Example #1
  * inserts data into the biblio_copy table
  * and create barcodes for the insterted titles
  * barcode is a 12 char code based on the book id
  * @param $data
  * @param $lastInsertID the last inserted id from the biblio table
  * @return nothing
 function insertBiblioCopy($data, $lastInsertID)
     $bibQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
     $barcodenumber = $bibQ->getBarcodeNumber();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO biblio_copy (create_dt, bibid, barcode_nmbr, status_cd, status_begin_dt, copy_desc , locationid) VALUES ( ";
     $sql .= "'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "','" . $lastInsertID . "','" . $barcodenumber . "','" . $data[3] . "','" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "','";
     $sql .= $data[7] . "','" . $data[8] . "' ) ";
     $r = $this->_act($sql);
     return $r;
Example #2
  * inserts data into the biblio_copy table
  * and create barcodes for the insterted titles
  * barcode is a 12 char code based on the book id
  * @param $data
  * @param $lastInsertID the last inserted id from the biblio table
  * @return nothing
 function insertBiblioCopy($data, $lastInsertID)
     $copy = new BiblioCopy();
     $copy->setCreateDt(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $copy->setStatusBeginDt(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $bibcopyQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
     if ($bibcopyQ->insert($copy) == false) {
         return $bibcopyQ->getError();
     return null;
#*  Edit input
if (!ctypeAlnum($barcode)) {
    $pageErrors["barcodeNmbr"] = $loc->getText("shelvingCartErr1");
    $postVars["barcodeNmbr"] = $barcode;
    $_SESSION["postVars"] = $postVars;
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../circ/checkin_form.php");
#*  Ready copy record
$copyQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
if ($copyQ->errorOccurred()) {
if (is_bool($copy = $copyQ->queryByBarcode($barcode))) {
    $pageErrors["barcodeNmbr"] = $loc->getText("shelvingCartErr2");
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../circ/checkin_form.php");
#*  Edit results
Example #4
 function _shelving_cart_e($bcode, $date, $force)
     $info = array('mbrid' => NULL, 'bibid' => NULL, 'hold' => NULL);
     if ($date === NULL) {
         list($date, $err) = Date::read_e('today');
         if ($err) {
             Fatal::internalError("Unexpected date error: " . $err);
         $earliest = $latest = time();
     } else {
         list($date, $err) = Date::read_e($date);
         if ($err) {
             return array($info, new Error($this->_loc->getText("Can't understand date: %err%", array('err' => $err->toStr()))));
         $earliest = strtotime($date . " 00:00:00");
         $latest = strtotime($date . " 23:59:59");
     if ($earliest > time()) {
         return array($info, new Error($this->_loc->getText("Won't do checkins for future dates.")));
     $copyQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
     $copy = $copyQ->maybeGetByBarcode($bcode);
     if (!$copy) {
         return array($info, new Error($this->_loc->getText("Bad copy barcode: %bcode%", array('bcode' => $bcode))));
     $info['bibid'] = $copy->getBibid();
     $fee = $copyQ->getDailyLateFee($copy);
     $mbrid = $info['mbrid'] = $copy->getMbrid();
     if ($copy->getDueBackDt()) {
         // FIXME: Y2K38. This temporary fix should prevent unjust late fee when Override Due Date was used.
         if (strtotime($copy->getDueBackDt()) != false && strtotime($copy->getDueBackDt()) != -1) {
             $late = $info['late'] = Date::daysLater($date, $copy->getDueBackDt());
     $holdQ = new BiblioHoldQuery();
     $hold = $info['hold'] = $holdQ->maybeGetFirstHold($copy->getBibid(), $copy->getCopyid());
     if ($hold) {
     } else {
     $oldtime = strtotime($copy->getStatusBeginDt());
     if ($oldtime > $latest) {
         return array($info, new Error($this->_loc->getText("Can't change status to an earlier date on item %bcode%.", array('bcode' => $bcode))));
     } else {
         if ($oldtime == $latest) {
             return array($info, new Error($this->_loc->getText("Can't change status more than once per second on item %bcode%.", array('bcode' => $bcode))));
         } else {
             if ($oldtime < $earliest) {
                 $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $earliest);
             } else {
                 $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $oldtime + 1);
     if (!$copyQ->updateStatus($copy)) {
         Fatal::InternalError("Impossible copyQ update error.");
     if ($mbrid != "" and $late > 0 and $fee > 0) {
         $trans = new MemberAccountTransaction();
         $trans->setAmount($fee * $late);
         $trans->setDescription($this->_loc->getText("Late fee (barcode=%barcode%)", array('barcode' => $bcode)));
         $transQ = new MemberAccountQuery();
         if (!$transQ->insert($trans)) {
             Fatal::internalError("Impossible transQ insert error.");
     $hist = new BiblioStatusHist();
     $histQ = new BiblioStatusHistQuery();
     if (!$histQ->insert($hist)) {
         Fatal::internalError("Impossible histQ insert error.");
     return array($info, NULL);
 function addCopy($bibid)
     $bibid = 0 + $bibid;
     if ($bibid < 1) {
         return false;
     require_once "BiblioCopyQuery.php";
     $copyQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
     if ($copyQ->errorOccurred()) {
     // Auto generate barcode
     $CopyNmbr = $copyQ->nextCopyid($bibid);
     if ($copyQ->errorOccurred()) {
     $nzeros = "5";
     $barcode = sprintf("%0" . $nzeros . "s", $bibid) . $CopyNmbr;
     $copy = new BiblioCopy();
     if (!$copyQ->insert($copy)) {
#*  Checking for query string.  Go back to list if none found.
if (!isset($_GET["code"])) {
    header("Location: ../admin/copy_fields_list.php");
$code = $_GET["code"];
$description = $_GET["desc"];
#*  Delete row
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->delete("biblio_copy_fields_dm", $code);
$biblioCopyQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("Copy field, %desc%, has been deleted.", array('desc' => $description));
<a href="../admin/copy_fields_list.php"><?php 
echo $loc->getText("return to copy field list");
 function addCopy($bibid)
     $bibid = 0 + $bibid;
     if ($bibid < 1) {
         return false;
     require_once "BiblioCopyQuery.php";
     $copyQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
     if ($copyQ->errorOccurred()) {
     // Auto generate barcode
     $CopyNmbr = $copyQ->nextCopyid($bibid);
     if ($copyQ->errorOccurred()) {
     $nzeros = "5";
     $barcode = sprintf("%0" . $nzeros . "s", $bibid) . $CopyNmbr;
     $copy = new BiblioCopy();
     if (!$copyQ->insert($copy)) {
         if ($copyQ->getDbErrno() == "") {
           $pageErrors["barcodeNmbr"] = $copyQ->getError();
           $_SESSION["postVars"] = $_POST;
           $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
           header("Location: ../catalog/biblio_copy_new_form.php?bibid=".U($bibid));
         } else {
Example #8
require_once "../classes/BiblioCopyQuery.php";
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
#*  Checking for post vars.  Go back to form if none found.
if (count($_POST) == 0) {
    header("Location: ../circ/loc_new_form.php");
#*  Validate data
$location = $_POST["locationid"];
$bibCopyQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
$booksList = $bibCopyQ->getBooksList($location);
$my_file = '../layouts/default/LocationBooksFile.csv';
$handle = fopen($my_file, 'w') or die('Cannot open file:  ' . $my_file);
foreach ($booksList as $book) {
    $line = array($book['barcode_nmbr'], $book['title'], $book['author']);
    fputcsv($handle, $line);
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($my_file));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . 'LocationOfBooks.csv' . '"');