Client(); if (false === isset($client) && true === empty($client)) { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate a client object.'); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate a client object. Cannot continue!'); } if ('livenet' === $this->api_network) { $client->setNetwork(new \Bitpay\Network\Livenet()); $this->log(' [Info] Set network to Livenet...'); } else { $client->setNetwork(new \Bitpay\Network\Testnet()); $this->log(' [Info] Set network to Testnet...'); } $curlAdapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter(); if (false === isset($curlAdapter) || true === empty($curlAdapter)) { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate a CurlAdapter object.'); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate a CurlAdapter object. Cannot continue!'); } $client->setAdapter($curlAdapter); if (false === empty($this->api_key)) { $client->setPrivateKey($this->api_key); } else { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not set client->setPrivateKey to this->api_key. The empty() check failed!'); throw new \Exception(' The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not set client->setPrivateKey to this->api_key. The empty() check failed!'); } if (false === empty($this->api_pub)) { $client->setPublicKey($this->api_pub); } else { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not set client->setPublicKey to this->api_pub. The empty() check failed!'); throw new \Exception(' The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not set client->setPublicKey to this->api_pub. The empty() check failed!'); } if (false === empty($this->api_token)) { $client->setToken($this->api_token); } else { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not set client->setToken to this->api_token. The empty() check failed!'); throw new \Exception(' The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not set client->setToken to this->api_token. The empty() check failed!'); } $this->log(' [Info] Key and token empty checks passed. Parameters in client set accordingly...'); // Setup the Invoice $invoice = new \Bitpay\Invoice(); if (false === isset($invoice) || true === empty($invoice)) { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate an Invoice object.'); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate an Invoice object. Cannot continue!'); } else { $this->log(' [Info] Invoice object created successfully...'); } $order_number = $order->get_order_number(); $invoice->setOrderId((string) $order_number); $invoice->setCurrency($currency); $invoice->setFullNotifications(true); // Add a priced item to the invoice $item = new \Bitpay\Item(); if (false === isset($item) || true === empty($item)) { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate an item object.'); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate an item object. Cannot continue!'); } else { $this->log(' [Info] Item object created successfully...'); } if (true === isset($order->order_total) && false === empty($order->order_total)) { $item->setPrice($order->order_total); } else { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not set item->setPrice to order->order_total. The empty() check failed!'); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not set item->setPrice to order->order_total. The empty() check failed!'); } $invoice->setItem($item); // Add the Redirect and Notification URLs $invoice->setRedirectUrl($redirect_url); $invoice->setNotificationUrl($notification_url); $invoice->setTransactionSpeed($this->transaction_speed); try { $this->log(' [Info] Attempting to generate invoice for ' . $order->get_order_number() . '...'); $invoice = $client->createInvoice($invoice); if (false === isset($invoice) || true === empty($invoice)) { $this->log(' [Error] The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate an invoice object.'); throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a payment but could not instantiate an invoice object. Cannot continue!'); } else { $this->log(' [Info] Call to generate invoice was successful: ' . $client->getResponse()->getBody()); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log(' [Error] Error generating invoice for ' . $order->get_order_number() . ', "' . $e->getMessage() . '"'); error_log($e->getMessage()); return array('result' => 'success', 'messages' => 'Sorry, but Bitcoin checkout with BitPay does not appear to be working.'); } // Reduce stock levels $order->reduce_order_stock(); // Remove cart WC()->cart->empty_cart(); $this->log(' [Info] Leaving process_payment()...'); // Redirect the customer to the BitPay invoice return array('result' => 'success', 'redirect' => $invoice->getUrl()); }