echo paint("bedroom");
echo paint("blue");
//You have to pay attention to the order of the paramters you're passing!
//A simple inheritance example, where the parent class' method "honk" is accessed using two different syntaxes.
class Vehicle
    public function honk()
        return "HONK HONK!";
class Bicycle extends Vehicle
$bicycle = new Bicycle();
echo $bicycle->honk() . "<br>";
echo Bicycle::honk() . "<br>";
//The :: is a "scope resolution operator".  However, according to strict standards, one should not call a non-static method statically.
//Accessing a parent class constant const (notice no $ before the constant's name) without creating an object
class Hi
    const hi = "hello";
class HelloWorld extends Hi
echo HelloWorld::hi;
//The :: is a "scope resolution operator"
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
//Here is the necessary syntax for a constructor, although the number of variables can change
class Vehicle
    public function honk()
        return "HONK HONK!";
// Adicione seu código abaixo!
class Bicycle extends Vehicle
    public function honk()
        return "Beep beep!";
$bicycle = new Bicycle();
echo $bicycle->honk();