public function indexAction() { // set title page Tag::setTitle("Home"); $behandeling = Behandeling::find(); $product = Product::find(); $this->view->setVar('behandeling', $behandeling); $this->view->setVar('product', $product); }
public function detailAction($id) { // find id of selected appointment $afspraak = Afspraak::findById($id); // variable to display all users from the model Gebruiker $this->view->gebruiker = Gebruiker::find(); // variable to display all Behandelingen from the model Behandeling $this->view->behandeling = Behandeling::find(); // make variable accessible for the view $this->view->setVar('afspraak', $afspraak); $this->view->setVar('id', $id); }
public function indexAction() { // set title page Tag::setTitle("maak afspraak"); // make rows from model accessible to the view $this->view->afspraak = Afspraak::find(); $this->view->gebruiker = Gebruiker::find(); $this->view->behandeling = Behandeling::find(); $user = $this->session->get('auth'); // check if role is user $rol = $user['rol']; if ($rol != "user") { $this->response->redirect("account/index"); } }