Example #1
 public function execute()
     //1. check if user is login as needed
     $arrUserinfo = Saf_SmartMain::getUserInfo();
     if (empty($arrUserinfo)) {
         //ouput error
     //2. get and validate input params
     $arrRequest = Saf_SmartMain::getCgi();
     $arrInput = $arrRequest['get'];
     if (!isset($arrInput['id'])) {
         //output error
     Bd_Log::debug('request input', 0, $arrInput);
     //3. call PageService
     $objServicePageSample = new Service_Page_Sample();
     $arrPageInfo = $objServicePageSample->execute($arrInput);
     //4. chage data to out format
     $arrOutput = $arrPageInfo;
     //5. build page
     // smarty模板,以下渲染模板的代码依赖于提供一个tpl模板
     //$tpl = Bd_TplFactory::getInstance();
     $strOut = $arrOutput['data'];
     echo $strOut;
     Bd_Log::addNotice('out', $arrOutput);
Example #2
 public function actionStartUp()
     $objOmp = new Bd_Omp();
     $uid = 0;
     $arrUserInfo = Saf_Action_SessionAction::getUserInfo();
     if (is_array($arrUserInfo) && isset($arrUserInfo['uid'])) {
         $uid = intval($arrUserInfo['uid']);
     Bd_Log::addNotice('uid', $uid);
     Saf_Action_PublicAction::setPublic(array('omp' => $objOmp));
Example #3
 public function setObject($file_name, $object_name, $private = true)
     $file_name = strpos($file_name, '@') !== false ? $file_name : '@' . $file_name;
     $post_data = array('upload' => $file_name);
     $signature = $this->getSignature($object_name);
     // object_name需要透传
     $baseUrl = self::HOST . '/' . self::BUCKET . '/' . $object_name . '?sign=' . self::FLAG . ':' . self::ACCESS_KEY . ':' . $signature;
     $url = $baseUrl . '&dumpheader=1&disposition=attach';
     if ($private === false) {
         $headers = array();
         $headers[] = "x-bs-acl:public-read";
         $headers[] = "image/png";
     $res = Net_Util::postData($url, $post_data, $headers);
     // POST
     if (!empty($res)) {
         $ret = json_decode($res, true);
         if (empty($ret)) {
             Bd_Log::addNotice(__CLASS__, sprintf("Notice[bcs] Message[Invaid Json String] Return[%s]", $res));
             return false;
         try {
             if ($ret["Error"]["Code"] === 0) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 Bd_Log::addNotice(__CLASS__, sprintf("Notice[bcs] Message[Get error from BCS] Return[%s]", $res));
                 return false;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Bd_Log::addNotice(__CLASS__, sprintf("Notice[bcs] Message[Catch an exception] Return[%s]", $res));
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #4
  * @brief  数据访问接口初始化,须在语言识别(checkLocale)之后调用 or $param 
  * @param $param
  *            1) 默认不传,使用识别后的instance,locale;
  *            2) array('instance' => xx, //必须
  *                     'locale' => xx //必须
  *                )
  * @return bool 
 public function initDataInterface($param = null)
     if (null == $param) {
         $instance = Bd_Global::getInstance();
         $locale = Bd_Global::getLocale();
     } else {
         $instance = $param['instance'];
         $locale = $param['locale'];
         if (empty($param['instance'])) {
             Bd_Log::warning(" initDataInterface input param \"instance\"  can't be empty! param:" . var_export($param, true));
             return false;
     if (empty($instance)) {
         Bd_Log::warning(" initDataInterface \"instance\"  can't be empty! ");
         return false;
     if (!class_exists('Bd_RalRpc')) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/RalRpc.php';
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global/strategy/Base.php';
     Bd_RalRpc::add_extra(array('instance' => $instance, 'region' => $instance, 'locale' => $locale));
     Bd_Log::addNotice('instance', $instance);
     Bd_Log::addNotice('locale', $locale);
     Bd_Log::addNotice('strategy', self::$_cur_strategy);
     return true;
Example #5
 private function addOmpLog()
     $tmp = gettimeofday();
     $optime = $tmp['sec'] . '.' . intval($tmp['usec'] / 1000);
     Bd_Log::addNotice('optime', $optime);
     Bd_Log::addNotice('client_ip', Bd_Ip::getClientIp());
     Bd_Log::addNotice('local_ip', Bd_Ip::getLocalIp());
     Bd_Log::addNotice('product', defined('PRODUCT') ? PRODUCT : 'ORP');
     Bd_Log::addNotice('subsys', defined('SUBSYS') ? SUBSYS : 'ORP');
     Bd_Log::addNotice('module', defined('MODULE') ? MODULE : 'ORP');
     Bd_Log::addNotice('uniqid', defined('UNIQID') ? UNIQID : 0);
     $cgId = function_exists('ral_get_cgid') ? ral_get_cgid() : 0;
     Bd_Log::addNotice('cgid', $cgId);
Example #6
  * 追到notice的LOG数据
  * @author cuichao02 
  * @date 2011/02/21
 public static function addLogNotice($arrArgs)
     foreach ($arrArgs as $k => $v) {
         Bd_Log::addNotice($k, $v);